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Profiling, fall 2002

Started by Ron Edwards, October 10, 2002, 08:32:46 PM

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Ron Edwards


We do this every so often. It goes like this:

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, have you enjoyed the most?

What three role-playing games that you have NOT played would you most like to try at the moment?

So for me, at present, it goes like this:

Last played: Sorcerer (& Sword), Little Fears, Trollbabe

Most enjoyed: Sorcerer, Hero Wars, Violence Future

Want to try: Donjon, Pocket Universe, Arrowflight

More rules or "rules":

1) No freebies or extras, as in, "Game X, Game Y, and ... and Game Z and Game A!!" Three each, no more and no less.

2) Time is irrelevant. If the last three games you played were ten years ago, they still count.

3) Don't comment on other people's profile or the games in this thread. Start up a thread if you'd like, although choose your forum carefully, or send a private email.

4) if you have no objection, it'd be nice to know people's real first names if you don't use it already. There's absolutely no obligation to do so, but if it's OK with you, just sign your post with it.

5) For people who played a ton of GenCon one-shots, or if people are wondering about convention/demo play in general, they do count if you want them to, otherwise, skip'em.

The previous Profiling threads were:

Latest Profiling
Profiling strikes again - everybody play!
... and it looks as if I can't find the first one. If someone finds the thread URL, private-message it to me, OK?


Mike Holmes

And, to answer the perennial question, GMing counts as playing for purposes of this. Right, Ron (you ought to use "participated")?

Last played: GURPS Traveller, Octane, Universalis

Most enjoyed: Rolemaster, Hero System, Homebrew

Want to try: Donjon, Hero Wars,  Dreamspire

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.

Maurice Forrester

Last played:  Fudge, 7th Sea, AD&D3

Most enjoyed:  Fudge, Hero Wars, BRP

Want to try:  Sorceror, Unknown Armies, Fudge: Traveller
Maurice Forrester


Last Played:
- Bucket, a personal home-brew that sucked
- D&D 3rd

Most Enjoyed:
- Toast, a personal home-brew that didn't suck
- AD&D 2nd (ahh, nostalgia)
- Tales From the Floating Vagabond

Most Want to Try:
- Pollies, a personal home-brew that hopefully won't suck
- Exalted
- Arrowflight



Last played: FUDGE, Dream Pod 9, D&D3e

Most enjoyed: FUDGE, D&D3e, Danger Inc.

Want to try: Theatrix, Sorcerer, OctaNe
- Alan

A Writer's Blog:


Last Played: 7th Sea, Spycraft, Sorcerer

Most Enjoyed: Sorcerer, 7th Sea, InSpectres

Want To Play: Trollbabe, Paladin, Dust Devils


Zak Arntson

Last Participated: Donjon (GM), Chthonian (GM), Fighter-D Alpha (GM)

Most Enjoyed: Dying Earth (Player), Fighter-D Alpha (GM), Chthonian (GM)

Most Want To Play: Sorcerer (& Sword), Fulminata, Hellboy

joshua neff

Last Played: Trollbabe, octaNe, Adventure (I'm not counting all the stuff I played at GenCon.)

Most Enjoyed: Sorcerer, Adventure, Trollbabe

Want to Play: Buffy RPG, Riddle of Steel, Castle Falkenstein

"You can't ignore a rain of toads!"--Mike Holmes


Last Played: Amber, Sorcerer & Sword, Mage

Most Enjoyed: Amber, Sorcerer & Sword, kill puppies for satan

Want to play: Hero Wars, Donjon (again), homebrew replacement for Amber.

Dan Root


Hi.  My name is Jeff and I'm a gamer.

Last played: AD&D 1st edition, D&D 3E, Classic Traveller

Most enjoyed: Dungeons & Dragons '81 Basic/Expert rules, Champions, Call of Cthulhu

Want to play: Nobilis, Feng Shui, Silver Age Sentinels
Jeff Rients

Blake Hutchins

Last played: Dying Earth, Story Engine, The Pool

Most enjoyed: The Pool, Werewolf, Ars Magica

Want to play: Paladin, Sorcerer, Hero Wars



(Edited because there are too damn many games I want to try.)


Last three games played:  Unknown Armies, Pendragon, Nobilis

Favorite three games:  Unknown Armies, Nobilis, Legends of Alyria (homebrew still in process)

Want to try:  Godlike, Universalis (been a long time since my original playtest), Riddle of Steel

Seth Ben-Ezra
Seth Ben-Ezra
Dark Omen Games
producing Legends of Alyria, Dirty Secrets, A Flower for Mara
coming soon: Showdown

Emily Care

Last three games: Before the Flood, Ars Magica, Hungry/Desperate/Alone

Most enjoyed: Ars Magica, Homebrew/systemless, Ars Magica/Gurps graft

Want to play: Donjon, Sorcerer, Shadow
Koti ei ole koti ilman saunaa.

Black & Green Games

Paul Czege

Last played (not counting anything played during dealer room hours at GenCon):
My Life with Master
Wuthering Heights
The World, the Flesh, and the Devil

Most enjoyed:
My Life with Master
The Pool

Want to play:
Charnel Gods (for Sorcerer)

My Life with Master knows codependence.
And if you're doing anything with your Acts of Evil ashcan license, of course I'm curious and would love to hear about your plans

Tim Denee

Last played
Donjon Krawl
Dungeons and Dragons (third edition)

Most enjoyed
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
Little Fears

Want to play
Final Stand
Sorcerer (Just arrived yesterday. Cheers Ron!)
Dust Devils