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Profiling In Reverse

Started by Christoffer Lernö, November 13, 2002, 07:05:21 PM

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Christoffer Lernö

I don't know if this is interesting to the rest of you, but... well reading the profiling I felt like asking the similare questions but kinda the other way around:

What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?

What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer (keep what's applicable)?

(hmm, do I start or?)
formerly Pale Fire
[Yggdrasil (in progress) | The Evil (v1.2)]
Ranked #1005 in meaningful posts
Indie-Netgaming member


Okay, I'll play.

What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

OD&D (Red Box), Cyberpunk (at my first con), Chill (at my first con)

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?

The MOST?  Hmmm...  Well, that game that started with the OD&D ran all the way through 2nd Edition AD&D.  I played Chill for about a year.  Then I played Deadlands for about a year.  

What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer (keep what's applicable)?

Chill (Of, course!  Mysteries work just fine.  Now I don't have to draw those stupid maps!)

Story Engine (I used it as the basis for Isolation)



Paul Czege

What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

1. blue book D&D, which gradually became AD&D with the incremental publication of the hardcover books in the early 80's and a pick and choose attitude toward the rules
2. Boot Hill
3. DragonQuest

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?

1. AD&D, hands down
2. Stalking the Night Fantastic
3. Vampire

What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer (keep what's applicable)?

1. Vampire (negative influence)
2. The Pool, using relationship maps and Kickers from Sorcerer (positive influence)
3. Theatrix (positive influence)

My Life with Master knows codependence.
And if you're doing anything with your Acts of Evil ashcan license, of course I'm curious and would love to hear about your plans

Clinton R. Nixon

Awesome questions, Pale Fire.

What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

AD&D 1st Edition, Twilight: 2000 (first game I ran, and one of my favorites to this day), Rolemaster.

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (15 months), Werewolf: the Apocalypse (9 months, but twice a week), D&D3E (a bit over a year).

What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer (keep what's applicable)?

Geez, this is a hard one. Narrowing it down to three is difficult, and the three I come up seem odd:
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay - the grittiness, easiness (seriously - this is the easiest traditional FRPG I know of), and sheer fun of the game brought about by color all influenced me greatly.
Sorcerer - You knew I had to say that one. Seriously, though, the idea that every attribute of the character is directly tied to something important influenced me. I try hard not to make any attribute of a character unimportant to the game.
Unknown Armies - this one's from left field, but it was the first game I played that (a) let me make up my own abilities, (b) had the moral ambiguity I liked, and (c) actually reminded me of literature I'd read.
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games

J. Backman

Quote from: Pale FireWhat were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Not sure about the order, but the first three were definitely RuneQuest, Middle-Earth RPG and Pendragon.

Quote from: Pale FireWhat three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?

Probably RuneQuest, CyberPunk 2000 and Paranoia.

Quote from: Pale FireWhat three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer (keep what's applicable)?

The Pool, because it was the first game I came across that gave narrative power to the players -- Amber, because it was the first game I played that didn't use any dice -- RuneQuest because Glorantha is the most unique game world I've ever seen.
Pasi Juhani Backman



Ars Magica
... Talislanta maybe?  Shadowrun?  Dunno.

Most Influential:
Ars Magica
Over the Edge
The World, the Flesh, and the Devil

I'd say.


Gordon C. Landis

What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

1. White-box D&D
2. Metamorphosis Alpha
3. En Garde!

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?

1. D&D
2. Talislanta
3. Melee/Wizard/TFT

What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer (keep what's applicable)?

1. Way Back (and kinda GM-focused) - Huge influence from Greg Costikiyan's Swords & Sorcery boardgame on our D&D play.  It opened up the idea of building (focused but generic) story and having a "campaign world" orientation for us before straight RPG products did.
2. Middle years (and mostly as player-desire) - Melee/Wizard/TFT, a big influence toward lighter, more focused rules.  Plus they had solo books at a time when I kept running into the very WORST of gamer culture.
3. Recently (and as designer-oriented as I can be without a finished design) - An easy answer is "The Forge", but if you push me - "Hero Wars," seen as only my experience at the Forge allowed me to see it.

Gordon (under construction)

Michael S. Miller

First Three
D&D -- I don't know the box color or anything, as it was my cousin who was running my through a dungeon. I was 8 years old.
Marvel Super Heroes (Basic Set) -- that bright yellow box was the first RPG I owned.
Star Wars (1st Edition WEG)

Longest three
MAGE: the Ascension -- 2 non-consecutive semesters at college, then a year off, then 2 1/2 years, solid
AD&D 2nd ed. -- 5 years of very sporadic play
TORG -- 3 years semi-regular

Most Influential
THEATRIX -- You can play without dice? You can name your own descriptors? There are more options than "You hit" or "You miss"? Cool!
Sorcerer -- it is, quite simply, a masterpiece of game design. How can one not be influenced?
FVLMINATA -- Perhaps it doesn't exactly fit the thread, but nothing will ever influence me as a designer more than the first experience of actually designing.
Serial Homicide Unit Hunt down a killer!
Incarnadine Press--The Redder, the Better!


Played First:
- Basic D&D
- AD&D 2nd Edition

Played the most:
- AD&D 2nd Edition
- Fudge

Most Influential:
- Basic D&D
- Fudge


What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

AD&D2E, Shadowrun, Alternity (I can't remember exactly since we would play a lot of free games that I found online back in the day when I was 13 or so).

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?

AD&D2E, Alternity, D&D3E

What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer (keep what's applicable)?

Mage, Tribe 8, Sorcerer

omnia vincit amor
The Enclave


First three:

Top Secret, Aliens (homebrew version), and then AD&D

Longest three:

Aliens (again, the homebrew version), TMNT, and then Deadlands

Most influential:

TMNT - everyone loves the animal creation rules
Donjon - gotta love that crazy anything-goes feel
Paranoia - the writing style just made you want to play it even if the actual system wasn't very good
--- Jonathan N.
Currently playtesting Frankenstein's Monsters

Tim C Koppang

What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Some crazy free-form version of AD&D
MechWarrior 2nd Ed.

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?

Shadowrun -- hands down
Deadlands -- I don't like admitting this, namely because I don't like Deadlands
MechWarrior 2nd Ed.

Mind you that all three of those listed above involed a hell of a lot of drift in one direction or another depending on the group's dynamic.

What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer (keep what's applicable)?

Player: InSpectres because the players get to create the story too
GM: Sorcerer, but only with the &Soul supplement because I finally understood how to directly and emotionally involve the PCs in a conflict that they don't encounter but rather are already in.  This was reinforced with Dust Devils.
Designer: Oh hell I don't know--just the whole system does matter concept really.  I guess I attribute this most directly with Sorcerer.

I'd also like to say that Story Engine has been very influencial in the way I roleplay, but I don't think I realized its implications until after reading GNS and going over some of the above listed games.

Ron Edwards


Neat thread idea.

First three actually played:
D&D with no "A"
AD&D (hardcovers)
The Fantasy Trip (all versions)

Champions, 3rd & 4th editions
Sorcerer (if you count multiple stories/contexts)
Hero Wars

Most influential:
as player: The Babylon Project
as GM: Sorcerer (yes, the abyss gazes back)
as designer: Over the Edge


(edited because I didn't initially realize you're supposed to provide three titles for the second question)


1st Three:
Basic D&D
Star Frontiers
Marvel Superheroes

Longest/Most Played:
D&D (3rd Ed)
Shadowrun (1st through 3rd Ed)
Champions (4th Ed)

Most Influential:
Marvel Superheroes
Alex Hunter
Email | Web


Hi.  OK, here goes,

First three played:
-D&D, red book, blue book (sounds like Dr. Seuss)
-AD&D hardbacks
-Dragonquest (my first non-D&D game that was still D&D)

-AD&D 1st blend to 2nd E

Most influential:
-player: Ravenloft/Masque of the Red Death, I _love_ that setting
-GM: VtM
-designer: Star Wars, because I started going cross-genre with remote worlds, which eventually led to the Dreamwalker concept.  :)
