The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In Site Discussion

7/31/2006 Ron Edwards: Proposed major change to the Forge
Hello, Clinton and I had one of our Dark Admin Discussions a couple of days ago. There's a problem to acknowledge, and a couple of possible solutions. We decided that…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ron Edwards, jasonm, r_donato, TonyLB, Ben Lehman, Matt Wilson, Valamir, joshua neff, Zathreyel, thwaak, demiurgeastaroth, contracycle, baron samedi, Eero Tuovinen, Blankshield, rafial, Nathan P., Emily Care, Halzebier, Arturo G., Czar Fnord, Wolfen, GreatWolf, Sydney Freedberg, JMendes, LordSmerf, Mark Woodhouse, timfire, abzu, c, Steven Stewart, Noon, Wysardry, dsellars, ejh.

7/28/2006 Hans: Anvilwerks forum gone?
Any idea why I suddenly would not be able to see the Anvilwerks forum?  Did I miss a memo?
In Site Discussion
Participants: Hans.

7/24/2006 coldblackwind: Adding a Link
I tried to add a link on the button that says Add a Link and it tells me that I seem to be lost.  I know that I am not…
In Site Discussion
Participants: coldblackwind.

7/22/2006 Paka: The disappearance and re-appearance of Galileo Press forum
If I am not signed in, I can't see it.
In Site Discussion
Participants: Paka.

7/21/2006 Andy Kitkowski: Why not move the inactive forums to Inactive?
Not a huge deal, but I was wondering why the RPG Theory, GNS, and Indie Game Design are still in General Forums even though they're Inactive?  Why not move them…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Ron Edwards.

7/21/2006 Iskander: Bookshelf Link
Could we get a (more obvious?) link to the bookshelf, please? My pre-caffeinated self this morning had to Google it, 'cos I couldn't find it on the forums page.
In Site Discussion
Participants: Iskander.

6/20/2006 hyphz: Some Bookshelf games cannot be unlocked?
Hi, I recently bought the game Seven Leagues, through the "find more info" link on the Bookshelf, but when I bought it I was redirected to an RPGNow page to…
In Site Discussion
Participants: hyphz, Ron Edwards.

6/13/2006 MatrixGamer: A question about pictures
A member asked me to post pictures of my printing equipment on a thread about self publishing. I'm not aware of that happening on this site before. Is there a…
In Site Discussion
Participants: MatrixGamer, Adam Dray, Ron Edwards, LordSmerf, Czar Fnord.

6/6/2006 ettn: Alan Neill - our loss
I feel a little strange posting such terrible news here, when I know many of you won't have a clue who I'm talking about. However, the Forge and all the…
In Site Discussion
Participants: ettn, Ron Edwards.

5/30/2006 hurtmypony: GNS Mention in Paranoia XP
Don't know if this is common knowledge, or if it is the right place to post it, or even if it is a good idea to post after seeing the…
In Site Discussion
Participants: hurtmypony, Ron Edwards, Marhault, Graham Walmsley.

5/22/2006 Tommi Brander: Bug: spellcheck
I tried to use spellchecking on a thread in First thoughts, and this was the error message it gave: An Error Has Occurred! strpos() : Offset not contained in string.
In Site Discussion
Participants: Tommi Brander.

5/11/2006 Czar Fnord: Request for Spell Check Dictionaory Additions
I am not sure if/how you can add entries to the Forge's SMF dictionary that is used for spell checking, but if you can, could you add the following?: GNS…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Czar Fnord, dindenver, Thunder_God, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards.

4/29/2006 Peter Nordstrand: Anal Retentive Me
Hi, Is bumping old threads permitted in Connections? I am asking because I have seen it done several times with no moderator visibly moderating. I'm just, you know, wondering. Peace,…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, Ron Edwards.

4/6/2006 abzu: Self Locking Old Threads?
Hello Clinton, In the wonderful fabulous Bday forum I have twice been tricked into posting into year-old threads. Is there any way to institute a mechanism that locks a thread…
In Site Discussion
Participants: abzu, Thunder_God, M. J. Young, Julian, greyorm, Clinton R. Nixon, Lisa Padol, Nathan P., Christopher Kubasik, Ron Edwards.

4/5/2006 Thunder_God: Personal Message Limit?
I ran a search and could not find an answer, and since I think many users will be interested by the answer, here I am, posting! How many personal messages…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Thunder_God.

4/5/2006 Andy Kitkowski: Holy Hell, "Modify" is Back!
Finally, looks like I can edit some posts again!  I'm notorious for making spelling mistakes or not flushing out my thoughts on the first try, only spotting them 10-30 minutes…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Thunder_God, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards.

4/4/2006 bballchic1049: Free, right?
[color=Teal][/color] This place is free, right?
In Site Discussion
Participants: bballchic1049, Thunder_God.

3/29/2006 Thunder_God: On Signature Length.
Is there any way to make the actual shown character string be 250 characters long, instead of what we put in the field? I'm asking due to the added length…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Thunder_God, Nathan P..

3/24/2006 Thunder_God: Notification not Working.
I have set Notifications for three threads, and yet, replies to these threads do not result in me being emailed. I know my email regarding the Forge works, as I…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Thunder_God, Ron Edwards.

3/23/2006 Ron Edwards: Big forums change!
Hey everyone, As you can see, Clinton and I are messin' with the forums, as promised. Don't flip out. I'll be pumping existing threads from Indie Design (say, from the…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ron Edwards, abzu, Kesher, Troy_Costisick, Arturo G., Joshua BishopRoby, Clinton R. Nixon, Marco.

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Subsequent Topics
In Site Discussion

7/31/2006 master dwarf: PM Spam
I just got spammed via the private message feature of the forums.  User: Don Johnson.  Anybody else encounter this?  Could somebody look into this and squash it?
In Site Discussion
Participants: master dwarf, Kicker, Claudia Cangini, Johanna, signoftheserpent, ricmadeira, Gasten, J-MK, Hawk, drozdal, Clinton R. Nixon, thwaak, Silmenume, Lord Shield, David Johansen, greyorm, Thunder_God, droog, Ron Edwards, Jonny Nexus, Bardsandsages, Eva Deinum, epweissengruber, Bankuei.

8/6/2006 Clinton R. Nixon: Forge news - Aug 5 2006
Two administrator notes: 1) After the recent spam, I am taking a hard line against spam on here. If a post smells like spam, and the author has not posted…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon.

8/9/2006 Randulf: Stealth messages?
Hi, up at the top of the screen it says "Hey, Randulf, you have 2 messages, 0 are new. " but when I click the word messages I am taken…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Randulf.

8/13/2006 Ramidel: Spam threat once again
First Thoughts Forum has just been attacked by a spammer ( among other threads). As if we haven't attracted enough spam already this month. Now that we've apparently hit the…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ramidel, Thomas D, Wolfen, signoftheserpent, r_donato.

8/16/2006 Denise: Question- publisher #s vs. fans
I was just wondering, how many people are there here who do not have some sort of affiliation with a publisher? 
In Site Discussion
Participants: Denise, David Artman, Gaerik, Technocrat13, Dev, Valamir, Thunder_God.

8/22/2006 Clinton R. Nixon: Planned downtime 8/27
The Forge will be down for maintenance, and hopefully, spam prevention on Aug 27, 2006 all day.
In Site Discussion
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon.

8/23/2006 lev_lafayette: Wither theory?
Now that the RPG Theory and GNS Model discussion boards have been closed I'm at a bit of loss on where theoretical perspectives on roleplaying ought to be published. Or…
In Site Discussion
Participants: lev_lafayette, r_donato, Ron Edwards, Valamir.

8/24/2006 Andy Kitkowski: Quick question on First Thoughts and House Rules
Hey all, I have a question that was passed to me by an acquaintance. I'm basically helping him find "the right forum/site" for discussing this sort of thing. Say I…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Ron Edwards.

9/5/2006 Ron Edwards: Important annual reminder
Happy birthday, Clinton!! Best, Ron
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ron Edwards, coffeestain, Troy_Costisick, Clinton R. Nixon, matthijs, Artanis, Marhault, r_donato.

9/15/2006 Ron Edwards: Forge retrospective project - please join in!
Hey, I had an idea. Sort of a community project, really. Pick any single six-week period during the Forge's history. Check out all the Forge threads during that time, including…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ron Edwards, Graham Walmsley, Paka, Alex Fradera, Eliarhiman6, Troy_Costisick, Clinton R. Nixon, greyorm, jrs.

9/17/2006 Ron Edwards: Forge vision
Hey everyone, Recently, I engaged in a discussion at Story Games in which I was asked by Kuma why "the Forge" is not being leveraged as an actual commercial brand…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ron Edwards, r_donato, Blankshield, joepub, abzu, Frank T, Hans.

9/21/2006 Ruminator: Messages?
Is ti just me or are PMs broken?  The system says that I have 2 messages, yet when I click on that link, nothing is there.  I have tried with…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ruminator, Eero Tuovinen.

9/30/2006 c: Forge Vision versus Clyde's selfishness
I've created this thread in response to Ron's Forge Vision thread. I was worried I might muddy the waters too much posting this there. It's likely not as interesting as…
In Site Discussion
Participants: c, Ron Edwards.

10/6/2006 Ron Edwards: Deleting with author's permission
Hi there, Occasionally, the forum software doesn't let me split threads. It works most of the time and not always. Clinton tells me it's buried way deep in the code…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ron Edwards.

10/31/2006 GB Steve: Can we have less beating the meat?
Is it necessary to have "wanking" in subject headers? S'all. Steve
In Site Discussion
Participants: GB Steve, Ron Edwards.

11/9/2006 Jesse Custer: Forum to discuss campaign prep
Is this forum for campaigns too? I have a campaign of mine that I've been refining for a while and I would like to discuss it (and my design decisions)…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Jesse Custer, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen.

11/22/2006 nystul: Hello All
Hopefully I'm posting this in the right place - I just wanted to give a shout-out to all and sundry. I dropped out of the game industry more than a…
In Site Discussion
Participants: nystul, Ron Edwards.

11/30/2006 David Artman: Anti-Spamming Techniquees
As we seem to have a few spammers getting through the site registration, perhaps you would benefit from reading this thread: Basically, I asked for a minor tweak to…
In Site Discussion
Participants: David Artman, Ron Edwards, anders_larsen, c.

12/1/2006 David C: Things I noticed as a new poster
So a lot of you here are regulars, and so are familiar with the site's quirks, but since I'm new, I spotted a couple things that could be cleared up.…
In Site Discussion
Participants: David C, Troy_Costisick, Ron Edwards, M. J. Young, daMoose_Neo.

12/3/2006 114211: Re: Question- publisher #s vs. fans (split)
sadly as of yet i do not, but trust me im looking, in fact ive just started this last month :)
In Site Discussion
Participants: 114211, Ron Edwards.

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