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In Actual Play

3/4/2005 Grover: Capes - More Scenes and Characters
We had our second game last Sunday - here's the conflicts from it. Here is the previous post Scenes and Characters Scene 1 - Hospital - people are stricken by…
In Actual Play
Participants: Grover, Christopher Weeks, TonyLB, Miskatonic.

3/4/2005 Matt Wilson: [TSOY] session 2 - trouble in Maldor
Tonight we played the second session of the TSOY game. They're starting to get the hang of the system, and there was a cool flurry of gift-dice giving near the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Wilson, Bankuei.

3/3/2005 Noon: [PS2: Mercenaries] Choice
Okay, this isn't a roleplay session log, but I recorded it because it so much reflects early, fun gamist RP I did with friends, which seems to have slipped away…
In Actual Play
Participants: Noon.

3/3/2005 John Burdick: Space alien in D&D
From Incoherence But if you've ever faced a strongly Gamist-oriented player or GM, and suddenly had that "he's a space alien" feeling, you'll know what I'm talking about. The…
In Actual Play
Participants: John Burdick, Ron Edwards, Bob Goat, JSDiamond, Miskatonic, inthisstyle, ADGBoss.

3/3/2005 Ron Edwards: [Nine Worlds] High-level play kicks into gear
Hello, So, in the last session, we had our first major god appearance and conflict, barring Athena in the first session. As of the end of the next-to-last session and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, Matt Snyder, jrs, Thor Olavsrud.

3/3/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: [DitV] Miscegenation and female Stewards
[b]Note:[/b] This post details play started in [url=]Wisdom's Ghost[/url], [url=]Whores and Flapjacks[/url], and [url=]A Chinese Ghost Story[/url]. The fourth and fifth sessions of Dogs in the Vineyard with my group…
In Actual Play
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Paka, lumpley.

3/2/2005 Eero Tuovinen: [PTA] Johnny Depp is... Jesus Christ
So, it was again the day for our weekly HQ. That game's done well, but I'll tell about that after we finish the Well of Souls scenario, probably next session.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, lumpley, Danny_K, Ron Edwards, Jason Newquist, b_bankhead, Frank T.

3/2/2005 morgue: [Paladin] Knights of Marduk
We started prepping a game of Paladin last night. There are five of us, me, Steve, Brian, David and Lucy. The four guys were all in the “Providence Summer 1961”…
In Actual Play
Participants: morgue.

3/2/2005 T'oma: Reflections on a PBeM : An Essay
(... this perhaps should have been posted in Theory: you be the Judge...) The Great Experiment Has Begun: I'm in the deep-End of CyberSpace with my commitment to GM a…
In Actual Play
Participants: T'oma, lev_lafayette, immlass, nellist, Mandacaru.

3/1/2005 yellow-sign: [Puddle] Middle Earth game (split)
As a player in John's first Lord of the Rings game, I can say that this system was a heck of a thing. It wasn't really until the third of…
In Actual Play
Participants: yellow-sign, Ron Edwards.

2/28/2005 ADGBoss: MMORPG - world of Warcraft: "This is an RP Server...&am
I realise that Actual Play and indeed the Forge are 99.99999% about table top, P& RPGs. The topic of talking about CRPG in general and MMORPGs in particular has been…
In Actual Play
Participants: ADGBoss, Danny_K, Andrew Norris, Roger Eberhart, zobmie, Wolfen, Noon, Victor Gijsbers, Christopher Weeks, hyphz.

2/28/2005 xenopulse: Incoherence
This is one of those posts about an "a-ha" moment that I think people will be able to relate to, and I understand the sticky to say that those kind…
In Actual Play
Participants: xenopulse, John Burdick, eef, Vaxalon, Ron Edwards, TonyLB, Miskatonic, contracycle, NN, Noon.

2/28/2005 Negilent: [Burning Wheel] A call to Arms
It has been over a year since I began my Miranna campaign and inspired by threads here on playing Epics and so forth I began with ambitions of multiple story…
In Actual Play
Participants: Negilent, bcook1971, abzu.

2/28/2005 ejh: [DitV] The Steward of Respite
Posted at a little gaming blog Joe and I have put together, here's my impressions of my first game of Dogs: I played Dogs in the Vineyard Friday…
In Actual Play
Participants: ejh, lumpley, Valamir.

2/28/2005 Stigg: [Burning Wheel] Learned Opinions
Greetings all, I am formulating a steampunk campaign and I would like to use the Burning Wheel system for it. In your humble opinions, is this a wise idea? Are…
In Actual Play
Participants: Stigg, Ron Edwards.

2/27/2005 Victor Gijsbers: [Otherkind] A tale of two sessions (one bad, one good)
I played my second sessions of Otherkind last thursday; the first session was the friday before; rules talk, setting design and character creation the week before that. The first did…
In Actual Play
Participants: Victor Gijsbers, lumpley, Valamir.

2/26/2005 JMendes: [Sorcerer] First time woes
Ahey, :) So, I finally got a chance to try out Sorcerer last night. Not long ago, I met a guy who is big on Indie games and has some…
In Actual Play
Participants: JMendes, Valamir, Danny_K, Bankuei, ricmadeira, joshua neff, Ron Edwards, Paka.

2/26/2005 Paka: [DitV] Jericho Flats (Swamp Crew)
"My character is thinking...thinking about how in some dark places there doesn't seem to be a god at all and in those places HE must be god. That is what…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, Latigo.

2/25/2005 coxcomb: [Capes!] Artifact of power
Our first session is written up here. This time, Lyle was out sick. Mike started off the session with a scene in the offices of Archer Robotics (the creators of…
In Actual Play
Participants: coxcomb, TonyLB.

2/25/2005 Tobias: [schrodingers war] - playtest Prep
Sydney, Andrew and I are prepping a SW playtest. It's not completely done yet, but we're likely to arrive at the following Prep results (I will not be on for…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tobias.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

3/4/2005 epweissengruber: "Blood and Sand" at Toronto's Pandemonium [HeroQue
[b]Context: [/b] Saturday afternoon game slot at Toronto’s Pandemonium 23 convention. [b]Inspiration[/b]- [i]Gladiator[/i], the movie, for invoving characters in both fight scenes and intrigue - R.H Howard, for the blood…
In Actual Play
Participants: epweissengruber.

3/4/2005 Halzebier: [D&D] Clash of Gamism and Illusionism
Hi there! Despite some nice hack & slash, I found yesterday's game session in our regular D&D group quite frustrating and indicating that there's trouble ahead. *-*-* The gaming group:…
In Actual Play
Participants: Halzebier, Walt Freitag, Ron Edwards, Noon.

3/5/2005 Dantai: roleplaygroup in crisis...need help...fading...
I'm currently running my own "homebrew" Swansong game - It's a high(ish) fantasy game. I ran a game at the weekend for my out of town rpg chums - and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Dantai, TonyLB, bcook1971, Domhnall, Noon.

3/5/2005 Paka: Character Concept Brainstorm with my Girlfriend
All of my girlfriend's high school buddies gamed and she had a kind of shitty experience with D&D, being told her choices were wrong by the DM, etc. etc. I've…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, Ben Lehman, LordSmerf, Meguey, xenopulse.

3/6/2005 Trevis Martin: [DitV] Stretching Description in Conflict Resolution
I just got through doing character creation for a couple of my players. Karri and Joey are friends of mine. Karri is about 33 and Joey is 17. They were…
In Actual Play
Participants: Trevis Martin.

3/10/2005 Silmenume: [Middle Earth - home brew] - last week - Repost
(Apparently this post was lost in the hack attack, so I am reposting it. Yeah for writing and saving posts in Word! At any rate I know that one person…
In Actual Play
Participants: Silmenume, Marco, Noon, James Holloway, LordSmerf, ffilz, contracycle, Lee Short, StalkingBlue, Gordon C. Landis.

3/10/2005 bcook1971: [Burning Wheel] 2005 Late Winter Campaign: II of IV
See session I here. Transcript Orcish Envoy to the Reyan Citadel A party of orcs arrived at the Reyan Citadel, representing the invaders at Pollee, bearing a token of Etharch…
In Actual Play
Participants: bcook1971, Ingenious.

3/11/2005 Paka: [CoS] The Screaming Saint - stickin' it to the man
CoS is an interesting system. It has a wiff of TRoS SA's in its Passion and Drive (which I think should be re-named) and is obviously inspired by TRoS combat.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, Bob Goat.

3/11/2005 Matt Wilson: [TSOY] - session 3, gamist play in maldor
It's pretty clear to me after this third episode that I've got a dominant force of gamist preference at the table. The actions of the characters appear to be tripping…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Wilson, Scripty.

3/11/2005 daMoose_Neo: [Imp Game] Imps vs the Big Blue Guy
Okay, so here I was, all excited about my latest run of the Imp Game and Forge goes down! So sucky :P BUT, I can share the insanity now :D…
In Actual Play
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Tobias.

3/11/2005 coxcomb: [DitV] Character creation
My group got together last night to play Dogs in the Vineyard for the first time. We took the whole session to make characters and get them through their accomplishments,…
In Actual Play
Participants: coxcomb, ScottM, Jason Newquist, ironick, Wolfen.

3/11/2005 TonyLB: [Capes] Following the system
Chrysalis is the space-station at the end of time, from which our characters travel back into the past for our various reasons. Eric got totally on his "presenting adversity" game,…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyLB, Sydney Freedberg.

3/12/2005 xenopulse: [Legacy of Horutep] indie-informed freeform
I just finished running my first session, as GM, of my new freeform chat game set in Ancient Egypt (or rather, a more mystical and sinister Alternate Ancient Egypt). Now,…
In Actual Play
Participants: xenopulse, Ron Edwards.

3/12/2005 JMendes: [PtA] Heritage - Good fun, some problems, a call for help
Hey, all, :) So, yesterday was roleplayers meetup night here in Lisbon. We had arranged to finish up our previous session of Sorcerer afterwards, but one of the players didn't…
In Actual Play
Participants: JMendes, Chris Goodwin, ricmadeira, joshua neff.

3/13/2005 Noon: [D&D 3.0] Illusionist sim all the way through
My character is a level 9 cleric, Daniel's is level 10 rogue or so, earned all the way from level 1. Mathew, Daniels younger brother, is GM. Close friends of…
In Actual Play
Participants: Noon, bcook1971, Halzebier, StalkingBlue, John Burdick, James Holloway, Ron Edwards.

3/14/2005 beingfrank: [DitV] Playing Dogs in a Gamist Pawn stance
I’m unsure whether this will make Vincent cry or exclaim with joy. This is very long, but it's written to give an account of the interactions between the players in…
In Actual Play
Participants: beingfrank, TonyLB, immlass, Tobias, Bankuei, Ron Edwards, Simon Kamber, Harlequin, Wolfen, John Kim, matthijs, lumpley.

3/15/2005 ffilz: [Cold Iron] More Tekumel
I have some more Cold Iron play since the last post. I'm really starting to think this campaign just isn't going to fly. Our last session started late due to…
In Actual Play
Participants: ffilz, Ron Edwards, Stickman, Gaerik, JusticeZero.

3/15/2005 Christopher Weeks: [Capes] Scenes and Characters III (indie-MN)
Four members of the Indie-MN group met at our local game shop Sunday and played our third session of Capes. We've already reported on the first and second sessions. I'll…
In Actual Play
Participants: Christopher Weeks, TonyLB, Miskatonic, Grover, Shane Street, Sydney Freedberg.

3/16/2005 James_Nostack: Conflict Resolution and Conspiracies
Split from this thread about Conflict Resolution: How do you handle risk in the "free and clear" phase, when the GM would like the some of the risk to be…
In Actual Play
Participants: James_Nostack, Stickman.

3/16/2005 greyorm: Dealing with Simulationism
During our last 3E session, one of the players revealed to me that he doesn't care about XP, which is why he has not been using the TROS-based XP system…
In Actual Play
Participants: greyorm, Bankuei, John Kim, Silmenume, Ron Edwards, Marco, komradebob, apparition13, giblfiz, Kat Miller.

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