The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In Site Discussion

3/15/2005 timfire: Search function not working right...
Hi, To whom it may concern (namely Clinton), when I do I a search, I get results, but when I try clicking on the link, it tells me the page…
In Site Discussion
Participants: timfire.

3/14/2005 Space Cowboy: Hacking websites/forums and how to protect yourself
Hey all, As The Forge was recently hacked. Personally, I barely know enough about computers to get by, and since Wild Sphere’s forums are under construction, I am understandably concerned…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Space Cowboy, Dev, Rob Carriere, Ron Edwards.

3/14/2005 Simon Kamber: Help for new arrivals.
I started following the forge relatively recently. I've read quite a few of the essays, and I'd like to think that I've done just about everything that a new guy…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Simon Kamber, Bankuei, Michael S. Miller, M. J. Young, Domhnall.

3/11/2005 Halzebier: [Hack Attack] Forum reconstruction
Hi there! I've posted a draft of a post which got lost in the attack to the mangled stump of the original thread. On reflection, that was probably a bad…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Halzebier, Ron Edwards.

3/10/2005 Paul Czege: password security
Hey Clinton, The hack could have included a download of user information, right? Are user passwords insecure as a result (i.e. we should change them)? Paul
In Site Discussion
Participants: Paul Czege, Clinton R. Nixon, Marco, Victor Gijsbers, Domhnall.

3/10/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: Hack attack - officially back up
We're officially back up from our hack attack. The explanation: When searching on the version of phpBB that was running, the highlight= field in the URL allowed you to run…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, Miskatonic.

3/4/2005 Mandacaru: PbEM forum?
With reference to a thread on PbEM... ... T'oma's initial uncertainty as to where to post this, Keith's suggestion that PbEM is an area worthy of specific discussion, and…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Mandacaru, TonyLB, Ron Edwards, M. J. Young, T'oma, jdagna, timfire, Trevis Martin.

2/27/2005 matthijs: RSS feed?
Does the Forge have an RSS feed?
In Site Discussion
Participants: matthijs, Clinton R. Nixon, Dev, Paul Czege.

2/24/2005 Noon: Question about actual play
Recently I aquired the playstation 2 game Mercenaries. It's play is very much how we used to play certain RPGs years ago (Rifts, in particular) and is a quality I…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Noon, Mike Holmes.

2/21/2005 clehrich: Vanishing Into the Mists
Dear Friends at the Forge, Owing to a sudden and unexpected professional commitment, which puts me under the gun to complete my current book in just a few months, I’m…
In Site Discussion
Participants: clehrich.

2/21/2005 Gaerik: Problem with Link in Signature
This is just a small website problem I seem to be having. My signature contains a link to the website of a game I am working on, it isn't working…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Gaerik, timfire, TonyLB.

2/18/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: The 'favorites' section, tags, and the future
Hey! Have you ever used the "Favorites" feature on the Forge? There's a link up top that says "Favorites" and a link at the bottom of every topic that says…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Paka, Bob Goat, clehrich, joshua neff, Christopher Weeks, LordSmerf, Ben Lehman, ffilz, bcook1971.

2/15/2005 Lee Short: Forum policy for Actual Play?
Valamir's thread has pushed this to the forefront. I've seen some rough guidelines such as "your post must have a point" and "it shouldn't be just a travelogue of what…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Lee Short, Ron Edwards, Green.

2/14/2005 Valamir: The Problem With This Forum: Too much damn theory
This is a semi rant about a trend in this forum that I find rather disturbing. The theory in here has gotten REALLY thick. There was a time...or maybe its…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Valamir, Clinton R. Nixon, Matt Snyder, Bob Goat, TonyLB, Ron Edwards, Bankuei, Harlequin, LordSmerf, clehrich, quozl, John Burdick, Jonathan Walton, CPXB, Eero Tuovinen, M. J. Young, John Kim, Paul Czege.

2/7/2005 Bankuei: PM issues
Hi Clinton, 2 or 3 times now I've sent a PM and had most of it evaporate into the ether. Both the recipient copy and the Sent Box version are…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Bankuei, Clinton R. Nixon.

2/3/2005 ffilz: Let me see if I can articulate my problem with the Forge
I've really been struggling here. I understand there is a lot of cool theory, but it isn't presented in a digestible format. Sure, there are some essays, but from what…
In Site Discussion
Participants: ffilz, Ron Edwards, Bankuei, Paganini, Christopher Weeks, John Kim, crookedface, clehrich, greedo1379.

2/3/2005 J. Tuomas Harviainen: Limits of acceptable "Theory"
[quote=Ron Edwards]This thread is closed. No more posting here, please. Please take all discussion of Vincent's talk to a new thread. Please take all discussion of goals & procedures at…
In Site Discussion
Participants: J. Tuomas Harviainen, pete_darby, lumpley, Clinton R. Nixon, xenopulse, Valamir, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, Montola, Paul Czege, humis, Bankuei, Marco, clehrich, Mark D. Eddy.

2/3/2005 Jonathan Walton: Diaspora: How I Learned 2 Stop Worrying & Love the Forge
So I posted the following text over on Vincent's Blog, but I thought that it was important enough to bring over here and maybe talk about a bit with both…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Jonathan Walton, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, Harlequin, Ben Lehman, Emily Care, M. J. Young, clehrich, A.Neill, contracycle, JamesDJIII, bcook1971, Trevis Martin, Brendan, Bankuei, Green, Nathan, Andy Kitkowski.

1/30/2005 Silmenume: Defintion usage and drift - Rant
I’m not sure I understand this deference to the original coiners of useful terms. Right now the debate of an “idea” has been ground to a halt because of this…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Silmenume, clehrich, contracycle, CPXB.

1/28/2005 jonsan: A quick "thanks"
I began playing in formalized role-playing at the tender age of 8, over 17 years ago. Since then I have alternately immersed myself in the hobby or abandoned it entirely.…
In Site Discussion
Participants: jonsan, clehrich, xenopulse.

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Subsequent Topics
In Site Discussion

3/18/2005 M. J. Young: Cookie Clearing
It is sometimes the case that someone's problem with The Forge relates to cookies. Just recently I was on some similar forum and noticed in passing a link/button that indicated…
In Site Discussion
Participants: M. J. Young, ffilz.

3/20/2005 Dev: Enabling transcripts of play
Transcripts of play are very useful (for both Actual Play and Game Design scripting), but they can also be hard to read. I think we could really help folks by…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Dev, Jonathan Walton, jdagna, Mike Holmes.

3/23/2005 Andrew Morris: Problem with search function
Since the hack, I've been having a problem with searches -- all the highlighted terms are displayed in a gray that exactly matches the background color of every other post,…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Andrew Morris, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes.

3/27/2005 charlesperez: PM as spam?
What is the Forge policy regarding spam sent via PM? I've got someone trolling for web site hits myself. Charles
In Site Discussion
Participants: charlesperez, Peter Nordstrand, Ron Edwards, Andrew Morris, Doug Ruff, cruciel.

4/1/2005 komradebob: Etiquette: Commercial Links in Posts?
I have an etiquette question for the mods: I want to post an essay/topic in Theory about something I'd like some input on regarding miniatures and rping. I'd like to…
In Site Discussion
Participants: komradebob, Ron Edwards.

4/1/2005 Valamir: Birthday Forum
Its about that time, any plans to open it back up this year? I think there might be some folks jonesing to take the pink piggie stacking title...
In Site Discussion
Participants: Valamir, Ron Edwards, Andy Kitkowski.

4/4/2005 Rob Carriere: Undead PMs
A PM to me dated 16 march (and long since read and deleted) just decided to ressurrect itself, including the e-mail warning "you have a new PM". No big whoop,…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Rob Carriere.

4/5/2005 Andrew Morris: Old threads and the Birthday Forum
So, what's the preferred practice for all these old threads that are popping up in the Birthday Forum? Should we make a new thread and link back to the old…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Andrew Morris, Ron Edwards.

4/8/2005 Ron Edwards: Dealing with recent spam
Hiya, Check out this profile: vismaior1411. This guy has been pretty cunning. He posts comments like "Valamir I totally agree with you" with a big sig to his obnoxious website.…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ron Edwards.

4/17/2005 Silmenume: Apostrophes showing up as Question marks.
So I'm reading through the Provisional Glossary and I'm noticing something rather curious. Certain symbols aren't being displayed properly on my computer. For Example - Whiff FactorThe effect of a…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Silmenume, J B Bell.

4/20/2005 Domhnall: Auto-hyperlink?
I’m not a programmer, but I know there is a way to set up a web page so that if a certain word is present, it can be automatically turned…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Domhnall, Selene Tan, Mike Holmes.

4/26/2005 komradebob: [rant] usage:"Wargame/Wargame roots"
Pardon gentle readers, but I'd like to take a moment to vent. It has to do with the usage of the terms "wargame" and "wargame roots" that often comes up…
In Site Discussion
Participants: komradebob, xiombarg, Bankuei.

4/28/2005 Domhnall: The Forge's Anti-Polling position
In the "Conceptualizing" thread, Ron wrote: ... My point is that, if either were the case, it would serve you absolutely no purpose whatsoever to tell you. None. Even…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Domhnall, Jasper, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, KingstonC, Clinton R. Nixon, killacozzy, Shreyas Sampat, timfire, greyorm, contracycle, Valamir, Michael S. Miller, Brendan, Andrew Morris, jdagna.

4/28/2005 Shreyas Sampat: Answering Questions with Questions
Split from The Forge's Anti-Polling Position. Instead, as I've discovered, I've only been asked for all the details on my specific game before I can get an answer to the…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Shreyas Sampat, Technocrat13, Doug Ruff.

5/11/2005 Andrew Morris: General site weirdness
Starting today, I've noticed a few oddities on this site. 1) Posts I've previously read revert to the "unread" icon, but no new posts are in the thread. 2) Some…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Andrew Morris, Adam Dray, Gaerik, killacozzy, Tully305, ErrathofKosh.

5/13/2005 Alan: Where to post feedback on posting style
In the following thread, I noticed one poster critiquing not the thread-starter's content, but his presentation. The Creation and Birth of a Character I know we want…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Alan, Ron Edwards.

5/20/2005 Silmenume: sloooooooooow email notifications
Recently I've noticed that the email notifications I've been receiving of posting activity to subcribed threads is lagging by over 12 hours or more. Is this standard or is it…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Silmenume, Valamir, Andrew Morris, xiombarg, M. J. Young, Mike Holmes.

5/22/2005 apparition13: double post
Hey, just noticed I double posted the "above and beyond" thread on game design, could someone merge them please? Thanks, and sorry.
In Site Discussion
Participants: apparition13, Ron Edwards.

5/24/2005 Valamir: Public Service Announcement - Paypal
I'm posting this here because I know a number of indie publishers use paypal to collect payment. I've been getting a number of spoof emails claiming to be from paypal…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Valamir, Paganini, Andrew Morris.

5/27/2005 Danny_K: Is it OK to talk about non-commercial game ideas here?
OK, I've made my share of faux pas in this forum, so before I make one more I'm going to ask in the appropriate place. I have a game idea…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Danny_K, Valamir, ReverendBayn.

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