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In Actual Play

9/7/2004 ffilz: Crisis of faith in what I'm doing to prep for my campaign
So after spending a long weekend preparing for my Fudge Tekumel campaign, I've having a crisis of faith. I'm feeling like I'm doing the wrong thing. I'm not even sure…
In Actual Play
Participants: ffilz, Alan, jdagna.

9/7/2004 Michael S. Miller: [DitV] Sins of BoxElder Canyon
It was Labor Day, and a gamer friend of ours had come over for the afternoon. We were discussing the merits of Puerto RIco versus Cities & Knights of Catan…
In Actual Play
Participants: Michael S. Miller, inthisstyle, lumpley, Paka, Emily Care.

9/7/2004 TonyLB: [Amber] The Trap of Self-Sufficiency
The ongoing, possibly-doomed, experiment in Amber Narrativism continues! When last we joined our persistent playing group, they had finally sidestepped the tangled ways in which the game mechanic itself undercuts…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyLB, inthisstyle, Vaxalon, Blankshield, Grover, Marco, Ron Edwards, Lisa Padol, jdagna.

9/7/2004 sirogit: What have you done with incoherent games?
Its a fairly common claim to say that incoherent games are popular because of their incoherency, that it allows the game to be whatever the players of it desire. I…
In Actual Play
Participants: sirogit, Mark D. Eddy, Frank T, Marco, Ron Edwards, contracycle.

9/4/2004 Marco: [JAGS] After The War
A GM I like came down for the weekend and we agreed to run a two or three day game using most of the available time (dawn-through-dusk).Here are the results:…
In Actual Play
Participants: Marco, JamesSterrett, Tobias, Ron Edwards, AlHazred.

9/3/2004 Lee Short: The Reformation in Surt
Thinking about The Azeel Campaign and some others like it that I've run, brought to mind the following campaign. I picked this example because I can very vividly remember…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lee Short, Ron Edwards, DannyK, John Kim.

9/3/2004 Bob Goat: [Conspiracy of Shadows] Liars, Swords & Money: Part 2 (L
Hey, So with GenCon and RPG burnout because of it, we finally got around to playing Part 2 of Liars, Swords & Money. It was all about choices and how…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bob Goat, Ron Edwards.

9/3/2004 Dr. Velocity: My 21 Hour D&D Session Summary
If this is in the wrong place, I apologize, but it is an actual play summary. Aug 31, 2004 "Tabletop" Role-Playing Games. Yes, some of my friends actually got the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Dr. Velocity, Tobias, rafial, Ron Edwards, Noon, Eric Minton.

9/3/2004 Paka: [Dogs in the Vineyard] New Gidea Above is the link to the creation of New Gidea. We talked about the game itself and I mentioned that I'd like this to be a five session game…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, hix, Christopher Weeks, bluegargantua, Manicrack, ErrathofKosh, DannyK.

9/2/2004 Paganini: [Trollbabe - Vampires] End of adventure number 1 - L1000NG
Alternatively known as "Darkbabe" and "Nightbabe." Here's the transcript from the game, formatted up in a nice readable (I hope) stream. This is the first adventure, which took us 8…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paganini, John Harper, Bob McNamee, suffusionofyellow, b_bankhead.

9/2/2004 Ron Edwards: [Burning Wheel] Bad-ass elves in action
Hello, At last! We made up characters for this over a month ago, but conventions, illnesses, and many late-summer obligations have hammered our play-schedule. As I discussed in Prepping my…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, rafial, Negilent, abzu, taepoong.

9/1/2004 Tobias: [Universalis] - Terrorists in the Caribbean
Ok, so yesterday it was take 2 for Uni for me. E, with one game under her belt, was back for more, and also present were M and NI. Interestingly,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tobias.

9/1/2004 LordSmerf: [Capes] Rough Justice - New Beginnings
So, we played Capes over IRC Monday night. You can check out Tony's most recent posts over in Game Design to see what changes he is considering after this playtest.…
In Actual Play
Participants: LordSmerf, Ron Edwards, TonyLB, b_bankhead.

9/1/2004 Nev the Deranged: Universalis - The World's Biggest Theme Park, session 1
Finally got to run/play Uni at my FLGS. Wee! Playing are myself, Shannon, and Todd, a recent graduate of the 8th grade. Tenet Phase: 1. Worlds Biggest Theme Park 2.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Nev the Deranged, Christopher Weeks, Vaxalon, Valamir.

9/1/2004 Lee Short: The Azeel Campaign
In this thread, Ron said M.J., when your "decentralized Simulationist" play does acquire theme through the decisions of the people involved, then it's Narrativist play. I've got…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lee Short, Ron Edwards, Marco, Sydney Freedberg.

8/31/2004 plosiguant: [Universalis] They Only Come out at night (part 2)
We started off a bit later than last time, but the following things happened... The whole session pretty much consisted of a single scene. We added the following tenets: We…
In Actual Play
Participants: plosiguant, Mike Holmes.

8/31/2004 Mikko Lehtinen: Playing Trollbabe and missing Kicker
Hello. I will be gamemastering Trollbabe sometime in the near future with a new group. There will be two or three other players, and I will probably be the only…
In Actual Play
Participants: Mikko Lehtinen, Ron Edwards.

8/30/2004 TheLHF: Writing the end game. Or: How do you write a good ending?
I've been struggling for a bit now with question for writing a good end for games I GM. If you're playing a clasic dungeon crawl, do you end the game…
In Actual Play
Participants: TheLHF, Paka, jdagna, DannyK, Jasper, S'mon, Negilent, StalkingBlue, Bob Goat.

8/30/2004 Negilent: [Burning Wheel] Breaking the Fellowship
This summer social commitents and work kept my game shedule at an all time low. Then this game happened and it was at first to painful to post, I threw…
In Actual Play
Participants: Negilent, abzu, Ron Edwards, stingray20166.

8/29/2004 LordSmerf: [D&D 3.5] Looking back and seeing yourself behind you
So, with school and work it has been more and more difficult to make time to play around my area with the regular group. I ended up looking up the…
In Actual Play
Participants: LordSmerf, Ron Edwards, Tobias, Vaxalon, ffilz, Alan, Doug Ruff, eef, Ian O'Rourke.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

9/10/2004 Dr. Velocity: Running a Forum-Based RPG
I've done this before, long ago, and asked for help from some of you helpful folks, because of a couple of problems I was having, mostly with one player who…
In Actual Play
Participants: Dr. Velocity, TonyLB, Lxndr, DannyK, greedo1379.

9/10/2004 Paka: [Sorcerer] Rocking Mu's Bed, Finale with Paula and Robert
[u][b]Out of Game[/b][/u] Getting together to make up Kickers is a nice little half-session activity that I find is best done over lunch or dinner. We're gearing up for the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, Ron Edwards.

9/10/2004 Ron Edwards: [Burning Wheel] Bat-things, Spite, love, and God
Hello, Continuing from Bad-ass elves in action, we played our second session! I was pretty well-loaded for this one, in terms of numerical prep. The bad news from…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, abzu, Paka, jrs, Bob Goat.

9/10/2004 stingray20166: [Elfs] Just a short bit
With all of the great advice Ron was giving me on this thread: I thought I at least owed an Actual Play post even though things didn’t go quite…
In Actual Play
Participants: stingray20166, Ron Edwards.

9/10/2004 Bankuei: Crescent Skies (D&D 3.5, Drift to Nar)
Hi folks, I recently ran the first of (hopefully) a continuing series of D&D 3.5 games, with some serious System Drifts to support Nar play. Without going into all the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bankuei, StalkingBlue.

9/12/2004 Jeph: "Why d20 Modern Kicks Ass" and other stories
So today I went over to Peter's to play D&D. Peter is my old time gaming buddy--since 6th grade 4 years ago we've puzzled through and played rpgs together. In…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jeph, jeffwik, hix, Aman the Rejected.

9/12/2004 Ron Edwards: [Code of Unaris] Don't miss this one
Hello, I met Gary Pratt at GenCon, and it's kind of an amusing story if you know me. Julie (jrs) and I were waiting for the doors to open at…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, GaryTP, Trevis Martin, Jonathan Walton, Ben Lehman, Noon, Christopher Weeks, TonyLB, Andy Kitkowski.

9/12/2004 LordSmerf: [Universalis] Short, sweet, and what's the point?
So Friday evening, as we were waiting for the rest of the group to show up, two of us played a game of Universalis. It was a rather interesting game…
In Actual Play
Participants: LordSmerf, Valamir, Tony Irwin, Mulciber.

9/12/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] Skater X and letting go
Had an impromptu playtest last night, which meant I had about five minutes to prepare villains and plot. Turns out not to have mattered much. Two players, Danny and Seth.…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyLB, LordSmerf, Ron Edwards, Sydney Freedberg, Bill_White.

9/12/2004 arxhon: [D&D 3.5] World's Largest Dungeon: "Gamism lite&quo
I am in a group of 4 people, including the GM, and we're playing through the World's Largest Dungeon from AEG. This isn't going to be a critique of the…
In Actual Play
Participants: arxhon, greedo1379.

9/13/2004 ffilz: How to recruit players
Well, here I am back again... A couple weeks of thought, campaign prep, and "character creation session" and I've reached the conclusion that I really don't have a gaming group.…
In Actual Play
Participants: ffilz, jdagna, Christopher Weeks, Vaxalon, mindwanders, Madeline, Ron Edwards.

9/14/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] Conversation is combat
Had another Capes session tonight, this time over IRC. I've posted an in-character transcript and an interlaced transcript with both IC and OOC comments. The experience of play itself was…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyLB, Doug Ruff, LordSmerf.

9/14/2004 Bob Goat: Two Games, One Story
Hey, My group and I are about to embark on a little experiment. We are playing one game of Conspiracy of Shadows face to face and we are about to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bob Goat, abzu, Valamir, ffilz.

9/15/2004 Paka: BW - The Sorcerer is Dead, Now What?
I'm going to run this one-shot twice, once on Friday and once again on Tuesday with two different groups and pre-made characters. Here's the concept, then the characters and then…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka.

9/16/2004 Paka: 3 BW Games in 5 Days
Agent BW517-MB108 reporting for duty. Friday night I will run a game with pre-made characters, my girlfriend, an old buddy who was manager at a gaming store I worked at…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, abzu, Thor Olavsrud, bcook1971, taepoong, rafial.

9/17/2004 Nathan P.: [Scarlet Wake] ...and Wacky Hijinks Ensued
Warning: fairly long post. This one's going to be a synopsis, with a second post for analysis. So Scarlet Wake has been…
In Actual Play
Participants: Nathan P., Ron Edwards, Ravien.

9/17/2004 ffilz: [RuneQuest] a demo session
Earlier this summer I ran a RuneQuest demo session for two of my players to give them the opportunity to weigh in on their interest. I felt this session went…
In Actual Play
Participants: ffilz, Ron Edwards.

9/18/2004 ffilz: [Fudge] why I am reluctant to be a player
Sugar and spice, I thought I'd relate a bad gaming experience also. One of my players invited our gaming group to a Fudge playtest session with here room mates. The…
In Actual Play
Participants: ffilz, clehrich, jdagna, Ron Edwards, Marco.

9/18/2004 matthijs: [Improvised game] Drug kids on the moon
Improvised game run at Arcon This is written from memory, which in my case means it’s full of great big holes and errors. Still... Gaute, Haakon and I have a…
In Actual Play
Participants: matthijs, HOT, Noon.

9/19/2004 jdagna: In search of a satisfying ending...
There's a general issue here as well as some actual play, so I'll start with the play example first. My regular group has been taking a break from Pax Draconis…
In Actual Play
Participants: jdagna, komradebob, Ron Edwards.

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