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[d20, sort of...] When d20 becomes something else

Started by Minx, January 26, 2004, 08:59:16 AM

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Suggestions on what systems I could-should support are very appreciated. :D

When you love something, let it go.
If it doesn´t return, hunt it down and kill it.


GURPS and HERO would probably be good ones for you throw some support in for.     They are both fairly flexible systems with a good amount of following and support that could easily have conversion information in the back as all you would need to do is show rules for whatever powers or abilities makes your setting unique.



Well, the setting actually started a background for a planned BESM setting, but I soon learned that things like BESM form the setting in a way that I want to circumvent. Maybe it was just me, but as soon as I started to think about the setting and how things in it could work in the system, I always got the feeling that the style of play and campaign creation I had in mind would be impossible in a power-based point-buy system.
Its hard to describe...

My current plan is to use "The Window" with some rules added. The character creation consist of the freeform selection of skills, skill levels and Attribute level of TW (Although the group and or the GM is free ti limit the coice) and some additional choices I added. These choices are the tricky part. One part is the group the character belongs to (Which race? Is he a member of one of the ruling houses? ) and these things add non-numerical advantages like powers. Another part is the question what "gift/s" the character should have. These gifts, which may be inheritet powers, learned tricks or whatever, are an important part of the character. While everything I just described could be made with a powers-based point-buy system like HERO, BESM or GURPS, it wouldn´t make any sense, as the whole point of those games, the purchasable, cost-balanced powers, wouldn´t (Or at least shouldn´t) be used because it would change the setting into something defenitly not inteted or wanted. (At least by me.)

While I could use the central mechanik (Like the stat- and skill-system of BESM), the main point of the system would be lost. It would be like trying to play "Underworld" (Nope, not the movie) with BESM: While it could surely work, it would make some integral parts of the game unnecessary and therefore worthless. (In this case the charms, which are IMO integral to the setting.)


I think I will include an article about games like BESM, Gurps or Hero, saying something like: "IMO, its quite possible to use Gurps (Or whatever) to play Nacht, but only if you just use the part of the system concerned with the basics (Atttributes, skills, how to make a check...) and ditch at least 60% of the powers. (Maybe leaving some mundane powers like "Fame".)

Thank you for your post, it certainly made me think hard, trying to express my concerns and reasons. (Which is a good thing most of the time ;)

When you love something, let it go.
If it doesn´t return, hunt it down and kill it.


I thought about it a little and I came up with a number of systems Nacht could be playable with and which I will probably "support". (Meaning I will include a "How to play Nacht with XXX"-passage.):

-The fixed-number "Storyteller" system of Exalted
-Kathanaksaya and some pool variants (The puddle maybe), which would be fairly easy
-d02, which should be pretty easy too (Even though I should include some rules to make it a bit more gritty) ;D
-The d20 Lite system mentioned above
-Otherkind could be very interesting...
-maybe Shadowrun

Hmmm, comments, more ideas?

When you love something, let it go.
If it doesn´t return, hunt it down and kill it.


Sounds similar in a lot of way (though not all) to what I wrote up for The Live System.

Link to for a bit more info.

Basically, classless,levelless d20 wit spells shifted into more general feats.

Mark Causey

Minx, I can understand your difficulty with the d20 system and the classes it provides. If you're still wanting to try, I'd suggest looking at the recently published Unearthed Arcana.

In that tome, you will find a description of how to play with Generic classes (Warrior, Expert, and Spellcaster I believe) and still integrate skills and feats along with class abilities. This may be generic enough for your venture!

Hope this helps!

Faithfully Yours,

Aman the Rejected
--Mark Causey
Runic Empyrean


Thanks Aman,  I´ve already heard of UA and I will take a look at it, if one of my D&D-addicted friends will buy it. (I wouldn´t buy it  myself.)

But you´re right, it really looks interesting.
(Personally, the little powergamer in me wants to take a look at the Gestalt classes. ;) )

When you love something, let it go.
If it doesn´t return, hunt it down and kill it.