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In Actual Play

5/18/2007 khelek: DitV - Clash of Expectations
I love running Dogs, it brings out the worse in characters. We have a group that is running a number of games, mostly small press, at a local Game Shop…
In Actual Play
Participants: khelek, Mel_White, Adam Dray, Frank Tarcikowski, baron samedi, Web_Weaver, Ron Edwards, Noclue.

5/17/2007 Uruush: [Contenders] Hell's Kitchen
Jake hosted another Go Play SE Portland event for more than a dozen people associated with Portland Indie Games, and I moderated this GM-less role-playing game for Jake, Christian, and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Uruush, rafial, Jake Richmond, Dantai, andrew_kenrick.

5/16/2007 abjourne: A Start, Rise 2 Legends: FR
I’ve been running a rpg game in the forgotten realms setting for about a year & a half now using my own fantasy rules. My game is called “Rise 2…
In Actual Play
Participants: abjourne, Adam Dray, contracycle.

5/15/2007 Thor Olavsrud: [Burning Wheel] Burning THAC0: Redemption and Lost Faith
In our Burning THAC0 game (a Burning Wheel game celebrating oD&D and AD&D 1st, set in the Grand Duchy of Karameikos), our characters are dirt fucking poor. A few weeks…
In Actual Play
Participants: Thor Olavsrud, Paka.

5/14/2007 Tranlin: good books with advice for GMs
What are some of the best books that offer advice on GMing? 
In Actual Play
Participants: Tranlin, Ron Edwards, GreatWolf.

5/13/2007 sabbatregent: [SotC/FATE] Player interaction
[b]Premise[/b] This is are small AP snippets of a Spirit of the Century game that happened a month ago.  I've been playing SotC / FATE 3.0 games with this specific…
In Actual Play
Participants: sabbatregent, RedPissLegion, boswok.

5/13/2007 Darcy Burgess: [Godlike] - Marines on Guadalcanal
Given my current projects (Black Cadillacs and Escape from Pleasant Palace), it's no surprise that I've been thinking about war and rpgs a lot lately.  When I talk about war,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Darcy Burgess, lumpley, GregStolze, Ron Edwards.

5/12/2007 Ron Edwards: [Primitive] Grunt! Grunt! I'm talking to you
I've been looking forward to playing this for eight months! It was one of my faves from GenCon last year. Finally, at Forge Midwest, I got the chance to run…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Nev the Deranged, jrs, GreatWolf, Kevin Allen Jr.

5/11/2007 jasonm: [TSOY] With Players New and Old
Remi was recently asked by some of the improvisers in his performing company to show them what roleplaying is all about.  He ended up running PTA for a few of…
In Actual Play
Participants: jasonm, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, LeSingeSavant.

5/11/2007 RedPissLegion: [DRYH] Improvised play on easter hollidays
Finally I got around to writhing this, yeah! Last Easter me and something around 10/12 other guys went out for the holiday to dedicate 6 days to playing everything from…
In Actual Play
Participants: RedPissLegion.

5/11/2007 Ron Edwards: [Shock] Gerald is a boy / Annette is married
One of our crew, the usual host, couldn't make it, and my wife was in Hawaii for the week, so I had Tim A and Tim K join me at…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, nikola, jrs, Alan.

5/9/2007 RedPissLegion: [SOTC] Lisbon "Abre O Jogo" Demo Tour 2007 (long)
Starting this February me an a friend of mine decided to conduct a series of monthly RPG demos - witch we named "Abre O Jogo" (because of our RPG/Boardgame Portuguese…
In Actual Play
Participants: RedPissLegion.

5/8/2007 LeSingeSavant: [Camp Nerdly - PTA] END/Sexitricity
I ran this game in the late Saturday slot at Camp Nerdly, specifically because I knew it would run over the 3-hour time-limit of the other slots. I had been…
In Actual Play
Participants: LeSingeSavant, jasonm, iago, Brand_Robins, nikola, Matt Wilson, Claudia Cangini, travisfarber, Kicker.

5/7/2007 jasonm: [Dogs in the Vineyard] Nauvoo Legion at Nerdly
This was probably the most interesting game I played at Camp Nerdly this past weekend, in terms of content.  Dave Y. ran a session of Dogs that was solidly grounded…
In Actual Play
Participants: jasonm, foucalt, Clinton R. Nixon, Andrew Morris, lumpley, Brand_Robins, David Artman, spaceanddeath.

5/6/2007 andrew_kenrick: [Cold City] All that you leave behind
Cold City: all that you leave behind My Sunday night gaming group continued to work through my shelf of indie games last week, beginning a game of Cold City. We’ve…
In Actual Play
Participants: andrew_kenrick, Malcolm.

5/3/2007 sdm: Experience playing Shadows with young children
On Sunday I played Shadows with two of my daughters for the first time.  They’re four and six years old.  I’ve had some limited D&D 3.5 play time with the…
In Actual Play
Participants: sdm, Kesher, matthijs, Arturo G., komradebob.

4/30/2007 Frank Tarcikowski: [Artesia] Sons of the Spring Queens
I really wasn’t going to post about my Artesia game anywhere. I was going to savor it just for myself. Anyhow, here’s a bit that is just too cool. Well,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Frank Tarcikowski, Eero Tuovinen, Valamir, Noon.

4/28/2007 Levi Kornelsen: [Prophets] Is my series going to get stale?
I have this LARP I'm running; it's very much based on design principles that are visible in theatresports and in a fistful of games from around these parts.  Game materials,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Levi Kornelsen, Troy_Costisick, Noon, Miskatonic, Blankshield.

4/27/2007 MatrixGamer: [Engle Matrix Game] Jack the Ripper PBEM
We've been playing a game of "Jack the Ripper: The game you play before the game" on the MatrixGame2 yahoo group. This group has been around in one form or…
In Actual Play
Participants: MatrixGamer.

4/27/2007 gds: [Ruby] Session two, an Opal murder mystery
So finally we ran the next session of Ruby. The game can be played as essentially small, isolated adventures linked by the presence of the characters, where the previous mission…
In Actual Play
Participants: gds, Ron Edwards.

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In Actual Play

5/20/2007 Alan: [SoTC] Story Now without a net
After Gerry shelved our game of Hollow Earth Expeditions because Alex could no longer attend, I suggested we try Spirit of the Century. For observations on the players and our…
In Actual Play
Participants: Alan, Noon.

5/21/2007 malcolmr: A good introductory game?
[This probably isn't the right forum for this, but I can't find a better one. Please forgive.] I'm a university lecturer teaching a class in game design (all kinds of…
In Actual Play
Participants: malcolmr, Eero Tuovinen, JackTheOwner, Ron Edwards.

5/21/2007 Eliarhiman6: [Jeepform] DOUBT, a Jeepform Narrative LARP
Hello! At the last Italian Ambercon (April 21-22 2007, in Modena, Italy), the Italian "roleplaying movement" Flying Circus hosted a presentation of "Jeepforms" given by two international guests, the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eliarhiman6, Claudia Cangini, jasonm, fjj, Frank Tarcikowski.

5/24/2007 Matt: [Covenant]Death in Venice at Conpulsion
Back in March I went to Edinburgh for Conpulsion, a fun Con of about 200 people. I was there as part of the Collective Endeavour, and we ran an Indie…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt, andrew_kenrick, Graham Walmsley.

5/29/2007 asdfff: Why are dice pools a favored idea here? (moved to here)
I heard it mentioned on the wizards D&D boards that indie rpgs look favorably upon dice pools instead of straight up percentage modifiers. Can someone tell me why this is?…
In Actual Play
Participants: asdfff, Noon, Ron Edwards, GregStolze.

5/29/2007 Fergus: [ros] We Blew It
The session I'm about to describe took place last weekend. The system is Riddle of Steel.  I'm the game master.  This is the first time I've run this system.  A…
In Actual Play
Participants: Fergus, khelek, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Wolfen, Ward.

5/29/2007 WildElf: [DitV] First game: Blueberry Creek, and lessons while getting lost
So, I finally got to run my first Dogs in the Vineyard game, and first time to play to (other than a conflict test run when a friend first showed…
In Actual Play
Participants: WildElf, Noclue.

5/30/2007 MrSandman666: [Shadowrun] The impossible thing before breakfast and other catastrophes
Hello everybody... This is gonna be a somewhat therapeutic thread. I hope this doesn't come of as too much of a rant. One of the reasons I'm writing this is…
In Actual Play
Participants: MrSandman666, Eero Tuovinen, Glendower, Frank Tarcikowski, Ron Edwards, TonyLB, khelek.

5/31/2007 Rob Alexander: [TSOY] GMing in heavy gloves
I just run my first TSOY game with our semi-regular Castles and Crusades group, and although it went ok, and people seem to have enjoyed it, it was pretty confusing.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Rob Alexander, TonyLB, Paka.

6/1/2007 Graham Walmsley: [Roach] With beers at SteveCon
At SteveCon, we had a go at the Roach. So there's four of us, in a pub: me, Adam and...God, I'm terrible at names...I know everyone was Biblical except for…
In Actual Play
Participants: Graham Walmsley, jasonm.

6/1/2007 Garvey: [Polaris PbP] Dreams of Eternal Night
[b]== Introduction ==[/b] I've been doing a bit of play-by-post (PbP) gaming over on [url=]RPG Crossroads[/url], and after reading Polaris and listening to Paul Tevis' group's Polaris recordings, I thought…
In Actual Play
Participants: Garvey, Gaerik.

6/2/2007 TwoCrows: [DnD3ish HB] Shared Story Style DnD
Hey All, Tonight’s weekly gaming session was a blast, what our group calls a “real keeper!” We older Players have all commented that we feel like we did “back in…
In Actual Play
Participants: TwoCrows.

6/6/2007 hatheg-kla: [The Pool] Looking for a scenario idea for first-time convention play!
Hi. I've been talked into running a game at a mini convention in 2 days time with a bunch of people I don't know.  I've never GM'ed The Pool, but…
In Actual Play
Participants: hatheg-kla.

6/8/2007 Brimshack: ETC - Big Gun versus Little Grunt
ETC - The Slaughter Okay, so this was the last game we ran before posting the online version of ETC at Crunch-Waffle. It was between myself and a friend, Chris.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Brimshack, Noon.

6/8/2007 boswok: [Mage: The Awakening] Here goes nothing... (split)
I have one suggestion for your mystery subplots.  This references the characters erroneously assuming that spirits were involved.  When they began hunting down info they seemed to be showing real…
In Actual Play
Participants: boswok, Reithan, Ron Edwards, Falc, David Artman, Noon, Precious Villain, The Dragon Master, FredGarber.

6/10/2007 GB Steve: [Daker] Eating people is bad
My French friend Ben was in town for a night so we assembled some likely faces for a game. Graham W kindly offered to give us a run of Darker,…
In Actual Play
Participants: GB Steve, jasonm, Graham Walmsley.

6/11/2007 Adam Dray: [Primitive] The Order of the Big Stick
Yesterday, I had a little cook-out for some of my friends this weekend. SarahScott was back in town (she moved away to New Orleans), and she and Lisa and Mike…
In Actual Play
Participants: Adam Dray, Nev the Deranged, Eric J. Boyd, Kevin Allen Jr.

6/13/2007 vertigo25: Looking for a Game
I know this falls outside of the scope of these forums, but I'd like to ask all of you, because you know what I'm talking about here. I apologize beforehand,…
In Actual Play
Participants: vertigo25, Ron Edwards.

6/13/2007 hatheg-kla: [Dying earth] Persuasion in play
Hi there. I ran a convention game of the Dying Earth RPG the other day and I thought I'm post my observations.  This is the first time I've run it…
In Actual Play
Participants: hatheg-kla, Tim C Koppang, Pelgrane.

6/13/2007 Robert M: Saying No at the Gaming Table
I orginally posted this over at I would knife fight a man. Vincent suggested that I post it here, so here goes! I recently I have been modifying D&D for…
In Actual Play
Participants: Robert M, Nev the Deranged, Ron Edwards, Gaerik, Noon, Marco, Noclue.

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