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The Combat Simulator

Started by Christopher Kubasik, June 07, 2002, 05:03:53 AM

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Christopher Kubasik

Hi Brian,

As MacBoy, is there a special way I'm supposed to do something to make the Simulator work for me?

Download the simultoar some special way to make it work on my Mac?  Do I need a specific application to make it run?  Do I need to activate some kind of thing on my machine to activate the Windows emulator? Or something I haven't even mentioned yet.

"Can't we for once just do what we're supposed to do -- and then stop?
Lemonhead, The Shield

Brian Leybourne

Erm, actually I don't know much about Mac's to be honest. However, as far as I am aware it's possible to get your hands on a windows emulator (I don't know if you can download one for free or if you have to buy it though, sorry). When you run that, it should allow you to run basic windows software in a seperate memory space and the software will think you're a windows box.

Wont work with anything complicated that tries to access hardware through the HAL or anything like that I guess, but some something simple and contained like my combat sim it should work fine.

Or you could just buy a real computer :-)

That was a JOKE! I'm not interested in starting a PC/Mac war here :-)
Brian Leybourne

RPG Books: Of Beasts and Men, The Flower of Battle, The TROS Companion

Christopher Kubasik

Hi Brian,

I know, I know.  And I know I should read real novelists like John Grisham, and drive real cars like Honda Civics, and do real things like talk about last night's Friends episode.... But I'm just so stupidly happy reading Mervyne Peake, driving a Jeep Wrangler, writing screenplays and using a computer that never, ever locks up or freezes.  :-)

Oops... Shhhhh.  

Here come uncle Ron and Clinton....

"Can't we for once just do what we're supposed to do -- and then stop?
Lemonhead, The Shield


Quote from: Brian LeybourneErm, actually I don't know much about Mac's to be honest. However, as far as I am aware it's possible to get your hands on a windows emulator (I don't know if you can download one for free or if you have to buy it though, sorry). When you run that, it should allow you to run basic windows software in a seperate memory space and the software will think you're a windows box.

i would be willing to port it to mac os x, ive done quite a few character generators, etc. in my time.
just email me if you want to discuss it

Bob Richter

Um...a computer that never locks up or freezes?

I used macs for quite some time, and all I can say is: they ain't it.

Actually, I don't think there is any such thing, but it sure as hell ain't a Mac.

Though I've heard some good things about OS X. Some odd flavour of UNIX or something.

I've been running Windoze XP for quite some time now and I haven't once had a lock-up, a freeze, or a blue-screen of death.

Though I did fry a memory module. I think that one was my fault.
So ye wanna go earnin' yer keep with yer sword, and ye think that it can't be too hard...


Quote from: Bob RichterUm...a computer that never locks up or freezes?
I used macs for quite some time, and all I can say is: they ain't it.
...Though I've heard some good things about OS X. Some odd flavour of UNIX or something.
Perhaps you'd be well advised to avoid statements on topics you're out of touch with? Might do wonders for your reputation ;)
Seriously, OSX has been out for 2.5 years now and is remarkably different from the old system. Admittedly, much Windows criticism – especially the freezing BSoD part – is also based on Win95 or 98, so there's much "guilt of unfair/ridiculous comparisons" to be spread around. I'd say these days it's mostly a question of the "style"-preference in one's operating system. OS X happens to appeal to me.
"The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do."
--B. F. Skinner, Contingencies of Reinforcement (1969)


Quote from: Bob RichterUm...a computer that never locks up or freezes?

I used macs for quite some time, and all I can say is: they ain't it.

what does this have to do with the topic?


Quote from: Bob RichterUm...a computer that never locks up or freezes?
I used macs for quite some time, and all I can say is: they ain't it.

im so sorrry that my using a mac offends you
i meant no harm, how could i be such a fool to dare bring up the accursed platform in your presence
may the seneschal strike me down!

Brian Leybourne

Alright, this thread is closed.

Sorry guys, but I can sense a mac/PC flame war just in the very initial stages and that's not something that we want here. The last 4 posts have had nothing to do with the topic, and I'm not interesting in porting the Cmbat Sim over to the Mac, so there's no reason to continue the discussion anyway.

No more replies, I'm shutting the door now.

Brian Leybourne

RPG Books: Of Beasts and Men, The Flower of Battle, The TROS Companion