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In Actual Play

12/9/2006 Yokiboy: Contenders in 80's Chi-Town
Hello, My gaming has been on fire lately! We're in the midst of a Dogs in the Vineyard campaign that's just fantastic. The group consists of three of my friends…
In Actual Play
Participants: Yokiboy, Malcolm.

12/8/2006 Alan: [Hollow Earth Expeditions] Clash of expectations
With this AP report, I've got two intentions: 1) to convey some of the experience of reencountering old-school play after I've been playing in games popular on the Forge. 2)…
In Actual Play
Participants: Alan, Simon C, Ron Edwards.

12/7/2006 Noon: [Rifts PBP] Three dead instantly, fourth should be dead a bit latter
I decided to run a gamist PBP and used a savagely direct method of screening players - win an initial scenario, or die and lose (can't reapply to join the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Noon.

12/6/2006 Caesar_X: [Contenders] Gold Rush bareknuckle part 2
Tonight we got together to continue the story of bareknuckle boxing in 'Gold Rush'-era San Francisco.  I was pretty excited as I had played more recently in a 17th Century…
In Actual Play
Participants: Caesar_X.

12/4/2006 Glendower: [Shadowrun] Mistakes learned; ending a game
I've never really ended a game.  What I should clarify is that I've never come to an agreement with the players to end a game, run a few final sessions,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Glendower, r_donato, Ron Edwards, Technocrat13.

12/4/2006 David C: Fun play for the GM?
I don't think I'm alone in this when I say, I just don't find being the GM as entertaining (or entertaining at all) as being a player. Part of this…
In Actual Play
Participants: David C, Noon, Ron Edwards, nystul, Thor Olavsrud, baron samedi, TroyLovesRPG, Alan, cydmab, psrgchx, contracycle, Christopher Kubasik, Leviathan, davidberg.

12/4/2006 Noon: Spot the sim-clue-ationism
Just a funny title refering to the play structure. A pleasurable game, as I focused on enjoying the bredth and depth of the game world. That's because after discussing some…
In Actual Play
Participants: Noon, Ron Edwards, Miskatonic, davidberg, Frank T.

12/4/2006 Simon C: [Savage Worlds] One-on-One game.
A while back, here in fact, I asked some questions about my Savage Worlds play, in regards to my use of dice rolling, and player control over outcomes.  It…
In Actual Play
Participants: Simon C, Storn, Gaerik.

12/2/2006 droog: Lessons of a Neverending Game
Hi, all. In this thread I'd like to write about and analyse my long-running game set in Greg Stafford's Glorantha. It's something I've been thinking through for a while, but…
In Actual Play
Participants: droog, r_donato, James_Nostack, screen_monkey, Ron Edwards.

11/29/2006 Filip Luszczyk: [Wushu] Angst, suffering and darkness over Skype
I ran a session of slightly modified Wushu last Saturday, by Skype, for a group that contacted me after finding my old notice on one Polish forum. Actually, I didn't…
In Actual Play
Participants: Filip Luszczyk.

11/29/2006 Steven Stewart: Incoherent Play and Bucket Seats
Recently in another actual play post --->, Ron wrote something that really resonated with me. My take is that if CA is left to fend for itself, or…
In Actual Play
Participants: Steven Stewart, Adam Dray, Ron Edwards, Dennis Laffey, r_donato, davidberg, Glendower, Frank T.

11/27/2006 Caesar_X: [Contenders] Flash of the Blades
I staked out a table on a cold and rainy Sunday at EndGame in Oakland and waited to see if anyone from the local gaming group would show up for…
In Actual Play
Participants: Caesar_X, Mel_White, cpeterso, Dantai, andrew_kenrick, David Artman.

11/26/2006 Paul T: You've Landed on Gaming Group "Park Place", Pay $15 Rent
Hello, I am posting as a result of some thinking I've done since reading the Gatecrasher thread. I'm afraid I don't have a real concrete thesis here, but rather a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paul T, Calithena, Simon C, Steven Stewart, Mike Holmes, contracycle, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, TroyLovesRPG, Wolfen, Wade Lahoda, James_Nostack.

11/24/2006 r_donato: [TSoY] Key Scale
We played our second session of Shadow of Yesterday recently. (The write-up of the first session is here.) Good times were had. Of special note, the game was more fast-paced…
In Actual Play
Participants: r_donato, Gaerik, jasonm, crowyhead.

11/24/2006 Calithena: [Father & Son Fantasy] Looking for some help
Hi folks - I've now run 2 sessions of a fantasy game for a father and son in the neighborhood I like. We generated characters using a moderately homebrewed (mostly…
In Actual Play
Participants: Calithena, Paul T, Noon, Ron Edwards, WDFlores, David Artman.

11/22/2006 Old_Scratch: [Burning Wheel] Inheritance at GenCon SoCal
This was the Burning Wheel viking funeral game, where an extended family gathers to see off the family patriarch, and conflict emerges when the long exiled son who murdered his…
In Actual Play
Participants: Old_Scratch, Albert of Feh, Caesar_X, okiran, Mel_White, abzu, rafial.

11/22/2006 Mike Holmes: Does System Matter?
OK, of course I think system matters, and a lot. But...I just wanted to do a reality check for a moment on this. Looking at, say, my HQ IRC play,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Mike Holmes, Calithena, Raedwald Bretwalda, Valamir, jburneko, nystul, Jon Scott Miller, greyorm, masqueradeball, Filip Luszczyk, Brand_Robins, Ron Edwards, Noon, Caldis, Paul T, Danny_K, timfire, c, Paka, Landon Darkwood, Eliarhiman6, Yokiboy, contracycle, davidberg, TroyLovesRPG.

11/22/2006 Lamorak33: Gatecrasher
Hi Has anyone ever experienced this, its a new one on me. We were playing last night and a guy come over from a group that also use the same…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lamorak33, Storn, contracycle, Ron Edwards, David Artman, Glendower.

11/21/2006 GreatWolf: [Legends of Alyria] At last, some Alyria actual play!
At last!  For the first time in a while, I actually have a Legends of Alyria actual play report.  Rejoice! Last Friday, my family got together with some close friends…
In Actual Play
Participants: GreatWolf, Raquel.

11/18/2006 JamesDJIII: [Dogs in the Vineyard] Our first Dogs experience!
While at MACE in High Point, NC, I got a chance to play in a Dogs game run by Jason Morningstar. My friend, Jon, who travelled with me to the…
In Actual Play
Participants: JamesDJIII, Meguey, Glendower, lumpley.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

12/12/2006 Rampage: What drove me here, and where I'm going
Hi everybody, I thought of writing a brief introductory post on why I ended up here for, maybe, your amusement. I'll withhold names of the guilty and really specific examples…
In Actual Play
Participants: Rampage, r_donato, Noon, Christopher Kubasik, Filip Luszczyk.

12/14/2006 markus_cz: [Nicotine Girls] - Experimenting with NG
One day, my friend and a co-player David came with a crazy idea. "Remember the RPG called Nicotine Girls? The one by the author of My Life with Master?" he…
In Actual Play
Participants: markus_cz.

12/14/2006 Overdrive: How to fight uncreativity?
Hi all, My name is Antti, and I'm from Finland. I believe it's almost two years since my last post here. This year's been hectic with my flat renovation project…
In Actual Play
Participants: Overdrive, Rampage, Noon, Alan, Ron Edwards, TonyLB, TroyLovesRPG.

12/17/2006 cydmab: [DitV] BNitH
Ran my first game using DitV system tonight. It was pretty fun, but reactions were mixxed by the end of it. Part of the problem was in order to motivate…
In Actual Play
Participants: cydmab, Noon, Ben Lehman, r_donato, David Artman, Everspinner, Web_Weaver.

12/19/2006 hix: [& Sword] The Contessa's Baby
The game’s Sorceror, set in 18th century Africa. Here's the prep thread. Sean’s playing Rasputin, a Russian sorcerer eager for the demonic knowledge he knows can be found in the…
In Actual Play
Participants: hix, James_Nostack, Frank T, Ron Edwards, Christopher Kubasik.

12/20/2006 AdAstraGames: Watershed Games for Me.
My first RPG was D&D, in the early 80s.  A bunch of us in junior high started playing it, had fun, then most of us noticed girls and it died…
In Actual Play
Participants: AdAstraGames, Noon, nystul.

12/20/2006 Greymorn: Drifting toward Narativism (AP)
For background about our group, our system and what we're doing, see this thread. As promised, here's a report of last night's session. Overall, things went really well and everyone…
In Actual Play
Participants: Greymorn, Valamir, Alan, Danny_K, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards.

12/21/2006 Noon: [Rifts PBP] Exploration not really happening
I know it when I see it, that's all I can say. A certain point in exploration of the game world that clicks with me and I have to give…
In Actual Play
Participants: Noon, cydmab, Filip Luszczyk, Danny_K, Glendower.

12/22/2006 Steven Stewart: [Polaris] The Fall of Tall Star Remenant Session 6
This is the same group that was playing in these sessions: This isn't going to be as long as other AP posts, just wanted to share a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Steven Stewart, Ben Lehman.

12/26/2006 Gaerik: Dividing the Traditional GM Tasks
In recent history here at the Forge I've read several threads on how many of the social and game related tasks generally get shoved onto 1 person's shoulders and defined…
In Actual Play
Participants: Gaerik, Filip Luszczyk, Eric J., dreamborn, Andrew Morris, Glendower, Noon, Ron Edwards, TonyLB, GreatWolf, r_donato, David Artman, AdAstraGames, Charrua, lev_lafayette.

12/27/2006 Meguey: [Sorcerer New England Style] Harriet's Diary
Oct 15, Sunday Well, this has certainly been an eventful month. My tag-sale customers are trickling off for the season, so it's time to get the winter pies going. I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Meguey, Artanis, James_Nostack, Miskatonic, Parthenia, Ron Edwards, lumpley, pedyo.

12/28/2006 hix: [UnSpeakable] Rules Questions for an upcoming Con Game
I'm going to be running Unspeakable (the Lovecraft supplement for Inspectres) at Kapcon next weekend. There's no Actual Play yet, but I will write about it here once we do.…
In Actual Play
Participants: hix, Jared A. Sorensen.

12/29/2006 dreamborn: Opinions on accuracy and realism
Hello All I am sure this is GM and group dependant but I shall ask anyway.  If you are playing in a semi historic campaign how do you feel about…
In Actual Play
Participants: dreamborn, Glendower, Ron Edwards, Noon, cydmab, contracycle, David C, Melinglor, Andrew Morris.

12/31/2006 crowyhead: The Mountain Witch - First time playing it for us, first time GMing for me
I've posted some about this over at Story Games <a href="">here</a> and <a href=">here</a> in more detail, so please feel free to check out those threads, but I wanted to…
In Actual Play
Participants: crowyhead, jasonm.

12/31/2006 Caesar_X: [The Princes' Kingdom] Playing with the niece and nephew (long but interesting)
For Xmas I gave The Princes' Kingdom to my 10-year old nephew, Sam.  To be honest, it was initially set aside in favor of PSP games and a clock radio…
In Actual Play
Participants: Caesar_X, Yokiboy.

12/31/2006 Jillianaire: Narrativist D&D Poker Night: Any ideas? (Also, "Hi, I'm new.")
Hey all, I've been reading posts from this here forum for well over a month now and I've finally decided I might have something to contribute (or request assistance, at…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jillianaire, Ron Edwards, David C, Noon.

1/2/2007 ED.S Teioh: First post/questions, etc.
(cross posted from Hey, guys. I've been reading the Forge for a while now, and really enjoy it. A lot of the stuff on here has really influenced my…
In Actual Play
Participants: ED.S Teioh, Gaerik, jasonm, Eero Tuovinen, Simon C, r_donato.

1/5/2007 Melinglor: First-time Capes: Rocking!
I played Capes for the first time on New Year's Eve! It was awesome! I love it and can't wait to play again! OK, actually I played Capes Lite, but…
In Actual Play
Participants: Melinglor, Andrew Morris, Miskatonic, TonyLB.

1/8/2007 dreamborn: Fog of War
To all, This topic is about the Fog of War and realism in RPGs.  I am an advocate for realism and the Fog of War as long game play is…
In Actual Play
Participants: dreamborn, TonyLB, Ron Edwards, Valamir, johnzo, Noon.

7/30/2002 Ron Edwards:
Hi Danielle, I sometimes think that the "homosexual" and "pastor" problems exert some arcane influence over the dice - the combination seems remarkably common across games of Wuthering Heights, and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards.

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