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In Actual Play

8/24/2003 Philippe Tromeur: [Wuthering Heights] Special things happpening in my games
I'm currently re-writing my Wuthering Heights RPG, and I'm compiling some of the funky ideas I used in my sessions Here is an incomplete list (unusual things ALWAYS happens in…
In Actual Play
Participants: Philippe Tromeur, Fabrice G., Ron Edwards.

8/23/2003 MonkeyWrench: Problems with my gaming group (long....sorry)
Hello everyone, this'll be my first post outside of tht RoS boards, so here goes.... I've been playing with the people I play with now for about 2 years. With…
In Actual Play
Participants: MonkeyWrench, Bankuei, Scripty, iago, JamesDJIII, Paul Czege, Noon, Brian Leybourne, Ron Edwards, Marco, Tim Alexander.

8/23/2003 arxhon: How to have the 'What do you want from gaming discussion'?
I was out with one of my buddies last night, and he mentioned that we hadn't gamed in a while (which is true, for assorted reasons that i won't get…
In Actual Play
Participants: arxhon, Jack Spencer Jr, iago, Andy Kitkowski, Dave Panchyk, JamesDJIII, Ron Edwards, jdagna, Brian Leybourne, J B Bell.

8/22/2003 Matt Snyder: Nine Worlds in play
We played the first "real" playtest of Nine Worlds last night. I explained the setting and system briefly to Flash, Tony, and my brother Dave. They then came up with…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Snyder.

8/21/2003 jburneko: [InSpectres] Sam Spaderman, Supernatural Private Eye
Hello, So, the other night I was talking to a friend of mine that I've been out of touch with for a while and I talked about my change in…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, WDFlores, Ron Edwards.

8/21/2003 Chris Gardiner: Adventure! First Session.
I finally got to run a game of Adventure! this weekend for some old friends. Though I'm not a fan of the White Wolf system, I was impressed with how…
In Actual Play
Participants: Chris Gardiner, Craig Oxbrow, Hardpoint.

8/21/2003 Chris Gardiner: First Donjon Game
This is my first post here at the Forge, but a frenzy of roleplaying with some old friends at the weekend provided some material I hope's worth posting here. I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Chris Gardiner, rafial, Rob Donoghue, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards.

8/15/2003 Matt Wilson: More Donjon Post Apoc
Donjon continued last night with special guest star James, who was the only person present from his group. James whipped up a quick talking animal (a crow named Vosco) and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Wilson, Mike Holmes, Hafaza, rafial, John Harper, quozl.

8/12/2003 Jason: First game of Donjon (longish)
I finally got my little group out of d&d and into donjon. There are four of us: My friend, my wife, my son, and myself. We used the 21 point…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jason.

8/11/2003 Peter Nordstrand: Well of Souls 1
Hi, I have just finished the character generation session for Well of Souls. I would love to hear some input from you people here at The Forge. Well of Souls…
In Actual Play
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, Bankuei, Brand_Robins, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Valamir.

8/11/2003 eudas: my $0.02
Personally, I tend to prefer gaming around a table (the larger, the better, within reason) with overhead lights -- I like the focused sense that it lends to the game.…
In Actual Play
Participants: eudas, Ron Edwards, Shreyas Sampat, Ben Morgan, Alan.

8/11/2003 eudas: fudging dice rolls
I think alot of comments by others here are fairly accurate reasons as to why players would fudge dice rolls, but the one that I think is most common is…
In Actual Play
Participants: eudas, Ron Edwards, pete_darby, Marco, xiombarg, GB Steve, efindel.

8/11/2003 Rico: Problem with being the Seneschal
I have a couple of problems actualy. 1. When I'm the Seneschal I have a hard time keeping the game real. For just one scenario I tried to play by…
In Actual Play
Participants: Rico, Kaare Berg, Drastic, Jake Norwood, contracycle, Krammer, Wolfen, MonkeyWrench, Noon.

8/9/2003 Overdrive: Dialogue during narration
Hey all, Suppose you're playing some game that allows players to narrate conflicts, outcomes of actions and whatnot. There is an NPC in the scene, a player gets to narrate.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Overdrive, Jack Spencer Jr, Simon W, Wolfen, Ron Edwards, ks13, Marco, Jeph, Clay, rafial, Mike Holmes.

8/8/2003 TheSawh: Hogwarts RPG: O.W.L.s for Britain
Ladies and Gents; After much labor, my Harry Potter role-playing game 'O.W.L.s for Britain' is at last launching! I have built the game system from scratch, and it is very…
In Actual Play
Participants: TheSawh.

8/8/2003 Jeffrey Miller: My Life With Master - First session
MLWM play summary Last night I had the opportunity to run my first session of My Life With Master as a GM, and it was a blast. Some snippets of…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jeffrey Miller, iago, Paul Czege, Mike Holmes.

8/8/2003 Bryant: UA & Trollbabe
So we tried something a little different in our Unknown Armies game last night. One of the players is moving away (sniff), so we wanted to wrap up his PC's…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bryant, Jere.

8/8/2003 Matt Wilson: Donjon Post-Apocalypse
Last night started a short run of Donjon inspired by both Gamma World and the Fallout series of computer games. The characters are from a village where the children are…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Wilson, Clinton R. Nixon, rafial, John Harper, Hafaza.

8/8/2003 JamesDJIII: The Not-As-Angry Pinball
This is a response to the last post in: Ron: I would have to say that the pain experience in "not" versus "bad" is a personal one, and that…
In Actual Play
Participants: JamesDJIII, Ron Edwards, Marco.

8/6/2003 Thor Olavsrud: An Exalted Ghost Story
Following a truly excellent session on Sunday, I've started thinking about a question that I'll put forward here: How much do our expectations, as GMs, guide our players' decision-making, even…
In Actual Play
Participants: Thor Olavsrud, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

8/26/2003 Alan: [My Life With Master] Our Lady of Perpetual Suffering
Our Lady of Perpetual Suffering Boarding School & Correctional Facility My life with Master – play report I ran a one shot demo of MLWM at our Monday game night.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Alan, Mike Holmes, Paul Czege.

8/27/2003 Eric J.: Different Games, Same Characters: What are your experiences?
Alright, this is a thread inspired (Not split) from that one, who's name I cannot remember. I'm looking for your stories that involve players playing the same character over and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eric J., Nathaniel, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Andrew Martin, bcook1971, garapata.

8/31/2003 Anthony I: First play impressions of TROS
I ran a game of TROS for my group last week and I thought I'd post my impressions. First off, any negativity you see in this applies to my group’s…
In Actual Play
Participants: Anthony I, Ron Edwards, Brian Leybourne, Valamir, Mike Holmes.

9/1/2003 Aelios: How do I use social skills?
I'm in the middle of GMing the first zero combat game I've attempted recently; we are playing Fading Suns. I'm having trouble figuring out how to resolve social rolls. The…
In Actual Play
Participants: Aelios, jdagna, Mark Johnson, Matt Wilson, Rob Donoghue, MachMoth, Mike Holmes.

9/1/2003 Nathaniel: Paroxysm: Playtesting One-off
I GMed a two hour one-off session of my new sci-fi horror rpg, Paroxysm. It was a simple little scenario where the characters are trapped on a ship as an…
In Actual Play
Participants: Nathaniel, Mike Holmes.

9/2/2003 adamsmith: Annoying Player Habit
I was wondering whether anyone here could help me out. One of the players in our game has the habit of singing phrases of what has just been said to…
In Actual Play
Participants: adamsmith, bcook1971, Ron Edwards, Matt Wilson, Noon, Garbanzo, cognizantchance.

9/2/2003 jeffd: Real-time RPG session?
I'm kicking around the idea of doing one of my Fading Suns sessions in real time... that is, a six hour session will cover six hours of in-game time. The…
In Actual Play
Participants: jeffd, Simon W, MachMoth, Chris Goodwin, Dave Panchyk, garapata, gobi.

9/3/2003 Anthony I: Played D&D3.5 for first time
I got a chance to play D&D 3.5 tonight...actually, I had never played D&D 3 either- I own the books but just never played. I must say that I have…
In Actual Play
Participants: Anthony I, ethan_greer, Ron Edwards, MonkeyWrench, MachMoth, contracycle, Jack Spencer Jr.

9/3/2003 Eric J.: D&D at last
Hello. I'm Pyron. You may remembe me from threads such as Classes versus reality, and those threads where I bitched at my players. Anyway- We were bored one night and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eric J., IG_Kahn_Storm, Sage of Shadowdale, Ron Edwards, Ben Morgan, Sinthrill, Mulciber, Mike Holmes, Valamir.

9/4/2003 xiombarg: Unsung: SWAT (session 1)
Well, after all sorts of scheduling mishaps, I finally got to run Unsung tonight (Wednesday) on IRC. We used my latest draft of the ruleset: The game surrounded a…
In Actual Play
Participants: xiombarg, MachMoth, Grover, Mike Holmes, Lxndr.

9/4/2003 talysman: "The Gamers" film as example of actual play
reading about the D&D3.5 assassination attempt reminded me of a DVD I watched recently made by an improv/film group called the Dead Gentlemen. the video was called "The Gamers" and…
In Actual Play
Participants: talysman, Mike Holmes, Jack Spencer Jr, rafial, MonkeyWrench, Ron Edwards, Andy Kitkowski, Jeph, hyphz, quozl, MachMoth, Michael S. Miller.

9/5/2003 Ron Edwards: [Tunnels & Trolls] Gamism ain't for the faint of heart
Hello, Tunnels & Trolls proceeds, despite some summer downtime. Two of the characters are up to third level! And a good thing, too ... Since the last time I posted…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Bankuei, David Chunn, ZenDog, Jack Aidley, pete_darby, Mulciber.

9/8/2003 Anthony I: split from played d&d 3.5 thread
[quote]Tell me some things about the group in general (especially the DM): 1) What are their general reactions to other non-DnD RPG's? Especially ones they HAVEN'T played yet. [/quote] I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Anthony I, MachMoth, Bankuei, David Chunn.

9/9/2003 ethan_greer: I'm pissed off
So, over in this thread we're talking about my recent playtest of my game, Thugs and Thieves. This is a somewhat related yet stand-alone thread, hence the link. The reason…
In Actual Play
Participants: ethan_greer, Ron Edwards, MachMoth, Marco, inthisstyle, David Chunn, Simon W, Ben Lehman, bcook1971, gobi, cruciel, Bankuei, RaconteurX.

9/9/2003 rafial: Frightening the Horses
There have been numerous postings lately from folks who have become frustrated in trying to introduce "Forge ideas" into their regular play group, whether it be new games, GNS terminology,…
In Actual Play
Participants: rafial, John Kim.

9/10/2003 BPetroff93: alternatives
Hey Matt, Check out Heroquest (formally Hero Wars) for a similar technique to your "card" vote would be to import Heroquest into a D&D setting but, well, that's just…
In Actual Play
Participants: BPetroff93, Ron Edwards.

9/10/2003 lumpley: Soothsaying
So it's a few Julys ago and I'm at an enormous pagan festival on the NY-PA border. Ellen Kushner is soothsaying. She's in the center of a circle of us…
In Actual Play
Participants: lumpley, ethan_greer, John, Perrina, Cemendur, ejh, MachMoth, contracycle, Meguey.

9/10/2003 Overdrive: Oldskool revisited
Tonight I had a chance to see how our group had been gaming for ages. We played Warhammer FRPG, a campaign that started some 5 years ago, very high power…
In Actual Play
Participants: Overdrive, Anthony I, Ola J., Catalyst.

9/10/2003 Ola J.: [My Life With Master] Lord Blackwell
Hi. In my first ever thread in my first ever post at the Forge (here ) I asked a question about My Life With Master, and got some every good…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ola J., Mike Holmes, Bryant, Valamir, Ron Edwards.

9/11/2003 xiombarg: Unsung SWAT: KABOOM (aka session 2)
You might want to freshen up with the original thread. We added a new player, Dana, who was playing Alicia Tyloni, a sniper with rumored connections to the Mob... One…
In Actual Play
Participants: xiombarg, Lxndr, Dana_mun, Mike Holmes, suffusionofyellow.

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