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In Actual Play

11/29/2004 timfire: [Seventh Seal] GNS Frustration
This last weekend I had a chance to demo the game The Seventh Seal by Creative Illusions at the Chicago Gaming Conclave. The game is pretty much a WOD/Whitewolf heartbreaker.…
In Actual Play
Participants: timfire, Ron Edwards, Matt Wilson, Noon.

11/29/2004 Maura Byrne: Suprise gaming with a seven-year-old
While spending the Thanksgiving holiday with my brother and his family, I found myself gaming, kind of, with my seven-year-old niece. For most of the time, my nieces and I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Maura Byrne, Vaxalon, Noon, friartuck.

11/28/2004 RobNJ: [WoD 2.0] Do I Stay (human) Or Do I Go Now?
I am trying to decide whether to "make" my players' characters into supernaturals or not. This is a World of Darkness, investigating-the-supernatural chronicle (it's called Freak Jersey), so it's quite…
In Actual Play
Participants: RobNJ, Noon, TonyLB, Blankshield, sirogit.

11/28/2004 GaryTP: Code of Unaris - Actual Play
I started a livejournal that will deal with chat-related rpg play and web communication in general. I've posted an excerpt of chat play from Code of Unaris that we had…
In Actual Play
Participants: GaryTP, TonyLB, Jonathan Walton, Trevis Martin, Vaxalon, Ron Edwards, Noon.

11/28/2004 James_Nostack: [Transhuman Alternity] Campaign Post-Mortem
I am posting this because at some point my campaign went terribly, or not-so-terribly, wrong and I'm wondering what the heck happened. We had a lot of fun but it…
In Actual Play
Participants: James_Nostack, Alan, greedo1379, b_bankhead.

11/27/2004 Clinton R. Nixon: [Sorcerer - Demon Cops] Bound and Tide
It's celebration time: a new Actual Play thread from Clinton! (I've been trying to get a solid group together for a little while now.) I'm playing Sorcerer with the Demon…
In Actual Play
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, sirogit, pfischer, Matt Wilson, Ron Edwards.

11/26/2004 Finvara: GM/ST A snafu in my plan...
Hope this is the right forum... I find I seem to have a problem in many of the sessions I run that leaves me more than a little embarrassed. I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Finvara, TonyLB, Noon, Nathan P..

11/26/2004 James_Nostack: [Alternity] Dice mechanic
This is my first post to the Forge; forgive me if I'm do anything wrong. In this thread, Ron Edwards wrote... I'm glad you mentioned Alternity - I've always wanted…
In Actual Play
Participants: James_Nostack, Ron Edwards, Precious Villain, demiurgeastaroth, Matt Wilson, johnzo.

11/24/2004 RobNJ: [WoD 2.0] Freak Jersey, Actual Play
You can see the Story Hour for my first session of this chronicle at the chronicle's website. I've been told that Story Hours are not popular to post here, so…
In Actual Play
Participants: RobNJ, TonyLB, Mike Holmes, Trevis Martin, DannyK, Paka, Sydney Freedberg.

11/24/2004 MojoMan: [Conan RPG] No Honour (prep & 1st Session)
I wanted to put up a Game prep before my game kicked off…but we know how THAT goes… SO what follows is My Game prep, then the 1st Session of…
In Actual Play
Participants: MojoMan, stingray20166, rafial, Alan.

11/23/2004 Paka: [BW] The Gift at GYGO-a-thon 1
The Gift is an odd adventure to me. Luke was kind enough to e-mail me the character sheets and some hints as to how to play it. I played it…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, Thor Olavsrud, abzu.

11/22/2004 Ron Edwards: [Metal Opera] That's with an umlaut, ja baby!
Hello, We've just concluded a three-session run of Metal Opera (umlaut goes over the O), one of the many games published by Zak Arntson a while back. I think it's…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, timfire.

11/20/2004 humis: [The Mountain Witch] Another playtest
I've been taking sporadic interest in The Mountain Witch on The Forge ever since its entry into the IGC. Now, the recent threads about the trust mechanic again sparked my…
In Actual Play
Participants: humis, timfire, Rob MacDougall.

11/19/2004 LordSmerf: [Capes] Conflict of interests
This is the second session that I've run for the local university gaming group. The first session is detailed in Breaking the rules. This session saw the introduction of…
In Actual Play
Participants: LordSmerf, TonyLB.

11/19/2004 rafial: [Star Wars D6] Mooncloud Fugitive
It seems like activity in Actual Play has been low recently, so I thought I'd chip in with a write up of our current game. It's called "Mooncloud Refugee" and…
In Actual Play
Participants: rafial, Ron Edwards, Alan, Negilent, johnzo, greedo1379.

11/18/2004 inthisstyle: [Mortal Coil] A Better Playtest Session
I have made a habit of posting a lot of horror stories here, so I thought it would be nice to post an actual play breakdown that worked well. The…
In Actual Play
Participants: inthisstyle.

11/17/2004 Technocrat13: [DitV] Re-approaching Clement's Patch
So, now that I've managed to twist some arms and get my core group to try a little Dogs, they're hooked, and my once indefinately delayed Town, Clement's Patch is…
In Actual Play
Participants: Technocrat13.

11/17/2004 RobNJ: [WoD 2.0] Freak Jersey: An attempt at open session design
This is relating to my Freak Jersey chronicle, set in the new World of Darkness game. Ordinarily when I plan out sessions I write up what I expect to happen…
In Actual Play
Participants: RobNJ, Trevis Martin, Paka, Ron Edwards.

11/17/2004 RobNJ: [WoD 2.0] Why the Supernatural? Why Now?
So, the characters in my Freak Jersey series have been investigating the paranormal for several years. I've decided to open the story by having them come up with Kickers, events…
In Actual Play
Participants: RobNJ, greedo1379, Trevis Martin, contracycle, clehrich, Jaik, Technocrat13, DannyK, Sydney Freedberg, Lisa Padol, Rob Carriere, Ron Edwards, Monosodium Glutamate.

11/16/2004 Technocrat13: [DitV] Shifting gears makes for a bumpy ride.
After weeks of persistant arm-twisting, I finally managed to get two players to join me in a test drive of Dogs in the Vineyard, and I think it's had a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Technocrat13, ScottM, lumpley, urbanpagan, rafial.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

11/29/2004 Matt Snyder: Playing tabletop games online
I'm interested in online play, including play-by-post, play-by-email, IRC, and other methods (I'm keen on hearing other methods! Blogs? WiKis? Etc.). I've done very short-lived bouts of online play, but…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Snyder, GaryTP, David Laurence, James_Nostack, greedo1379, immlass, Trevis Martin, timfire, ffilz, Noon, Rob Carriere, alexandria2000, Adam Dray.

11/30/2004 timfire: [Mountain Witch] Demo'ing for never-before RPG'ers
This last wekend I twice had the chance of demo'ing The Mountain Witch for never-before role-players. The first time was with my Father. I needed to practice my demo, so…
In Actual Play
Participants: timfire, Jasper.

11/30/2004 RobNJ: [WoD 2.0] Freak Jersey, session 2 planning notes
Okay, some notes about this. First, this is my Freak Jersey chronicle and you can view a story hour of the last session if you wish at the chronicle website.…
In Actual Play
Participants: RobNJ.

12/2/2004 John Kim: Stats for Fall 2004 Profiling
So following what I did for prior years, I collected stats for the recent Fall 2004 profiling thread. You can see the results here: And you can compare to…
In Actual Play
Participants: John Kim, abzu, Fabrice G., humis, Negilent, Michael S. Miller, Chris Goodwin, Ron Edwards, Matt Wilson.

12/2/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] The Serial Aesthetic
We ran our third session of face to face Capes playtest last night. Former sessions are recorded here. By previous agreement, we had decided to only run three sessions. And…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyLB, Sydney Freedberg, Doug Ruff.

12/3/2004 Sean: [Empire of the Petal Throne] The Dungeons of Jakalla
So at UCon this year, Victor Raymond, a player in M.A.R. Barker’s Thursday Night Group and the author of a nice essay on the early history of RPGs I posted…
In Actual Play
Participants: Sean, ethan_greer, Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder, epweissengruber, Paul Czege, Walt Freitag, Bankuei, Noon.

12/4/2004 sirogit: Ran Metal Opera on Friday...
My regular friday game(TROS) wasn't happening so I ran this one-shot of Metal Opera with the people that showed up and it was a blast. Special note: I barely remembered…
In Actual Play
Participants: sirogit, Ron Edwards.

12/6/2004 bcook1971: [Burning Wheel] One-shot: the Pillage of Jasop
I ran a BW one-shot for my roleplayers meetup group tonight. It went very smoothly and was a lot of fun. I've been doing fairly intensive prep for the last…
In Actual Play
Participants: bcook1971.

12/6/2004 abzu: [Burning Wheel] Must. Kill. Wizard.
Our current Burning Wheel game involves the player characters once again hunting and killing an NPC wizard. The current story/situation was instigated by two players, Chris and Danny, based on…
In Actual Play
Participants: abzu, bcook1971, BirdMan, Valamir, taepoong, drozdal, friartuck, Negilent, Thor Olavsrud, TonyLB.

12/6/2004 John Kim: Buffy and the Perils of Scene Framing
OK, so a bit of a report on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG campaign that I've been playing in. There is a campaign website at There is plenty…
In Actual Play
Participants: John Kim, Noon.

12/8/2004 Frank T: [PtA] Veritas Mundi - Spirits and Black Leather Coats
Today I feel like lining in with the other PtA fans, boasting a bit about our great show. Maybe Caynreth and Nicolas (and Marcel?) want to join me. This game…
In Actual Play
Participants: Frank T, Matt Wilson, ScottM, Nicolas Crost, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, xenopulse, Ian O'Rourke, Nev the Deranged.

12/10/2004 taepoong: [Burning Wheel] Corso Conclusion
So, last night we finished up what was supposed to be a short, 6-session campaign. Let's just say that we began this way back in late summer! Lots of sickness,…
In Actual Play
Participants: taepoong, Thor Olavsrud, Monosodium Glutamate.

12/11/2004 hix: InSpectres Wellington: Heavy Caseload
I was really looking forward to running InSpectres … but nervous too. This was our group’s third experience running a system encouraging Director Stance: Universalis, Metal Opera, and…
In Actual Play
Participants: hix, Eero Tuovinen.

12/12/2004 jasonm: [DitV] Mayhem in Little Valley
I ran the Little Valley branch yesterday for two friends and it went reasonably well. The characters were Brother Lazarus, who came from a strong, loving family and was…
In Actual Play
Participants: jasonm, lumpley.

12/12/2004 RobNJ: [WoD 2.0] Moral(ity) Quandry
First, an-intended-to-be-polite and hopefully-not-seen-as-snarky request: If you hate the World of Darkness's Morality system, I would rather this not turn into a thread railing against that. Suggested ways to manage…
In Actual Play
Participants: RobNJ, Ian Charvill, TonyLB, sirogit, mindwanders, Eero Tuovinen, Noon, Grover, John Kim, Trevis Martin, DaGreatJL, daMoose_Neo, Marco.

12/13/2004 abzu: [BW] Must. Kill. Wizard. Part 2
So we played the next session of this arc. This session was a bit belabored by the exigencies of our group and their play style. First, we had one…
In Actual Play
Participants: abzu, Negilent, taepoong, rafial.

12/13/2004 jc_madden: [D20 FR] An adventure idea.
Not sure if this is really the place to post this so if it's not Dev's please move it or delete it as appropriate. I play in a weekly forgotten…
In Actual Play
Participants: jc_madden, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Grover, Noon.

12/14/2004 Lisa Padol: Planning Tips Discovered In Play
1. If it's not a big deal, don't draw it out. I figured out this one while writing up a session from some time ago. There was an interrogation that…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol, Stigg.

12/15/2004 Paka: [Burning Wheel] One-shot with ole gaming buddies
I ran a BW game with two friends who have been doing nothing but d20 gaming recently. I can't count the number of times one of them said, "Thanks, Judd,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, bcook1971, abzu, Stigg, taepoong.

12/16/2004 Doyce: [Heroquest] Getting ready to run Well of Souls, prep/PCs
Okay, as most of the poor folks reading the Heroquest board know, I'm getting ready to run Well of Souls. * This will be my second time GMing Heroquest. *…
In Actual Play
Participants: Doyce, ScottM.

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