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In Actual Play

2/20/2005 James_Nostack: [Alternity] Conflict Resolution saved my game!
My campaign was dying a slow, slow death... until Conflict Resolution brought it back to life! Hallelujah! Examples to follow, when I have time. My campaign has mostly been a…
In Actual Play
Participants: James_Nostack, TonyLB, Jasper, Noon, Scripty.

2/19/2005 StalkingBlue: [Midnight HeroQuest] A Dornish Crown 3
This was our third session since we converted our ongoing campaign from D&D to HeroQuest. (The first and second sessions of this scenario were solos for Lucy.) Both Lucy…
In Actual Play
Participants: StalkingBlue, randomling, Ian Cooper, Mike Holmes, Bankuei.

2/18/2005 Tim Alexander: [Sorcerer] Ordinary Tragedies, flashpoint play
Hey Folks, We played another session of our ongoing Sorcerer game last night, and I made a lot of effort to try and use Ron's "flashpoint" technique during play. I've…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tim Alexander, Peter Nordstrand.

2/18/2005 Andy Kitkowski: Andy's TSOY game experience
While we're doing the rolling narrative of TSOY experiences, mind if I jump in and lay out what happened at my session last night? PREAMBLE: It was VERY quick. Essentially…
In Actual Play
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Matt Wilson, Bob Goat, Bankuei, James_Nostack.

2/18/2005 Negilent: [HQ:SW] Moments and Delusions of Grandeur.
As a part of my mental prep for tonights HQ:SW Game: Broken Silence, and spurred on by the Lightsaber thread in the HQ forum, I figured I was going to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Negilent, Ron Edwards.

2/18/2005 coxcomb: [Capes!] The first session
So my first try of Capes! took place on Tuesday. It was me and three other players: * Lyle, who has many years of roleplaying experience under his belt *…
In Actual Play
Participants: coxcomb, TonyLB, Miskatonic.

2/17/2005 Victor Gijsbers: [Great Ork Gods] Bloody wedding
As our previous Sorcerer game had ended and we were still waiting for Universalis to arrive, my regular gaming group decided to try a game of Great Ork Gods to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Victor Gijsbers, Jack Aidley, Ron Edwards.

2/17/2005 matthijs: [Draug] Three posts in one
Chris' recent post about applied Bricolage got me thinking about a few things, one of which is a not-so-recent episode in my Draug campaign. And then, when I started thinking,…
In Actual Play
Participants: matthijs.

2/16/2005 Noon: [D&D w/circumstance mod] Icecream Hotdog
This was a pleasant dungeon excursion with my five yo, no set GM role. I've run a few games with him before (about eight or so), so this isn't an…
In Actual Play
Participants: Noon.

2/16/2005 ptevis: Is this Forcing?
Last night was the end of my group's Nobilis game, and while it ended the way I wanted, I'm not entirely sure if I'm happy with how it got there.…
In Actual Play
Participants: ptevis, Ron Edwards, Noon, Marco, Wolfen, Paul Czege, Ian Charvill, ADGBoss, Bankuei, Madeline.

2/16/2005 Matt Wilson: Preparing for TSOY
I'm part of a group that's pretty much limited to D&D, like nothing but D&D for all eternity. Except maybe once they played Deadlands. I gave them all a copy…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Wilson, Clinton R. Nixon, Bob Goat, Andy Kitkowski, James_Nostack.

2/16/2005 Eero Tuovinen: [Heroquest] Well of Souls in China, part the second
So, my game of Heroquest continues. Been a couple of sessions since I last wrote about it. The game is going wonderfully well: the lethargy of the first sessions has…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, Bankuei, Paul T.

2/16/2005 ffilz: [Cold Iron] The Roller Coaster
On Saturday we had our fourth session of Cold Iron (see First session of Tekumel campaign and Another Tekumel session for the previous writeups). The more I play this campaign,…
In Actual Play
Participants: ffilz, Ron Edwards, Valamir.

2/16/2005 zach20: [Dogs in The Vineyard] New Newriver Ravens tale part 1
Aw hell, I will at least do a something here, and Lance I am not doing the whole thing but just what I remember and from Ravens point of view.…
In Actual Play
Participants: zach20, Ron Edwards, Wolfen, Tim Alexander, lumpley, Vaxalon, TonyLB, xenopulse, Lxndr.

2/15/2005 TonyLB: [NASTW] Proto-roleplay
I do errands with my young children (oldest just turned four). So when I went to discover my friendly-local-gaming-store today, I had kids in tow. And when I was ready…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyLB, lumpley.

2/15/2005 inthisstyle: The Winter of My Discontent
I have come to a realization. I am an annoying and demanding player. I get bored easily, and when bored I wander off, ignore the game, or engage in destructive…
In Actual Play
Participants: inthisstyle, TonyLB, Wolfen, Matt Snyder, Noon, Bankuei, John Burdick, Ben Lehman, Gaerik.

2/15/2005 Zak Arntson: [Sorcerer] The Seas of Cimmeria
I'm finally getting off my ass and writing this thing up (this session happened over a month ago). I played Sorcerer! My brothers and a high-school buddy were all back…
In Actual Play
Participants: Zak Arntson, Clinton R. Nixon, Bob Goat, Ron Edwards, Sean, Paka, Ben Morgan.

2/15/2005 Ron Edwards: [Nine Worlds] Slow and careful rules and examples
Hello, This is the first of three basic topics which, I think, illuminate Nine Worlds play in general as well as highlight a serious structural and procedural problem with the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder, Eero Tuovinen, jrs.

2/15/2005 Lee Short: [SitF] Second Session in St Paul
The game did not have an auspicious beginning. I hadn't slept well, Aaron had to beg off at the last minute because he had a sick baby, and the player…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lee Short, Clinton R. Nixon, Silmenume, clehrich.

2/14/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: [The Mountain Witch] Standing on Giants
Long ago, in a magical place called Seattle, I ran a weekly one-shot that got so popular that tens of people would come and lots of us would run one-shots…
In Actual Play
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, Bob Goat, timfire.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

2/21/2005 Gaerik: [D&D 3.5] Scene framing goodness
My group and I have been playing a D&D 3.5 campaign for the last several months and have been enjoying ourselves. The group is pretty Gamist by and large and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Gaerik, Ron Edwards, James_Nostack, TonyLB, ADGBoss, Noon, Valamir, StalkingBlue.

2/21/2005 jporrett: [Prime Time Adventures] Unseen
Last Friday I ran the pilot episode of my PTA game. The show is called Unseen, and if you want to read the long and tiring write up I did…
In Actual Play
Participants: jporrett, Frank T, Emily Care.

2/22/2005 James_Nostack: [Paladin Xe] Masonic Snipers
(this is crossposted from the Indie Netgaming Yahoo Group) We're going with a secret order of Gnostic heretics operating under the shadow of the Church and the Monarchy during the…
In Actual Play
Participants: James_Nostack, Joshua Tompkins, Roger, LordSmerf, Bob McNamee.

2/22/2005 Stickman: [Capes] Angels and Demons
So after frothing at the mouth about Capes for the last month or so, I ran our first session at the weekend. We had five players, all with a lot…
In Actual Play
Participants: Stickman, Jack Aidley, TonyLB.

2/22/2005 Bret Gillan: [Capes] Metahuman Detectives
The night before last I got together two other players to try out Capes so I could give it a test run and see if I wanted to run it…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bret Gillan, Andrew Morris, TonyLB, Stickman.

2/22/2005 StalkingBlue: One turtle puzzle solved
About half a year ago I posted in this thread asking for advice regarding a player who was causing some grief in our group by playing turtle. Much interesting advice…
In Actual Play
Participants: StalkingBlue, Ron Edwards, Frank T, Noon.

2/23/2005 HOT: [Universalis] - HolmCon Game 2
(The traits, actions and whatnot of this game are in bold.) Place: Matthijs' spacious mansion in Holmestrand. Time: 2nd day of HolmCon: February 19th 2005 23:05 Frame: After a day…
In Actual Play
Participants: HOT, Mike Holmes.

2/23/2005 Shael Riley: [WOD 3.0] Borrowing Techniques from Sorceror
Just about the best tabletop game I've ever played was a two-session campaign of Sorceror over this past summer. It worked amazingly well for our group for many, many reasons…
In Actual Play
Participants: Shael Riley, Mike Holmes.

2/23/2005 Dev: Report: Firefly LARP / Active Karma
[i]See also: [url=]Active Karma system[/url], [url=]Firefly LARP concepts[/url][/i] So, the Firefly LARP went well enough (and if you google for [url=]"firefly larp"[/url], my game comes up!). The problematic stuff going…
In Actual Play
Participants: Dev, Andrew Morris.

2/24/2005 Jack Aidley: [Snowball(ish)] Nope, no heroes here.
A few weeks back, in another break from the theoretically on-going campaign I've been running I pursuaded Dave to run a short one-off (we had been going to play Capes,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jack Aidley, Mike Holmes.

2/24/2005 lumpley: Primetime Adventures: Epidemonology ep2
Here's the pilot episode's thread: Primetime Adventures: Epidemonology. The pilot episode was (retroactively) called "Hello, Hell." Somehow I didn't manage to post about episode 1. I have half a writeup…
In Actual Play
Participants: lumpley, Ben Lehman, Emily Care, Matt Wilson, contracycle, Danny_K.

2/24/2005 Tymen: As Above, So Below Playtest
I ran my As Above, So Below play-test with Adam, James and Suzanne. (I will post those later, under Indie Game Design. First we chatted for a bit and then…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tymen.

2/25/2005 Silmenume: [Middle Earth - home brew] - last week.
Hey Everyone, This is only my second foray into the Actual Play forum. Once again I am faced with the issue of how to proceed. I have read the sticky…
In Actual Play
Participants: Silmenume, Andrew Norris.

2/25/2005 Tobias: [schrodingers war] - playtest Prep
Sydney, Andrew and I are prepping a SW playtest. It's not completely done yet, but we're likely to arrive at the following Prep results (I will not be on for…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tobias.

2/25/2005 coxcomb: [Capes!] Artifact of power
Our first session is written up here. This time, Lyle was out sick. Mike started off the session with a scene in the offices of Archer Robotics (the creators of…
In Actual Play
Participants: coxcomb, TonyLB.

2/26/2005 Paka: [DitV] Jericho Flats (Swamp Crew)
"My character is thinking...thinking about how in some dark places there doesn't seem to be a god at all and in those places HE must be god. That is what…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, Latigo.

2/26/2005 JMendes: [Sorcerer] First time woes
Ahey, :) So, I finally got a chance to try out Sorcerer last night. Not long ago, I met a guy who is big on Indie games and has some…
In Actual Play
Participants: JMendes, Valamir, Danny_K, Bankuei, ricmadeira, joshua neff, Ron Edwards, Paka.

2/27/2005 Victor Gijsbers: [Otherkind] A tale of two sessions (one bad, one good)
I played my second sessions of Otherkind last thursday; the first session was the friday before; rules talk, setting design and character creation the week before that. The first did…
In Actual Play
Participants: Victor Gijsbers, lumpley, Valamir.

2/28/2005 Stigg: [Burning Wheel] Learned Opinions
Greetings all, I am formulating a steampunk campaign and I would like to use the Burning Wheel system for it. In your humble opinions, is this a wise idea? Are…
In Actual Play
Participants: Stigg, Ron Edwards.

2/28/2005 ejh: [DitV] The Steward of Respite
Posted at a little gaming blog Joe and I have put together, here's my impressions of my first game of Dogs: I played Dogs in the Vineyard Friday…
In Actual Play
Participants: ejh, lumpley, Valamir.

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