The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In Site Discussion

11/24/2005 Insect King: Game Hacking
Hi all. If I was to post a thread about game/system hacking where would I post it? I presume some of that goes on in here. Thanks. Cheers, Chris.
In Site Discussion
Participants: Insect King, Ron Edwards.

11/22/2005 Victor Gijsbers: Adding words to the spell check
Clinton, can the administrator add words to the word list used for spell checking? If so, it might be a good idea if people submit some RPG-related words here that…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Victor Gijsbers, Clinton R. Nixon.

11/21/2005 Matt Snyder: Missing "new post" graphic?
The graphic icon for "new post" seems to be broken, and has been for some time. I see the source is looking for the following: I assume there's a…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Matt Snyder, Kesher.

11/18/2005 Ron Edwards: Dresner articles
A number of years ago, Emily Dresner asked to submit a series of publishing articles here at the Forge. Clinton and I said yes, and two articles in a proposed…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ron Edwards, Olorin.

11/2/2005 Andy Kitkowski: Possibility of increasing the number of threads per page?
I don't know if there's a huge server/db impact, but especially in Indie Design I think we definitely need more than 21 threads per page.  Just to get more exposure…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Andy Kitkowski.

11/1/2005 Thor: Need search help
I was trrying to find all instaces of the book "Impro" but cannot weed out the citations with Improvisation, Improvement and anything else with impro in it. is there a…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Thor, Rob Carriere, jrs.

10/28/2005 Silmenume: Enumerating Lists
Hi Clinton, You probably have a real life beyond the Forge here, but I thought I would put this out. I remember in the prior software we were able to…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Silmenume.

10/26/2005 Andrew Morris: Function request
The easy-to-spot icons for topics you've posted in are great. Is there any way to add something like that for topics you've read? Even better would be a way to…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Andrew Morris, Technocrat13.

10/21/2005 Vaxalon: "Mark as Read" should lead back to the next higher level in the hierarchy
When you hit "Mark as read" on a general forum, it should open the list of general forums, and when you hit it on an indie publisher forum, it should…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Vaxalon, M. J. Young.

10/20/2005 Andrew Morris: Question about topic
Would it be completely off-topic for the Forge to post information about obtaining indie games? For example, FLGSs that are indie-friendly, great sales from online vendors, etc? At first glance,…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Andrew Morris, Ron Edwards.

10/15/2005 Solamasa: Problems with registration emails
I have no idea if this is the appropriate place, but half an hour of searching has not yielded me the email of the site admin, so I'm just going…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Solamasa.

10/10/2005 Jack Aidley: Too many Ronnies threads
A glance over the Indie Game Design forum shows that is currently awash with "Ronnies Feedback" threads. Now I don't have anything against the Ronnies - hell, I plan on…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Jack Aidley, Graham Walmsley, Mark Johnson, Ron Edwards, Sydney Freedberg, Eero Tuovinen, Doug Ruff, Andy Kitkowski.

10/6/2005 Silmenume: Searching for old links by message number -
Is there a way to search the forums by message number?
In Site Discussion
Participants: Silmenume, Mike Holmes.

10/4/2005 Jasper: Number of threads displayed
There's been so much activity in Indie Design lately that even recent, active posts get scrolled off the front page. Is there a way to allow more threads to be…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Jasper, Ron Edwards.

9/29/2005 Troy_Costisick: Coding Help
Heya, I'm sorta embarrassed to ask this questions because I used to know.  But could someone tell me how to change a long link like this: into a single…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Troy_Costisick, Jack Aidley.

9/28/2005 Jake Boone: Boffer LARP design okay?
I've got a boffer LARP design about two-thirds finished, and I would love to get some input from the Forge community.  Is it kosher to post a LARP design in…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Jake Boone, Ron Edwards, Andrew Morris, rrr.

9/24/2005 Noon: Helping new arrivals who have already made many choices
This came up in a recent thread. I'd describe the situation as a new member of the Forge asking for help with their project (in this case it was a…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Noon, TonyLB, Artanis, Bankuei, Jasper, Troy_Costisick.

9/22/2005 Ruminator: Resource Library working?
I haven't really been about to get past the first page of the Resource Library...Is there a reason for this?  I've tried in IE and Firefox.
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ruminator, ewilen, Jonathan Walton, Clinton R. Nixon, Troy_Costisick, Grex, Ron Edwards.

9/21/2005 Luther: New account, same person.
Hi, after some years lurking on and off I registered (IIRC more than a year ago) as lutherblissett and posted 1 message. Today I tried to join the forum again…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Luther, Ron Edwards.

9/19/2005 ScottM: Membership Database
I finally scrolled all the way down and found "The Forge - Info Center", which contained (among other things like who's online) the Membership Database.  Unfortunately, the field that interests…
In Site Discussion
Participants: ScottM, Andrew Morris.

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In Site Discussion

11/28/2005 dindenver: Greetings!
Hi!   I am new to these forums. I have been gaming since about 1980. I have desinged a couple of homebrew systems. But now I am getting serious about…
In Site Discussion
Participants: dindenver, Eero Tuovinen, Arturo G., Victor Gijsbers, Ron Edwards, Venerable Player.

11/30/2005 aedaren: Looking for a copy of Puppetland
Anyone have a copy of the free version of puppetland they could email to me or send me a link to? The link on the reviews page is broken.  It…
In Site Discussion
Participants: aedaren, Ron Edwards.

12/5/2005 timfire: [Search function] Most recent
Clinton, I was wondering if it would be possible to set the default search to "most recent", rather than "most relevent". When a particular thread was written is very important…
In Site Discussion
Participants: timfire, Clinton R. Nixon.

12/5/2005 Montola: End of Theory from behind the scenes
I posted the following to comments, but abiding Ron's moderatorial request I hereby repost it to where he feels it belongs. One thing I want to ask Ron and…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Montola, Neal, Ron Edwards, woodelf, Clinton R. Nixon.

12/6/2005 Levi Kornelsen: What kinds of games go here?
The design forums here are primarily for use in creation of independent games.  That's an awesome thing. I have a few games that I'm sure qualify, and a few that…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Levi Kornelsen, Andrew Morris, energy.

12/19/2005 rvowles: PDF/Short book of best of forge articles?
Is there a pdf or purchase-able book somewhere of all of the articles and (maybe) key discussions from the Forge? Reading them on the web site is... annoying? And I…
In Site Discussion
Participants: rvowles, Trevis Martin.

12/22/2005 oliof: Announcement: indie rpg planet (alpha)
Hello, I have set up a planet where the goal is to have all the feeds of indie design/discussion blogs collected people deem interesting. I would call the current setup…
In Site Discussion
Participants: oliof, joepub, Nathan P., RobMuadib, Victor Gijsbers, Ron Edwards.

12/22/2005 Tommi Brander: Brain lock
Either I am missing something very obvious, or I can't send PMs. If it is a "post first"-thing, no need to tell. I think I'll notive it soon enough. Another,…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Tommi Brander, joepub, Andrew Morris, Nathan P., Ron Edwards.

12/30/2005 Hekatoncheires: Curious and New
I noted the existence of the site based on a link on NWVault.  Curious, I took a peek, read GNS and Other Matters of Roleplaying....even more curious, peeked around further....and…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Hekatoncheires, Troy_Costisick, Sydney Freedberg, Michael S. Miller, Brendan, CCW.

1/4/2006 Thunder_God: So, Ronnies Details?
I used the search function, but to no avail. I am curious and want to read the post describing the terms and goals of The Ronnies. The post that people…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Thunder_God, Ron Edwards, Sydney Freedberg.

1/10/2006 Starblade: Livejournal.
Will the forge ever get a livejournal of some sort, for any purpose? It could end up very interesting. Or it could end up tragic in some way. My question…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Starblade, Wolfen, Jack Aidley, Nathan P..

1/11/2006 WhiteRat: Independent Games Forums
Using the search function, I found Forge post number 3 inviting people who wanted a forum set up for their indie games to simply ask, and lo, it would be…
In Site Discussion
Participants: WhiteRat, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards.

1/11/2006 darrick: my resignation from the forge
yep, i'm leaving the forge.  i find the atmosphere here untenable due to Ron's totalitarian position. it started here: then i wrote this email: i just wanted to…
In Site Discussion
Participants: darrick.

1/11/2006 oneofthesedays: Issues Replying...
Anyone else having problems replying to certain posts???  Help!
In Site Discussion
Participants: oneofthesedays, jrs.

1/25/2006 Ron Edwards: Forum re-construction under way
Hi there, Clinton and I were doing some talking. Here's what we came up with. Basically, poor old Indie Design has been pulling triple duty for far too long now.…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ron Edwards, Joshua BishopRoby, dindenver, Paka, jburneko, Technocrat13, daMoose_Neo, J. Tuomas Harviainen, Troy_Costisick, Paul Czege, Nathan P., Arturo G., Gordon C. Landis, Sydney Freedberg, Andrew Morris, Walt Freitag, M. J. Young, komradebob, Green, Bryan Hansel, Andy Kitkowski, talysman, Tommi Brander, greyorm, Halzebier, Wolfen, Rob Carriere, ffilz, Doug Ruff, Mark Woodhouse, Lisa Padol, urbanpagan, MatrixGamer.

2/1/2006 Jack Aidley: How it works - draft
Over here Ron said: Lisa, that would be wonderful. You're not the first person to propose it. I'll tell you what I told all of them, in hopes that…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Jack Aidley, Nathan P., timfire, Troy_Costisick, Bryan Hansel, Andrew Morris.

2/17/2006 John Wick: "It's up to you to decide where you stand..."
After talking to Ron last night and answering a few personal e-mails, I've heard this phrase stated multiple times: "It's up to you to decide where you stand." Can someone…
In Site Discussion
Participants: John Wick, jburneko, Paka, Clinton R. Nixon, greyorm, Ron Edwards.

2/20/2006 Czar Fnord: BB code for ordered list?
Anyone know the BB code for an ordered list (i.e. 1, 2, 3; not *, *, *)? I have tried to search the FAQs and the site Help, to no…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Czar Fnord, c, Ron Edwards.

2/23/2006 Emily Care: "most online" spike
Whoa, is it me or did that just double+ today? Wow.
In Site Discussion
Participants: Emily Care, Ron Edwards.

2/23/2006 mistercrapdaddy: Copyright Issues?
Hey everyone, my name is Sheldon and I'm new to the site. I'm very eager to start discussing my new game ideas here on the Forge.  I've heard excellent things…
In Site Discussion
Participants: mistercrapdaddy, Blankshield, joshua neff.

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