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[DitV] Delta Green in the Vineyard

Started by mgrasso, September 09, 2004, 11:13:34 AM

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Dangit! Now I have to add Delta Green to the number of settings I already want to run using Dogs...

So now my list reads:
Delta Green
Judge Dredd
The Spanish Inquisition (doubt we'll be able to keep a serious tone)
Cons in the Yard (a prison-based, gang enforcer type of setting)
And of course the original

One Delta Green question though (have not read the Delta Green book), how do you get the protagonists involved in the story? There's no riding into town with mail and news thingie going on.

Vincent, perhaps a sourcebook full of setting ideas, and how to create them yourself, using the DitV system would be a cool idea?

Oh Mike, please tell us how the game turns out.




Quote from: YokiboyDangit! Now I have to add Delta Green to the number of settings I already want to run using Dogs...

Glad I brought out the essentialle saltes of this thread, then. :)

QuoteOne Delta Green question though (have not read the Delta Green book), how do you get the protagonists involved in the story? There's no riding into town with mail and news thingie going on.

They get called in for an op, or "A Night at the Opera," by their superiors. In modern Delta Green, by encrypted email or scrambled secure phone message. In this Vietnam-era DG op, they'll be assembled by brass at the Pentagon/Langley with Delta Green clearance.

QuoteOh Mike, please tell us how the game turns out.

Will do. It had been so long since I'd looked at the Dogs rules I was afraid I'd be up the creek for tonight (I'm running this on, oh, about 48 hours notice). But I forgot how basically elegant the rules are. So here's hoping it goes well!



Quote from: mgrassoThey get called in for an op, or "A Night at the Opera," by their superiors. In modern Delta Green, by encrypted email or scrambled secure phone message. In this Vietnam-era DG op, they'll be assembled by brass at the Pentagon/Langley with Delta Green clearance.
Thanks, that helps. I am totally into this now... It is typical me though, I always fiddle with settings, always.

Quote from: mgrassoWill do. It had been so long since I'd looked at the Dogs rules I was afraid I'd be up the creek for tonight (I'm running this on, oh, about 48 hours notice). But I forgot how basically elegant the rules are. So here's hoping it goes well!
Oh it will be alright, if you're psyched for it, and the rules are so terrific that they should help bring your game to life.

How are you handling Initiation? Will you treat it as their Mythos trigger event, or perhaps an event occuring during some sort training at "headquarters"?




Quote from: mgrassoWill do. It had been so long since I'd looked at the Dogs rules I was afraid I'd be up the creek for tonight (I'm running this on, oh, about 48 hours notice). But I forgot how basically elegant the rules are. So here's hoping it goes well!
Quote from: yokiboyOh it will be alright, if you're psyched for it, and the rules are so terrific that they should help bring your game to life.

How are you handling Initiation? Will you treat it as their Mythos trigger event, or perhaps an event occuring during some sort training at "headquarters"?



Well, first of all, the game got called the other night, but I'm hoping to raincheck it soon.

Initiation is first Mythos contact, yeah.


More thread necromancy. Just call me Herbert West. :)

Okay, so the decision has been made for me to run a Delta Green game using Dogs in the Vineyard set from the 1960s to the 1980s (probably) during DG's "Cowboy" years, which fits the Dogs setting and rules pretty well, I think. We'll begin in Vietnam and probably have at least a couple of sessions set there, and then move back to the states to the post-war ramifications of said Mythos contact.

I'll set up a new thread in Actual Play after our first session. I know I've been a bit of a tease on this game, but apparently it's on for real now. :)


Nev the Deranged

So... did this game ever get played? I looked for AP but no dice...

TickTock Man

I am not sure if Delta Green in the Vineyard was ever played, but I just used it Dogs for a Call of Cthulhu adventure wherein the Dogs use the Elder Sign as a badge of authority, and in ancient history the use of that Elder Sign as a practical symbol of authority evolved into the common use of the "star as badge" we see in modern times.

The fit works well as long as my game is a Dogs game in a CoC universe as backdrop, and not a CoC game crammed into Dogs mechanics.  For me anyway.

Nev the Deranged

So, like, is there an AP post about said game?

TickTock Man

No there is not, not yet anyway.  I am still a novice at DitV, but the game was fun and flowed well, especially compared to some of the other games I have run.  We are still getting a handle on the system so it flows naturally!