Previous Topics In Random Order Creations 6/20/2002 Paganini: Dice probabilities in the Pool I took the Pool with me on vacation and tore it apart pretty thourghouly. I see a potential problem with the gambling mechanics, and I wondered if anyone has run… In Random Order Creations Participants: Paganini, Paul Czege, Buddha Nature, Valamir, Michael Bowman, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, James V. West, hardcoremoose, Jeffrey Straszheim.
6/14/2002 Paganini: Color? Maybe I just missed this somehow, but it's driving me crazy. I read through the rules pretty thourghouly, and skimmed over them again a couple times looking. The very first… In Random Order Creations Participants: Paganini, Buddha Nature.
5/13/2002 Zoetrope10: Gambled rolls still mandatory (sometimes)? James
I see that in the latest version of The Pool, you ditched the rule about requiring a gamble on a player-requested roll. The updated rules don't make this clear,… In Random Order Creations Participants: Zoetrope10, James V. West, Ron Edwards, jburneko, Andrew Martin, Christopher Kubasik, Fabrice G., joshua neff, Buddha Nature.
5/7/2002 Paul Czege: no option to add dice with requested rolls Hey James V.,
I was glad to see your recent posts clarifying the location of the official rules. Now upon reading them, I have a question. Can you explain your… In Random Order Creations Participants: Paul Czege, Ron Edwards, James V. West, Henry Fitch, Blake Hutchins.
5/6/2002 James V. West: Random Order Creations Central For quick reference, here are a couple of links to my stuff:
Random Order Creations
My games
Or, more specifically:
The Pool
The Questing Beast
Thanks… In Random Order Creations Participants: James V. West.
5/5/2002 xiombarg: Toybox I dunno about "cool", James, but you may wanna look at this thread, where my group playtested the Pool: In Random Order Creations Participants: xiombarg, James V. West.
5/4/2002 James V. West: The countdown begins now. Well, this has been a productive year thus far, but not necessarily in the rpg category. My goal was to complete The Questing Beast by the end of May for… In Random Order Creations Participants: James V. West, Ron Edwards.
4/4/2002 Buddha Nature: What have people used The Pool for? Seeing how versatile The Pool (and of course to a certain extent TQB) I have been just wondering what different types of games (genres, etc) have people used it for?… In Random Order Creations Participants: Buddha Nature, Paul Czege, James V. West, Ron Edwards, Blake Hutchins.
3/27/2002 Tim Denee: Nine Hells Can you tell us some more about this? I am interested.
Bruce Campbell/Ash/Evil Dead popped into my mind when I read the short summary. Who knows? In Random Order Creations Participants: Tim Denee, James V. West.
3/26/2002 Kenway: Questions about running Pool combat I was going to try running a Pool adventure, but I was wondering about combat:
-I want to run an epic battle or an extended duel, but it seems that… In Random Order Creations Participants: Kenway, Tim C Koppang, Ron Edwards, James V. West, Mike Holmes, Ben Morgan, jburneko, Valamir, HMT, Paganini, Bob McNamee.
3/9/2002 James V. West: TQB Styles of Play Hello again
The Questing Beast features the idea of Accords, which can be best described as settings discussed and agreed upon by a group before starting play. This establishes what,… In Random Order Creations Participants: James V. West.
3/9/2002 James V. West: TQB Levels of Play Hey
In The Questing Beast you are actually playing 3 different types of roles. I'm addressing this in the opening pages of the game and I'd like to present what… In Random Order Creations Participants: James V. West, Rich Forest, Mike Holmes, Christopher Kubasik, Valamir.
3/5/2002 James V. West: TQB Playtest Journal ONE Hey everyone!
Last night was my first official playtesting session of The Questing Beast. I hoped to post a detailed overview of the session tonight, but time and duties forbid… In Random Order Creations Participants: James V. West, Ron Edwards.
2/24/2002 James V. West: The Premise of the Beast I've been tackling one of the sticking points of The Questing Beast: what should a character actually do?
No one has said much about it, but I felt like I… In Random Order Creations Participants: James V. West, Zak Arntson, Paul Czege, Zoetrope10, Gordon C. Landis, Henry Fitch, Mike Holmes.
2/22/2002 James V. West: What's up. Hey everyone!
Just checking in with an update on what's going on with The Questing Beast, The Pool, and all my other scads of projects.
- The Questing Beast will… In Random Order Creations Participants: James V. West, hardcoremoose.
2/22/2002 Christopher Kubasik: When Heroes Fail James,
Haven't yet played The Pool or TQB yet... But since it feels like a dream I had years ago made real, I believe I've got a handle on it.… In Random Order Creations Participants: Christopher Kubasik, Mike Holmes, hardcoremoose, James V. West, Bankuei, Gordon C. Landis, Rod Anderson, Blake Hutchins.
2/6/2002 Tim Denee: Smurf smurf smurf Godstruth, I just smurfed Smurf: the Smurfing. 'Smurf' has smurfed all meaning for me. Not that it had any meaning in the first smurf. I wish I could smurf what… In Random Order Creations Participants: Tim Denee, James V. West.
1/30/2002 Skippy: Alms for the poor Okay, its sad to admit, but I find myself needing GM'ing advice.
See, I've never run (or tried to run) an all-out player empowered game, and I'm really liking the… In Random Order Creations Participants: Skippy, Ron Edwards, greyorm, James V. West, hardcoremoose.
1/30/2002 Zoetrope10: The Pool & casting dice James
I was delighted to discover The Pool a couple of days ago, by way of Ron's "Top 5 RPGs" article (
I found the section of the rules… In Random Order Creations Participants: Zoetrope10, James V. West.
1/28/2002 Bankuei: Motifs I sat back watching one of my favorite anime series, Giant Robo, which is teeming with an actual story(more than blow things up), and is covered with motifs left and… In Random Order Creations Participants: Bankuei, Le Joueur, James V. West.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics In Random Order Creations 7/15/2002 Ron Edwards: GenCon plans? Hi there,
What's the plan for GenCon? Are we still on for selling copies of The Questing Beast? If so, some fees have to be discussed, as per the GenCon… In Random Order Creations Participants: Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, James V. West.
8/7/2002 James V. West: TQB GenCon Draft I've posted the latest draft of The Questing Beast. This is the draft that will be hanging out at GenCon even though my sorry ass will not be. In Random Order Creations Participants: James V. West.
8/14/2002 Clinton R. Nixon: New game based on The Pool In case you guys haven't seen it, Mike Gentry's been actually writing his hobo game, Hard Travellin'. A long time ago, it had a different name, and used Fudge, and… In Random Order Creations Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, Blake Hutchins, James V. West.
8/30/2002 Michael James Bogue: Everway & The Pool Hi everybody!
I'm a long time lurker, first time poster.
First off lemme say I read "The Questing Beast" and the Pool and loved it. A great idea for a… In Random Order Creations Participants: Michael James Bogue, James V. West, Paul Czege.
8/31/2002 James V. West: Quotes for The Questing Beast Hey everyone
I'll be printing copies of TQB soon. I have a bit of finishing up to do, including some simple examples of play, a few more sample Romances, and… In Random Order Creations Participants: James V. West, Mike Holmes.
8/31/2002 James V. West: TQB errata I found another mistake in the draft of The Questing Beast:
Under the playtesters/brainstormers listing I listed Mike Holmes as Mike Hall. This was a mental burp by me. Mike… In Random Order Creations Participants: James V. West.
9/30/2002 James V. West: The Pool in print in new comic zine Hey!
My new comic zine Random Order Comics and Games is now available and it features the first ever printed version of The Pool.
This newest… In Random Order Creations Participants: James V. West, Ron Edwards, joshua neff.
10/3/2002 Michael Bowman: The most recent revision There's a lot of rewriting in this version of The Pool. I like the fuller descriptions of MoVs now. It makes things nice and clear.
Dice refreshing at the beginning… In Random Order Creations Participants: Michael Bowman, James V. West, Zoetrope10, Bob McNamee, Paganini.
10/6/2002 James V. West: Pool Party--everyone's invited! Hey
What I want to do here is just sort of survery everyone interested in The Pool and find out what your idea of the game is. What rules tweaks… In Random Order Creations Participants: James V. West, Bob McNamee, Paul Czege, Paganini, Michael Bowman, Zoetrope10, Valamir, Blake Hutchins, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes.
10/22/2002 Mark Withers: Can I take a dip in your pool? The Birmingham(UK) university Roleplaying Society is planning a convention, roughly scheduled for the new year. Since this is a *massive* undertaking for a very inexperienced society we would appreciate whatever… In Random Order Creations Participants: Mark Withers, Matt, Mike Holmes, James V. West, Paul Czege.
10/23/2002 Paganini: Comics & Games Cool beans James! It arrived today... it do indeed pay to be first. And it even has snazzy little Halloween stickers!
I was a little surprised by the shape of… In Random Order Creations Participants: Paganini, James V. West, joshua neff, lumpley, jrients.
10/27/2002 J. Backman: The Pool -- extended I made a post to the design-forum about a project called Theatrum, which is basically The Pool extended. The post (with download link to 1st draft) can be found here:… In Random Order Creations Participants: J. Backman.
11/6/2002 Mark Withers: Dragons and Dreamers - My take on the anti-pool rules Hi again!
Here are the rules that I'm planning to use in Dragons and Dreamers - and all future games that I write.
They are written with inexperienced roleplayers in… In Random Order Creations Participants: Mark Withers, James V. West, Mike Holmes, Andrew Martin, Henry Fitch.
11/11/2002 James V. West: The Pool--hardcore Let the beatings begin. Here is the hardcore version of The Pool. Most everything is restored to its original form, with some differences. I've read it over and over but… In Random Order Creations Participants: James V. West, Bob McNamee, J. Backman, Paganini, Mark Withers, xiombarg, Ron Edwards, Zoetrope10.
12/5/2002 Kenway: "Nemesis" rules for The Pool "Nemesis" rules for The Pool
Here's a Pool implementation of "Advancement via Notoriety" and "PC-summoned foes" discussed elsewhere on The Forge.
These rules were originally… In Random Order Creations Participants: Kenway, James V. West, Rich Forest.
12/20/2002 Ron Edwards: Black Wind Hi James,
Here are some of my thoughts about Black Wind, which I'd really, really like to play. Please take all of these as suggestions - toss out what doesn't… In Random Order Creations Participants: Ron Edwards, J. Backman, Seth L. Blumberg, James V. West, Spooky Fanboy.
12/30/2002 James V. West: Random Order Comics and Games #2 Hey everyone!
Random Order Comics and Games #2 is finished and available.
This issue features a game called Visions. This is a very simple game based on fantasy (or other)… In Random Order Creations Participants: James V. West, Ron Edwards, jrients, lumpley, Paganini.
1/4/2003 Paganini: Woohoo! Here it be! And was it worth the wait? Ah yes! James, I continue to be impressed not only by your graphical skills, but in the dramatic construction of your tales. They're in… In Random Order Creations Participants: Paganini, jrients, Ron Edwards, James V. West, hardcoremoose, lumpley.
1/6/2003 aplath: Multiple players requesting rolls at the same time Hello all,
First of all James, I think the Pool rocks! I've just played it in a one-on-one session with a friend (we've been meaning to test it for some… In Random Order Creations Participants: aplath, James V. West.
1/8/2003 Cassidy: MOVers and Shakers Hello James,
One of these days I think I'm going to dip my toe in the Pool.
Before I do, I'd like to ask a couple of questions if I… In Random Order Creations Participants: Cassidy, James V. West, Paganini, Ron Edwards, Bob McNamee.
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