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In Actual Play

2/6/2006 Zamiel: [Capes] Bugs, Or The Nag And I
Really, faster to just post the URL to where I've posted it the first time on my blog: Like most first play sessions, it went straight for the almost-silly/surrealist…
In Actual Play
Participants: Zamiel.

2/6/2006 Gaerik: [FATE] Fate of the North...
A few weeks ago I posted about a game of Fantasy Capes I played using the Forgotten Realms as the setting.  One of my players really doesn't like Capes-style games…
In Actual Play
Participants: Gaerik.

2/5/2006 ffilz: [DiTV] First Session - chargen and initiation
A local group has gotten together to play Dogs (yay Find Play!). Joe is GMing, Paul, Jeremy,myself, and one other fellow whose name I've already forgotten are playing. We chatted…
In Actual Play
Participants: ffilz, Joe Zeutenhorst.

2/4/2006 Anna B: [PTA] long scences, fan mail, and learning to set stakes
So we ran the second episode of <url=> And a Place to Fly Her</url> last night. We where all kind of tried so the game wasn't as high energy as…
In Actual Play
Participants: Anna B, Supplanter, REkz, Matt Wilson.

2/4/2006 Noon: [Snippet of comp play] It's the game worlds fault!
A very quick computer game play account, involving imagined tactical space. Of course this isn't roleplay as we know it, Jim! But it does involve using your imagination to try…
In Actual Play
Participants: Noon, Tommi Brander, Ron Edwards, Supplanter.

2/3/2006 ffilz: [Cold Iron] Recent Play
My recent Cold Iron play has me really thinking about the system, and really thinking about Troll Slayer (working name for my own game). Out last session was interesting in…
In Actual Play
Participants: ffilz.

2/1/2006 matthijs: [LONG] Trance-induced shared dreams
This is very long. I wanted to chronicle everything as accurately as I could, since this is the first time I've tried anything like this, and I wanted to make…
In Actual Play
Participants: matthijs, Wolfen, Lxndr, Jared A. Sorensen, Dantai.

2/1/2006 Glendower: [PTA] - Speed Demons
For some reason, playing a hand of Texas Hold'em again prefaces our crack at Primetime Adventures. Our first attempt is listed here: for those keeping score. I started by…
In Actual Play
Participants: Glendower.

2/1/2006 Ron Edwards: [Polaris] Frenzied screwing in the icy wastes
We've been playing more Polaris since Effete, very cold knights and the demons who love them. First point is, the game moves both quickly and slowly. Quickly, in that…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Nev the Deranged, Solamasa, Bret Gillan, jrs, Ben Lehman, Artanis, faerieloch.

2/1/2006 Gregor Hutton: [Breaking The Ice] Isla and Goldie
And here is my 2nd AP of the night. While I was over in Cork for Warpcon, myself and Dave Neil found ourselves at a loose end for a few…
In Actual Play
Participants: Gregor Hutton, Emily Care.

1/31/2006 TonyLB: [Dreamation: Capes] Eyes on the prize
So I ran a tournament of Capes.  Formulae for victory, and how to earn points, and all that jazz.  Winner got a shiny new folder of sticky click-and-lock modules.  I…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyLB, Andrew Morris, Bret Gillan, Matthew Glover, Zamiel.

1/31/2006 DrVital: The Mountain Witch - Lost in the Woods
I've been looking to run a "next gen rpg" for a while, and settled on "The Mountain Witch".  The book is great, but it was the posts in these very…
In Actual Play
Participants: DrVital, Halzebier, timfire, Eero Tuovinen.

1/30/2006 Matt-M-McElroy: [Obsidian: the Age of Judgement] Mask of Shadows
So, I ran Obsidian and I'm using a variant on the Killer adventure that is available for download on the Apophis Consortium site. I renamed the investigation company "Terminal Investigations"…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt-M-McElroy, Andrew Morris, Ron Edwards, daemonchild.

1/30/2006 Michael S. Miller: [Dreamation: PTA] Life on Mars
I originally posted this in my LiveJournal and Judd suggested I might post it here for discussion. PTA "Life on Mars" I haven't signed up for anything, but Judd's running…
In Actual Play
Participants: Michael S. Miller, RobNJ, Paka, Lisa Padol, John Harper.

1/30/2006 Michael S. Miller: [Dreamation WGP] Two-Fisted President Balks!
A strange thing happened in one of the With Great Power… sessions I ran at Dreamation ’06. The game was scheduled to start at 2pm on Friday, but due to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Ron Edwards, Iskander, Kat Miller, Sydney Freedberg, Marhault, TheTris, Supplanter, Thor Olavsrud, abzu, Doug Ruff, Julian.

1/30/2006 Christopher Kubasik: [Dogs in the Vineyard] Our Dogs Set Forth
I start a new job in a few hours, so this will be quick. I believe others will nail down a larger chunk of the game. There were five of…
In Actual Play
Participants: Christopher Kubasik, dunlaing, Supplanter, HenryT, Joshua BishopRoby, Brand_Robins, lumpley, redivider, JonasB, Noon, IMAGinES, alejandro.

1/30/2006 CSBone: [Space Ranger] Two Systems, Examples in Play (LOOONG!!!)
I’m trying to wrap my brain around a ton of ideas and techniques for reducing GM prep time that I got from the thread HERE and HERE. Seems to me…
In Actual Play
Participants: CSBone, Precious Villain.

1/29/2006 Kami-no-Mark: [Falling Leaves] The Life of Akodo Akira
On Friday night, Tom came over and we decided to give Falling Leaves a go.  TheTris is a friend and ever since he’d explained the game to me, I kept…
In Actual Play
Participants: Kami-no-Mark, TheTris.

1/29/2006 James_Nostack: [& Sword] The Doom of Hanno Mad-Dog
After nine freaking months everything lined up properly to give Sorcerer & Sword a go.  It was a good time, slowed slightly due to the limitations of IRC as a…
In Actual Play
Participants: James_Nostack, Ron Edwards, Bob the Fighter.

1/28/2006 redivider: [Heads of State: rest & relaxation] first play test
Summary: the table was strewn with a week’s worth of the L.A. Times, a pop-psyche pyramid graced the white board, the players were engaged & entertained (I think) but left…
In Actual Play
Participants: redivider, Joshua BishopRoby, Christopher Kubasik.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

2/6/2006 Dantai: Online rpgs and pesky monkeys at Cybercon
Well the Cybercon IV online rpg convention took place last weekend. It was an interesting experience for me, since I've not dabbled in online rpg tools before. I played a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Dantai, Joe Zeutenhorst, dindenver.

2/6/2006 John Kim: [Buffy] A Little Role Reversal
The Friday before last, we played another episode of our Buffy the Vampire Slayer campaign, "Silicon Valley Slayage".  It was notable for the technique of role reversal which we used. …
In Actual Play
Participants: John Kim, Matt-M-McElroy, TonyLB, whump, ScottM.

2/7/2006 cdr: [DitV] Tower Creek #4
My favorite intro scenario for DitV is "Tower Creek", which I ran Sunday for two people I found using the marvelous <A HREF="">Findplay</A>. Major thanks to Jason Morningstar for his…
In Actual Play
Participants: cdr.

2/8/2006 Glendower: [PTA] Speed Demons - Conflict issues
With the Pilot episode of Speed Demons successfully run last week (Writup is located at , we started up with Episode One. Just a reminder of the people involved:…
In Actual Play
Participants: Glendower.

2/8/2006 dindenver: [LoL] On-Line Campaign
Hi   OK, the game system is mine. And we are playing on-line using VASSAL every Saturday night.   The players are:   Cheryl - My wife, she has really…
In Actual Play
Participants: dindenver, Adam Dray.

2/9/2006 jasonm: [DitV] A Fistful of Dice
Last night our regular game group was a player short, so I seized the opportunity and ran Dogs for two of my friends.  I had a copy of Tony's town…
In Actual Play
Participants: jasonm, lumpley, Technocrat13, segedy.

2/9/2006 Frank T: [Sorcerer & Sword] Oh, the Shame!
Last weekend was GroFaFo Winter Rally. I did nothing but indie games all weekend, Dogs, Sorcerer and Polaris, plus one playtest. If you forgive me being pathetic for a moment,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Frank T, Ron Edwards, eed_de, Jestocost, Nev the Deranged.

2/10/2006 Arturo G.: [The Pool] Learning to set the stakes
On the last three weeks we decided to play a story using The Pool system. I wanted to try The Pool since I read it from the first time, but…
In Actual Play
Participants: Arturo G., demiurgeastaroth, Halzebier, Calithena, Gaerik, Plotin.

2/11/2006 droog: Dogs in the Salon
As suggested by GM Claire Bickell, I am writing up our experiences today with Dogs in the Vineyard. Claire took the initiative by posting on various forae about her idea…
In Actual Play
Participants: droog, beingfrank.

2/11/2006 Michael S. Miller: [Universalis] A Very Grimms Evening
Last week Kat and I went to Brennan Taylor’s place. We kicked around some ideas, Kat suggested Universalis, Brennan said “I’ll play, but I haven’t had the best experiences with…
In Actual Play
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Andrew Morris, Kat Miller, inthisstyle.

2/12/2006 Technocrat13: [Capes] A little frustrating and a little enlightening.
Tonight Remi, Jason M, Lisa, and I got together for our first Capes session.  Lisa and I had the pleasure of a single demonstration of the game from Tony LB…
In Actual Play
Participants: Technocrat13, Bankuei, urbanpagan, jasonm, Noon, TonyLB, Gaerik, Sydney Freedberg.

2/12/2006 Peter Nordstrand: [Sorcerer]Day of Dupes
Previous threads regarding this game can be found here and here. Also, check out our wiki, to see complete player character and demon writeups as well as the current version…
In Actual Play
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, Ron Edwards, Jonas Karlsson, Lisa Padol, bcook1971.

2/13/2006 pedyo: (Mountain Witch) Incompetent samurai
So, I finally got to play The Mountain Witch. Overall, it was a positive experience, but there where a few bumps in the road and the ronin almost didn’t make…
In Actual Play
Participants: pedyo, Sydney Freedberg.

2/13/2006 sirogit: [tMW]Toshi from 7 Samurai teams up with The Tall Man.
So I ran my first session of The Mountain Witch. The players were my brother Chris, Eric and Eeyore!. I really wanted to have 3 other prospective players, but one…
In Actual Play
Participants: sirogit, JC.

2/14/2006 Jason Petrasko: [Battlestar Galactica RPG] A promising firat playtest
Here is the reference document/rules for this playtest -> BSG RPG Situation: I've been working up a framework that does what I feel an RPG should do, no more and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jason Petrasko, nikola.

2/14/2006 dindenver: [LoL] New Player and New GM equals bad mojo
Hi!   OK, My Thursday Playtest group is IRL and we get a new player this week. They come from a CRPG background and have never played a Tabletop RPG…
In Actual Play
Participants: dindenver, Eero Tuovinen, TonyLB, Sydney Freedberg, Adam Dray, Paka, Joshua BishopRoby, Valamir, nsruf, Noon, c.

2/15/2006 Selene Tan: [Mountain Witch] Out-of-character conspiracies
For two Saturdays in a row, I've played The Mountain Witch with some friends. I did not GM. The people involved: Will, GM. Has read Polaris and wants to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Selene Tan, Eero Tuovinen, Will.Skyfall.

2/15/2006 joshua neff: Actual Play: [The Grave of Heaven] Me & the Kid
I've been wanting to introduce my daughter, Morgan, who will be 9 years old in a week and a half, to playing RPGs for the past few years, but I've…
In Actual Play
Participants: joshua neff, Bryan Hansel, Technocrat13, Paka, Anders, komradebob.

2/16/2006 Lisa Padol: [Sorcerer] Our Fourth Session
This was the January 29, 2006 Session. We've since had another one. The description of the characters and the write up of the first session are here: The write…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol, Ron Edwards, mneme, Peter Nordstrand.

2/17/2006 Noon: [Rifts PBP] I look at it. What do I get?
An exerpt from this Rifts play by post game: There was already some activity with a third player trying to talk to some probably sentient trees. But I figured…
In Actual Play
Participants: Noon, contracycle, Graham Walmsley, Supplanter, Elindryn, gains, Marco, Sydney Freedberg, TonyLB, Caldis, Warren, Gaerik, Lord_Steelhand, Rob Carriere, dunlaing, Grover.

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