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In Actual Play

1/15/2006 Andrew Morris: [InSpectres and Capes] Two-game night: fun, but not all it could have been
I had another meeting of my semi-regular indie gaming group tonight, and we decided to play InSpectres. We whipped through three missions and still had some time left, so we…
In Actual Play
Participants: Andrew Morris, TonyLB, Miskatonic, Sydney Freedberg.

1/14/2006 pells: [Avalanche] - with prepared players
I'm currently working on a rpg project, based on content and on a way to write stories. This is an example of play with players who had been playing my…
In Actual Play
Participants: pells, Tommi Brander.

1/14/2006 lin swimmer: (octaNe) question for players
Fuck, man. I was sitting around with some friends tonight, re-watching From Dusk til Dawn, and I couldn't stop thinking to myself, "I wanna play this." I wanna play a…
In Actual Play
Participants: lin swimmer, abzu.

1/13/2006 Frank T: [Vampire] Hartwurst and Vanilla
We’ve been fumbling with a lot of GNS lately on GroFaFo. One of the issues that arose was about points of contact, the significance of “mere” exploration, and creative agenda.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Frank T, Joshua BishopRoby, Ron Edwards.

1/13/2006 Anna B: Changeling vs Vampire
I'm try to understand why I really like old World of Darkness Changeling and  rather dislike Vampire. I've only played both in Minds Eye Theater (the LARP system) and the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Anna B, HenryT, Joshua BishopRoby, Andrew Morris.

1/12/2006 Warren: A bad session and how to make dice-rolling and 'metagaming' non-evil?
Hello all, I have recently joined a group through a friend at work. I don't know any of the others socially outside of the weekly Vampire campaign I joined in…
In Actual Play
Participants: Warren, TonyLB, jasonm, Ron Edwards, jrs, daHob, coffeestain, Tommi Brander, pells, Bankuei, dindenver, John Kim, Joshua BishopRoby, Frank T, HenryT, Maitete, Noon, Everspinner, Aceris, Caldis.

1/11/2006 Artanis: AP with the veterans and theory becomes clearer
This thread is especially meant as an advice to newcomers who want to make sense of the articles and sometimes abstract talk going on in various threads. How to learn…
In Actual Play
Participants: Artanis, Ron Edwards, Frank T.

1/11/2006 Jason Leigh: [CAPES] Specify the Conflict (aka "Be specific Bob!")
So, my bi-annual gaming group and I got a chance to play Capes over the New Year's holiday. It was a qualified success. We chose to play Alias, rather than…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jason Leigh, Andrew Morris, Vaxalon, dunlaing.

1/11/2006 joepub: Developing a scenario for a 1 hour demo.
Hey! I'm running a demo of Point of Collapse for a small group tomorrow evening, and am looking for a few specific hints and pointers. (if you are unfamiliar with…
In Actual Play
Participants: joepub, dindenver, Adam Dray.

1/11/2006 Andrew Morris: [Universalis] Universalis as a tool for d20 sessions...huh?
[u][b]The Background and Overview[/u][/b] My friend Nick has been trying to get the members of his local gaming group to branch out and try some of the cool new indie…
In Actual Play
Participants: Andrew Morris, GreatWolf, Valamir, Ron Edwards, John Kim.

1/11/2006 Maitete: System Recommendations
Hello all! I'm not sure this is the right location for this post, but here goes. I have been an unconscious Narrativist gamer for many years, and have just recently…
In Actual Play
Participants: Maitete, TonyLB, droog, Ron Edwards, Arturo G., Nathan P., Supplanter, Storn.

1/11/2006 Clinton R. Nixon: Red Prophet, Black Prophet - tying game sessions to the real world
[color=red][b]Serious warning:[/b] Seriously, if you're easily upset or offended about modern-day events, especially those involving Islamic jihad and September 11, this isn't the thread for you.[/color] I've been running my…
In Actual Play
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Ben Lehman, Noon, jasonm, LeSingeSavant, TheTris, gains.

1/11/2006 TheTris: [Falling Leaves] First Playtest
Played my first game of Falling Leaves last night.  We used the rules mostly as written here The most important change made was starting with a sentence written in…
In Actual Play
Participants: TheTris, doogs19, joepub, Ben Lehman, Justin A Hamilton.

1/10/2006 pedyo: (mountain witch) questions while prepping
Y'all, I'm prepping for GM'ing my first game of The Mountain Witch and I've got a few questions that I hope those of you who've had the chance to play…
In Actual Play
Participants: pedyo, Matt, Ignotus, timfire.

1/10/2006 Ben Lehman: [Under the Bed] with Mom
I played Under the Bed with Calder and my mom.  This is an account. <b>Social Background:</b> So my mom wanted to play a role-playing game with me.  This hasn't happened…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ben Lehman, James_Nostack, Marhault, Sydney Freedberg, Justin A Hamilton, nikola, Bret Gillan, spaceanddeath.

1/9/2006 Ron Edwards: [Polaris] Effete, very cold knights and the demons who love them
Hello, We used the introductory phrases as per the rules, but when we talked about lowered lighting or candles, the group decided our ritual-opening would be a flurry of sardonic…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, GreatWolf, Emily Care, Ben Lehman, jrs, timfire, coffeestain.

1/9/2006 TonyPace: [October’s Shadows] - Reforging Characters, Dogs Derivatives, and more
[size=14pt][shadow=red,left][b]Revolutionary Politics - The Rough Guide[/b][/shadow][/size] [url=][i]October’s Shadows[/i][/url] is a November Ronnies entrant. I got a runner up award, and we began playtesting this Friday. The system is based largely…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyPace, Storn, Ron Edwards.

1/8/2006 oliof: [DitV] Clover Fields Branch
Tonite, we played Clover Field Branch in the Keepers of the Flame alternate setting. It was the second town I played with the group. The first was …
In Actual Play
Participants: oliof, Frank T.

1/7/2006 GreatWolf: [Polaris] We wrap Polaris
We did it.  After five sessions of play, we wrapped our first game of Polaris.  I admit that we cheated a bit to get there (more on this below), but…
In Actual Play
Participants: GreatWolf, Ben Lehman, Gaerik.

1/7/2006 Elliott Belser: [PTA] And A Place To Fly Her
My friends and I had a setting, but no game to play it in (though we're working on that).  So - in the meantime, we ran a pilot episode with…
In Actual Play
Participants: Elliott Belser, Anna B.

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In Actual Play

1/15/2006 Frank T: [PtA] One on one with my girlfriend
Yesterday, something wonderful happened to me. I’m just sharing it here, with no particular points beside the conclusion at the bottom of this post. I’ll have to start this story…
In Actual Play
Participants: Frank T, coffeestain, Matt Wilson, Justin Marx.

1/15/2006 Joshua BishopRoby: [FLFS] Second Playtest -- HMS Achilles
For context, first Playtest here: First Playtest -- HMS Dauntless Timeframe: 3:00 - 5:00 First Session      3:30 - 4:00 Character Creation      4:00 - 5:00 Engineering…
In Actual Play
Participants: Joshua BishopRoby.

1/16/2006 Jonathan Hastings: TSoY and Trollbabe: Okay play, Great lessons
I ran two games recently, with very mixed results.  The players were the same for both games: Nick, who is in my regular rpg group, and Mark, a very good…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jonathan Hastings, Arturo G., Frank T, John Harper, Mark Dellelo.

1/16/2006 Gaerik: [Capes Fantasy] Good times with Orcs and fire...
Lately with my role-playing group I've been somewhat dissatisfied with our gaming.  My thoughts were that the problem revolved around a real lack of investment in what was going on…
In Actual Play
Participants: Gaerik, Andrew Morris, dunlaing, Vaettyr, Sydney Freedberg.

1/16/2006 coffeestain: [UtB] Cody's First Day!
(Reposted from the Glyphpress forum) I finally got to play my first session of UtB last night and the rules held up quite well (though there were a couple of…
In Actual Play
Participants: coffeestain, energy, nikola, angelspit.

1/16/2006 Hrimnir: looking for the right game
Hello, this is my first post so I will keep it simple. I hope I chose the most appropriate place to post this... Anyway, I was hoping that I may…
In Actual Play
Participants: Hrimnir, joepub, WhiteRat, Ron Edwards.

1/17/2006 Iskander: [MLwM] My Life with Contessa Lenora
[b]Background[/b] The game took place at Recess - a roughly quarterly micro-con run by nerdNYC, this time held in a large room at the Gay and Lesbian Center, 13th St.,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Iskander, Michael S. Miller, Arturo G..

1/17/2006 Glendower: [D20 Eberron] Lost that Spark, a Lost Gm seeks advice.
Hello everyone, My name's Jon.  Glendower is a handle of mine from a while back, I wasn't aware of the general policy to use real names here until after I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Glendower, Kintara, dindenver, Mason, Wolfen, Ron Edwards, RDU Neil, gains, Storn, Gaerik, nikola, bcook1971, CSBone, John Kim.

1/17/2006 jasonm: [FoA] Red Prophet, Black Prophet: I'm what?
[color=Red][fair warning, probably some hot button issues follow][/color] So we finished act III of our bizarro duellin' prophets of Islam Face of Angels game last night.  It began on the…
In Actual Play
Participants: jasonm, LeSingeSavant, Clinton R. Nixon, Andy Kitkowski, urbanpagan.

1/17/2006 inthisstyle: [Mortal Coil] Recess Game 1: Apocalypse Boulevard
I ran Mortal Coil at the latest Recess game day in New York. There was time at the mini-convention for two sessions, and rather than run the same one twice,…
In Actual Play
Participants: inthisstyle, mtiru, phredd, Nathan P..

1/17/2006 inthisstyle: [Mortal Coil] Recess Game 2: Old Gods
I ran Mortal Coil at the latest Recess game day in New York. There was time at the mini-convention for two sessions, and rather than run the same one twice,…
In Actual Play
Participants: inthisstyle, Paka, Iskander, gains.

1/17/2006 energy: Old gamer new game?
Well I am an old gamer and haven't played any games for awhile. The most recent game I played was Wild Arms 4 that came out Jan. 10. Has anyone…
In Actual Play
Participants: energy, Andrew Morris.

1/17/2006 sirogit: [General Mud]A short playtest
Last Sunday me and two friends played some General Mud. It was a pretty good time, with a few misgivings. Character creation went pretty smooth, but one of the players…
In Actual Play
Participants: sirogit, ptevis, Rob MacDougall.

1/17/2006 Keith Senkowski: Conspiracy of Ravenloft: Session One
So on Saturday we finally hit the CoS Ravenloft game and I think it was a bit rougher in spots than it should have been.  Don't get me wrong, it…
In Actual Play
Participants: Keith Senkowski, Matt Wilson, Matt-M-McElroy, Paka, Jason Leigh, daemonchild.

1/17/2006 Paka: Presenting Characters to the Players for Con Scenarios
When I have played with my regular group, I know the people.  I know that one player is a district attorney, so I give him the thief so he can…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, Andy Kitkowski, ubergeek2012, Andrew Morris, John Kim, HenryT.

1/17/2006 Ben Lehman: [KueiCon] Falling Leaves w/ Ion
As it turns out <a href="">KueiCon</a> was a massively playtest-heavy con, with playtests of Galactic, Falling Leaves (twice!), Drifter's Escape, Dog eat Dog (twice!), and General Mud, plus serious discussion…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ben Lehman, TheTris, Piers Brown, GreatWolf.

1/17/2006 Bankuei: [KueiCon] Galactic
Hi folks, So first thing off on Saturday, we got into Matt Wilson's developing space opera game, Galactic, run by Albert Anderson. Galactic normally involves building a map with different…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bankuei, ptevis, Albert of Feh.

1/17/2006 Bankuei: [KueiCon] Falling Leaves
Hi folks, First- Wow.  What a brutally simple and elegant game. I got to play this with Albert & William, and our game quickly turned into something worthy of rivalling…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bankuei, William Burke, Albert of Feh, TheTris, Sydney Freedberg.

1/17/2006 Anna B: The Sim Nar Blur
So I get Sim - but then I'm the kind of person who watched The Matrix and thought "wait that volates the second law of thermodynamics! What are the computers…
In Actual Play
Participants: Anna B, Ron Edwards, nikola, Supplanter, Sydney Freedberg, Joshua BishopRoby, Silmenume.

1/17/2006 Bankuei: [KueiCon] Capes
Hi folks, Towards the end of the first night, we had 3 extra people show up, and wanted to get them into play ASAP.  In hindsight, Capes is not the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bankuei.

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