The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In Publishing

10/4/2006 Andy Kitkowski: "Top 10 Lies told to Designers" (for the freelancers out there)
I saw this from a post at , and while it's simple and we've seen or heard of most of them, there may be a couple that you can…
In Publishing
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Ron Edwards, Justin D. Jacobson, Paul Czege, Joshua BishopRoby, Jake Richmond, greyorm, Steven Stewart, Clay, Editor Drew, Brand_Robins, Narf the Mouse, MikeRM.

10/3/2006 mratomek: Best Name for Game?
I am working on a universal set of minis battle and adventure rules. Something along the lines of GURPS for miniatures. I have two working titles and need some help…
In Publishing
Participants: mratomek, joepub, Valamir, Call Me Curly, jackson_tegu, TroyLovesRPG, Joshua BishopRoby, Eero Tuovinen, GregStolze, Paul Czege, Ron Edwards, dindenver.

10/1/2006 mratomek: Dumping some good publishing software...
I have a copy of Photoshop 3.0, Freehand 7 and PageMaker 6.5. With these three packages, anyone can produce whatever publication--printed or PDF--desired. If your are interested let me know.…
In Publishing
Participants: mratomek, Julian (IEG), Ben Lehman, Ron Edwards.

9/29/2006 joepub: [Perfect] Extending the Setting information
So, I wrote this game called Perfect. And now, I've kinda got this cool idea: Elaborate on the setting, the history of Cadence, create some game fiction, collect some AP…
In Publishing
Participants: joepub, Malcolm, Valamir, daMoose_Neo, dindenver, Danny_K.

9/29/2006 Thomas Lawrence: Selling PDFs as a printer's spread, and printing advice
I'm asking this question primarily as a consumer, although the answers may infrom hpw I deal with my own projects should I ever pluck up the courage to finish one…
In Publishing
Participants: Thomas Lawrence, Eero Tuovinen, Joshua BishopRoby, Thunder_God, Ron Edwards, andrew_kenrick, Jared A. Sorensen, Dantai, Clay, Narf the Mouse, David Artman, KeithBVaughn, oliof.

9/27/2006 segedy: Problems with RPI / Alphagraphics?
I know that there are at least <a href="">a few folks here</a> doing printing with <a href="">RPI</a> / <a href="">Alphagraphics</a>, and I'm wondering-  is anyone else is seeing delays or…
In Publishing
Participants: segedy, jasonm, nikola, inthisstyle, timfire, Ron Edwards, Andy Kitkowski, Valamir, Joshua BishopRoby, Justin D. Jacobson, Paul Czege.

9/26/2006 sean2099: how to start up a test group once you have candidates (question)
I recently posted a news item on looking for beta playtesters.  I have some responses but I need to know what the next step should be? To make it…
In Publishing
Participants: sean2099, David Artman, Valamir, joepub, andrew_kenrick.

9/23/2006 Joshua BishopRoby: Question for the Lulu Veterans
Hey there hi there ho there, peeps. I have a question for the folks who have put a book through Lulu.  I'm not sure if I'll be going that route,…
In Publishing
Participants: Joshua BishopRoby, Nathan P., iago, David Artman, MatrixGamer.

9/18/2006 Keith Senkowski: Game Design Seminars from GenCon 06
I have just posted the first session from the Game Design seminars at GenCon 2006 (in seven parts).  If you missed the sessions at GenCon here is your chance to…
In Publishing
Participants: Keith Senkowski, c, Michael S. Miller, Adam Dray, KeithBVaughn.

9/18/2006 komradebob: Making a boxed set? What goes into it?
[url=]This thread[/url] got my mind turning back again to the idea of a boxed set rpg. I know a coupple of people around here have put out board games and…
In Publishing
Participants: komradebob, Ron Edwards, Technocrat13.

9/18/2006 joepub: Pushing a game outside the RPG scene.
So, I randomly decided earlier today to start at the VERY beginning of the Publishing forum. Just start scanning through the pages, and reading any threads that jumped out at…
In Publishing
Participants: joepub, Eero Tuovinen, TonyLB, b_bankhead, daMoose_Neo, komradebob, guildofblades.

9/15/2006 Steven Stewart: Need Suggestions for Simple, Easy Webpage to Put Games on...
I have been fiddling with game design for a little bit. I would describe myself as a casual designer, meaning that I want to get my ideas out to people…
In Publishing
Participants: Steven Stewart, c, Technocrat13, JakeVanDam, joepub.

9/14/2006 MatrixGamer: Learning curves on new computer programs.
Recently I purchased Adobe Creativity Suite 2 (with a college discount so I'm not in hock for the next year!) I got it so I could start converting product files…
In Publishing
Participants: MatrixGamer, guildofblades, David Artman, nikola.

9/11/2006 gds: Art pricing
So, this is a really vague subject I know, but I'm just wondering... I have a 200-or so page book, which will be digest size. I want some art -…
In Publishing
Participants: gds, Technocrat13, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege.

9/8/2006 JustinB: Marketing
Has anyone found any really good places to advertise games? Alternatively, can anyone recommend a marketing strategy or a place on this site where this has already been discussed?
In Publishing
Participants: JustinB, daMoose_Neo.

9/8/2006 sean2099: looking for advice on RPG promotion
Hi all, I have tried to promote Divinity but I feel like I am not taking advantage of everything that is out there.  I have seen some good resources in…
In Publishing
Participants: sean2099, Trevis Martin, TonyLB.

9/6/2006 gds: Art for arts sake?
Hi all, I'm new here, so play nice! Like it seems everyone else in the world, I have been designing my own rpg, and am reasonably happy with it. It's…
In Publishing
Participants: gds, devilbunny, c, Ron Edwards, Troy_Costisick, Storn, Sovem, JakeVanDam, daMoose_Neo.

9/5/2006 qhudspeth: Come Together: A rant on editing
I'm annoyed. I just spent several bucks on an e-edition of a relatively new indie RPG, and while, conceptually, I give it an A+, technically, I'd have to give it…
In Publishing
Participants: qhudspeth, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, Justin D. Jacobson, PatSully98, Eliarhiman6, Rich Forest.

9/5/2006 Troy_Costisick: [My Idea] New Business Model- Inspired by Ken Hite
Heya, What a trip my path towards game publishing has been lately.  Recently I read This Post by Ron.  There’s a road of no return that people walk when they…
In Publishing
Participants: Troy_Costisick, Eero Tuovinen, cpeterso, pells, komradebob, MatrixGamer, sean2099.

9/5/2006 sean2099: what to do if you suspect someone used your material?
Hi all, I wasn't sure where to post this question.  I know there have been several questions about copyrights but I have a question of a different bend.  I admit…
In Publishing
Participants: sean2099, TonyLB, Ron Edwards.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

10/19/2006 Pelgrane: Call of Cthulhu survey
Pelgrane are doing a new version of Call of Cthulhu under license, and we've done a survey to get some idea of what people want. This data should be taken…
In Publishing
Participants: Pelgrane.

10/20/2006 pells: [Avalanche] - Thoughts on promotion
A very late follow-up from this thread, I am now ready to begin the promotion of Avalanche. At my disposal, I have those tools : an english and a french…
In Publishing
Participants: pells, Eero Tuovinen.

10/21/2006 daMoose_Neo: Halloween Upcoming- Anyone doing anything to promote your titles?
Last year I did a little something fun: I handed out cards from my dark fantasy game Final Twilights to older trick-or-treaters in my community. Posted about it on the…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Jake Richmond, andrew_kenrick.

10/21/2006 Jake Richmond: Theft
Is PDF sharing a problem you are concerned about? I wasn't until recently. In the last few weeks sales of the Panty Explosion PDF have dropped from about 3 copies…
In Publishing
Participants: Jake Richmond, JakeVanDam, Joshua BishopRoby, daMoose_Neo, Wolfen, c, timfire, David Artman, pigames, Yokiboy, Peter_Hollinghurst, Steven Stewart, Ken, Ron Edwards, andrew_kenrick, David C, demiurgeastaroth, GregStolze, greyorm.

10/25/2006 daMoose_Neo: Anyone with InDesign able to do an export for me?
I'm wrapping up work on a little book, but its enough I want bookmarks for the PDF. My InDesign 2.0 is acting up though and I'm not getting any text…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, iago, David Artman, Ron Edwards.

10/26/2006 Pelgrane: Distribution Data
I'm looking for data from publishers who have swtiched from a pure direct sales model to a mixed direct/retail/distributor model. Ignore any cut that IPR, Key20 or other similar organisation…
In Publishing
Participants: Pelgrane, daMoose_Neo.

10/26/2006 Matt Snyder: Express Media aftermath, anyone?
My understanding is that Express Media dissolved over the summer, after I last dealt with them for Nine Worlds printing. I need to print up some more books. My contact…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Snyder, Valamir, Jake Richmond, Ron Edwards.

10/26/2006 Troy_Costisick: Having Trouble with Pagemaker 7
Heya guys, I'm having some real trouble with my Pagemaker software.  I've got my games layed out in the regular pmd format and they look great.  I print them on…
In Publishing
Participants: Troy_Costisick, MatrixGamer, David Artman.

10/28/2006 Mark: Regarding the planned publisher rate increase
Regarding the planned publisher rate increase by OBS (formed by the merger of and DTRPG) - "With the possibility of price hikes, I believe that both vendors and consumers…
In Publishing
Participants: Mark, Narf the Mouse, daMoose_Neo, dindenver.

10/30/2006 bilros02: Help with ideas on Advertising
Hey guys, I need a little advice on how to advertise my game systems on the net. Ive already gotten the manuals for my games written (Two of them anyway),…
In Publishing
Participants: bilros02, daMoose_Neo, Ron Edwards, abzu, sean2099, rafael.

11/2/2006 David C: Gameplay terms - safe or dangerous on ground of copyright
As I write my rules, I find myself using terms like 'saving throw' 'DC' and 'skill check.' Then I find myself wondering, with increasing frequency, am I stepping on thin…
In Publishing
Participants: David C, demiurgeastaroth, Ben Lehman, Justin D. Jacobson, jerry, Ron Edwards.

11/9/2006 GregStolze: Ransom Method: Follow the Money
Per Ron's request, I'm starting a new Ransom Method thread.  Here goes. MBM: Full ransom was met, so I split the cash between myself and Dan Solis.  (I'd paid Thomas…
In Publishing
Participants: GregStolze, Eero Tuovinen, David Artman, gobi, sean2099, daMoose_Neo, joepub.

11/14/2006 MarktheAnimator: Marketing to the Military
Hey, is there a marketing section on the site?  I haven't seen one.... so I'll post this here. I'm interested in selling products thru the military px system.  Does anyone…
In Publishing
Participants: MarktheAnimator, JasonPalenske, guildofblades, David Artman.

11/14/2006 jrs: Piracy Paradox
Hi folks, I thought about adding this link to the Copyright Resources sticky, but it isn't really a resource -- just interesting.  The paper, The Piracy Paradox: Innovation and Intellectual…
In Publishing
Participants: jrs, Jake Richmond.

11/15/2006 Justin D. Jacobson: "Generic" vs. "Multi-Genre"
You've probably noticed that there aren't any "used" cars anymore. They're all "pre-owned." This trend was started by the upscale car companies to combat the negative connotation associated with the…
In Publishing
Participants: Justin D. Jacobson, StefanS, daMoose_Neo, David Artman, Joshua BishopRoby, Nathan P., nystul, jeremycoatney.

11/17/2006 MatrixGamer: Cartoon version Engle Matrix Game rules PDF available on RPGnow
This post serves two functions. 1. It lets people know that a free PDF version of the Engle Matrix Game rules are available on RPGnow. That is important. It's marketing.…
In Publishing
Participants: MatrixGamer, guildofblades, daMoose_Neo, Valamir.

11/22/2006 nikola: Alphagraphics (formerly RPI) negative experiences
Alphagraphics has been doing some serious ball-dropping with reprinting Shock: I was pretty happy with where we were at before, when they were RPI. I thought a reprint would be…
In Publishing
Participants: nikola, jasonm, Ron Edwards, segedy, iago, Sane, MatrixGamer.

11/23/2006 joepub: A List of POD Publishers
Okay, here's the deal: I have a printer I use, Avalon. But... maybe Avalon isn't my best possible choice. I don't really know, because I have a weak handle on…
In Publishing
Participants: joepub, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, guildofblades, Jake Richmond.

11/26/2006 Troy_Costisick: [My Idea] An update my Periodical RPG model
Heya, I’m working on a new model for releasing RPG’s.  It all came about thanks to the Ronny contest last year.  So, thought I’d give you guys an update on…
In Publishing
Participants: Troy_Costisick, Ben Lehman.

11/29/2006 jasonm: Alphagraphics and card printing
Hey all, Just an update on Bully Pulpit Games and card printing - for The Roach we have a little deck of 40 cards that ship with the book, and…
In Publishing
Participants: jasonm, segedy, nikola, Troy_Costisick, Mike Sugarbaker, iain, daMoose_Neo.

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