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In Actual Play

1/30/2004 james_west: My experience using Forge arcana
I was very active on the Forge for a bit right after it started (I just looked - I'm member #26), learning about GNS, stance, scene framing, relationship maps, and…
In Actual Play
Participants: james_west, Christopher Weeks, Alan.

1/28/2004 James K.: Shopping for scene frames.
As I put together a concept for a new game (more info on that forthcoming), I've begun thinking about this thing called "scene framing." I'd like to try and discuss…
In Actual Play
Participants: James K., Matt Wilson, clehrich, Loki, Ron Edwards, Alan.

1/28/2004 James K.: (Pax Gladius) The Passion of the Christ
I brought this up over on the Deep7 Forum, but I thought this was the sort of thing that might interest readers here. I've been doing a lot of reading…
In Actual Play
Participants: James K., John Kim, Sigurth, clehrich, HOT, Mithras.

1/28/2004 Eric J.: Pyron's Final Fantasy Campaign
Hehehe... Uh. Yeah. I've recently moved to California from my former state, Nebraska so I have a lot of free time on my hands (well, discounting mountains of homework and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eric J., clehrich, Sigurth, anonymouse, ethan_greer, hyphz, Bankuei, sirogit, Landon Darkwood, Andy Kitkowski.

1/26/2004 jburneko: Thoughts From a Player
Hello, Allright, so I've had three gaming sessions since the new year. Character Creation + First Session of Play for my Eden Falls game using The Pool and a Character…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Gordon C. Landis, John Kim, Matt Snyder, bcook1971, Christopher Kubasik, pete_darby, Paganini, clehrich.

1/26/2004 Andrew Norris: [d20] The Comfort Zone
I started a reply to the "Spycraft -] Wushu" thread, but realized that while my experiences were similar enough to warrant a reply, what I really wanted to do was…
In Actual Play
Participants: Andrew Norris.

1/26/2004 Lisa Padol: Death Traps and Enemy Bases
So, yesterday, I ran Cthulhupunk. Parts of it went quite well, parts dragged cuz my pacing was off. One plot thread involved Evil Villain Master Mind Hanoi Xan (yes, -that-…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol, John Kim, MachMoth, Mike Holmes, clehrich, contracycle, AnyaTheBlue, chadu.

1/24/2004 sirogit: Metal Opera One-shot
In a week I'm going to run a one-shot of Metal Opera. My goals with the game is: A) Have the game produce a very meaningful expiereince in the 2-3…
In Actual Play
Participants: sirogit, Zak Arntson, Sigurth, Mike Holmes.

1/23/2004 jburneko: Swimming in The Pool is quite refreshing.
Hello Again, As mentioned in a previous post I've decided to use The Pool as the system behind the latest game my weekday group is playing. I thought that donig…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Jeph, Paganini, Ron Edwards.

1/23/2004 Christopher Weeks: [MLwM] Dr. Sweet's Clinic
We played this game in one sitting. It was on a Sunday afternoon and I think actual play ran from around 1:00 to around 6:00. The Master: Dr. Leopold Sweet—runs…
In Actual Play
Participants: Christopher Weeks, Paul Czege, Michael S. Miller, Ron Edwards, joshua neff.

1/23/2004 swdevlin: A Political Game
Hi, I have been pondering running a 'political' fantasy game for a little while now; something feudal, or something clan/viking-esque. But I seem to have some sort of GM block.…
In Actual Play
Participants: swdevlin, pete_darby, Jasper, MachMoth, John Kim, clehrich, Ron Edwards, ks13, Negilent, Loki.

1/22/2004 cthulahoops: [MLwM] 200g mixed expectations, 500g fun, 15ml blasphemy
Hi, I'm trying new games at a great rate at the moment, you spend years doing the same things and then lots of new things happen at once. This game…
In Actual Play
Participants: cthulahoops, Mike Holmes, Paul Czege, firstagainstthewall.

1/22/2004 Pyske: Improvisational TROS variant
I've been considering running another TROS game for a while now, and tonight on the spur of the moment I volunteered to run a game. We'll be playing this Friday,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Pyske.

1/21/2004 apeiron: LotR RPG Inquiry: What did you think of it?
i recently read through the Lord of the Rings RPG. i am wondering if any of you have played the game. Please share with me your reflections on the game…
In Actual Play
Participants: apeiron, John Kim, Negilent, ADGBoss.

1/21/2004 Ron Edwards: [ReCoil] Play feedback
Hello, Here's the feedback from our session of ReCoil, played last night at the campus club with me and four players. I'll post the one-sheet and the characters later. 1.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Wolfen, Lxndr, Brian Leybourne.

1/20/2004 Matt Wilson: Premise in actual play
In light of some recent threads about narrativism in an undisclosed location, I'd like some accounts of nar play and addressing of premise. How specific was your Premise before the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Wilson, Ian O'Rourke, Ron Edwards, Christopher Kubasik, Gordon C. Landis, Bankuei, John Kim, abzu, clehrich, Paganini, Lisa Padol, pete_darby, inthisstyle.

1/20/2004 hatheg-kla: GM resources
This is probably off-topic... or perhaps not? My question is just whether anyone knows of a good set of tables/charts that as a GM I can use to 'randomly' generate…
In Actual Play
Participants: hatheg-kla, Mike Holmes, Valamir, Bob McNamee, Bankuei, Kaare Berg, Skadedyr.

1/20/2004 Sigurth: [TROS] The Riddle of Hârn
Originally, my gaming group toyed with idea of creatinga hybrid HarnMaster/TROS system, however, when I received the TROS book and read it, as GM, I made a command decision. WE…
In Actual Play
Participants: Sigurth, Wolfen, November Kilo, Brian Leybourne, Spartan, John Kim, Halifax, Ron Edwards, Pyske, Valthalion.

1/19/2004 Ian O'Rourke: [Primetime Adventures]: Pre-Actual Play
Just downloaded Primetime Adventures, just done the first read through. Now, the role-playing game as TV show thing is a big thing of mine. It's sort of the common way…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ian O'Rourke, Matt Wilson, John Harper, Meredith, Ron Edwards.

1/19/2004 rafial: [Burning Wheel] Things Fall Apart in Tarshish
Well, its the fifth of our planned seven sessions of Burning Wheel, and we appear to have crested the hill and are now (hopefully) skidding toward our denouement. It's a…
In Actual Play
Participants: rafial, Matt Wilson, abzu, johnzo.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

1/31/2004 Green: Kathanaksaya: It's Working! (sorry for length)
I am surprised and delighted beyond belief to say the following: Kathanaksaya works beautifully. Up until very recently, I was afraid that the only way it could work was for…
In Actual Play
Participants: Green.

1/31/2004 Zak Arntson: Historical GURPS and first post-Forge dysfunction
After all but abandoning the RPG scene a year (or more?) ago, I was itching to get back into the play. So when I was invited to join a group…
In Actual Play
Participants: Zak Arntson, J B Bell, clehrich, John Kim, Ron Edwards, LutherBlissett.

2/1/2004 Malechi: [TROS]Azuraloka - The Land of Avatars (longish..sorry)
Well finally we managed to have what seems to be the first of many promising sessions. After almost reaching homicidal rage for all the cancelled sessions of TROS, Armageddon:2089 etc…
In Actual Play
Participants: Malechi.

2/1/2004 Herr Doktor: Simulationist/Gamist group
After some discussion our role-playing group came to the realization that according to our own experiences our prefered GNS modes do not match up. Our group consists of six persons,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Herr Doktor, Alan, clehrich, Caldis, Ron Edwards, jdagna.

2/1/2004 Ron Edwards: Learning the interface
Hello, In the excellent comic Finder, specifically the collected story Dream Sequence, one of the characters is utilized by "users" very much in the sense of a video-game construct. Another…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Malechi, clehrich, james_west, Blake Hutchins, Jake Norwood, Jack Spencer Jr, hanschristianandersen, AnyaTheBlue, Sean, Pyske, contracycle, jrs, Clinton R. Nixon, Christopher, Harlequin, Blankshield, talysman.

2/2/2004 abzu: [Burning Wheel] I failed? No, _I_ failed.
Task failure in the BW system has been brought up here before. It's pretty cut and dried: A player states his intent and then rolls the dice. He either gets…
In Actual Play
Participants: abzu, Negilent, Valamir, Ron Edwards, C. Edwards, Matt Wilson, John Kim, Technocrat13, Zak Arntson, Lxndr, firstagainstthewall, rafial, Howmandu.

2/2/2004 abzu: Frustrated Gamism
I played a game of Risk this weekend with some of my close and dear friends. I know Risk doesn't qualify as an RPG in the terms stated on these…
In Actual Play
Participants: abzu, JamesSterrett, MachMoth, Ron Edwards, Bob McNamee, chadu, Valamir, Doctor Xero, clehrich.

2/2/2004 Uzzah: Opinions on Protagonism
After throughly digesting "My Life with Master" and more recently Ron's Narrativism essay, I started thinking more about protagonism and my past experiences of role-playing. In almost all games I've…
In Actual Play
Participants: Uzzah, Ron Edwards.

2/3/2004 Dev: Dust Devils: Red Mars
This is the game we played at VeriCon, and it was quite electric! We had 6 players; there was self-selection for interest (the game was a sci-fi western; 5 of…
In Actual Play
Participants: Dev, Ron Edwards.

2/3/2004 Dev: MLwM: Master-Lord-Baron's submarine. In a Lake.
This game also took place at VeriCon, and was an anomoly in some ways. It was also really impressive. (One of the con's guests, Ted Wadsworth, played in it and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Dev.

2/3/2004 GB Steve: [MLwM] My Life with Headmaster - a short convention game.
It was SteveCon VII last weekend and in the first four hour slot we played Carry on up the Ring, which is something only thirty-something Brits would really appreciate. We…
In Actual Play
Participants: GB Steve, Dave Panchyk, clehrich, Bob McNamee.

2/4/2004 xiombarg: [Unsung] Ricky Goes Apesh*t (Blood Opera?)
You might want to freshen up with the previous thread. As before, the first link is the "narrative" and the second link is a log of our out-of-character…
In Actual Play
Participants: xiombarg, Mike Holmes, John Kim, Lxndr.

2/4/2004 inthisstyle: Switching Systems Helps My Game
All right. I hope not to offend Luke, here, but this is a post about my experience with Burning Wheel, and what happened after my group switched systems to my…
In Actual Play
Participants: inthisstyle, abzu, Andrew Martin.

2/4/2004 Skar: Transitioning GM/Group from Gamist to Narrativist
Hi all! I've been reading these boards like crazy since discovering them a couple of weeks ago and want to say a huge THANKS to all posters for taking the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Skar, Pyske, sirogit, Andrew Norris, clehrich, Loki, Ron Edwards, JamesDJIII, aplath.

2/6/2004 apeiron: LotR's Weariness translation to d20
@ My favorite part of the LotR RPG is the Weariness system. So i'm attempting here to recreate it for d20. If this is something that interests you, feel free…
In Actual Play
Participants: apeiron, Bob the Fighter, james_west.

2/9/2004 james_west: [MLwM] The Kindest Torch-Wielding Mob Ever
We played My Life with Master yesterday. Four players (two men, two women) plus me, over a course of about six hours play time. Our game centered around the mind-bogglingly…
In Actual Play
Participants: james_west, Mike Holmes.

2/9/2004 Negilent: [Burning Wheel] Storm by Suprise.
Ack the pressure. Two weeks ago my group set out to play Friday and Saturday. Then there was a change of plans and I had to scrap my orginal scenario…
In Actual Play
Participants: Negilent, taepoong, abzu, Valamir.

2/9/2004 Matt Wilson: [unipool] Horizon, the Firefly spinoff
Yesterday was, after a mishap involving stolen wheels and a superbowl, out first full-length episode of "Horizon," the Firefly spinoff series. John's Universalis-Pool rules fit the group perfectly, with a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Wilson, Valamir, John Harper.

2/10/2004 jburneko: [Sorcerer] In A House of Madness
So character creation plus the first actual play session for my Socerer game set in an asylum has come and gone. And the results were.... unexpected. A bit of background.…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Valamir, clehrich, Christopher Kubasik, newsalor, Ron Edwards.

2/10/2004 John Kim: James Bond Campaign Starting
OK, So this past Saturday I ran a session of Victory Games' James Bond 007. This is with the same group with whom I'd been playing "Lord of the Rings".…
In Actual Play
Participants: John Kim, clehrich, Doctor Xero.

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