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In Actual Play

2/21/2004 ksarith: Profiling (split and closed)
The topic isn't quite dead yet... Most recently Played. WoD VtM (New Orleans Setting), Star Wars(D20), and DeadLands Most Enjoyed. Home Brewed Game while in Germany(Cross between 2nd Ed AD&D…
In Actual Play
Participants: ksarith, Ron Edwards.

2/21/2004 Ace: I turned down a good GM's game Friday Night or
This could almost be called actual not play -- in fact I would have put that in the subject but I ran out of space However I thought I would…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ace, clehrich, furashgf, Wolfen.

2/20/2004 Scripty: Game Prep and GM Techniques
I've been fishing around this forum for a while and have a question, or a request really, for all the Narrators, GMs, etc., contributing to the Forge. I've seen a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Scripty, Steve Samson, Nathan P., Negilent, Bankuei, Ron Edwards.

2/20/2004 coxcomb: My dusty donjon: adventures in player-driven RPGs
Tonight I played my first-ever session of Dust Devils. We had a good time, but I'm not sure we quite got it. I should mention that this game comes after…
In Actual Play
Participants: coxcomb, Valamir, Matt Snyder, Zak Arntson.

1/29/2004 brainwipe: [Icar] Scavenger setting II (split)
Back after a bit of a break... Like many RPG groups, we broke up for 4 weeks over Christmas. During this time, there was little contact between the players. When…
In Actual Play
Participants: brainwipe, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes.

2/18/2004 Sean: Fun with Trollbabe
OK, so last night my wife and I cooked a delicious roast, some potatoes, and a big salad, opened a bottle of red wine, and sat down to play Trollbabe.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Sean, Ron Edwards, joshua neff.

2/17/2004 Tomas HVM: Reality-skewing techniques
When all players have seated themselves, the GM performs this opening in a toneless voice: When you sat down at the gaming table today, the game master seemed a bit…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tomas HVM.

2/17/2004 Jack Spencer Jr: Freeform play in #indierpgs
I offer this unfortunately brief actual play session from the IRC channel #indierpgs without comment except that I did edit it a bit so the reader won't need to pull…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jack Spencer Jr.

2/17/2004 DaGreatJL: Changing plans for a con game
Hey, just got back from Dundracon, and want to post about a game I ran there, and my experiences with it. Okay, the first thing that screwed with my plans…
In Actual Play
Participants: DaGreatJL, james_west.

2/16/2004 Doyce: Actual Play: InSpectres
[color=darkblue]Hey everyone. This is my first post to any of the Forge Forums, so apologies if I screw anything up. I thought I'd open with a tale of Friday night's…
In Actual Play
Participants: Doyce, Mike Holmes, Andrew Norris.

2/15/2004 Steve Samson: Efforts towards Protagonism/SA's
This is in response to a question raised in the "Transitioning from Gamist to Narrativist, Part II" thread. In that thread I mentioned that my efforts to get my group…
In Actual Play
Participants: Steve Samson, coxcomb, bcook1971, Andrew Norris, Jake Norwood, jeffd, November Kilo.

2/14/2004 Steve Samson: Transitioning from Gamist to Narrativist, Part II
Well, we just finished our first gaming session under the new "more story" banner and it was NOT a scintillating success, for many reasons. This is a continuation of the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Steve Samson, sirogit, JamesDJIII, Caldis, Scripty, Trevis Martin, Mike Holmes, RDU Neil, Paul Czege.

2/13/2004 Zak Arntson: [Spycraft] Kain cleaves dysfunction from crown to crotch
Contrary to my last dysfunctional experience, I was able to have a ridiculously cathartic one. I first sent the following to the GM. His response is also included. ---- So,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Zak Arntson, Smithy, stingray20166, MajorKiz.

2/12/2004 anonymouse: Questions for those who've played long-running GMless games.
Something like Universalis in particular, I imagine, but possibly other games would fit the bill. * Do you tend to stick to an overarching story stretching between sessions, or do…
In Actual Play
Participants: anonymouse, clehrich, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Emily Care, Doctor Xero, talysman, Peter Hollinghurst.

2/4/2004 Skar: Keep it simple
I totally agree that you need to have a frank discussion with the group, but from my own past experience I wouldn't be too optimistic that this will solve the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Skar, inthisstyle, dragon_of_colour, S'mon, Eric J., Ron Edwards.

2/11/2004 Lisa Padol: Practical PC Butt Kicking 101
This past Cthulhupunk session went reasonably well. Oh, some bumps, of course, but lots of fights and info dumps, and a reasonable break point. And in two cases, a PC's…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol.

2/10/2004 Chris Gardiner: Adventure! Second session
A few months ago I ran a (very) alternate-history Adventure! game for some friends, which went very well. I posted a write-up here. This weekend I finally got the chance…
In Actual Play
Participants: Chris Gardiner, kalyptein, montag, joshua neff, Mike Holmes, Nigel Evans, Peter Hollinghurst.

2/10/2004 John Kim: James Bond Campaign Starting
OK, So this past Saturday I ran a session of Victory Games' James Bond 007. This is with the same group with whom I'd been playing "Lord of the Rings".…
In Actual Play
Participants: John Kim, clehrich, Doctor Xero.

2/10/2004 jburneko: [Sorcerer] In A House of Madness
So character creation plus the first actual play session for my Socerer game set in an asylum has come and gone. And the results were.... unexpected. A bit of background.…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Valamir, clehrich, Christopher Kubasik, newsalor, Ron Edwards.

2/9/2004 Matt Wilson: [unipool] Horizon, the Firefly spinoff
Yesterday was, after a mishap involving stolen wheels and a superbowl, out first full-length episode of "Horizon," the Firefly spinoff series. John's Universalis-Pool rules fit the group perfectly, with a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Wilson, Valamir, John Harper.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

2/23/2004 Malechi: Characters not on the map...
Alrighty then, whats the story? I need help connecting my player characters to the current game we've started. We're playing Midnight converted to TROS. Ok, I decided to run the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Malechi, Jack Aidley, Ron Edwards, Valamir, jdagna, Andrew Norris, Bankuei, John Kim.

2/23/2004 cthulahoops: [Sorcerer] Modern Gothic
Hi, Well, I've given sorcerer another go, and we had a great session. I did up a handout to distribute to the players before the game, it's at In…
In Actual Play
Participants: cthulahoops, Andrew Norris, Ron Edwards, jburneko.

2/24/2004 jburneko: [The Pool] Eden Falls - Find a Villain
I've been wanting to post about my religious-flavored "superhero" game for some time now. The game is now in it's sixth or seventh session and is going incredibly well. When…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Andrew Norris.

2/24/2004 Negilent: [Burning Wheel] Preparations for winter
[b]It works. [/b] Though I had to be dragged kicking and screaming into accepting the idea, I now bow my head and stand corrected. [u]Using player motivation works.[/u] How does…
In Actual Play
Participants: Negilent, abzu.

2/24/2004 Matt Wilson: [unipool] Horizon, a lethargic horror episode
Sunday we played another game of Horizon, the Firefly spinoff. For these sorts of heavy player input games I've been creating loose frameworks of people and a kickoff that includes…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Wilson, John Harper, anonymouse.

2/24/2004 Lisa Padol: When R-Maps Go...Complicated
Okay, so, I've read Sorcerer and the three supplements, and I've started stealing the cool bits as I can. I've had a lot of success with creative interpretations of fumbles…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol, Ron Edwards.

2/24/2004 Lisa Padol: Players Plotting against PCs
Beth runs a campaign based on the works of James H. Schmidt (which I've never read). My PC, Marius Lecks, is an empath. Stephen's PC, Ell Thorndike, is a Screamer.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol.

2/25/2004 WDFlores: [Paladin] Shatterer - A Mythic Hindu-Inspired Campaign
Hi, all. Haven't been around here that much recently. Nevertheless, I'm back and checking in here with a report. My gaming group and I finally picked up Paladin recently. Our…
In Actual Play
Participants: WDFlores, Michael S. Miller, Tony Irwin.

2/25/2004 inthisstyle: [Mortal Coil] Initial Playtest
I had a first, very successful playtest of the Mortal Coil rules last week. For background, Mortal Coil is a supernatural role-playing game I have been working on for some…
In Actual Play
Participants: inthisstyle.

2/26/2004 chadu: [Dead Inside] How long to create a character?
Out of curiosity, I'm wondering if any Forge-folk out there who've purchased or played Dead Inside could give me a read on how long it took you to create a…
In Actual Play
Participants: chadu, Bryant.

2/26/2004 lumpley: Prydain, the Hobbit, Pendragon ... Fun for Kids!
Sebastian, my 7yo, read the back of my big Pendragon book. He explained it to me last night at dinner. "It's like Universalis," he said, "only you have to have…
In Actual Play
Participants: lumpley, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Simon W, GreatWolf, Zak Arntson, Christopher Weeks, Andrew Norris, Jeph, WDFlores, RaconteurX, Doyce, DannyK, Zathreyel.

2/26/2004 DannyK: R-Maps in Nobilis
OK, I'm new to the Forge, so excuse me if this topic is inappropriate. I've been developing a campaign for Nobilis, and was just adding the finishing touches when I…
In Actual Play
Participants: DannyK, bluegargantua, clehrich, GreatWolf, Minx, neelk, TonyLB.

2/26/2004 Lisa Padol: R-Maps
So, what is the difference between an R-Map and a (possibly partial) family tree? -Lisa
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol, jburneko, Andrew Norris, Malechi, Ron Edwards, james_west, John Kim, beingfrank, Bankuei, Valamir.

2/27/2004 Lisa Padol: Splitting the Party
I think two thinks are prompting this post, the Burning Wheel write up, Preparations for Winter (which sounds cool. Picked up BW at the Strategist along with a bunch of…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol, Andrew Norris, Ben Morgan, Ron Edwards, RDU Neil, Mike Holmes, Storn, clehrich, Nuadha.

2/27/2004 Eric J.: Moral Dilemma
Okay, I don't know if this is Forge appropriate but here goes... I have a little brother (9), quite brite actually, with a very creative mind. Recently I was whisked…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eric J., clehrich, John Kim, Tomas HVM, Ron Edwards, jdagna, Christopher Weeks.

2/27/2004 Malechi: [InSpectres] Fort Lauderdale franchise opens!
well tonight we played our first ever game of InSpectres. It was great! The scene opens as the trio of paranormal investigators take coffee in their franchise "offices", the largest…
In Actual Play
Participants: Malechi, Mike Holmes, clehrich, WDFlores, Bob McNamee.

2/27/2004 Halzebier: [D&D] Campaign Analysis
Our group is in the process of finishing its first D&D 3e campaign. The game is/was combat-heavy, centred on dungeon crawls, and has seen the PCs rise from 1st to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Halzebier, Ron Edwards, Matt Gwinn, Loki, John Kim, 6inTruder, clehrich, John Burdick, Paul Czege, Jack Spencer Jr, Valamir.

2/27/2004 elderdan: octaNe: thought we'd give it a whirl
Played it at DunDraCon a couple of weeks ago (using Against the Reich material, apparently) and liked it ton, so I bought a copy and, when one player in our…
In Actual Play
Participants: elderdan, RaconteurX, Ron Edwards.

2/28/2004 Palaskar: Non-gamers first impressions of my game
While plugging my RPG for my college psych assignment, I fortuitously had to explain it to four people who had never gamed before. Here are their reactions: What is role-playing?…
In Actual Play
Participants: Palaskar, John Harper, Ron Edwards, Rich Stokes, Itse.

2/29/2004 Michael S. Miller: [Sorcerer] Urban Squalor Character Gen (long)
Well, we made our Sorcerer characters. I started off with the following: Sorcerer One-Sheet Note: I’ve double-spaced this because nothing here is set in stone. Any ideas, questions, or concerns…
In Actual Play
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Christopher Weeks, Ron Edwards, Lisa Padol, Mike Holmes.

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