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In Actual Play

8/19/2006 timfire: [Mexican Standoff] I shot Peter Adkison... but he shot me back
So Sunday at GenCon Peter Adkison did his usually rounds at the Forge booth, buying pretty much every new game on the shelf---my little party game Mexican Standoff included. Then,…
In Actual Play
Participants: timfire, John Harper, Wolfen, Keith Senkowski.

8/18/2006 Silmenume: [Middle Earth - home brew] 2nd day in July 4th '06 week of play.
The following morning (if one considers two PM to be morning) I find that I am the last to rise.  I bleary my way downstairs to find that some Team…
In Actual Play
Participants: Silmenume, Valamir, Precious Villain, Caldis, Ron Edwards.

8/18/2006 Bankuei: [Universalis] Skatepunks, Dogs, and Steamcorps
Hi, At the Games on Demand room, Daniel, Dev, Shannon and I (that's everyone, right?) had shown up, because rumor had it that Ben Lehman would be doing some Bliss…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bankuei, Tony Irwin, Mike Holmes.

8/17/2006 Hans: [The Shab-al-Hiri Roach] Disturbed at GenCon
I thought about posting this report for a while, trying to decide whether or not I should.  I'm not sure if this is an actual play post or an exercise…
In Actual Play
Participants: Hans, epweissengruber, WhiteRat, urbanpagan, oliof, jasonm, r_donato, Clinton R. Nixon, Mike Holmes, Bret Gillan, Blankshield, Mark Woodhouse, Joshua BishopRoby, Adam Dray, MichaelCurry.

8/17/2006 ivan23: No Rain in Galilee - Dust Devils at GenCon
I’ve not written an Actual Play before, so apologies if it’s too system-light, story-heavy, or overly chatty – I’ve called my points out so people can skim. I wasn’t planning…
In Actual Play
Participants: ivan23, Hans.

8/17/2006 Technocrat13: [The Shab-al-Hiri Roach] More murub, por favor.
So, I got to run two sessions of The Shab-al-Hiri Roach on the official books at GenCon this year.  It was, obviously, totally awesome.  The first session, which ran from…
In Actual Play
Participants: Technocrat13, jasonm.

8/17/2006 Bastoche: [Burning Wheel] The game that didn't lift off
I don't know if Ron or any others remembers me. I asked a few GNS related questions a while back before the forum was rearranged. Anyway, those discussions led to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bastoche, Paka, Nathan P., eruditus, mtiru.

8/17/2006 The Duke: Questions on the Big Model/GNS
Hello. These are not questions on actual, play, I am asking for clarifications on some points of GNS I didn't quite understand. I asked in the First Thoughts forum where…
In Actual Play
Participants: The Duke, Adam Dray, Gaerik, Ron Edwards.

8/17/2006 greyorm: [ORX] on Indie-netgaming
This will be a quick post, mainly to hit a few points sloshing around inside my head. A few nights or a week or something ago I up and played…
In Actual Play
Participants: greyorm, Mike Holmes, C. Edwards.

8/17/2006 daMoose_Neo: [Final Twilight - GenCon] Alexis Finals Highlights
By "popular request" (or a well placed suggestion), I've written up this actual play post about Final Twilight, and some of the cooler moments of our GenCon special event, the…
In Actual Play
Participants: daMoose_Neo.

8/17/2006 LordSmerf: [Drifter's Escape] and [Agon] Audio recordings from Gen Con 2006
These are recordings from a pair of after-hours games played at the Embassy Suites at Gen Con this year.  Both of them happened in the lobby, so there's an appreciable…
In Actual Play
Participants: LordSmerf.

8/17/2006 GestaltBennie: [Gen Con] The Mountain Witch
The Mountain Witch Gen Con August 10, 12 pm - 6 pm GM: Unknown Other players: Unknown (four others) One of the things I wanted to do at this year's…
In Actual Play
Participants: GestaltBennie, Ron Edwards, Technocrat13, Eric J. Boyd, timfire.

8/17/2006 iago: [The Roach] Something interesting goin' on with them there stakes...
So, it's GenCon, and we're playing the Shab al-whatsit Roach, and I'm roached right from the beginning, and going in hard (5 status) on a particular conflict.  We know from…
In Actual Play
Participants: iago, jasonm, Mike Holmes.

8/16/2006 Lamorak33: Pissed off Pendragon
Hi Had a funny gameexperience. I amusually a GM I suffer with control issues. That could explain this post. I am also very impulsive and can be a bit short…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lamorak33, Blankshield, Ron Edwards, eruditus.

8/16/2006 abzu: Agon Sunday Night at GenCon
I was invited to play Agon with Dave Turner, Jared Sorensen, Jürgen Mayer, Thor Olavsrud and Matt Wilson on Sunday night. Dave had run the game once before, Thor had…
In Actual Play
Participants: abzu, Matt Wilson, Valamir, rafial, demiurgeastaroth, John Harper, Thor Olavsrud.

8/16/2006 ffilz: [RuneQuest] A tortuous session
Last night we had a RuneQuest session that was very painful.  I’m curious if my read on things makes sense. Some background first: The players and their characters: The young…
In Actual Play
Participants: ffilz, Lamorak33, r_donato, Glendower, Mike Holmes.

8/16/2006 Lxndr: [Fastlane] Arabian Heists at GenCon
I'd brought a 20lb briefcase full of heavy casino-weight poker chips, cards, dice, and a roulette wheel to GenCon and carried it all over the place.  By Saturday night I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lxndr, Valamir, Eric J. Boyd, jasonm, segedy.

8/16/2006 Elysium: Selling game play techniques to my GM
I have a few GMs that I have been trying to sell some of the techniques I have found here. I haven't yet tried any of the techniques, and so…
In Actual Play
Participants: Elysium, Eliarhiman6, demiurgeastaroth, baron samedi, Warren, coffeestain, Ron Edwards, r_donato, abjourne, Dav, eruditus, vulpin, Blankshield.

8/16/2006 urbanpagan: My Life with Mde. Michelle DuChamps (GenCon 06)
This was the third time I'd ever run MLwM (as well as my fourth time ever running -anything-) and of course I was nervous as hell.  This was also the…
In Actual Play
Participants: urbanpagan.

8/14/2006 Andrew Morris: [GenCon][Unistat] Crazy surreal western/Americana and "Tesla: Dead or Alive"
For some reason, I didn't do much role-playing at GenCon. I had lots of fun just hanging out and doing random other stuff. But I did get a chance to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Andrew Morris, LeSingeSavant, Eric Minton, Sydney Freedberg.

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In Actual Play

8/19/2006 Emily Care: [Shooting the Moon]Gen Con: Stalingrad '43
Hello all, At Gen Con, I got to play Shooting the Moon with Jye and Scott from Australia. We had demo'ed the game earlier in the day and had fun,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Emily Care, jasonm, JasperN., Brand_Robins, Jye Nicolson, Parthenia.

8/20/2006 joepub: (Shock) Hollow Bodies
Warning: This game session touched on child prostitution, rape and murder. Me and my friend Spooner got to play a session of Shock. I started by telling him about Issues…
In Actual Play
Participants: joepub, nikola, Yokiboy.

8/20/2006 Ron Edwards: [Contenders] The folks next door
Hi there, A few nights ago, my wife and I found ourselves in a state of fatigue, after a running-around day of work and way too much focused intensity on…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, James_Nostack, Meguey, Matt Wilson, Yokiboy, pfischer, Dantai, Frank T, dysjunct, Noon, contracycle, c, Malcolm, r_donato, RDU Neil.

8/21/2006 Meguey: GenCon AP: Bacchanal, carry, Primitive, Roach, and more
Rather than starting seven separate threads for my actual play at GenCon, it's mostly all here. I played a Bacchanal demo with Ron and two other men while Tovey was…
In Actual Play
Participants: Meguey, Paul Czege, Ron Edwards.

8/22/2006 Ron Edwards: [Bacchanal] GenCon demos and more
Hello, I decided to spin off of Meg's thread GenCon AP: Bacchanal, carry, Primitive, Roach, and more. In it, she said it was interesting to see the fleeting look…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, lumpley, tonyd, Frank T, markus_cz, Jonathan Walton, hardcoremoose, charlesperez, Jasper the Mimbo, matthijs.

8/22/2006 Cabbagetom: "Nightmare nineoneone" (PTA)
Greetings Forge!  I joined so that I could discuss Prime time and any other games we've tried out.  My group of players here in edinburgh scotland have varying tastes and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Cabbagetom, Eric J..

8/23/2006 Eric J.: [Pentagon Game] How Anyone Can Love Roleplaying
Hello, I'd like to share a personal triumph with you guys. I'm visiting my old town for the summer on break from college.  I've been working on a RPG for…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eric J., JMendes.

8/23/2006 Aaron: First Try (Sorcerer and Sword)
Sunday we played a session of Sorcerer and Sword and I've got to say fo the most part it went great! The guys were really into the character creation and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Aaron, Frank T, Ron Edwards.

8/23/2006 Gregor Hutton: [Best Friends] Gen Con 06
I got to run short demo games of Best Friends on the booth at Gen Con 06. The knock on demos, in general, is that they aren't real games. In…
In Actual Play
Participants: Gregor Hutton, Malcolm, Yokiboy, John Kim, Ron Edwards.

8/23/2006 Malcolm: [Cold City] Gen Con After Hours Game
On the Friday night of Gen Con Indy, I had the good fortune to run what turned out to be a very intense game of Cold City for an excellent…
In Actual Play
Participants: Malcolm, nikola, Yokiboy, GB Steve, RobNJ, Rob MacDougall.

8/23/2006 John Kim: [The Shab-al-Hiri Roach] Sweet innocence at GenCon
So I was interested by the thread on (The Shab-al-Hiri Roach) Disturbed at GenCon, and contrasted that with my own GenCon play of SAHR.  I played in a game of…
In Actual Play
Participants: John Kim, Technocrat13, jasonm, oliof, Ron Edwards, Adam Dray.

8/23/2006 Paka: Mortal Coil presents, Live in New Amsterdam, Flaming Taft!
Come Saturday night I was pretty beat.  My Forge Booth hat and the Sons of Kryos hat had both been immensely rewarding but had taken its toll.  On top of…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, inthisstyle, GB Steve, nikola, c, LeSingeSavant, ptevis, RobNJ.

8/23/2006 sjarvis: [The Burning Wheel] "The Inheritance" at GenCon '06
At GenCon '06, I played in Luke Crane's Burning Wheel session of "The Inheritance," his 10-player Viking funeral aftermath game. It was one of the best role-playing experiences I've ever…
In Actual Play
Participants: sjarvis, abzu, Sovem.

8/24/2006 Nev the Deranged: [Polaris] GenCon '06 Embassy After Hours Game
I came to the con knowing that at some point, I wanted to play Polaris. Some time Friday night I realized I had a much better chance of doing that…
In Actual Play
Participants: Nev the Deranged, Ron Edwards, Eric J. Boyd, Ben Lehman, jrs, joepub.

8/24/2006 arcane: [Capes] WNIRCC Session 1 "Raid on McGuffin Labs."
The following is the log file from the narration channel for the Wednesday Night Capes game on MagicStar.  First our players. Arcane_NH is playing Xethoteq Kai_Lord…
In Actual Play
Participants: arcane, r_donato, Filip Luszczyk.

8/24/2006 Frank T: New players and character creation, three examples
So, as a spin-off from Ron’s Contenders thread, I’m replying to this: Frank, I'm glad you provided counter-examples, because clearly the issue of character creation…
In Actual Play
Participants: Frank T, Ron Edwards, r_donato, Gordon C. Landis, Cabbagetom, Paka, Eliarhiman6, eruditus, RDU Neil, contracycle, Emily Care, Dantai, GB Steve.

8/24/2006 TonyLB: [GenCon Capes] Family under a magnifying glass
At GenCon I gladly succumbed to requests that I play in a Capes game (I do not accept the notion that I "run" such events, for the obvious reasons).  So,…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyLB, Jasper the Mimbo, Lxndr.

8/25/2006 Ron Edwards: [Bacchanal] Three guys and a lot of wine
Hello, I brought a bunch of games from GenCon over to one of the groups I'm in, an all-guy group which includes Tim Alexander, Chris, and Tim Koppang (surnames included…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, matthijs, Paul Czege, Tim Alexander.

8/25/2006 xeperi: [Capes Lite] First steps on the road.
Hello everyone. Not too long ago I finally got around to getting myself a copy of Capes (and a lovely lovely binder of laminated and adhesive click-and-locks - kudos on…
In Actual Play
Participants: xeperi, Bret Gillan, Noon, peccable, Hans, drnuncheon.

8/25/2006 jburneko: [InTERRORgation] More of a Drill than a Game.
Hello Everyone, So, at the upcoming SoCal Con, I've decided to run Annie Rush's game InTERRORgation.  I don't like running games for the very first time at a con so…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko.

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