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In Indie Game Design

4/28/2005 killacozzy: Stat sets [Cian]
I personally like the WW system (old & new), where traits are grouped into three categories of three each. This is also done with the Tri-Stat system in Body, Mind,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: killacozzy, Troy_Costisick, Eero Tuovinen, Ben Lehman, Doug Ruff, Michael S. Miller, FzGhouL, contracycle, OliverTheMerc.

4/28/2005 TonyLB: [That's Not Roleplaying!] Draft mechanics
Okay, after a productive rambling-session with Selene this afternoon, workable mechanics are starting to come together. That's Not Roleplaying is a game of simulating (at break-neck speed) the evolution of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, Noon, killacozzy, Vaxalon, Miskatonic.

4/27/2005 MatrixGamer: Computer Automated Matrix Games
I'm interested in getting feedback on the logic of a computer refereed Matrix Game. The next post shows the logic the Dylan Alliata is working on. I'd love feedback in…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: MatrixGamer, hazardous_designs.

4/27/2005 Bob the Fighter: Dream Police - fantasy free for all
So I've been poring over Hellboy, Lucifer, Ultimate X-men/The Ultimates, Fables, and a bunch of other comics long enough to get some ideas. Someone said recently at the Forge that…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Bob the Fighter, Mike Holmes, Andrew Morris, Simon W.

4/27/2005 Shreyas Sampat: Torchbearer Sucks, and Starting Over
So, some of you may know that I have long ago worked on a game called Torchbearer, whose intent was to be a game of sparkling, elegant, energetic mythology. It…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Shreyas Sampat, Mike Holmes, 1of3, Jason E Leigh, Dev, Ben Lehman, Bob the Fighter.

4/27/2005 komradebob: A Cauldron of Magic Beans[Floor game]
Well, I've been reading and posting at the Forge for a long time now, and I guess it's time I posted a design for critique. Below is my (lengthy) design.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: komradebob.

4/26/2005 FzGhouL: A Shot in the Past.
This idea is based on a dream I just woke up from that I thought was totally awesome. Players (1-4) and one Memory Keeper are needed. So, basically the jist…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: FzGhouL, komradebob, Mike Holmes.

4/23/2005 Victor Gijsbers: Vampires - a postmodern roleplaying game
[b][u]Vampires - a postmodern roleplaying game[/u] Or: What I did with Hungry Desperate and Alone[/b] Some time ago, I read Vincent's [url=]Hungry Desperate and Alone[/url], and was intrigued. It was…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Victor Gijsbers, Bob the Fighter, Eva Deinum, xenopulse, shaheddy, darrick, Ben Lehman, Tobias, daMoose_Neo, xiombarg, Jason Mical, The_Tim, pete_darby.

4/22/2005 1of3: Big? Wild? Prey!
Hi. I wanted to present a little game, I’m working on. (I have asked for some inspiration in this thread before.) The game is about professional monster hunters in some…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: 1of3, Valamir, xenopulse, Simon Kamber.

4/22/2005 WhiteRat: [Ends and Means] Debut
I never planned on designing a game system. Then two weeks ago (as I sat in a job training course, mind wandering) suddenly all the disconnected musings I'd had over…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: WhiteRat, Andrew Morris, Ben Lehman.

4/22/2005 MatrixGamer: LARP Matrix Game idea
I've toyed with writing a LARP for some time. I have a variety of combat ideas. I'd like to know if these are done in anyother games and what holes…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: MatrixGamer, Andrew Morris, Bill Masek, nikola, komradebob.

4/21/2005 darrick: Satanis: Diceless
hey guys, i'm looking for ways to improve Empire of Satanis and make it more Narrative with Director Stance. that's the RPG jargon that fits in with what i'm looking…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: darrick.

4/20/2005 Grand_Commander13: Viability of what I am attempting: Primarily social stat RPG
I was doing a bit of forum surfing, and to make a long story short, I got it in my head that I wanted to make an RPG that revolved…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Grand_Commander13, Shreyas Sampat, John Burdick, Bill Masek, Alan, TonyLB, MikeSands, xenopulse, timfire.

4/19/2005 Andrew Morris: [Shadows & Light] Preventing follow-up conflicts?
For a LARP system I’m working on, I want to promote fast conflict resolution (discussed here). One of the points raised was how to handle follow-up conflicts. For example,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Andrew Morris, xenopulse, Bill Masek.

4/18/2005 Rodger Thorm: A new Spy Game
Spy Game We are working on a new Spy Game that has several conventions of RPG gaming reversed. The primary question at this point is how to set limits on…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Rodger Thorm, Brendan, Bill Masek, MatrixGamer, Simon W, gains.

4/18/2005 TonyLB: [Dulcimer Hall] Fallout Scene Mechanics
So close... so very, very close. Sydney sent me a brilliant email a little while ago (yay Sydney!) in which he pointed out that you could (for some purposes) modify…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, Doug Ruff.

4/17/2005 b_bankhead: A Home for Horror: Locale and Situation in Eldritch Tales
HP Lovecraft set his fiction in an evironment increasing familiarity,body of lore, imagery and organization created a multlayered tapestrie that was a whole greater than the sum of the stories.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: b_bankhead, Ron Edwards, Darcy Burgess, MatrixGamer.

4/16/2005 Scrubilicous: Name for "Fight Scenes" or "Dramatic Moments&
Hi, I'm working on a game. The game has slightly different rules for combat and certain kinds of magic. Conceptually, its a bit like the "Brining Down the Pain" system…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Scrubilicous, Bill Masek, contracycle, Troy_Costisick.

4/15/2005 Gurnard: Thread Necromancy
I've been thinking about this game idea for a while, and after talking it over with a friend I have a suggestion. Instead of a single goal for each protagonist…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Gurnard, Ron Edwards, Blankshield.

4/16/2005 daMoose_Neo: [Hunters: The Lost Colonies] Revival & Card playing
Multi-purpose thread! 1) Riviving my notes and design on my CCG/RPG Hybred 'Hunters', also found at these threads: - Hunters base rules (Important read) - "Distress Signal" Introductory…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: daMoose_Neo, ChrisJaxn, contracycle, Doug Ruff.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

5/1/2005 Troy_Costisick: [Cian] Split - Banding Together
Heya, Killa seemed like he wanted the previous thread to end, so I started a new one here to address something he said. Michael S. Miller wrote: Why should…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Troy_Costisick, killacozzy.

5/1/2005 Jason Petrasko: a new game of Pulp, Stylized Villainy
Hi, I'm working up an RPG that will be based on: PC's play pulp, stylized villains in an empire that spans the stars. The basic idea so far is that…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jason Petrasko, BrennaLaRosa, Selene Tan.

5/2/2005 Jinx: Echoes: Beta Version
I've devised a little horror RPG called 'Echoes' which I've playtested a few times with some success in the last month or two. The game's changed and developed over those…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jinx, Ben Lehman.

5/2/2005 daMoose_Neo: Print on Demand CCG Rules review-
Since coming here little more than a year ago, its become a little bit of a quest of mine to develop some kind of print-on-demand card game, and by combining…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: daMoose_Neo, jjsheets.

5/2/2005 TonyLB: [Dulcimer Hall] Changing the Past
This references previous discussion on Dulcimer Hall, but not hugely. Dulcimer Hall will examine several things:How you define identity in a world with no certainty Who you allow to influence…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, Valamir, Doug Ruff, Miskatonic, Sydney Freedberg.

5/2/2005 pasoliati: Destiny Denied
[i]This [url=]topic over at RPG Theory about Destiny in a game[/url] and [url=]Ben Lehman's blog post about actually trying to design a game[/url] got me both thinking, so please be…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: pasoliati.

5/3/2005 CrisisKristov: character advancement in A Crisis Paradigm
My friend Brandon and I have been putting lots of work into our game A Crisis Paradigm lately (we haven't posted on here since this thread however: ). We…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: CrisisKristov, 1of3, Selene Tan.

5/4/2005 Dregg: [RPG Idea] Mexican Stand Off
I was speaking via list with Capes Designer Tony B about prize support for an up comming convention. The Idea was for an RPG, non related to our current work…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dregg, Miskatonic, Jason Mical, BrennaLaRosa, Troy_Costisick, Kit, Mike Holmes, tj333, Harlequin, Sydney Freedberg, timfire, Doug Ruff, xenopulse, WonderLlama, Grover, rbingham2000, Chris Goodwin, Thespian, Ben Morgan, FlamingMoose.

5/4/2005 Harlequin: [A Swiftly Tilting City] Prisoner's Dilemma mechanics
Since I've never posted here about A Swiftly Tilting City before, I'll start with a little background for context. Background: ASTC was my winning first-round submission to the in-person Iron…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Harlequin, Jason E Leigh, Bill_White, Jasper, Mike Holmes, Dev.

5/5/2005 BrennaLaRosa: Giant Transforming Robo-Team, Go! (sentai)
I came up with this game after reading BESM d20 and finding it horribly mucked up (bring back me Tri-stat, ye bloody sassenachs!) I am a rabid Sentai Team Nut,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: BrennaLaRosa, Ben Lehman, ADGBoss, ironick, WhiteRat, TonyLB, Tony Irwin.

5/5/2005 Kit: [Option] The core mechanics and basic idea.
Finally, and mostly thanks to Doug it must be said, I've managed to hack out a tentative base set of rules for Option. They still need a lot of elaboration…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Kit, 1of3.

5/5/2005 pasoliati: Tabula Rasa (was Destiny Denied)
What if the only thing written to stone is your future? I stand in the ancient throne room of the high king in the great city Altar. Gathered with me…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: pasoliati.

5/6/2005 Bailywolf: [Terminal Velocity] Rules, Fic, and Riffs
I've been incubating a stupid violent little game over on for a month or so, but beyond the initial riff I’m not getting any kind of decent feedback on…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Bailywolf, BrennaLaRosa, FzGhouL, Jason E Leigh, Spooky Fanboy.

5/7/2005 matthijs: [We all had names] The story of one family in the Holocaust
This is based on ideas from an earlier game, electrified spikes through the soles of your feet. I keep writing these games when I'm badly hung over; brings out the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: matthijs, Adam Dray, Sydney Freedberg, Ben Lehman, Eero Tuovinen, Miskatonic, Sean, Bill Masek, Emily Care, Walt Freitag, Valamir, daMoose_Neo.

5/8/2005 BrennaLaRosa: Giant Transforming Robo-Team, GO! Lite (Playtest Rules)
Giant Tranforming Robo-Team, GO! Lite: All the Sugar and None of the Finesse A Sentai Team Roleplaying Game Beta By Brenna “La Rosa” Beattie The mayor’s daughter has been kidnapped…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: BrennaLaRosa.

5/8/2005 Orin: [The Five Transformations]a conflict resolution mechanic
Recently I have been seduced by all the tasty FiTM stuff the Forge and started experimenting, using Blades & Blossoms, my Asian fantasy setting in the spirit of Croushing Tiger,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Orin, matthijs, Technocrat13, Mike Holmes, Selene Tan, BrennaLaRosa.

5/8/2005 Kit: [Rage] If you can't beat `em...
... what am I talking about?! Of COURSE you can beat `em. That's what that great big club you're carrying is for! As those of you who have seen Option…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Kit, Eero Tuovinen.

5/9/2005 Adam Dray: [Verge] Need help with a new cyberpunk game
[url=]Verge[/url] is my freshman entry into game design. I am a long-time Forge lurker, a terrible procrastinator, and a doomed perfectionist. That aside, the hyperlink above will connect you to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Adam Dray, Mike Holmes, matthijs, killacozzy.

5/10/2005 Albert of Feh: [Kabuki LARP] lar
I am in the process of designing and writing a Narrativist one-shot Live-Action game set in medieval/early-modern Japan and drawing from the traditions of Medieval and Edo-era literature and Theatre…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Albert of Feh, WhiteRat, Walt Freitag, Andrew Morris, BrennaLaRosa, Mike Holmes, TheTris.

5/11/2005 paulkdad: [The Garden] Scribbles on a Napkin...
Paul Kimmel here. I titled this, "Scribbles on a Napkin" because I am still very much in the R&D phase of game design. However, I am committed to my metaphorical…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: paulkdad, Ben Lehman, Andrew Morris.

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