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In Actual Play

10/26/2007 Mel_White: Turtling in RPGs
Over the past year or so I've heard the term 'turtling' to describe player actions in RPGs.  I wasn't sure exactly what constituted turtling, although it seemed to be a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Mel_White, Danny_K, WildElf, Ron Edwards, Noon.

10/26/2007 Harlequin: [Nine Worlds] The Anvil of Dike
[i]"For truly the injustice of him who has unjustly transgressed the sovereign majesty of Zeus lies on the ground trampled under foot. The anvil of Dike (Justice) is planted firm.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Harlequin, tonyd, Lord_Steelhand, Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder, Blankshield.

10/26/2007 Harlequin: The Anvil of Dike - Spoilers (read me 2nd)
Here's the surprises I don't want my players to be forced to find out prematurely.  Most discussion should be kept to the original thread (link shortly), except where it bears…
In Actual Play
Participants: Harlequin.

10/21/2007 cydmab: [bliss stage] different functions, different burdens
I persuaded a couple friends to try a game of bliss stage, and it did not go over very well. We played using the Final act scenario in the back…
In Actual Play
Participants: cydmab.

10/17/2007 Artanis: [Dirty Secrets] Don't touch my baby
Hi, This Saturday at the local con I played a new favourite of mine: Dirty Secrets! Only two players signed up, my friends Zarina and Cyril. I had played Polaris…
In Actual Play
Participants: Artanis, GreatWolf, jburneko.

10/16/2007 Filip Luszczyk: [DitV] Ninja Princess Usagi-chan Episode 2: Nani? Tears, Blood and Fur...
We finished the second town of our Ninja Princess Usagi-chan game. It was split into three separate sessions and completing it took us well over ten hours of play in…
In Actual Play
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, JackTheOwner, FredGarber, Redone.

10/16/2007 Gaerik: [BWr] Mostly Homogametic Rrole-playng
I played Burning Wheel Revised this weekend and the result was a mixed bag.  That's not a bad thing or a good thing really.  It's just a thing.  My wife…
In Actual Play
Participants: Gaerik, Noclue, Vulpinoid, GreatWolf, rekyl.

10/16/2007 jasonm: [Viking Con] A Day in the Life
On Friday night at Viking Con, me, Brian, Olle, and Luisa played Mikkel Baekgaard’s scenario A Day in the Life, run by Mikkel.  Thanks to my lack of Danish, we…
In Actual Play
Participants: jasonm, pfischer, FredGarber, fjj, Jonas Karlsson, Sanne Harder Flamant.

10/15/2007 Artanis: [Zombeja! Ovella!] No brain, no pain!
Hi reader, I had the pleasure of playing Eero Tuovinen's new game Zombeja! Ovella! at a local con this Saturday. My five co-players were all relatively young boys whom I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Artanis, Eero Tuovinen.

10/14/2007 jburneko: [Dirty Secrets] Gym Teacher Goes To Jail, Assualts Prominent Doctor
We just finished playing Dirty Secrets.  Like, 30 minutes ago.  It took a bit, but in the end I loved it.  I was playing Josh Bishop-Roby and my wife Meghann. …
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Joshua BishopRoby, GreatWolf.

10/13/2007 xjermx: [Shadowrun of Yesterday] Cyberzombies (long)
I recently ran a game of Shadowrun of Yesterday, a melding of the coolness of Shadowrun and the awesome of Shadow of Yesterday. In short, it went really, really well. …
In Actual Play
Participants: xjermx, Eero Tuovinen, John Harper.

10/10/2007 Jasper the Mimbo: Fun with Simulationism (Star Wars D6) Long post.
I was discussing the old Star Wars system with some friends, who are rabid Star Wars fans, and they convinced me to run a game for them. Luckily, I'd had…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jasper the Mimbo, SpinachBaron, contracycle.

10/9/2007 GreatWolf: [Shock: v 1.1] Be Careful Where You Litter
When I heard that Shock: was being released in its 1.1 edition, I was pretty excited.  I had heard some nifty things about the original edition of the game, but…
In Actual Play
Participants: GreatWolf, Gabrielle.

10/4/2007 epweissengruber: Bringing Uncanny Horror to the Gaming Table [Gumshoe Rules]
I am prepping a horror game and would like anyone's input to the challenges such a game poses to all participants. I am playtesting Hite’s Trail of Cthulhu, which adapts…
In Actual Play
Participants: epweissengruber, Noon, Danny_K, David Artman, Graham Walmsley, LostSoul, Pelgrane, Ron Edwards.

10/2/2007 Simon C: [KazeKami Kyoko Kills Kublai Kahn] Kublai Kahn is Dead
Over at Snail's Pace (, we've been playing a few pretty unusual games via play-by-post.  Dave Cleaver and I recently finished a game of Jonathan Walton's "KazeKami Kyoko Kills Kublai…
In Actual Play
Participants: Simon C.

10/1/2007 xternal: [Universalis] Unholy Alliance
My friend Alex (alejandro on the board) and I played our first game of Universalis this past Saturday.  I sent the following email in response to an absent friend's inquiry…
In Actual Play
Participants: xternal, alejandro, Valamir, Mike Holmes.

9/26/2007 Willow: Oshcon Games on Demand: The Septathalon
(Crossposted over on So, I've just got back from OshCon, up in Oshkosh Wisconsin, where Tim and I ran Games on Demand, where we lay out a whole bunch…
In Actual Play
Participants: Willow, Mike Holmes, John Harper, coffeestain.

9/25/2007 theboeh: Scene Economies
I just wrote an essay on my blog talking about my thoughts on scene economies. I compare my experiences with classical roleplaying games to recent experiences with a more story…
In Actual Play
Participants: theboeh, ChrisLane, Ron Edwards, abzu, Noon.

9/23/2007 SpinachBaron: [Zombies! At the door!] Most fun I've had in a while
Last night I played Zombies! At the door! (which is an unofficial translation of the game's name), from Eero Tuovinen (who I believe is also out here somewhere), and enjoyed…
In Actual Play
Participants: SpinachBaron, Eero Tuovinen, Devin P. Owens.

9/19/2007 thunderriftv: (Don't Rest Your Head) Indie Game Newbs in La
Don’t Rest Your Head Session breakdown We are a little gaming group in Lousisana just learning about Indie games through the podosphere. We wanted to try some these new games…
In Actual Play
Participants: thunderriftv, GreatWolf, JC, Danny_K, Noclue, Uruush.

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In Actual Play

10/28/2007 iain: [Mob Justice] Brothers in Arma (Furnace PM)
[b]Boss:[/b] Iain McAllister [b]Players:[/b] Neil Gow, Steven, Gareth [b]Playing:[/b] Keneth, Isaac and Roy respectfully I ran two Mob Justice games at Furnace, one on the Saturday morning for Matt Machell…
In Actual Play
Participants: iain.

10/30/2007 Darcy Burgess: [Lacuna] Learning to re-love Task Res
Two saturdays ago, I got to play my first game of Lacuna at HoundCon, a birthday party for a long-time friend. I'll lead by saying that the setup was not…
In Actual Play
Participants: Darcy Burgess, M Jason Parent, Danny_K.

10/31/2007 Gregor Hutton: [Mob Justice] So long, Milo Blue
OK, here is the AP of Mob Justice from GaelCon 2007. I got 4 players who had signed up and they were all interested in playing and having a good…
In Actual Play
Participants: Gregor Hutton.

11/6/2007 Emily Care: [jeep form]Doubt PDX
[b][url=]Doubt[/url][/b] happened again, this time in Portland, OR. Read [url=]Moreno's post[/url] from March for the in-depth low down on this game. I played it in Finland after Ropecon with Tobias…
In Actual Play
Participants: Emily Care, sirogit, Jake Richmond, Alephnul, GB Steve, Mike Sugarbaker, Artanis, Claudia Cangini, Eliarhiman6.

11/8/2007 Jonas Karlsson: [One Can Have Her] Arson and old flames
I ran One Can Have Her on Anders Sveen's and Jonas Möckelström's excellent mini-con A Con of You this Saturday. We were enough participants for the weekend for two parallel…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jonas Karlsson, Jonas Larson.

11/8/2007 Sven: [freeform scenario] Under sommaren (During the Summer)
[b][Unnecessary intro][/b] This Monday I spent the really early hours of the day puking due to some unknown sickness. I then moved from Turkey to Sweden. Then I got introduced…
In Actual Play
Participants: Sven, Emily Care, Jonas Karlsson.

11/9/2007 davidberg: [ED&D] CA transience?
My current design attempt (Lendrhald) has me thinking about what play should look like, largely in terms of what I've played in the past: do I want to include this…
In Actual Play
Participants: davidberg, Paka, James_Nostack, Vulpinoid, FredGarber, Noon, Caldis, Paul T, contracycle, Ron Edwards.

11/10/2007 pfischer: [Bliss Stage] Edinburgh Cell
Incoming transmission… We met last week to finish prep for our BS game, sadly missing a player from when playing the  intro scenario, as she has moved to another city…
In Actual Play
Participants: pfischer, TomTitTot, Nev the Deranged.

11/10/2007 Sivá: Reasons for a party to form and stay together?
Ove the last two year or so i wanted to play RPGs again, after a long absence. We tried different games, setups and storytellers/Gms/DMs or whatever. There always was one…
In Actual Play
Participants: Sivá, Eero Tuovinen, Vulpinoid, Noon, davidberg, Valvorik, Miskatonic, fjj, Calithena, shadowcourt, arthurtuxedo, Jasper Flick.

11/11/2007 Eero Tuovinen: System suggestions for Call of Cthulhu?
I'm going to play a one-shot of "Call of Cthulhu", or at least something similar, come Tuesday. Our usual Acts of Evil group couldn't get together, so we're playing something…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, Filip Luszczyk, contracycle, Darcy Burgess, Troels, Paul T, Web_Weaver, Artanis, Snowden, GB Steve, fjj.

11/15/2007 lev_lafayette: "Roll and Keep" modifications for Physical, Social and Mental Tasks
I've introduced into my current L5R game different resolution methds for Physical, Social and Mental Tasks whilst keeping the same mechanics. Comments appreciated. (nota bene: This is x-posted from,…
In Actual Play
Participants: lev_lafayette, EmpyreanDreamer.

11/19/2007 quixoteles: Vonnegut's Crapshoot; or the way I run my games.
This is my first time submitting to the forum. I need to say something before I introduce the mechanic. People have fun in my games. A lot of fun. The…
In Actual Play
Participants: quixoteles, Noon, Harlequin.

11/21/2007 Jargon: [Nobilis] Starting a new campaing. Any advice for a new Hollyhock God?
Greetings! After a long time of dreaming I finally am starting campaing for Nobilis. I have a player group of 2-4 and none have any previous knowledge about Nobilis or…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jargon, Ben Lehman, Valamir, James_Nostack, GrimGent, Danny_K, Noon.

11/24/2007 Nev the Deranged: [Pace/Otherkind Hybrid] Swashbuckling Librarian & Demonic Cheerleader!
Hanging out tonight, a friend and I were bored, so I decided to fiddle around with the simple dice mechanic Vincent posted about ( To start with a little momentum…
In Actual Play
Participants: Nev the Deranged, Ron Edwards, GregStolze, Paul T, Valamir.

11/26/2007 Bjorn: Curse of the promised land
First off, i'm not 100% sure this topic is appropriate for this forum. It has to do with things related to the site but not in the technical sense. If…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bjorn, Artanis.

11/26/2007 epweissengruber: [Inspectres] A marial arts metaphor for Inspectres game play
IndieRPG Toronto has started up an Inspectres mini-campaign. Play reports and characters will be available here: ( One of our players came up with a martial arts metaphor to describe…
In Actual Play
Participants: epweissengruber, Artanis.

11/26/2007 Web_Weaver: [SotC] - Narrativist growing pains - seeking advice
I have been running a game of Spirit of the Century for the last couple of months and have been quite surprised by the results. The intention was to run…
In Actual Play
Participants: Web_Weaver, Ron Edwards, Miskatonic, Valamir, Landon Darkwood, Noclue, Filip Luszczyk, Roger.

11/26/2007 Glendower: [DITV] Orchard Plains - two buy in, one buys out.
Yesterday was my first game with Jeff, Colin, and Kyle, friends who I'd role played with about 2-3 years ago. We've been communicating via Facebook to get together for role…
In Actual Play
Participants: Glendower, Noclue, lumpley, Filip Luszczyk, Noon.

11/30/2007 Marshall Burns: baby pictures -- summary of early RPG experiences, & one real game example
In this thread I briefly described my history of roleplaying -- namely that, lacking access to RPGs, my friends and I simply made up our own.  Larry Lade asked that…
In Actual Play
Participants: Marshall Burns, Miskatonic, Ron Edwards, wreckage.

11/30/2007 masqueradeball: Random Character Creation
I've heard a lot against random character creation on the Forge and from other sources and I was wondering just how far these feelings ran. To be honest, I love…
In Actual Play
Participants: masqueradeball, Ron Edwards, Marshall Burns, contracycle, Capulet, FredGarber, Frank Tarcikowski.

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