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In Actual Play

9/12/2006 Bobson: [DitV] Trial game
Last week, when 4/6 of my gaming group didn't show up for our scheduled D&D session, I pulled out a Dogs town I'd created, and ran it for the two…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bobson, lumpley, Adam Dray, r_donato, museleading, baron samedi, Ron Edwards.

9/11/2006 JMendes: [TSoY] Rat Moon Setting (long - but juicy, hopefully)
Ahey, all, :) After eleven high-fun, high-learning, action-packed sessions, Rat Moon Rising has finally come to a close, bringing with it some interesting conclusions, some healthy post game talk, and…
In Actual Play
Participants: JMendes, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, brainwipe, Melinglor, Ralek.

9/11/2006 DAudy: [Sorceror] Storm Watch - character and world creation
In another post I talked a bit about botching up a game with my wife, then working through coming up with another game that looks like it will rock.  This…
In Actual Play
Participants: DAudy, Ron Edwards.

9/11/2006 DAudy: [Sorceror] Storm Watch - A cathartic exercise in roleplay
Both my wife and I used to be avid roleplayers but children, work, scheduling with other players, and general dissatisfaction with play had reduced me to not playing at all…
In Actual Play
Participants: DAudy, Ron Edwards, Technocrat13, Blankshield.

9/11/2006 Lamorak33: Pendragon Actual Play
Hi A while back I posted this, Basically it was me bitching about the GM's style. I have since played a few games and exchanged a number of emails…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lamorak33, Caldis, Brand_Robins, Valamir, Noon, Web_Weaver.

9/11/2006 Storn: [PTA] Lions at the Gates
Got a chance to play Prime Time Adventures last night for the first time.  I did  some quickie sketches while at the table and they are imbedded in the character…
In Actual Play
Participants: Storn, Joe Dizzy, ubergeek2012, Paka, Bret Gillan, Matt Wilson.

9/11/2006 RedPissLegion: [DRYH] My Head Hurts And So Does The Universe
In an earlier post I wrote about a couple of characters I and my girlfriend came up with for a Don’t Rest Your Head game. We played a bit in…
In Actual Play
Participants: RedPissLegion, iago.

9/11/2006 Ron Edwards: [Best Friends] Larceny, hatred, and supportive actualization
Hi there, Last weekend, after some noodling around with a whole stack of games in front of us, my regular group and I decided upon Best Friends as a kind…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, timfire, Gregor Hutton.

9/10/2006 Iskander: [Shock:] GDMN class traitors throw spanners in the works
Thor, Dro, John and I met up again on Thursday to conclude our game of Shock:, started in GDMN - the Global Distributed MindNet is working for you. Here's what…
In Actual Play
Participants: Iskander, nikola, Thor Olavsrud.

9/10/2006 Tim Alexander: Learning to Play again
Hey Folks, I've spent a long time in the GM role; most of it as an illusionist/roads to rome sort of guy but have taken a lot of steps to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tim Alexander, c, Storn, TonyLB, Ron Edwards, charles ferguson, Noon.

9/9/2006 Doyce: [TPK] First-time Princes' Kingdom, with a six-year-old!
So, I was planning for a pretty game-filled weekend anyway, but I got a great surprise when I got home from work: both the Shab al-Hiri Roach and my hard…
In Actual Play
Participants: Doyce, demiurgeastaroth, Storn, Noon, JasperN..

9/9/2006 sean2099: [Divinity] Quickplay derived from actual play notes
Hi all, This isn't the best actual play notes to post but I figure anything is better than nothing.  I had made this pdf file from notes that I took…
In Actual Play
Participants: sean2099, Ron Edwards.

9/8/2006 Emily Care: [Agon] chasing shadows for Hades
We played Agon last night for the first time out here in western Mass.  We had a very fun time slaughtering mercenaries and members of an ancient assassin cult, though…
In Actual Play
Participants: Emily Care, Valamir, nikola, demiurgeastaroth, rafial, John Harper, Tony Irwin.

9/8/2006 Victor Gijsbers: [1001 Nights] Somewhat chaotic, somewhat short
I played the charming little game 1001 Nights last wednesday with two friends of mine, Eva and Annette. The experience was pretty good, but maybe not 'good' unqualified. So, let…
In Actual Play
Participants: Victor Gijsbers, Ron Edwards, Emily Care, Nathan P., Meguey, lumpley.

9/8/2006 GB Steve: [Mortal Coil] Twisted 50s
I've got the bug at the moment so we started a new game of Mortal Coil last night with me as GM. In this first post I'll talk about my…
In Actual Play
Participants: GB Steve, Paka, Ice Cream Emperor, inthisstyle.

9/8/2006 hix: [Anti-Pool] Haunted London, and a rules question
I'm currently playing a game set in the universe of "The Haunting of Alaizabel Cray", a novel about an alternate London that suffered massive bombings by the Prussians, leading to…
In Actual Play
Participants: hix, demiurgeastaroth, Mike Holmes.

9/6/2006 Eero Tuovinen: [funny anecdote] MLwM and assorted other games in school
So I never get around to writing actual play accounts anymore, and what little I write tends to happen at the Finnish forums, where they're needed. Instead of an actual…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, ( o Y o ), nikola, Clinton R. Nixon, Gaerik, Glendower.

9/5/2006 Matt: [Covenant]Thoughts on 15 minute GenCon demos
Now that I'm back from vacation, I've been mulling over the 15 minute demos I ran of Covenant and thought that it would be worth covering a few points that…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt, cdr.

9/5/2006 jburneko: [The Roach @ Gateway] What's the Premise, Where's The Fun?
Hello, So, I brought The Shab-al-Hiri Roach to the Gateway con this weekend.  Ten people total showed up and some had played before so we split into two groups of…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Christopher Kubasik, Ron Edwards, GB Steve, Jonathan Hastings.

9/5/2006 thwaak: [With Great Power] Conquest SF 2006 Con Report
Heya Gang, This last weekend I was in attendance at the aforementioned con, and had a chance to play WGP for the first time in a 6 hour slot. I…
In Actual Play
Participants: thwaak, James_Nostack.

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In Actual Play

9/13/2006 Tim Alexander: [Space Rat] Call me Cosmos
Hey Guys, This game really kicks ass. FUN with a capital F - U - N! It seems to have gotten lost in the deluge of Ronnies and somehow even…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tim Alexander, Ron Edwards, Tim C Koppang, Noon.

9/13/2006 arete66: [Mortal Coil] Night Watch
A match made in heaven, it seems to me...I'm in the research end of things currently, and would be interested in hearing from others familiar with both Mortal Coil and…
In Actual Play
Participants: arete66, Sovem, Ron Edwards.

9/13/2006 Thomas D: [PTA/Shadowrun] The Foundation: initial SR(ish) rules game session
As recounted earlier, I used Primetime Adventures as the ruleset for our Shadowrun campaign's opening session.  Post-PTA, we spent time out of the game session to remake the characters using…
In Actual Play
Participants: Thomas D, Noon.

9/15/2006 Ron Edwards: [Bacchanal] What, more?
Before our first round of Best Friends, the same group limbered up with a session of Bacchanal. Some of you are probably relieved to learn that this was my latest…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, jrs.

9/15/2006 Matthew Glover: [Mortal Coil] Matthew and the Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Game Session
After hearing me blather about how cool it sounded for weeks, my wife got me Mortal Coil for my birthday.  We finally got to play it Wednesday.  It did not…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matthew Glover, r_donato, GB Steve, Paka, Tim Alexander, inthisstyle, Doyce, Mike Holmes.

9/16/2006 greyorm: [Princes' Kingdom] First Session with the Kids
The kids and I had one or two interesting D&D games I didn't write up, due to lack of time, but otherwise, we've mainly been playing Carsaconne, a board game…
In Actual Play
Participants: greyorm, r_donato, c, birdofparadox, Clinton R. Nixon, Supplanter, charles ferguson.

9/17/2006 Zathreyel: [The Mountain Witch] Angst Ascendant, pt. 1
Dan and I have been friends for a while.  A mutual love of Rebecca Borgstom brought us together in the dizzying bustle of Philadelphia, and our mutual love of all…
In Actual Play
Participants: Zathreyel, timfire.

9/18/2006 Hans: [TROS] Social Combat for TROS
I know that the Riddle of Steel (TROS) has its own forum now off the Forge, and have posted this there as well.  But I figured there may be enough…
In Actual Play
Participants: Hans, Ron Edwards, Andy Kitkowski.

9/18/2006 BWA: [Forge-style D&D] Keys vs. Random Monster Encounters
I’m not sure if this will be of interest to anyone or not, but Ron suggested I do an Actual Play post (while I was pestering him in a series…
In Actual Play
Participants: BWA, r_donato, Lamorak33, Paka, Melinglor, James_Nostack, John Harper, charles ferguson.

9/18/2006 r_donato: [TSoY] Good times, bad times
Good times, bad times, you know I've had my share. I just finished playing Shadow of Yesterday with two buddies, Eric and Pat. The game went mostly well, but there…
In Actual Play
Participants: r_donato, Clinton R. Nixon.

9/18/2006 Ron Edwards: [Perfect] Explosions and betrayals
Hi there, This is my follow-up to Neighbors gone wild!. I'm starting a new thread because it's been a while. Joe asked some questions at the end of that…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, joepub, David Artman.

9/18/2006 Storn: [PTA] Lions at the Gate Week 2
Okay, forgive me a little bit, as I am doing this AP a few days after we played.  I'm really fuzzy on who set up what scenes, so I'm not…
In Actual Play
Participants: Storn, Paka, Bret Gillan.

9/19/2006 Zathreyel: [The Mountain Witch] Angst Ascendant pt. 2
This is an AP of the second half of Act One from my play group's MW game.  You can find the write-up of the first half over here. In this…
In Actual Play
Participants: Zathreyel.

9/19/2006 Doyce: [Roach] Death! Debauchery! (And we've only started the Semester)
Saturday the 9th I drove down to Lee and De's new place about an hour and a half away with Dave and Margie in tow.  I've been trying to get…
In Actual Play
Participants: Doyce, jasonm.

9/20/2006 Gregor Hutton: [Best Friends] New to gaming... Bring It On!
I ran a couple of Best Friends games at the weekend at the gaming club in Edinburgh University. It was the first session of the new term and so we…
In Actual Play
Participants: Gregor Hutton, Graham Walmsley.

9/20/2006 Caesar_X: [MLWM] Gloria Deschampes
My group had our first session of My Life With Master last night.  None of us had played the game before, so it was a trial of fire.  Overall I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Caesar_X, Paul Czege, JJTMM.

9/21/2006 jasonm: [TSOY] The Standard Family
I ran the first session of a Shadow of Yesterday mini-campaign last night and it went really well.  Five players, one new to our group but a friend.  We'd chatted…
In Actual Play
Participants: jasonm, Doyce, segedy, Isbo, r_donato.

9/21/2006 Web_Weaver: [HeroQuest] Lifting the Veil
I have an interesting dilemma in my Heroquest game, that I would like to discuss here. So, I guess the only way to do so is to provide the Actual…
In Actual Play
Participants: Web_Weaver, Tim Alexander, Ron Edwards, Noon.

9/21/2006 Levi Kornelsen: [Frostfolk, ] Carrying on
Note: This is a continuation of a conversation between Ron and myself.  If you'd like to look up the specific characters and situations, I'll be searching up a link and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Levi Kornelsen, Ron Edwards, Alan, Caldis, Melinglor.

9/22/2006 Melinglor: Keys and Griefers
Over in this thread, Joao Mendes was describing one player's reaction to the use of Keys in Shadows of Yesterday: - Isidro stated the opinion that…
In Actual Play
Participants: Melinglor, Eero Tuovinen, Brand_Robins, TonyLB, r_donato, Storn, Hans, Noon, Precious Villain.

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