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New Jack Vance based D20 suppliment

Started by Drifter Bob, January 07, 2004, 04:50:01 PM

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Drifter Bob

I hope this is a suitible place to post this, I would like to announce the imminent publication of my book for Pelgrane Press, which you can read about here:

"We can't all be Saints."

John Dillinger

Drifter Bob

As I'm still not very hip to the modern rpg industry, I would appreciate it if anyone who reads this could post ideas of other places where I could promote The Primer.  I think a lot of people might find it very interesting but I don't know where the most appropriate venues might be.

"We can't all be Saints."

John Dillinger


RPGNEWS.COM is a good place, but I already posted something about this project there.

Also, take a look at RPGNEWS.COM and GAMINGREPORT.COM and look at the way the announcements are done there. A little info about the product in the announcement itself is a good thing.
love * Eris * RPGs  * Anime * Magick * Carroll * techno * hats * cats * Dada
Kirt "Loki" Dankmyer -- Dance, damn you, dance! -- UNSUNG IS OUT

Drifter Bob

Quote from: xiombargRPGNEWS.COM is a good place, but I already posted something about this project there.

Also, take a look at RPGNEWS.COM and GAMINGREPORT.COM and look at the way the announcements are done there. A little info about the product in the announcement itself is a good thing.

Thanks, I'll check it out.  Regarding more info, here is what I posted on some usenet groups, does this seem adequate?:

At last, some of the work of Jack Vance, one of the most influential writers
on the design of the original D&D, is available for D20 players.

I am the author of The Primer of Practical magic, a new book of spells and
magic items for the D20 community.  This is going to be released by Pelgrane
Press in England some time in the next few weeks.  It will available through
their website, through, and at your friendly neighborhood Hobby

Read a description of the book here:

It has pretty much all of the spells and major magic items mentioned in any
of the Dying Earth books, as well as several new ones.  Basic focus is
on mid level spells and items (there are something like 30 cantrips, and most of the spells are
in the 3-6th level range)

If you seek more information or are interested in pre-ordering the book, you
can contact Pelgrane Press here at:

You an also contact me in this forum and I'll be glad to answer any
questions you might have.

JR bka "big dummy"
"We can't all be Saints."

John Dillinger

Drifter Bob

By the way, "hail eris!"  "All Hail Discordia!"  I'm an advocate of orthodox Discordian Catma, and occasional SubG heresy going way back...
"We can't all be Saints."

John Dillinger


love * Eris * RPGs  * Anime * Magick * Carroll * techno * hats * cats * Dada
Kirt "Loki" Dankmyer -- Dance, damn you, dance! -- UNSUNG IS OUT

Michael Hopcroft

While I plan to use the GPA's press release server for this, I need to make a major announcement myself and I don't know if it will have the kind of reach i need for my press release. And this is a pretty big annoucnement, at least from my perspective.
Michael Hopcroft Press: Where you go when you want something unique!

Cynthia Celeste Miller

Quote from: Drifter BobAs I'm still not very hip to the modern rpg industry, I would appreciate it if anyone who reads this could post ideas of other places where I could promote The Primer.  I think a lot of people might find it very interesting but I don't know where the most appropriate venues might be.


We get a lot of responses from people who say they saw our press releases on

You might find the info from my Marketing Strategies article too.  It deals with press releases and such.
Cynthia Celeste Miller
President, Spectrum Games


Quote from: Drifter BobBy the way, "hail eris!"  "All Hail Discordia!"  I'm an advocate of orthodox Discordian Catma, and occasional SubG heresy going way back...

As suspected Pope(and prime heretic) of the Church of Terminal Paranoid Reality, I conspicuously distance myself from your organisation, and my own. In fact, I wholeheartedly deny the existence of everything.
Pete Darby

Drifter Bob

Quote from: pete_darby
Quote from: Drifter BobBy the way, "hail eris!"  "All Hail Discordia!"  I'm an advocate of orthodox Discordian Catma, and occasional SubG heresy going way back...

As suspected Pope(and prime heretic) of the Church of Terminal Paranoid Reality, I conspicuously distance myself from your organisation, and my own. In fact, I wholeheartedly deny the existence of everything.

Death to all fanatics!

"I don't practice what I preach, because I'm not the kind of man I'm preaching to."

J.R. 'Bob' Dobbs

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people abuse the privelage"

Joseph "Papa Joe" Stalin
"We can't all be Saints."

John Dillinger

Drifter Bob

Quote from: Cynthia Celeste Miller
Quote from: Drifter BobAs I'm still not very hip to the modern rpg industry, I would appreciate it if anyone who reads this could post ideas of other places where I could promote The Primer.  I think a lot of people might find it very interesting but I don't know where the most appropriate venues might be.


We get a lot of responses from people who say they saw our press releases on

You might find the info from my Marketing Strategies article too.  It deals with press releases and such.

Thank you so much.  I'll read your article, I have been looking for something just like that.

Someone on asked if the book incorporates the Dying Earth rpg magic system or uses the old D20 one.  I wrote up a short answer including an excerpt from the book, all of which I repeat here for your collective amusement:

Originally posted by NPC Jeremy
But no conversion of the Dying Earth magic system, that is, it just uses the regular D&D style one, just the DE spells have been converted to it?

We actually kind of met that half way by emulating the style and feel of the Dying Earth magic system into D20 somewhat, without being too alien or disruptive to its general logic. There is a spell failure / success system, (based on Spellcraft or Concentration checks, depending on the spell caster) and every spell has Illustrious Success / Dismal Failure outcomes (of course, this is all optional, you don't have to use those if you don't want to) and we added another optional feature, magic Feats based on something similar to the personality type affinities. These allow you to personalize your spellcastor player a little more... unfortunately they decided not to let me include rules for persuasion / rebuttal archetypes, perhaps that will be in the next d20 book they do....

Here is an excerpt:

Magical Personality-Archetype Feats

Magicians in the Dying Earth long ago mastered the technique of enhancing their magic with the nuances of their own personalities. Each of the following Personality – Archetype feats allows a spellcaster to augment the save DC for spells which they cast in the same manner as the Spell Focus feat. Rather than being based on spell schools however, these bonuses are based on the casters own personality and physiology, and confer ability score bonuses according to the casters affinity with one of six personality archetypes.

Archetype Ability
Studious Constitution
Insightful Wisdom
Forceful Strength
Daring Charisma
Devious Dexterity
Curious Intelligence

Studious Magic Feat
Prerequisites: Con 12+
You view the study of magic as an immense academic task. No goal is insurmountable given sufficient patience. All one has to do is meticulously accumulate the necessary research from a well stocked library, and keep trying to fit the pieces of the puzzle together. If your approach is relentless and systematic, you will always eventually succeed. The magic you cast is enhanced by your innate sturdiness and dogged determination, allowing you to add your Constitution bonus to the DC of any spell you cast, in addition to the normal ability score bonus.

Insightful Magic Feat
Prerequisites: Wis 12+
Magic spells derive from otherworldly forces whose nature cannot truly be predicted, but must instead be simply accepted. Your remarkable ability to instinctively sense the nuances of the magical forces you wield enables you to augment the power of your spells. As a result you may add your Wisdom bonus to the DC of any spell you cast, in addition to the normal ability score bonus.

Forceful Magic Feat
Prerequisites: Str 12+
Magic is the art of bending the world to your will. You must dominate fractious magical forces with your personal power. The magic you cast is enhanced by your vigor and the brutal drive to conquer which dominates your spirit, allowing you to add your Strength bonus to the DC of any spell you cast, in addition to the normal ability score bonus.
"We can't all be Saints."

John Dillinger

Drifter Bob

Here are a couple more excerpts from the book, some spells to whet your appetite...

Olfactory Confusion               
Enchantment (Compulsion)
Level: Sor / Wiz 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft. / level)
Area: Up to a 20 ft. diameter circle
Target: Up to six creatures within the area of effect
Duration: 1 round / level
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Magic Resistance: Yes

This spell, a development of what was originally a simple hunter’s cantrip, has a number of uses, albeit for the most part subtle and indirect ones.  Upon casting this spell, up to six creatures can be caused to smell imaginary scents of a wide variety, and from any source or direction within the area of effect.  Originally used by hunter’s to create scents which could cause animals to approach (musk, good food, etc.) or flee (the smell of a dangerous predator, or the whiff of a forest fire), this flexible spell has been adapted for a variety of uses as subtle as causing a detractors breath to reek strongly of wine while they whisper disparagements into a superiors ear, or as crude as causing ones romantic rival to suddenly take on an odor as if they have had an embarrassing personal accident.
   The spell can be used to temporarily throw off the scent ability of a pursuing predatory animal, or in various situations to effect certain Bluff, Sense Motive, Intimidate, or Diplomacy attempts, by the caster or others, by as much as +4 or -4, depending on the circumstances and the judgment of the DM.

Success and Failure
On a Dismal Failure the caster begins to emit horrid odors.  On an Illustrious Success the duration is doubled

Gochnor’s Bootlip
Level: Sor / Wiz 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft. / level)
Target: One person
Duration: 1 round / level
Saving Throw: Reflex negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

   Though not a true wizard, the notorious burglar and ransacker Gochnor was a surprisingly gifted dabbler in the arcane arts.  Indeed, his own considerable knack for simple magic expedients contributed to the great success of his daring raids, which made him as famous in his own day as many of the Arch Mages whose great manses he raided.  
Like many explorers of similar ilk, Gochnor deplored interruptions of his clandestine activities by powerful wizards.  The sudden appearance of some Mage, as often as not irate over a minor issue of trespass or a misplaced knick knack or two, could easily cause a distressing interference to his work.  
To prevent a distracting, potentially tragic interruption of this sort, the ever wary Gochnor would pre-empt any hostile action by the immediate application of his own simple charm, known to this day as Gochnor’s bootlip.  Then, while the outraged victim struggled with the effects of sudden physical distortion, Gochnor could make good a swift escape, in many cases with a sack full of valuables.
Once cast (with a simple gesture and the utterance of but three syllables), this crude but effective spell causes the lower lip of the victim to painfully swell to up to four inches wide, this interfering severely with their ability to correctly voice the magic syllables of any spell requiring Verbal components.  Specifically, while under the effects of this charm, the target must make a Concentration check with a DC of 30 to cast any spell requiring verbal components.

Success and Failure
On a Dismal Failure the caster is affected instead of the target.  On an Illustrious Success the target must save at –2.

Phandaal’s Observational Confinement
Evocation [Force]
Level: Sor / Wiz 6
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. / 2 levels)
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 1 hour / level
Saving Throw: Reflex negates
Spell Resistance: No

   A most aggravating spell if you have no means to counter it.  When cast, a large glass container appears from the ground around the target, forming itself as it appears, and closing over the targets head in a flash.  This spell cannot be countered by spell resistance, but the potential victim can dive out of the way before being captured with a successful Reflex saving throw.  Once the confinement is complete however, escape is nigh impossible.
Whilst air passes freely in and out, and there is plenty of room for sitting down and for such actions as hammering ones fists helplessly upon the magical glass, confinement is secure.  Teleportation and Astral or Ethereal travel will allow egress, but other than that, only a dispel magic, disintegrate, Rod of Cancellation, or similar effect can damage the container and only the caster can pass objects through to the person trapped within.  No magic can pass out of the container or affect if from within.  The material component is 500 gp worth of sapphire dust which must be tossed into the air when the spell is cast.

Phandaal’s Gyrator               
Level: Sor / Wiz 7
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Target: One creature
Duration: Concentration (up to 1 round / level)
Saving Throw: Reflex negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

‘The Deodand’s lips curled mockingly.  “Blind magician!  She has not left the glade.”  He pointed, and Mazirian followed the direction of the dead black arm.  But he jumped back as the Deodand sprang.  From his mouth gushed the syllables of Phandaal’s Gyrator Spell.  The Deodand was jerked off his feet and flung high in the air, where he hung whirling, high and low, faster and slower, up to the treetops, low to the ground.  Mazirian watched with a half-smile.’  

…from The Dying Earth

Through the application of spinning warps of magical force, the Gyrator lifts a single target into the air and spins it rapidly around.  As long as the caster concentrates on the target, he can cause it to spin at any rate ranging from a few slow revolutions a minute to a speed great enough to rip limb from limb.  At the maximum rate, the target suffers 2D6 Hit Points of damage per round until it reaches 0 hit points, (at which point it is dismembered and dies), the spell duration ends, or the caster is interrupted.  
When rotating at half speed or better, it is nearly impossible for the target creature to cast any spell.  Spells with verbal components only can be attempted if the target creature makes a Concentration skill check at DC 30.  Otherwise, no spells can be cast.
   The caster can also move the target through the air anywhere within the spells range.  This spell will work on any living being or object up to the size of a draft horse (size L).  If the caster is distracted the spell ends, whereupon the target ceases spinning and falls to earth, suffering normal damage for a fall.  At any given time the target may be from 10 to 80 ft. high in the air.  

Success and Failure
On a Dismal Failure the spell fails and the caster is buffeted by a weft of force and knocked prone.  On an Illustrious Success the target saves at –2.
"We can't all be Saints."

John Dillinger

Ron Edwards


This thread's now closed.
