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In Actual Play

1/28/2005 Jonathan Walton: [Anotherkind] Children of the Corn
So we were hanging around IRC and Paganini wanted to play something, Josh was game, and I volunteered to GM. We settled on Otherkind, specifically just the dice mechanic, which…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jonathan Walton, Piers Brown.

1/27/2005 daMoose_Neo: [Imp Game] Pimps, Sean Connery and New RPer!
Time for yet another crazy evening of the Imp Game! Its been a while since I've had the chance to actually sit down and play, so I was thrilled to…
In Actual Play
Participants: daMoose_Neo.

1/26/2005 Bailywolf: [M&M + Noir] The Aeon Detective Agency
I'm running a M&M game set in the mean streets of Freedom City in 1929, and trying out some homebrew rules inspired by several of my favorite indie games. I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bailywolf, Dantai, Peter Nordstrand, Eero Tuovinen, James_Nostack.

1/25/2005 Jake Norwood: [Haven: COV] Jake's first game in a LONG time
For those of you that remember me, hi. For the rest of you, Hi. Last night we ran a self-contained scenario for L. Porter's game Haven: City of Violence; A…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jake Norwood, Ron Edwards, Noon, Sydney Freedberg, ffilz, Valamir.

1/24/2005 Peter Nordstrand: [HeroQuest]A Hero's Dilemma: Prep and chargen
[list]"How can this be healed?" asked Orlanth. "It cannot be," Chalana said. "This is a grief without limits. There can be no balancing in this, only sorrow."[/list:u]Here follows a brief…
In Actual Play
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, Bankuei, cappadocius, Mike Holmes, newsalor, Different Games.

1/24/2005 hix: Sorceror freaked us out …
This was our group’s first time with Sorceror. Using a setting I’ve been keen on trying for a while (Who Framed Roger Rabbit meets L.A. Confidential) we agreed to play…
In Actual Play
Participants: hix, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, jburneko, TonyLB, petrova, GB Steve, Michael S. Miller.

1/22/2005 ejh: [FastLane] Cyberpunks Of The Carribean
Fastlane actual play: People agreed on Cyberpunk as a genre. In order to get some kind of unity we tried to think of some geographical location we could play besides…
In Actual Play
Participants: ejh, Miskatonic, Dev.

1/20/2005 Ron Edwards: [Nine Worlds] Pop-Greek sci-fantasy, plus murder and sex
Hello, The holidays did a great axe-job on our role-playing routine. However, over the last month or two, we've managed to get in four sessions of Nine Worlds, and it's…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Jason L Blair, Mike Holmes, Maura Byrne, Eero Tuovinen, Matt Snyder, jrs, joshua neff, Paka, Roger.

1/20/2005 jburneko: [Elfs] RavenElfs First Session
Hello, So last night my group played our first session of Elfs. As a scenario I'm using an Elfified version of the original I6 Ravenloft module. First of all, I'm…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, ADGBoss, greyorm, Ron Edwards.

1/20/2005 Miskatonic: [Dunjon] Getting serious?
So I ran my first game of Donjon today for the "Indie Minnesota" gang. The stated shared goal was to try to run a serious game, as opposed to the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Miskatonic, Grover, Christopher Weeks, anonymouse, Mike Holmes.

1/20/2005 Yokiboy: [PTA] Seekers
This is just a quick note to say that I got to play Primetime Adventures tonight. I will have to write up more of the actual series tomorrow, it's the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Yokiboy, Matt Wilson, Ron Edwards.

1/19/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: [DitV] Whores and flapjacks
My group just ran a second session of Dogs in the Vineyard, continued from Wisdom's Ghost. This game is tight, Vincent. It works as promised in great ways. I decided…
In Actual Play
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, lumpley, greedo1379, Wolfen.

1/18/2005 hix: [MLwM] My Life with Goldfinger
Inspired by Evil Genius, Gino wanted to run for a game where we were all of the henchmen of a super-villain. Someone, not me, suggested My Life with Master. Great,…
In Actual Play
Participants: hix, Yokiboy, petrova, Paul Czege.

1/17/2005 Doyce: [Heroquest] Xian Quan, the Well of Souls, session 1
[Game Account from a player's point of view, with parentheical notes by me as to who's who from the original Well of Souls.] (15 Jan 2005) It is the afternoon…
In Actual Play
Participants: Doyce, Bankuei, Christopher Kubasik, Mike Holmes.

1/17/2005 bcook1971: [Universalis] Meetup Group One-shot
Well, we did it. I can't believe I finally got my feet wet in Universalis. Logistics Five people showed up to the event. We played at a tea shop in…
In Actual Play
Participants: bcook1971, Valamir, Tony Irwin.

1/15/2005 Jason Petrasko: [The Tomb] Questions in the place of Keys
I've been on a quest for a system that fits a particular setting for many a moon. This is one incident on that journey I thought people might be interested…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jason Petrasko.

1/13/2005 taepoong: [Burning Wheel] Scripts in Action!
One of the most difficult things many Burners have to learn to accept is the Scripted Combat mechanic. It's definitely the hardest sell for the game. Since we've been having…
In Actual Play
Participants: taepoong.

1/13/2005 Dantai: What's wrong with our group?
Well other than the usual sexual schisms. Our role-play group has been utterly crap over the last few years - we just can't seem to find any game that everyone…
In Actual Play
Participants: Dantai, matthijs, Mike Holmes, greedo1379, Bryan_T, ADGBoss, Ron Edwards, Scripty.

1/13/2005 kaikatsu: Advancement, Dungon Ecology,
First of all, it goes without saying if you need characters to advance quickly, there is no reason not to hand out more XP and treasure. I regularly hand out…
In Actual Play
Participants: kaikatsu, Ron Edwards, cappadocius.

1/12/2005 Vaxalon: [PTA in IRC] Sky Prophets
Last night, in IRC, we started putting together an IRC game. After throwing a bunch of ideas around, we settled into a groove and started getting creative. I learned this…
In Actual Play
Participants: Vaxalon, John Harper, ivan23, Matt Wilson, anonymouse, Nathan P., LordSmerf.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

1/29/2005 castiglione: Oops...
Hi - I didn't realize how old that thread was...I was just browsing through the forum (blindly clicking NEXT) late at night and that thread caught my eye. The wargamer…
In Actual Play
Participants: castiglione.

1/29/2005 Overdrive: [DitV] Town of New Hope cleared
Hei all, Because of the lack of recent Dogs posts, I decided to write about today's session. It was my/our first attempt at DitV, so there were some bumps, but…
In Actual Play
Participants: Overdrive, Tim Alexander, lumpley, Wolfen.

1/30/2005 Artanis: [CoC] 2 GM, 7 players
Hello everyone! This is my first venture into the AP forum and I'm going to discuss an aspect I found really neat in our last CoC session. I'm wondering how…
In Actual Play
Participants: Artanis, clehrich, ffilz, GB Steve.

1/30/2005 Nathan P.: [Timestream] Sweet, Sweet Actual Play
Finally, at long last, I pulled a group together to play Timestream. Brief overview, its a story (standard meaning)-oriented take on time travel, low on paradox and high on player/GM…
In Actual Play
Participants: Nathan P., bcook1971.

1/30/2005 clehrich: [CoC] Ruminations on Fear
Quite a number of years ago, I ran a brief CoC campaign. It never finished up, I forget why, but one session sticks clearly in my head. It raises some…
In Actual Play
Participants: clehrich, Silmenume, bcook1971, inky, Artanis, Marco, GB Steve.

1/31/2005 ffilz: [Cold Iron] Another Tekumel session
We had our third session yesterday. Having been reminded that an event writeup isn't as useful as comments on the actual play, I'll try and deal more with actual play…
In Actual Play
Participants: ffilz, Tim Alexander, Sean, Ron Edwards, Valamir, drozdal.

1/31/2005 lumpley: 10 Dogs, 6 Ronin and Assorted Bombastic Aristos
Roleplaying is like sex, y'know? And I'm a hanging out getting to know each other, not on the first date kind of guy. So, yes, a gaming con, but I'm…
In Actual Play
Participants: lumpley, Paka, Eric Minton, RobNJ, nikola, Bob Goat, gains, timfire, Jared A. Sorensen, Clinton R. Nixon, TonyLB, Bankuei, Ron Edwards, Andrew Morris.

2/1/2005 Wolfen: [DitV] The Township of Canton
Finally, after a motorcycle accident and a National Guard Drill weekend are done delaying, we got around to our Post-Apoc Dogs in the Vineyard game. PC recap: Brother Thaddeus "Dove"…
In Actual Play
Participants: Wolfen, Tim Alexander, TonyLB, lumpley, Ron Edwards, Piers Brown, Lxndr, Roger Eberhart, Simon Kamber, zach20.

2/1/2005 Andrew Morris: [InSpectres] Game session at Dreamation 2005
Well, I've just started recovering from Dreamation 2005, so I thought I'd write up some actual play posts about the games I played there, starting with InSpectres. We had four…
In Actual Play
Participants: Andrew Morris, Ron Edwards, Michael S. Miller, Shawn De Arment.

2/1/2005 Michael S. Miller: [MLwM] The Destroyer of Dreams
I ran MLwM in a midnight game at Dreamation. I didn't keep close track of the scenes, but there are bits that stand out in memory. The Bad: I screwed…
In Actual Play
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Bob Goat, TonyLB, Andrew Morris, Paka, RobNJ, Paul Czege, nikola.

2/1/2005 Doyce: [Heroquest] Xian Quan, the Well of Souls, 2
Another session of the Ancient China version of Well of Souls. The wiki-pages on the whole thing are here: Heroquest.XianQuan Eliang goes to sleep for the evening, exhausted from…
In Actual Play
Participants: Doyce.

2/1/2005 timfire: [Conspiracy of Shadows] Frozen Hell
Here goes another Dreamation Actual Play report. I got to play Conspiracy of Shadows with my road-trip buddy and author of the game, Keith Senkowski (aka Bob Goat). The demo…
In Actual Play
Participants: timfire, Bob Goat, gains, Ron Edwards.

2/2/2005 erik buchanan: Capes
This is my first post, so please excuse any deviations from protocall. I'm not even sure if I can do a spell check on this forum, so hang on. I…
In Actual Play
Participants: erik buchanan, TonyLB, Doug Ruff.

2/2/2005 TonyLB: [Universalis] Furry Sixties
So Dreamation was winding down, and Michael gathered us all around for a game of Universalis. I wish I could remember everyone's name, but I can't. Here's where we went:…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyLB, CPXB, Michael S. Miller, Shawn De Arment, Valamir, Tony Irwin.

2/2/2005 Svend: [InSpectres] Operation Icebox
I was asked to bring along a game to run at a recent local RPG-con (Kapcon 14), just in case they had a few slots they needed to fill. Five…
In Actual Play
Participants: Svend, clehrich, hix, Jared A. Sorensen, Yokiboy.

2/3/2005 Tim Alexander: Preparing for, and posting to, Actual Play
Hey Folks, There are near constant references to how posting to Actual Play gives context to pretty much all the other theory stuff that goes on at the Forge. I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tim Alexander, Bankuei, Mark Woodhouse, Ron Edwards, clehrich, Frank T.

2/3/2005 Yokiboy: A Reflection - Simulationist Turns into a Narrativist
Hello, We met up last night to create characters for The Riddle of Steel. I asked the players what type of character concepts intrigued them and thought we could jazz…
In Actual Play
Participants: Yokiboy, Ron Edwards.

2/4/2005 Michael S. Miller: [Discernment] A word from the Scholar Emeritus
(Note: I started this write-up before the new guidelines. I hope my Monday-morning-quarterbacking at the bottom will meet the criteria of "a point.") I also got to play Discernment at…
In Actual Play
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Andrew Morris.

2/4/2005 LordSmerf: The wonder of indecision
Last night in Mike Holmes's IRC HeroQuest game I had one of the coolest experiences I've ever had in role playing: Mike presented me with a Bang, and I was…
In Actual Play
Participants: LordSmerf, xenopulse, James_Nostack, Sydney Freedberg, Wolfen, Roger Eberhart, TonyLB, matthijs.

2/6/2005 Paka: The After-School Program: What Happened? Cats & Githyank
In the end the kids who got together and played their own version of D&D never came and gamed with me when I announced that my project was a role-playing…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, Vaxalon, Noon.

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