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Gen Con new feature--the "Quiet Zone"

Started by PeterAdkison, January 22, 2004, 09:27:49 PM

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Primarily due to the discussion on this board last November we at Gen Con have decided to try something new at Gen Con Indy 2004: a "quiet zone" in the exhibit hall. Any of you who are exhibitors may have noticed this in the Indy exhibitors pack (if you'd like one of these but don't have one, please email Jeanette at Basically it's an area set aside for exhibitors who would like to have things quieter in their area. In this area we will not allow noise amplification devices (mainly speakers and bullhorns). And exhibitors in neighboring areas are not allowed to point their speakers into the quiet zone.

Caveat: I have no idea how well this will work. We're NOT investing in any walls around this area, at least not this year. (Right now my back is up against the wall trying to find ways of *reducing* costs, not increasing them.)

We'll see how this works!
Peter Adkison
Owner/CEO, Gen Con LLC
The best four days in gaming!

M. J. Young

Bravo, Peter! Thanks for your efforts in this area. Although I don't think GenCon is going to be in the budget this year for me (I'm stuck on the east coast at the moment--if Origins were still at Widener, I could commute, but oh well), I'm sure a lot of people here are going to appreciate that effort.

I hope it runs well.

For anyone interested, this was discussed in the thread">Gen Con So Cal -- Can I answer any questions? late last year.

--M. J. Young