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In Actual Play

3/1/2004 Skadedyr: [Hero Wars] The Morganthi Campaign
So I got to play today and enjoyed myself. Unfortunately the session ended with a down point. The character was finalized before play. The gamemaster sent us a few pages…
In Actual Play
Participants: Skadedyr, Bankuei, Janus, Andrew Norris.

2/29/2004 Rexfelis: Dysfunctions & Dragons
I just terminated, mid-stream, an AD&D campaign that I've been DMing since last fall. It just wasn't as fun as it should have been, and I wasn't sure how to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Rexfelis, james_west, Scourge108.

2/29/2004 Michael S. Miller: [Sorcerer] Urban Squalor Character Gen (long)
Well, we made our Sorcerer characters. I started off with the following: Sorcerer One-Sheet Note: I’ve double-spaced this because nothing here is set in stone. Any ideas, questions, or concerns…
In Actual Play
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Christopher Weeks, Ron Edwards, Lisa Padol, Mike Holmes.

2/28/2004 Palaskar: Non-gamers first impressions of my game
While plugging my RPG for my college psych assignment, I fortuitously had to explain it to four people who had never gamed before. Here are their reactions: What is role-playing?…
In Actual Play
Participants: Palaskar, John Harper, Ron Edwards, Rich Stokes, Itse.

2/27/2004 elderdan: octaNe: thought we'd give it a whirl
Played it at DunDraCon a couple of weeks ago (using Against the Reich material, apparently) and liked it ton, so I bought a copy and, when one player in our…
In Actual Play
Participants: elderdan, RaconteurX, Ron Edwards.

2/27/2004 Halzebier: [D&D] Campaign Analysis
Our group is in the process of finishing its first D&D 3e campaign. The game is/was combat-heavy, centred on dungeon crawls, and has seen the PCs rise from 1st to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Halzebier, Ron Edwards, Matt Gwinn, Loki, John Kim, 6inTruder, clehrich, John Burdick, Paul Czege, Jack Spencer Jr, Valamir.

2/27/2004 Malechi: [InSpectres] Fort Lauderdale franchise opens!
well tonight we played our first ever game of InSpectres. It was great! The scene opens as the trio of paranormal investigators take coffee in their franchise "offices", the largest…
In Actual Play
Participants: Malechi, Mike Holmes, clehrich, WDFlores, Bob McNamee.

2/27/2004 Eric J.: Moral Dilemma
Okay, I don't know if this is Forge appropriate but here goes... I have a little brother (9), quite brite actually, with a very creative mind. Recently I was whisked…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eric J., clehrich, John Kim, Tomas HVM, Ron Edwards, jdagna, Christopher Weeks.

2/27/2004 Lisa Padol: Splitting the Party
I think two thinks are prompting this post, the Burning Wheel write up, Preparations for Winter (which sounds cool. Picked up BW at the Strategist along with a bunch of…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol, Andrew Norris, Ben Morgan, Ron Edwards, RDU Neil, Mike Holmes, Storn, clehrich, Nuadha.

2/26/2004 Lisa Padol: R-Maps
So, what is the difference between an R-Map and a (possibly partial) family tree? -Lisa
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol, jburneko, Andrew Norris, Malechi, Ron Edwards, james_west, John Kim, beingfrank, Bankuei, Valamir.

2/26/2004 DannyK: R-Maps in Nobilis
OK, I'm new to the Forge, so excuse me if this topic is inappropriate. I've been developing a campaign for Nobilis, and was just adding the finishing touches when I…
In Actual Play
Participants: DannyK, bluegargantua, clehrich, GreatWolf, Minx, neelk, TonyLB.

2/26/2004 lumpley: Prydain, the Hobbit, Pendragon ... Fun for Kids!
Sebastian, my 7yo, read the back of my big Pendragon book. He explained it to me last night at dinner. "It's like Universalis," he said, "only you have to have…
In Actual Play
Participants: lumpley, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Simon W, GreatWolf, Zak Arntson, Christopher Weeks, Andrew Norris, Jeph, WDFlores, RaconteurX, Doyce, DannyK, Zathreyel.

2/26/2004 chadu: [Dead Inside] How long to create a character?
Out of curiosity, I'm wondering if any Forge-folk out there who've purchased or played Dead Inside could give me a read on how long it took you to create a…
In Actual Play
Participants: chadu, Bryant.

2/25/2004 inthisstyle: [Mortal Coil] Initial Playtest
I had a first, very successful playtest of the Mortal Coil rules last week. For background, Mortal Coil is a supernatural role-playing game I have been working on for some…
In Actual Play
Participants: inthisstyle.

2/25/2004 WDFlores: [Paladin] Shatterer - A Mythic Hindu-Inspired Campaign
Hi, all. Haven't been around here that much recently. Nevertheless, I'm back and checking in here with a report. My gaming group and I finally picked up Paladin recently. Our…
In Actual Play
Participants: WDFlores, Michael S. Miller, Tony Irwin.

2/24/2004 Lisa Padol: Players Plotting against PCs
Beth runs a campaign based on the works of James H. Schmidt (which I've never read). My PC, Marius Lecks, is an empath. Stephen's PC, Ell Thorndike, is a Screamer.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol.

2/24/2004 Lisa Padol: When R-Maps Go...Complicated
Okay, so, I've read Sorcerer and the three supplements, and I've started stealing the cool bits as I can. I've had a lot of success with creative interpretations of fumbles…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol, Ron Edwards.

2/24/2004 Matt Wilson: [unipool] Horizon, a lethargic horror episode
Sunday we played another game of Horizon, the Firefly spinoff. For these sorts of heavy player input games I've been creating loose frameworks of people and a kickoff that includes…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Wilson, John Harper, anonymouse.

2/24/2004 Negilent: [Burning Wheel] Preparations for winter
[b]It works. [/b] Though I had to be dragged kicking and screaming into accepting the idea, I now bow my head and stand corrected. [u]Using player motivation works.[/u] How does…
In Actual Play
Participants: Negilent, abzu.

2/24/2004 jburneko: [The Pool] Eden Falls - Find a Villain
I've been wanting to post about my religious-flavored "superhero" game for some time now. The game is now in it's sixth or seventh session and is going incredibly well. When…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Andrew Norris.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

3/2/2004 Dev: Playing out a session/episode in an hour?
I'd like very much to sell my upcoming regular game as something that can be played once (or twice) a week in hourly sessions; I hope this will encourage some…
In Actual Play
Participants: Dev, Ron Edwards.

3/2/2004 Selene Tan: [Donjon] Failed First Attempt
I tried GMing my first game of Donjon yesterday... Parts of it went, well, parts of it went disastrously. There were a LOT of rules disputes. One of my players…
In Actual Play
Participants: Selene Tan, Bankuei, coxcomb, Andrew Norris, Clinton R. Nixon, Mike Holmes.

3/3/2004 xiombarg: [Unsung] loose ends, suggestions?
You might want to freshen up with the previous thread and earlier episodes. As before, the first link is the "narrative" and the second link is a log…
In Actual Play
Participants: xiombarg.

3/3/2004 Aman the Rejected: My Group
I'm extremely new to this group, and this is my first post. I started roleplaying at a technical magnet school a long time ago and both the technical school and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Aman the Rejected, Andrew Norris, John Burdick, Ron Edwards, Valamir.

3/4/2004 JamesSterrett: Homebrew LARP: Player Death
Hi! My co-GM and I are embarking on setting up our 4th homebrew LARP. The friends plahing in the previous three have said they were lots of fun, but having…
In Actual Play
Participants: JamesSterrett, MikeSands, Valamir, Jinx, Walt Freitag, RaconteurX.

3/4/2004 JamesSterrett: Homebrew LARP: eliciting player input
(See Homebrew LARP: Player Death for general background information on the game.) Before each of these games, we've asked players to let us know if they had any preferred characters/character…
In Actual Play
Participants: JamesSterrett, Walt Freitag.

3/4/2004 montag: [Inspectres] King Kong meets Octopussy
I've recently tried to move our group a little more into a narrativist mode of play, partly out of curiosity and partly to satisfy a personal inclination towards that mode.…
In Actual Play
Participants: montag, Mike Holmes, Bob McNamee, Valamir.

3/5/2004 amel: [Schismatic Puddle] Game setup
We are playing a game of Schism (Sorcerer mini-supplement) and used a modified version of The Puddle (a variation of The Pool) which can be found here. The Situation I…
In Actual Play
Participants: amel, Lisa Padol.

3/7/2004 Jeph: [Exemplar] Play-Test of Wraiths
So, I'm going to be running Exemplar for the first time later today. (The link to the rules is in my sig.) Originally it was going to be a D&D…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jeph, Dev.

3/8/2004 arxhon: Why i stepped down from the GM's chair
I recently stepped down from the GM's chair for a game of Solar Exalted. The reasons for this are two fold: 1. I am swamped with college homework stuff 2.…
In Actual Play
Participants: arxhon, Matt Wilson, Aman the Rejected, WDFlores, stingray20166, Malechi, Valamir.

3/9/2004 Thierry Michel: (anti)HeroQuest: the count must die!
I finally ran a one-shot historical HQ last week - it was my first GMing in 15 years or so. I had made pre-gens for the 3 players (ruthless warrior,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Thierry Michel, Brand_Robins.

3/10/2004 montag: [Trollbabe] If my sister 's in trouble ...
I got the chance to play Trollbabe with my girlfriend tonight. In fact, I bought the game especially to play with her, since the game seemed ideal for one on…
In Actual Play
Participants: montag, Ron Edwards, greyorm, Alan, Bob McNamee.

3/10/2004 brainwipe: [Icar] Star Enfocer Setting
Last night was the first session of the Star Enforcer Setting. It was going to be the usual fair of character creation and a quick Case. However, many of my…
In Actual Play
Participants: brainwipe.

3/11/2004 Doyce: Software for R-Maps
By feeding PieSpy (an IRC bot used to visualize social networks) with the entire texts of Shakespeare plays, it became possible to produce drawings of the social networks present in…
In Actual Play
Participants: Doyce, GreatWolf, Paul Czege, age_of_dissent, Trevis Martin, Malechi, Christopher Weeks, Ville Takanen, Norbert G. Mataus, alexandre santos, Ron Edwards.

3/12/2004 Drifter Bob: What is this game?
I am being driven slowly mad because I can't remember the name of this game that I played a few months ago. I'm hoping y'all can identify it for me.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Drifter Bob, ethan_greer, Alan.

3/12/2004 jburneko: [The Pool/Eden Falls] Book 1, Final Chapter
So, on Tuesday, the curent Eden Falls scenario came to a conclusion. As usual I offered up the option to either keep playing with these characters in this setting with…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Andrew Norris.

3/12/2004 Kitsune: The dreaded first game...
I'm looking down the barrel of the first session of the first game I've run in years. I've never had a hugely successful GMing session before, primarily because I tend…
In Actual Play
Participants: Kitsune, brainwipe, Christopher Weeks, Alan, Itse, Dev, silburnl.

3/13/2004 inuyasha: i need help with sorcerer
Man will some1 please tell me this... i have absolutely no idea on how to use this sorcerer-online thing . The whole idea about summoning demons got me excited but…
In Actual Play
Participants: inuyasha, Ron Edwards.

3/14/2004 xiombarg: Pretender: Eat Me
Okay, I ran a one-shot of Pretender, with Dana and Ben. Dana reprised her mechancal were-dinosaur role, and Ben provided us with punk attitude. Here are the logs:…
In Actual Play
Participants: xiombarg.

3/14/2004 Geoff Wilkerson: My Grand Attempt at GMing- need help!
Greetings friends. I am in the process of creating background and plot for a campaign that will be played 6-7 months from now. I'm playing with a group of close…
In Actual Play
Participants: Geoff Wilkerson, Trevis Martin, komradebob, Paul Czege, aplath.

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