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In Publishing

12/25/2007 guildofblades: Guild of Blades, 2007 Year in Review
Guild of Blades 2007 Year in Review Hi Everyone, As had been a tradition for me for the last 6 years or so, near the end of the year I…
In Publishing
Participants: guildofblades.

12/21/2007 Miskatonic: Show some spine!
Indie publishers, There is something I noticed on my last visit to my FLGS. This store is reasonably good at ordering indie stuff from IPR and even grabs a bunch…
In Publishing
Participants: Miskatonic, iago, jasonm, GreatWolf, Ron Edwards, Ben Lehman, Scro, David Artman.

12/20/2007 KeithBVaughn: A Web Site--What's Needed?
To the Group, Once again asking for help & insight from some of the more experienced members here. As Planets of Peril gets ready for release, I know a website…
In Publishing
Participants: KeithBVaughn, David Artman, WRYoung, Clay, Nathan.

12/18/2007 Murrquan: Indie RPG publishing full-time?
I was reading some posts about sales numbers in this thread. And while they seem pretty small in terms of sales numbers per year, they sound like the kind of…
In Publishing
Participants: Murrquan, guildofblades, iago, Ron Edwards.

12/17/2007 Eero Tuovinen: Mainstream friendly, small games for compilated publication
If you were publishing a mainstream book for bookstores about roleplaying, with the intent to inspire further exploration of the subject, would you have some particular games that you'd like…
In Publishing
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, Peter Nordstrand, Noclue, Blankshield, matthijs, Ron Edwards.

12/2/2007 patrick80: Question for the experts
From what I've read here, no one is comfortable calling themselves an expert, but you all have much more experience than I do, so you are experts to me. I'm…
In Publishing
Participants: patrick80, Eero Tuovinen, preludetotheend, xenopulse, iago.

11/28/2007 J Tolson: Guerilla and Viral Advertising Tactics
Though it will probably be years before my game is actually finished and I need to start thinking about advertising, I noticed that there wasn’t much discussion (okay, none that…
In Publishing
Participants: J Tolson, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, Eero Tuovinen.

11/28/2007 Capulet: Getting the Word Out
Okay, I've written the game. Playtested the game. Rewritten the game. The layout, graphics, and printing are done. I've got a stack of them in the corner. Now what? How…
In Publishing
Participants: Capulet, Ron Edwards, Wolfen, Troy_Costisick, xenopulse, preludetotheend, Eero Tuovinen, guildofblades, pells.

11/28/2007 MatrixGamer: Plans for the new year
I've been gearing up for the new year for the last few weeks. At the beginning of November I decided what games I'd put out next year. I'm thinking of…
In Publishing
Participants: MatrixGamer, guildofblades, Ron Edwards.

11/28/2007 StrongBadMun: Standard Publishing Font
Ok so this may be totally the wrong place for the question but I was just curious what the "standard" or at least most common font and font size are…
In Publishing
Participants: StrongBadMun, Ben Lehman, Ron Edwards, Vulpinoid, Wolfen, MatrixGamer, Matt Snyder, Clay, KeithBVaughn, rafael, casquilho, masqueradeball.

11/19/2007 Raymond Caleatry: Moving with the times
I have a simple question... With the rapid advancment of technology and the ease of which software can be created, do you think that the average gamer would appreciate software…
In Publishing
Participants: Raymond Caleatry, alexandre santos, contracycle, pells, Clay, Wolfen, Ken, guildofblades, Capulet.

11/10/2007 Simons: [Escape from Illeria] Cost/Profit question
I’m nearing a point right now where I will be publishing Escape from Illeria, and am starting to get nervous about the business model, in particular the costs, expenses, and…
In Publishing
Participants: Simons, Graham Walmsley, MatrixGamer, Paul Czege, Valamir.

11/6/2007 Willow: Contracts for Art
It's been recommended to me that I get some contracts for myself and my artists. How do I do this?  Are there templates out there?  I know what rights I…
In Publishing
Participants: Willow, pells, Ron Edwards, iago, Doc_Peck, rafael.

11/2/2007 guildofblades: POD Card Printing, Maybe
Hi Everyone, I know there was some discussion on this topic in the past so I thought I would follow up with a post regarding some possibilities. The Guild of…
In Publishing
Participants: guildofblades, iago, Peter Nordstrand, Vulpinoid, Jake Richmond, mindwanders, Raymond Caleatry.

10/30/2007 Ken: Basic rules as multiple book sets
Hi- I've been play-testing TEN CENT HEROES now for a few months and have been giving thought to the layout of the game. The game will weigh in at about…
In Publishing
Participants: Ken, Eero Tuovinen, Vulpinoid, iago, abzu, MatrixGamer, Paul Czege.

10/28/2007 preludetotheend: Steal this pdf! (possible business model)
    So the free but not worthless thread gave me an idea, what if you promoted a free ad supported pdf via file share sites and such. The pdf…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, GregStolze, rekyl, guildofblades, David Artman, Simon C.

10/20/2007 GregStolze: [REIGN] Another ransom success! W00t!
(Note that all 733t speak is used ironically.) There it is, another case of "to the worker shall go his wages."  This one took a lot longer than the…
In Publishing
Participants: GregStolze, xenopulse.

10/12/2007 RobNJ: Use of the Myers-Briggs trademark
Hey folks, From what I can tell by reading it looks like if I use Myers-Briggs in my game design, I may do so as long as I use…
In Publishing
Participants: RobNJ, Vulpinoid, c, MatrixGamer.

10/1/2007 GregStolze: Analyzing the REIGN supplement ransoms.
To celebrate putting up REIGN's fourth supplement for ransom, I did the tedious job of poring over the contribution numbers from the first three.  So here is that rarest of…
In Publishing
Participants: GregStolze, rafial, oliof, Minx.

9/29/2007 Willow: Use of SRD Text in a Published Product?
Hey all- I've been busy typing away on my manuscript for Awesome Adventures, a Fate 3.0 game, hoping to make this my first published product.  (And gaining yet more respect…
In Publishing
Participants: Willow, greyorm, iago.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

1/15/2008 crespowu: active vs passive entertainment (split)
I think RPG is more interactive.
In Publishing
Participants: crespowu, Ron Edwards.

1/15/2008 JustinB: Layout
Damn, layout is expensive. I need layout and I need it pretty soon for the first FN supplement. Can anyone point me to a relatively inexpensive layout person? Ron, if…
In Publishing
Participants: JustinB, iago, Vulpinoid, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen.

1/16/2008 Willow: Embedding Fonts
The Situation:  I'm doing my layout in Open Office.  It's what I know, it's what I have, and it's working for what I'm trying to do.  It also exports documents…
In Publishing
Participants: Willow, Eero Tuovinen, Yokiboy, David Artman, OnnoTasler, btrc.

1/19/2008 Willow: Awesome Adventures- Cover Art HELP!
Here's my cover art as it stands currently: (It looks better in an image program, without the white background of the cover on the white background of the browser.)…
In Publishing
Participants: Willow, Selene Tan, Ken, MKAdams, Clinton R. Nixon.

1/19/2008 Scro: Cost vs. Revenue
I guess as a full time business dude, and a part time game designer, I might have something to say on the subject. First of all, the $8 revenue you…
In Publishing
Participants: Scro, guildofblades, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, Bjorn, lumpley, David Artman.

1/20/2008 Nathan P.: Some 2007 Numbers
Heya So I did my final bookkeeping this morning, and figured that it may be informative to post some numbers. I consider myself to be pretty low-to-mid tier in terms…
In Publishing
Participants: Nathan P., iago, Pelgrane.

1/21/2008 btrc: File size, compression and quality?
I'm working on an interactive character sheet for a project, and the sheet itself is going to be a full-page jpeg background image in a pdf. The image is color,…
In Publishing
Participants: btrc, jerry, Paul Czege, David Artman.

1/27/2008 MKAdams: Foil Covers Help?
I'm looking at publishing an RPG.  I want a 5.5 x 8.5 book, black, with silver foil printing on the cover, with a textured paper. Essentially, I want something that…
In Publishing
Participants: MKAdams, Eero Tuovinen.

1/28/2008 RobNJ: Freeware/open source thing like InDesign?
I've recently decided I want to do Misspent Youth as an ashcan for Gen Con, and further that I want to try to do the layout on the ashcan (though…
In Publishing
Participants: RobNJ, GreatWolf, KeithBVaughn.

2/7/2008 greyorm: New Publishing Frontiers
We all know the market for intellectual property is changing on a fundamental level thanks to the internet and the ease of copying and distribution of data -- cheap, free,…
In Publishing
Participants: greyorm, David Artman, guildofblades, pells.

2/7/2008 Arkhaden: Semantics versus legal issues
Hi everyone!  My ranks in english literacy are  very  low    so  I  hope you understand what I’m trying to say.  I’m writing an RPG with dice an skills etc.…
In Publishing
Participants: Arkhaden, Clinton R. Nixon.

2/9/2008 was_fired: Getting a Game Ready for Release
I've been working on TOCC for about two years now and I'm getting ready to try to market it and have it branch out beyond just my small group of…
In Publishing
Participants: was_fired, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, davidberg, JustinB, abzu.

2/10/2008 davidberg: level of detail of RPG "instruction manual"
In this thread, Ron said: . . . write a new document from scratch. This new document would be much like an instruction manual for…
In Publishing
Participants: davidberg, David Artman, casquilho, Jake Richmond.

2/18/2008 JackConrad: Open License...
I am curious how many independent artists and/or publishers out there have tried to produce and release work under an open license; that is, how many of said individuals released…
In Publishing
Participants: JackConrad, Clinton R. Nixon.

2/20/2008 _haroharo_: System is Completed and Being Playtested -What Now?
  The main reason I am here is because I hAve created an RPG system which I want to somehow sell to the masses whether that be through PDF, print-on-demand,…
In Publishing
Participants: _haroharo_, lachek.

2/20/2008 williamhessian: my first post, my CCG, and pictures!
this is my first post. i am so excited to find this forum (i found it by searching google). In the last ten years i have designed 4 CCG (or…
In Publishing
Participants: williamhessian, Nev the Deranged, Ron Edwards, _haroharo_, Willow, masqueradeball, btrc.

2/21/2008 Willow: Llulu/Print on Demand File Formatting
So, when I upload my PDF file, which is the interior of the book, is the first page the inside of the cover, or is it the first physical paper…
In Publishing
Participants: Willow, Ron Edwards.

2/21/2008 williamhessian: POD Card Printing, Maybe (split)
once you are accepting outside orders i would like to put in an order for 100-250 cards (depending on how many i have finished at that point). I am guessing…
In Publishing
Participants: williamhessian, Ron Edwards, guildofblades, Nev the Deranged.

2/23/2008 Eero Tuovinen: Last Year's Indie Games
It took a while for the latest batch of indie games I ordered from the US to reach our distant shores, but now they're finally here, and just in time…
In Publishing
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, iago.

2/24/2008 Grinning Moon: Things that just ARE plain taboo, as far as RPGs are concerned
Okay. So there's a review of a game at that just... bugs me (not the review or reviewer - the game being reviewed): Okay, okay - maybe there's…
In Publishing
Participants: Grinning Moon, Eero Tuovinen, Velcanthus, Axe4Eye, StrongBadMun, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, Willow, Ben Lehman, guildofblades, David Artman, joepub, btrc, tymotzues.

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