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In Actual Play

12/12/2003 Matt Snyder: Stormbringer forgery
I'm trying to piece together a VERY house-rules-ized version of the Stormbringer rules for some good ol' fantasy gaming with a few newer twists. (I'm going to talk about meta-mechanics…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Snyder, hix, John Kim, Andrew Martin, C. Edwards.

12/12/2003 GB Steve: [MLwM] Killing Puppies for Santa
I ran a mad game tonight and it was pretty brutal. We finished it in just over three hours with 3 1/2 players (one had to leave halfway through to…
In Actual Play
Participants: GB Steve, ethan_greer, Emily Care, Bob McNamee, abzu.

12/11/2003 JC: [FVLMINATA] What do I look like to you ?
ave :) first of all : I just got the 2nd ed. book, and it's great ! now here's my question about slaves : what keeps them from running away…
In Actual Play
Participants: JC, Michael S. Miller, Alan, Jason E. Roberts, John Kim.

12/11/2003 Paka: Riddle of Midnight
[b]Character Creation and Game Background Set-up[/b] When a buddy of mine, JJ, broke his hip last year I began a game with him, set in Fantasy Flight Game's Midnight setting,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, MonkeyWrench, DaGreatJL, Rob MacDougall, Sigurth, Valamir.

12/10/2003 Ben Lehman: Charnel Gods
"Escape the sorrow and restraint of mortal cities..." (If you are one of my players for this game, please don't read. It will spoil some surprise.) Hi all-- I'm prepping…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ben Lehman, hardcoremoose, Valamir, Ron Edwards.

12/9/2003 lumpley: Further More Adventures in Improvised System
Here's one that went really well! Our characters are young, inexperienced, politically radical outsider mages we've never played before. We brainstorm: they're Gypsies, they've turned their back on the Order…
In Actual Play
Participants: lumpley, Paul Czege, Emily Care.

12/8/2003 jeffd: Fancy-Schmancy Character Backgrounds
This is something I've noticed in a lot of my play group up here. It's something I'm wondering about so I'm bringing it to the Forge to discuss. I GM…
In Actual Play
Participants: jeffd, Ron Edwards, Valamir, anonymouse, MachMoth, Ben Morgan, Loki, John Kim.

12/7/2003 lumpley: Adventures in Shared Character Vision
[b]It's over a year ago...[/b] "Hey, has everybody else noticed that Vincent's not playing any of the covenfolk?" Meg says. "Y'know, I had noticed that," says Emily. "I've been wondering…
In Actual Play
Participants: lumpley, Valamir, Meguey, Matt Wilson, bluegargantua, Emily Care, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, cruciel, Gordon C. Landis.

12/7/2003 John Burdick: Bumpy Exalted game
I'm thinking about developing a situation for my Exalted group. We've had some false starts with player dropouts, and I've lost my mental momentum. I'd like to talk about how…
In Actual Play
Participants: John Burdick, Eero Tuovinen, wyrdlyng, greyorm, Ron Edwards, Thor Olavsrud, Mike Holmes, Blake Hutchins.

12/6/2003 Mr. Spooky: Profiling add-on (split)
Most recently played: -Mage: Sorceror's Crusade -Vampire -Game set in "Firefly" universe, using QAGS Most Enjoyed: -Ficton Superhero game (Homebrew, went through several systems) -Kreos Fantasy game (Another homebrew, multiple…
In Actual Play
Participants: Mr. Spooky, Ron Edwards.

12/6/2003 RaconteurX: Abused Player Syndrome II (split)
Apologies to one and all, being still a relative newcomer, but it seems to me that the aforementioned SEAL player is nothing more than the end product of extreme Gamist…
In Actual Play
Participants: RaconteurX, Ron Edwards, hyphz.

12/6/2003 Harlequin: [MLwM] At Seven Bells - Setup
So tonight all the ingredients for the My Life With Master game discussed in this thread have come together - the game book arrived last week, the core players were…
In Actual Play
Participants: Harlequin, Paul Czege.

12/5/2003 GreatWolf: [Legends of Alyria] The Bag Strikes Back
The Bag Strikes Again I spent the last week in Erie, visiting family, and one of the planned events was to do some roleplaying. Originally we had intended to pursue…
In Actual Play
Participants: GreatWolf, Jason L Blair.

12/4/2003 Ben Lehman: Chorus d20
Hi all-- This is a post about a 1-shot game I ran recently for two of my gaming friends from Providence (both part of Brown's Gaming group, but neither --…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ben Lehman, Russell Hoyle.

12/3/2003 Paka: Universalis as a Pre-RPG Setting Maker (Sort of)
This is a spin-off of Andy's thread which is a spin-off of Ralph's thread on I didn't want to hi-jack Andy's thread with my tale of woe. I was…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka.

12/3/2003 xiombarg: [Unsung] Death of a Team Member (Session 5)
You might want to freshen up with the previous thread. This session had very few Gifts -- but features the return of an old character, and the death of another…
In Actual Play
Participants: xiombarg, stingray20166.

12/2/2003 Kaare Berg: [Burning Wheel] First light in a nordic land
I steal ideas. I never claim they are my own, but I steal ideas and use them shamelessly. Which is why I love this site, and why I figured I'd…
In Actual Play
Participants: Kaare Berg, abzu, taepoong, Christopher Weeks, Paka, drozdal.

12/2/2003 Paganini: [indie-netgamin] Pag's Dragon Game
I need a name for this game. Yup, yup, I do. Because I think it's gonna be worth keeping. Has "Draconum" been taken? Anyway, we made characters, and one scene…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paganini, Mike Holmes, Lxndr, contracycle.

12/1/2003 abzu: [Burning Wheel] Frickin Elven Princes
We had another small and short session last night. We only had three players and we were missing one from the main arc of the "Tristam goes north saga", so…
In Actual Play
Participants: abzu, Mike Holmes, anonymouse, Valamir, BirdMan.

11/30/2003 jeffd: [Shooting Stars] Trademarked Actions
Foreward: This isn't about game systems or anything - it's really just a quick observation about something I've done in a game I'm playing in. Background: Shooting Stars (as it…
In Actual Play
Participants: jeffd, Mark D. Eddy, MachMoth.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

12/15/2003 kalyptein: seeking methods for "Plot Framing"
After the holidays, my group will be starting a new game, a space opera adventure using a slight mod of Feng Shui. As I was jotting down adventure seeds, I…
In Actual Play
Participants: kalyptein, bifevo, Roy, Matt Wilson, Mike Holmes, Bankuei.

12/16/2003 Harlequin: [MLwM] At Seven Bells - Framing/Pacing?
At Seven Bells (see the setup here) played its first real session on Friday, and I found myself with mixed feelings both about my own ability to run the game…
In Actual Play
Participants: Harlequin, jrs, Mike Holmes, GB Steve, Valamir.

12/16/2003 abzu: [Burning Wheel] Wild Magic
We recently switched from our Tiernikan campaign (european medieval fantasy) back to our main (and long running) Orphans game (korean/japanese/chinese with a dash of western fantasy). The players are playing…
In Actual Play
Participants: abzu, rafial, johnzo, taepoong, Lxndr, Mike Holmes, DaGreatJL, Valamir, Ron Edwards.

12/17/2003 Bankuei: D&D 3.0- Gamism ain't easy...
Hi folks, Last few weeks I've been running an ongoing series of D&D 3.0 one shots. Each session is a self contained adventure/mission, with no real connection between them. Play…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bankuei, MachMoth, Ron Edwards, joshua neff, Andrew Norris.

12/17/2003 Jeph: How I got into role-playing.
Clay would always play a wizard of some sort. Max liked being a dwarf, and Patrick would be a guy with a sword. I'd usually play a thief, and sam…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jeph, rafial, Emily Care, Peter Nordstrand, Calithena, Valamir, quozl, Brian Leybourne.

12/17/2003 Calithena: Can I get a game rec?
Okay, so one of my best players is going to start playing a new game with me. His character is a shapeshifter. I first went to Sorcerer, because I've been…
In Actual Play
Participants: Calithena, Mike Holmes, Paul Czege, RaconteurX, Clinton R. Nixon, Anthony I, Rob MacDougall, Michael S. Miller, Shadetree.

12/18/2003 Steve Dustin: Sorcerer in Iraq
I'm running a Sorcerer one-shot on Monday, and would appreciate some feedback on the prep I've done so far. It's set in Iraq, about a week before Saddam's capture. This…
In Actual Play
Participants: Steve Dustin, Mike Holmes, Valamir, Jeph.

12/19/2003 Matt Wilson: [the Puddle] Crimson Skies Pulp Action
I officially dig any game that requires very little preparation from anyone. Enter the Puddle, which we opted for last night in the absence of one player and presence of…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Wilson, John Harper, Mike Holmes, Loki, Cassidy.

12/20/2003 bluegargantua: Killing Christmas Puppies
okay, so, i ran kill puppies for satan tonight. tonight i was guided by lord lumpley's tarnished rule: in kpfs, prepping a plot is a complete and total waste of…
In Actual Play
Participants: bluegargantua, Zathreyel, Rob MacDougall, Ron Edwards, Bryant, lumpley, Meguey.

12/20/2003 Simon W: Saving the World in a Groovy Kind of Way
I finally got around to running a session of Matt Macell's The Agency last night. We were due to play one of our favourites (Amber Diceless), but one player couldn't…
In Actual Play
Participants: Simon W, Mike Holmes, Warrior Kal, Ron Edwards, Matt.

12/20/2003 rafial: [Burning Wheel] Fear and Loathing in Tarshish
I used our third session of BW to address the "intimidation" regarding the combat system that several players had expressed in the previous thread. After framing some opening scenes…
In Actual Play
Participants: rafial, abzu, Alan, John Harper, Matt Wilson.

12/22/2003 bcook1971: [TROS] Help! How to promote progress in discovery.
Hello. My gaming group is in the middle of a TROS campaign right now. My Seneschal places priority on discovery as a means of progress. I see the following ends…
In Actual Play
Participants: bcook1971, Jake Norwood, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, hyphz.

12/22/2003 Kaare Berg: [Burning Wheel] Troll Winter - longish
They are beginning to get it. Finally they are beginning to get it. But I am getting ahead of myself. My group had our second BW session last night and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Kaare Berg, abzu, taepoong, Jeph.

12/25/2003 LordSmerf: [Universalis] Lessons learned
So tuesday night we played a game of Universalis. The group consisted of: Me. about 7 games WW. about 5 games JG. about 6 games NL. about 5 games PW.…
In Actual Play
Participants: LordSmerf, Bob McNamee, Tony Irwin, Ron Edwards, rafial, Christopher Kubasik, TW, Paul Czege, Christopher Weeks, Valamir.

12/26/2003 AdAstraGames: [Ten Worlds RPG] Alpha Test of Combat
I have an RPG in development for Ten Worlds, the setting for the Attack Vector line of games. In mechanics, it owes a lot to Jake Norwood's Riddle of Steel,…
In Actual Play
Participants: AdAstraGames, Andrew Martin.

12/29/2003 Warrior Kal: Need help finding!!!!
[b]I play an online free multi playa rpg called Rune Scape!! Its great and it saves your data and has a big world. Its just that when i die i…
In Actual Play
Participants: Warrior Kal.

12/29/2003 Kaare Berg: [Burning wheel] Trial and tribulations - Very verbose
It was time for our third session and this time I was woefully unprepared. Our two previous sessions can be found here and here A brief recap Three…
In Actual Play
Participants: Kaare Berg, abzu.

12/29/2003 LordSmerf: [My Life With Master] University Days
This is a direct transcript of my first MLwM game. The notes include our explaination and brainstorming session as well as our actual Pregame and first play session. Hopefully i'll…
In Actual Play
Participants: LordSmerf, Paul Czege, Bob McNamee.

12/29/2003 abzu: [Burning Wheel] Character Burning Session: Motivation
I had an amazing character burning session the other night. I was visiting my family and my brother and I were introducing one of his friends to the game. (they're…
In Actual Play
Participants: abzu, Paul Czege, taepoong, rafial.

12/30/2003 Tim Alexander: [Dust Devils] Malt and Tease, Final
Hey Folks, After a bit of a hiatus the group and I gathered again to finish up the DD story that began here and continues here. Unfortunately though, the group…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tim Alexander, Ron Edwards.

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