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In Actual Play

11/7/2001 Jared A. Sorensen: Meat less Roleplaying
I don't know what the subject means. Here's a question: Has anyone here ever altered or limited character concepts because of personal beliefs? I was wondering if, for example, a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jared A. Sorensen, jburneko, kwill, joshua neff, Bankuei, Marco, Laurel, mahoux, Blake Hutchins, unodiablo, unheilig, Epoch, Ron Edwards, Jason L Blair, Ferry Bazelmans, contracycle, Mike Holmes.

11/6/2001 kwill: surveys and game-assessment
over in Assessing my group w/ survey Matt started a discussion with a survey he recently gave to his gaming group discussion has moved on from there, but…
In Actual Play
Participants: kwill, Paul Czege, Ron Edwards, Jared A. Sorensen, hardcoremoose, Mike Holmes.

11/6/2001 Laurel: Online Actual Play
After a weekend full of phone calls and a lot of emotional blackmail and a little bribery, I've been convinced to go back to White Wolf and rejoin their online…
In Actual Play
Participants: Laurel, Epoch.

11/5/2001 Matt Snyder: Assessing my group w/ survey
Here's a survey I just sent out to members of my gaming group. After hanging out here at the Forge for the last week and reading Ron Edward's essays on…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Snyder, Mike Holmes, kwill, Ron Edwards.

11/5/2001 Mike Holmes: Primeval
Well, Ron doesn't want updates to the Profile thread, so I'll just have to start a new one about the Primeval game I played last night. :smile: Very cool. I'm…
In Actual Play
Participants: Mike Holmes, unodiablo, 333Chronzon, Matt Snyder, Blake Hutchins, Valamir.

11/4/2001 Don Lag: Oscura Playtesting
I just finished initial playtesting on Oscura this weekend, consisting in two sessions being run on thursday and saturday. The setting for Oscura is somewhat post-medieval, renaissance maybe (but doesn't…
In Actual Play
Participants: Don Lag, Le Joueur, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege.

11/4/2001 Ian O'Rourke: TOP 5 No 2 by John Wick
In the continuing series John Wick names his Top 5. A few 'Forge' games get a mention - including one that ain't even been released yet! Check it out on…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ian O'Rourke, unheilig, Paul Czege.

11/2/2001 Ron Edwards: Profiling
Hey there, Shortly after the Forge became revived, a thread started up that was VERY useful to everyone involved at the time. I'd like to start it again, as it…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, jburneko, joshua neff, Mike Holmes, Balbinus, James Holloway, Paul Czege, Laurel, Matt Snyder, 333Chronzon, mahoux, Jeffrey Straszheim, Bankuei, Blake Hutchins, Don Lag, Jared A. Sorensen, John Wick, Galfraxas, Ferry Bazelmans, unodiablo, kwill, unheilig, Jason L Blair, hardcoremoose, xiombarg, Mytholder, Epoch, Pariahic, erithromycin, Ben Morgan, Yasha, contracycle, A.Neill, AndyGuest, James V. West, Dav, Tor Erickson, Gordon C. Landis, Jack Spencer Jr, Ayrizale, Clinton R. Nixon, gentrification, Joe Murphy (Broin), AndrewDucker, Tim Denee, Ranko, mearls, Daredevil, Cynthia Celeste Miller, Ryan Ary, Osric, Lofwyr, Ace, Russell Hoyle, Erik.

11/1/2001 Balbinus: Gamists and simulationists in action
Hello all, As this is actual play it seemed to me the appropriate place for this little description. Recently I ran a 2 week Conan-esque sword and sorcery game using…
In Actual Play
Participants: Balbinus, Ferry Bazelmans, Mike Holmes.

10/29/2001 Blake Hutchins: X-Games Update (1)
We finished the characters and played our first session of The Pool: Irongate yesterday. Wow. VERY cool experience. I have a lot to relate, so let me get started. Characters…
In Actual Play
Participants: Blake Hutchins, Ron Edwards, Bankuei, Mike Holmes, Paul Czege.

10/29/2001 jburneko: Vanilla Narrativism In Action
I find it sort of funny that Ron should post about Vanilla Narrativism the same weekend I happen to run just such a game. Saturday was my monthly Deadlands game…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Paul Czege, Clay, Ron Edwards.

10/29/2001 Ron Edwards: Narrativism and Bobby G
Hey, So last Tuesday, I got a chance to play D20, finally! It was the new Star Wars, and I leaped into action with my Twileek bodyguard and translator for…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Matt, joshua neff, Mike Holmes, Marco, Doc Midnight, Jack Spencer Jr, Don Lag, contracycle, jburneko, Gordon C. Landis, James Holloway.

10/26/2001 Ian O'Rourke: Variation of Style
Okay, this is sort of inspired by a couple of the threads in the Sorcerer forum, but it's not Sorcerer specific, and this forum seemed the closest fit. This issue…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ian O'Rourke, Paul Czege, James V. West, Bankuei, Mike Holmes, Blake Hutchins, Laurel, mahoux.

10/26/2001 Galfraxas: Jerk Reoccurances?
Anybody who was part of my last discussion on the "Actual Play" forum knows that my gaming group is seriously troubled. Well, no longer. I have found a new group.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Galfraxas, Jason L Blair, Ron Edwards, greyorm, Laurel, Mike Holmes, Balbinus.

10/20/2001 Blake Hutchins: X-Games
I've put a group together to run a series of short-run games where we experiment with some of the narrativist-focused systems out there. We're starting with The Pool, followed by…
In Actual Play
Participants: Blake Hutchins, hardcoremoose, Ron Edwards, James V. West, Mike Holmes, Paul Czege.

10/18/2001 Ron Edwards: The Mystery Meat thing
Hey there, Last Tuesday, our own Doc Midnite ran a session of what is apparently called "Mystery Meat," that is, a session of play in which the players are unaware…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Galfraxas, Mike Holmes, joshua neff, Epoch, Marco, Doc Midnight.

10/16/2001 greyorm: Recent Playtest
As I recently mentioned, I planned to use Cameron's A Game Within A Game in the context of my 3E game. What a life-saver! After the closing session of…
In Actual Play
Participants: greyorm, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards.

10/15/2001 Paul Czege: Drama like your cold feet under my covers
Have you been compulsively checking this forum for some closure on the Theatrix superhero scenario I first wrote about in the "Theatrix in action" thread? Too bad. This is a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paul Czege, jburneko, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Ben Morgan, Laurel, Clay.

10/10/2001 Ron Edwards: Sorcerer in action (briefly)
So I finally got badgered into running a short Sorcerer experience for some of the people in the campus group. I've been resisting this for a while, partly due to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Tor Erickson, random.

10/8/2001 Dav: Little Fears
My Thursday night group has started Little Fears. First, let me say that the character sheet, more than almost anything else, truly helps the character development stage. Filling in the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Dav, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

11/14/2001 Epoch: Amber Times Seven
Ron requested that I post a little something on the experience of going to Ambercon. I think it's an interesting topic, so I'm going to -- although, given our disparate…
In Actual Play
Participants: Epoch, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, DaR, xiombarg.

11/15/2001 Tor Erickson: Souther Fried Sorcerer, part 1
Hello All, On Saturday I met with my three players and an observer to play our first session of Sorcerer. This was a particularly exciting moment because we were finally…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tor Erickson, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege.

11/15/2001 Tor Erickson: Southern Fried Sorcerer, part 2
(this is part 2 of a two part post about a Sorcerer game) ACTUAL PLAY 1: Scene-framing, railroading, and director and author stance Throughout the game I exercised hardcore scene-cutting…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tor Erickson, joshua neff, kwill, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, furashgf.

11/15/2001 unodiablo: Two Page Action Movie RPG - Playtime!
After playing Two Page Action Movie RPG (2PAM from here on out) three times in two weeks, I thought I'd take the time to do a post about it. I've…
In Actual Play
Participants: unodiablo, mahoux, Paul Czege, Ron Edwards, Bankuei.

11/16/2001 Ron Edwards: Help with Nobilis prep
Hello, I am interested in playing Nobilis with a very appropriate group. We've done a hell of a lot of Hero Wars, The Window, and Amber, for instance, and they've…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Epoch, Mytholder, Paul Czege, Jared A. Sorensen, Philippe Tromeur.

11/18/2001 lumpley: My Firstest Relationship Map
I just mail-merged our master list of all the wizards in our Ars Magica world (in which various people have been playing since 1990) onto stickers and stuck them to…
In Actual Play
Participants: lumpley, Tor Erickson, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Mytholder, Stivven.

11/20/2001 Ian O'Rourke: I've just dug myself a hole...
We are about to finish our twice monthly 3e game - and very much it has been, an epic campaign in the Star Wars tradition. Anyway, that leaves a gaming…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ian O'Rourke, Ron Edwards, joshua neff, Tor Erickson.

11/25/2001 Paul Czege: frustration with "enigmas"
So this evening my girlfriend and I sat down to create our characters for Eloran's forthcoming Mage scenario. And maybe recent games of The Pool, Sorcerer, and Theatrix have me…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paul Czege, jburneko, Matt Gwinn, Ron Edwards, joshua neff, hardcoremoose, Blake Hutchins, Clinton R. Nixon, Epoch, contracycle, Mytholder, Le Joueur, Mike Holmes, Gordon C. Landis.

11/27/2001 Marco: Reflections on a game from this weekend
[quote] Cold Light was the codename for a soviet telepathic assassination project during the cold war. A rather spectacular psychological warfare success: the US spent millions of dollars trying to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Marco, Epoch, Ron Edwards.

11/30/2001 Gordon C. Landis: Sim to Nar "drift" in actual play
Ron mentions me in the acknowledgements of the GNS essay as contributing thoughts on "drift" (thanks, Ron). I'm not sure exactly which posts of mine he found useful, but as…
In Actual Play
Participants: Gordon C. Landis, Mike Holmes.

12/4/2001 jburneko: Deadlands and Trial
Hello All, So, Saturday was my monthly Deadlands game. Somewhere around here there is a post about the previous session. We're still involved in the same scenario using the same…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, mahoux, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Tor Erickson.

12/6/2001 Mike Holmes: Breaks
[quote] On 2001-12-06 14:22, Ron Edwards wrote: Sometimes, I just say, "Let's take a break," and we chill out for a while, and talk about movies or sex or RPG…
In Actual Play
Participants: Mike Holmes, mahoux, Epoch, Ron Edwards, joshua neff, Marco, Ben Morgan, hardcoremoose, Mytholder, Paul Czege.

12/6/2001 Ian O'Rourke: Nearly, but now its Adventure!
I nearly had it, but it slipped through my fingers. I was pitching a narrativist game, relationship maps, with links into kickers, etc, the lot. The prospective players where within…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ian O'Rourke, Tor Erickson, Ben Morgan, joshua neff, jburneko, Ian Freeman.

12/6/2001 Ron Edwards: Characters per player
Hello, At the end of the "My firstest relationship map" thread, I shamefully left poor Vincent hanging: He wrote, "... here's a question. Do you ever play troupe-style, or are…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, unodiablo, lumpley, Mytholder, Paul Czege, Marco, Blake Hutchins, jrs, James V. West.

12/7/2001 jburneko: Stances In Actual Play
I'm not sure if that subject line is completely correct but it was the best I could do. I was wondering if anyone else, especially those of you who dabble…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, contracycle.

12/10/2001 mahoux: thank you Zak
Just a quick post to say that we played Adventures in Space this last Saturday. Two members of our regular group didn't show up, so I hit the computer to…
In Actual Play
Participants: mahoux.

12/10/2001 erithromycin: Dust to Dust: How not to do Dune
There's a discussion over in Sorceror about running Dune, and that brought back memories of an attempt to run a Dune LARP in my local gaming community. A bitter saga…
In Actual Play
Participants: erithromycin, Mike Holmes, Le Joueur.

12/11/2001 lumpley: Solstice Party at My House
This an Actually-Will-Play, so Actual Play it is. This year the Baker family's annual all-night solstice party is a gamefest! Sunset to Sunrise the night of the 21st we'll keep…
In Actual Play
Participants: lumpley, Marco, Epoch, Jared A. Sorensen, greyorm.

12/11/2001 Tor Erickson: Observers to role-playing
Hi All, For three of our Sorcerer sessions so far we've had an outside observer sitting in. Other than the occasional comment they do just that: observe. What I'm finding…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tor Erickson, Paul Czege, gentrification, hardcoremoose, Mike Holmes, Epoch, Evan Torner, contracycle, Gordon C. Landis, Osric, Ron Edwards.

12/12/2001 jburneko: Gamism In Action or Why I Hate Arts and Crafts
Hello All, First off, I'd like to state that this post is an account of my personal experiences as filtered through my personal biases. Nothing I am about to say…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Epoch, Garbanzo, Eric.Brennan, Ben Morgan.

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