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In Actual Play

2/28/2006 dindenver: [LoL] Too sensitive or not sensitive enough?
Hi!   So, something happened last Friday and I'm not sure what to do...   Tom loves punk music and lives the punk lifestyle as much as he is able.…
In Actual Play
Participants: dindenver, joepub, Noon, Sydney Freedberg.

2/27/2006 Andrew Morris: [The Mountain Witch] Not bad, but could get better
I've only played The Mountain Witch once, with Tim Kleinert, at one of the Double Exposure conventions a while back. Still, I thought I could run it without much difficulty.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Andrew Morris, pedyo, Krista E, gains.

2/27/2006 chris_moore: [Nine Worlds] rules for collaboration?
My friend Michael and I played Nine Worlds at Gamicon with Matt Snyder last Saturday.  I had a great time playing the game! The story we made together was tight…
In Actual Play
Participants: chris_moore, Valamir.

2/27/2006 Bryan Hansel: [Breaking The Ice] Garbage Man dates the Spoiled Rich Chic
I had a chance to play Breaking the Ice with my girlfriend.  She's only played one other RPG before and that was with me.  She wasn't very comfortable with playing,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bryan Hansel, Graham Walmsley, Emily Care.

2/27/2006 droog: [DitV] Red Creek Falls
I wrote up our initial chargen/accomplishments session in this thread here: . This week--our first town. For various reasons I've studiously avoided looking at any sample towns apart from…
In Actual Play
Participants: droog, agony, beingfrank.

2/26/2006 bcook1971: [DitV] Con DFW 2006
I had every intention of creating a fresh town for this one-shot, but alas, 'twas not to be. Instead, I revisited Bitter Creek. And as it turned out, I'm glad…
In Actual Play
Participants: bcook1971.

2/26/2006 Graham Walmsley: [Breaking the Ice] She shares some of the dead body with him
I played Breaking the Ice with my Liz, my girlfriend, on Friday. She's not a gamer and has never particularly been attracted to RPGs. But, when I described BtI, she…
In Actual Play
Participants: Graham Walmsley, Vaxalon, Andrew Morris, jasonm, Emily Care.

2/26/2006 Belinda K.: [WoD/Vampire] Urban Dark
This isn't really an 'indie game' as such, but I'm after some concentrated GM advice which hopefully I'm more likely to get here. My last few World of Darkness campaigns…
In Actual Play
Participants: Belinda K., Paka, Graham Walmsley, Glendower, nikola, Danny_K.

2/25/2006 Richard Campbell: Young Children: Actual role-play, Actual Play?
I have been reading posts to The Forge for some time and have developed an interest in the theory behind the play of role-playing games. I have always had an…
In Actual Play
Participants: Richard Campbell, ( o Y o ), nyhteg, droog, cmnash, komradebob, Meguey, Czar Fnord, Emily Care, Calithena, Pandelume, Bryan_T.

2/25/2006 ( o Y o ): The Doors of RPG-Perception
Hi All, I really did not know where to post this. But it is a question that can only be answered in Actual Play, so ... In the HeroQuest Forum…
In Actual Play
Participants: ( o Y o ), timfire, droog.

2/25/2006 ffilz: [DitV] Tower Creek Branch in Beaverton
I introduced the young couple in my gaming group to Dogs this evening. I had decided to invite just the two of them so I would be able to really…
In Actual Play
Participants: ffilz.

2/25/2006 cdr: [TMW] Cherry Blossom Bloodbath at DDC
More detail on The Mountain Witch I ran at DunDraCon.  Very long and treachery-filled. When the Fates were revealed, did the revelations act as the climax…
In Actual Play
Participants: cdr.

2/25/2006 bcook1971: [Sorcerer] Con DFW 2006
I ran a four-hour one-shot of Sorcerer at Con DFW tonight, and geez, it couldn't have been better. Here are the pre-gens: Name: Rex Short. Player: Marco. (No! Not JAGS…
In Actual Play
Participants: bcook1971.

2/25/2006 Lisa Padol: [Sorcerer] Our Fifth Session: Part One
Fifth Sorcerer Session -- February 14, 2006 The description of the characters and the write up of the first session are here: The write up of the second session…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol, Peter Nordstrand, cmnash, mneme, Ron Edwards, Trevis Martin.

2/24/2006 Meguey: [PTA] Erie Nights
Ok, so my friend Julia who lives behind me brought over the big glossy hardcover 'Buffy:the role-playing game'a few weeks back and said "Hey I want to play this, and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Meguey, Paka, Emily Care, Frank T, Glendower, Matt Wilson.

2/23/2006 pfischer: [TSOY] The Shadows and the Light
The Shadow and the Light I have been wanting to play the second edition of TSOY for a while now, and last Saturday I sat down with Joe and Aaron,…
In Actual Play
Participants: pfischer, Joe Murphy (Broin), Clinton R. Nixon.

2/23/2006 mratomek: Fun with Monster Ruls
Started a new, weekly session of Monster Rules this week, and ran a Big City Heroes game--love the capes and tights. Had a couple of people show up--hope they will…
In Actual Play
Participants: mratomek.

2/22/2006 TonyLB: [PTA] Food, food, food
So we played PTA last night (the penultimate session in our very successful Bountiful season).  But the game, as such, isn't what I want to talk about. Sydney had to…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyLB, jasonm, Eero Tuovinen, Glendower, Sydney Freedberg, jrs, Technocrat13, TheCzech, Noon, Meguey.

2/22/2006 Peter Nordstrand: [Sorcerer] Day of Dupes 2
We are playing the Day of Dupes scenario from Sorcerer's Soul. Previous threads: Character Generation, Session 1. Go to our wiki, for complete player character and demon writeups, as well…
In Actual Play
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, Jonas Karlsson, Ron Edwards.

2/22/2006 Nev the Deranged: [MLWM]: Kingdom of the Blind
Managed to get some folks into MLWM last gamenight. We didn't quite get through minion creation, but we did a bang up job on the Master and setting: *** My…
In Actual Play
Participants: Nev the Deranged, Ron Edwards.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

3/1/2006 Brendan: [DitV] King's Ward
Second town in our Dogs-by-AIM game; the first (insanely long) one is written up in (DitV) Whitevein, via AIM.  Quick summary:  Steward is whoring out his unwilling wife to pay…
In Actual Play
Participants: Brendan, Meguey.

3/2/2006 Glendower: [D&D 3.5 Homebrew Setting] One shining moment
10 minutes of fun in a 3 hour game session, huh?  I read about that in one of the articles, and I thought about it during a D&D game currently…
In Actual Play
Participants: Glendower, ffilz, Valamir, Noon, ironick, Rob Carriere, Jason13, Kintara, Jasper the Mimbo.

3/2/2006 ErrathofKosh: [Star Wars] Did the Plot Run Off?
It's been quite some time, but the other night I started roleplaying again.  The evening began as a social gathering with two friends I've played with before and a friend…
In Actual Play
Participants: ErrathofKosh, Glendower, dindenver, droog, Miskatonic, Noon, TonyLB, Rob Carriere, contracycle, simon_hibbs.

3/2/2006 Mason: [PTA] Deep Horizons-First Game
Heya, I'm a relatively new poster around here and I have a story to tell about my first game of PTA ever.  Due to time constraints it'll probably go quick…
In Actual Play
Participants: Mason, Paka, JMendes, Matt Wilson.

3/4/2006 IMAGinES: [DitV] Tower Creek, Edge Hill
Ladies and Gentlemen, friends and Forgeites – the drought has been broken. Earlier today, I got my first game in six months. Heck, it’s even been sixteen months since my…
In Actual Play
Participants: IMAGinES, Belinda K., lumpley, Everspinner.

3/4/2006 Noon: [Rifts PBP] Risk stated quick smart
Just a quick post, to follow up this AP account: I implemented Bill's (dunlaing) recommendation about formating. His design-fu is strong, as you'll see from the results below. Though…
In Actual Play
Participants: Noon, Rob Carriere.

3/8/2006 Silmenume: [Middle Earth - home brew] - a "new" player's perspective.
The following was an email sent to my GM by a player who is relatively new to our table. We had the usual cast of players plus 3 irregulars. Chuck…
In Actual Play
Participants: Silmenume, contracycle, jrs, Walt Freitag, JMendes, Precious Villain.

3/8/2006 Nathan P.: [InSpectres] Everybody should play InSpectres
I've played InSpectres four or five times now, with two different groups, and it is the most reliably fun game I've played. PTA runs a close second, but, thinking over…
In Actual Play
Participants: Nathan P., coffeestain, Michael S. Miller, Matt-M-McElroy, ( o Y o ), Arturo G., Scott Dorward, Frank T, Dennis O, John Harper.

3/8/2006 Paul Strack: [WGP] Second playtest
I ran my second game of "With Great Power..." last night, and now have a much better grasp on the structure of the game. I stuck closer to the rules…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paul Strack, Michael S. Miller.

3/8/2006 Brand_Robins: Trollbabe (kinda): Turtle turns heart-ripping seducer
While I was in Cali I played a game of pseudo-Trollbabe with my brother Zach. It was short, intense, and a lot of fun. This is unusual, as games with…
In Actual Play
Participants: Brand_Robins, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Blake Hutchins, Paka, droog, Noon, Sydney Freedberg, James_Nostack, TonyLB.

3/9/2006 Peter Nordstrand: [Sorcerer] Day of Dupes 3
[b]Previous threads[/b] [url=]Character generation[/url] [url=]First play session[/url] [url=]Second session[/url] See our [url=]wiki[/url] for character sheets and … stuff. [b]General Observations[/b] I didn't prep a lot this time. I came up…
In Actual Play
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, Lisa Padol, Jonas Karlsson.

3/9/2006 Arturo G.: [Polaris] A player who did not manage to avoid an unexpected son for his knight
Last Tuesday we finally played Polaris. It is the second indie-game I bought, around 5 months ago, but there were always troubles to try it. We were not exactly four…
In Actual Play
Participants: Arturo G., Ben Lehman, Frank T, TonyLB.

3/11/2006 Melinglor: [Over the Edge] Killing the Dilemma
Hi, my name's Joel, sometime Forge lurker and varyingly credulous Big Model neophyte. I was away from studying the Theory for awhile, but it worked its way back into my…
In Actual Play
Participants: Melinglor, Noon, abzu, Glendower, Danny_K, knicknevin, drnuncheon.

3/12/2006 TonyLB: [Nighttime Animals Save the World] Three critters
So I was on a walk with my family, and I noticed I had (in the change in my pocket) two quarters, two nickels and two pennies.  Time to dust…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyLB, Andrew Morris, droog, lumpley, Miskatonic.

3/12/2006 Willow: [The Mountain Witch] Gearing Up To Run
Hi everyone, I'm new to the Forge, and Indie RPG's in General.  I'm going to be running a game of the Mountain Witch in about a week, and there's something…
In Actual Play
Participants: Willow, Justin Marx.

3/13/2006 Auke: "Evaluative DM’ing" - comments on this approach, please
Hi all, I'd appreciate comments on my approach (which I call "evaluative DM'ing" 'coz it sounds kool) to running a frpg. The essay is 1200 words, so I don't know…
In Actual Play
Participants: Auke, JMendes, TonyLB, MatrixGamer, Noon, Selene Tan, ADGBoss, Silmenume, Adam Dray, Joshua BishopRoby, Caldis.

3/13/2006 Chris Gardiner: [Trollbabe] VoIP Play - character Creation and First Session
So, desperate to run something and filled with unholy impulses after reading Trollbabe, I finally mustered up the courage to give VoIP gaming a shot. One of the players, whose…
In Actual Play
Participants: Chris Gardiner, John Harper, James_Nostack, Alan, Jonathan Hastings.

3/13/2006 epweissengruber: [Tunnels and Trolls] A Player's Dissatisfaction
Members of the IndieRPG group in Toronto have been playing around with T&T.  The most eloquent response to the session was highly critical of the system.  I am posting parts…
In Actual Play
Participants: epweissengruber, tzunder, rafial, jrs, dunlaing, Miskatonic, Alan, Noon, Hans, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Johnny.

3/13/2006 Bryan Hansel: [InSpectres] The knife of no death
I played InSpectres for the first time on Friday night, and although the session was fun and all the players said they enjoyed it, I have a few questions.  We…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bryan Hansel, jasonm, Nathan P..

3/14/2006 knicknevin: [Loose Toys] Dilemma with Strong Adult Content
I'm using the little fears engine to run a short campaign called 'Loose Toys' at my RPG club: the premise is that intelligent, robotic toys in the year 2075 wake…
In Actual Play
Participants: knicknevin, Darkall.

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