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TV Teen titans Writeups

Started by Michael Hopcroft, September 14, 2003, 03:52:32 AM

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Michael Hopcroft

I ned some help writing up the TV version of the Teen Titans. I'm going to be using them as PCs in a game I'm running at genCon SoCal if all goes well, but I need to figure out their CAH stats. The series is currently running on Cartoon Network and I've only seen two episodes 9but they hooked me instantly).

The team consists of five characters:

Robin (the Tim Drake version)
Starfire (flying, energy-throwing, extremely naive alien girl -- Robin likes her a lot)
Cyborg 9as the name implies, he has a lot of robotic parts grafted into his body)
Beast Boy (he can shapechange into green versions of any animal who not only lives on the Earth today but has EVER lived on the Earth -- he's done a pterodactyl and could probably change into a T-Rex of Veloocratptor if he wanted to.)
Raven (a crossbreed between a human and a powerful demon, probably the mist powerful of the team and definitely the weirdest).

Given that even by the end of the first season we won;t have seen everything these characters can do, what would be reasonable writeups for purposes of a con game?
Michael Hopcroft Press: Where you go when you want something unique!


Hi Michael,

great post, but I'm not sure I can help you.

Given a bit of time, I could write up the versions of those heroes as I remember them from the comicbooks, but I have not seen the cartoon (and have no opportunity to do so at the moment).

-- I read Teen Titans voraciously in the 1980s, and again at some point in the 90s when it was "The New Teen Titans". The powers you described are the classic versions of the team members' powers, before they got warped and enhanced in the 1990s comicbook continuity. (I remember there was a time when Beast Boy could only change into weird disgusting or frightening monsters, not regular animals. This was sort of a curse to him that later got remedied.) In the comic, there were also a lot more members added to the fold over time.
Those five members are the mainstays. And in the comicbook series, Robin was the "Dick Grayson Robin".

Since CAH does not bother with grainy real-life skill representations, the write-ups should look easy enough.
In another system, you'd have to ask things like, how good is Robin/Nightwing's skill in criminolgy, cryptology, descrambling, lab analysis, taking fingerprints, shadowing, etc. In CAH you simply say, "He has the Detective trait at 3 or higher."


Quote from: Michael HopcroftI ned some help writing up the TV version of the Teen Titans. I'm going to be using them as PCs in a game I'm running at genCon SoCal if all goes well, but I need to figure out their CAH stats. The series is currently running on Cartoon Network and I've only seen two episodes 9but they hooked me instantly).

I've seen most of the episodes that have come out so far, and the characters have been fairly well defined.

Robin is mostly skilled, with some gadgets (batarang, swinging rope, and I think he use some kind of staff weapon once). Relies on acrobatics alot (which is probably his best skill)

Starfire flies and shoots energy blasts (she's done autofire, so I'd add that to her Offensive SA), has a stranage appearance, and of course, is ignorant of earth customs.

Cyborg has sa's to give him super strength, an ranged attack (sonics), and the ability to hack into computers/mechanical items. And some sensor arrays, and some armor. He powers down if his battery runs out (or is removed in combat, which has been done before). he's also been hacked into during combat, and his systems turned against him.

Raven can fly, go intangible, and has powerful telekinetic abilities (which she has to "cast" using an alien language). She has to keep her emotions in check, or go demonic on everyone.

Changeling (or beast boy on the show) can turn into just about anything, except they stay green. He can fly when doing a flying creature, breathe underwater when being an aquatic critter, etc. He has turned into a t-rex on the show. He's also a bit of a prankster.

I don't know if that helps or not; I haven't been on the boards much lately, and only just caught this thread. If you still have time, and need some more help, I can try and make suggestions for powers.

Since my game with my nephew is about a teen hero, making them between 100-200 points works well. They are not all on the same power level, so you can customize them.

Starfire, for instance, has the two powers (flight and energy blast), so she could be made on 100 points, imho. Someone like Beast Boy would require more, since his power is more open-ended.
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Hi there,

 I have no intentions of sounding lazier than I am, but I fully agree with everything that urbwar just said.  :-)

Wish I had this show on TV here, too, but I don't.
Is it going to be out on DVD or something?


Quote from: NorbertHi there,

 I have no intentions of sounding lazier than I am, but I fully agree with everything that urbwar just said.  :-)

Wish I had this show on TV here, too, but I don't.
Is it going to be out on DVD or something?

It's a very new series, having only started about 2 months ago or so. It probably won't be out on DVD for awhile yet.

The animation is kind of so-so (imho) compared to the Justice League and earlier Bruce Timm efforts, but it's not bad.

The japanese pop song intro and outros can grate on the nerves sometimes, but fit the cheesiness well.
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