The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In Indie Game Design

5/24/2005 smc: Gm-less, cooperative, gamist pirate-era RPG
The following is an in-progress description of a cooperative, GM-less game I've been working on the last few days. This is very early stage, and I hope to add to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: smc.

5/23/2005 bigcape: Character Creation versus Character Evolution
I am looking for some feedback on my choices in creating the A+ Fantasy game system: I have decided to focus my questions a little bit in the hopes…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: bigcape, TonyLB, Andrew Morris.

5/23/2005 preludetotheend: items and vehicles
Stats: Each character has 6 main stats each starts at 8 and you may lower one in order to raise another at a one for one rate. The stats are…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: preludetotheend.

5/23/2005 preludetotheend: My game [Aegri Somnia] only d6's used
This should have been a reply I hit new topic by mistake sorry.
In Indie Game Design
Participants: preludetotheend.

5/22/2005 preludetotheend: My game [Aegri Somnia]
Ok I will begin posting on my system, this post will explain some points about it, the next will be how to make a character, following that will be how…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: preludetotheend, Ron Edwards, c, yesala.

5/22/2005 apparition13: Above and Beyond
Hi there, I'm apparition13 and I haven't played in 15+ years. I've been collecting RPGs, but no actual play. Recently I started visiting here and and I find myself…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: apparition13, daMoose_Neo, Sydney Freedberg, WRPIgeek, timfire, Frank T.

5/22/2005 apparition13: Above and Beyond
Hi there, I'm apparition13 and I haven't played in 15+ years. I've been collecting RPGs, but no actual play. Recently I started visiting here and and I find myself…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: apparition13, BlackSheep, Ron Edwards.

5/21/2005 paulkdad: Fudge-like 2dX mechanic
I've been toying with a die roll mechanic that uses two dice of the same type and is based on the idea that most of the time a character's performance…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: paulkdad, TheTris, Justin Marx, NN, Valamir.

5/18/2005 BlackSheep: [The Good Fight] Help...
Hi guys, occasional browser, first-time poster. For a while now I've had an idea for a supers game. But I'm having real trouble getting it (or anything else, for that…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: BlackSheep, matthijs, Sydney Freedberg, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Christopher Kubasik, Troy_Costisick, Everspinner.

5/18/2005 Jasper: [Charlatan Fencers] Dueling system
This thread is specifically for discussing the combat system in my 'Charlatan Fencing Masters' game, which was introduced in this thread -- it deals with more overarching aspects of the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jasper, Hereward The Wake, BrennaLaRosa.

5/16/2005 TonyLB: [Misery Bubblegum] How do you win at high school?
Previous discussion of Misery Bubblegum (nee Dulcimer Hall) can be found here. I've got this lovely, elegant little positioning mechanism, which will let people shift their resources around in all…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, Kesher, Sydney Freedberg, Valamir, Bill_White, Doug Ruff, Andrew Morris, Allan, Noon, Shim.

5/14/2005 Jeph: [Exemplar Revised] Plot protection and death
A year or two ago I wrote this, a dystopian kung-fu action game set in the far future. I'm doing a revision at the moment, with a stronger Sim bent…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jeph, Jasper, FzGhouL, Doug Ruff, Dev, Andy Kitkowski.

5/14/2005 lpsmith: 1000 Blank White Cards: The RPG
A while back I read and some of the comments near the end made me think of the game 1000 Blank White Cards (aka 1KBWC). "Why not," I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: lpsmith, Mike Holmes, Gaerik.

5/13/2005 Jasper: Charlatan Fencing Masters Dueling for Business
[quote][i]Young knight learn, to love God and revere women, so that your honor grows. Practice knighthood and learn the Art that dignifies you, bringing honor in wars. ...So should you…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jasper, Ron Edwards, daMoose_Neo, xenopulse, Sydney Freedberg, Latigo, Hereward The Wake, TonyLB, Bill Masek.

5/11/2005 paulkdad: [The Garden] Scribbles on a Napkin...
Paul Kimmel here. I titled this, "Scribbles on a Napkin" because I am still very much in the R&D phase of game design. However, I am committed to my metaphorical…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: paulkdad, Ben Lehman, Andrew Morris.

5/10/2005 Albert of Feh: [Kabuki LARP] lar
I am in the process of designing and writing a Narrativist one-shot Live-Action game set in medieval/early-modern Japan and drawing from the traditions of Medieval and Edo-era literature and Theatre…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Albert of Feh, WhiteRat, Walt Freitag, Andrew Morris, BrennaLaRosa, Mike Holmes, TheTris.

5/9/2005 Adam Dray: [Verge] Need help with a new cyberpunk game
[url=]Verge[/url] is my freshman entry into game design. I am a long-time Forge lurker, a terrible procrastinator, and a doomed perfectionist. That aside, the hyperlink above will connect you to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Adam Dray, Mike Holmes, matthijs, killacozzy.

5/8/2005 Kit: [Rage] If you can't beat `em...
... what am I talking about?! Of COURSE you can beat `em. That's what that great big club you're carrying is for! As those of you who have seen Option…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Kit, Eero Tuovinen.

5/8/2005 Orin: [The Five Transformations]a conflict resolution mechanic
Recently I have been seduced by all the tasty FiTM stuff the Forge and started experimenting, using Blades & Blossoms, my Asian fantasy setting in the spirit of Croushing Tiger,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Orin, matthijs, Technocrat13, Mike Holmes, Selene Tan, BrennaLaRosa.

5/8/2005 BrennaLaRosa: Giant Transforming Robo-Team, GO! Lite (Playtest Rules)
Giant Tranforming Robo-Team, GO! Lite: All the Sugar and None of the Finesse A Sentai Team Roleplaying Game Beta By Brenna “La Rosa” Beattie The mayor’s daughter has been kidnapped…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: BrennaLaRosa.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

5/24/2005 Technocrat13: [FH8] A nearly functional Fantasy Heartbreaker
This is my eighth attempt at creating a fantasy heartbreaker. It's taken me that many attempts to figure out that I needed to determine the point of the game long…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Technocrat13, xenopulse, Mike Holmes, MarkMeredith, ErrathofKosh.

5/28/2005 tzunder: Gwenthia
I'd like to ask people to look at and comment on the shared world rpg setting Gwenthia. This is being developed under a CC licence and you might look at…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: tzunder, Eero Tuovinen.

5/29/2005 KingstonC: [Orbit system] multiple GM simulationism (long)
This is the first draft of my RPG ruleset, the orbit system. Rotating GM Simulationist RPG (orbit system) Designer’s notes: The purpose of sim play is to explore. Historically, sim…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: KingstonC.

5/29/2005 reprobate: [Quirky Cops vs. Things From Beyond] Rules mock-up
A note on my design considerations before we start. The kinds of games I'm interested in are ones that tell a great genre story. Right now, the genre I'm interested…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: reprobate, Danny_K.

5/31/2005 Ben Lehman: [FafGame] This is a Good Game. This is the Best Game
I seem to have just acquired my first license, to develop a game based on FafBlog. The goal is to develop a role-playing style party game that would appeal…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ben Lehman, ethan_greer, Eero Tuovinen.

6/1/2005 epweissengruber: Concept Map Creation Tools
These free tools might help designers plan rules, present rules to players, construct informative graphics for their publications, and allow the creation of Relationship Maps.
In Indie Game Design
Participants: epweissengruber.

6/2/2005 Ben Lehman: [Polaris] How to Demo
This is a discussion regarding my game Polaris, which is in late-stage editing and playtest right now. If you want to contribute, and need a copy of the rules to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ben Lehman, Eero Tuovinen, Miskatonic, Kesher, Gaerik, Harlequin.

6/3/2005 TonyLB: [Misery Bubblegum] I love you the way you are, now change!
In the most recent Misery Bubblegum development thread, Callan posted: The next step is not to discover yourself, so much as to try and break yourself to fit in. Because…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, Doug Ruff, Allan, Sydney Freedberg, Miskatonic, hix, Noon.

6/3/2005 Allan: High School social structure
This is a tangent from the Misery Bubblegum thread How do you win at High School?. The discussion continued into private messages, but with Tony's permission I reprint them here…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Allan, TonyLB, BrennaLaRosa.

6/3/2005 WRPIgeek: Sufficiently Advanced
Hi everyone. Much like everyone else, I'm working on a new game. The working title is "Sufficiently Advanced," which plays off Clarke's Third Law ("Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: WRPIgeek, Gaerik, Harlequin, Walt Freitag, Sydney Freedberg, Allan.

6/3/2005 Andrew Morris: [Group Therapy] Specific question on types of dice used
For my game, Group Therapy, players always roll four dice for everything. Each die represents a portion of their personality. The results of these rolls determine both success or failure…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Andrew Morris, Gaerik, Jasper.

6/3/2005 Addix: [Bedlham] New game - Introduction
Hi everybody! Well, this is my first post in The Forge, at last; it's now been a while I've been wandering here. Finally, here I am, coming with a project…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Addix, xenopulse, TonyLB.

6/5/2005 KingstonC: [Orbit system] A rules light RPG, focused for troupe play
The Orbit system: A rules lite, exploration focused RPG where everyone can GM. The orbit system is my first attempt at developing a RPG rule set. It is designed for…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: KingstonC, TonyLB, Jasper.

6/5/2005 preludetotheend: Posting the rules all over, sorry for the long post.
Ok I changed things around quite a bit so I will re-post each part. Character Creation: Species: The first thing you do when creating a character you must know what…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: preludetotheend.

6/6/2005 daMoose_Neo: [d20] Restrictions on Experiance?
Ahkay, I feel like I'm bartering with Bealzibub, but I have a cool *concept* that is not a game in and of itself, but makes a bitchin supplement to d20,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Sean, Quinnfry, Ron Edwards.

6/6/2005 Gaerik: My First Game.... with no name.
Okay, I'm going to post my current Game Text in segments. As the Subject says, this is my first attempt at game design so be gentle with the virgin, please.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Gaerik, TonyLB, ChrisJaxn.

6/6/2005 preludetotheend: I have the updated version of the rules posted here
Character Creation: Species: The first thing you do when creating a character you must know what species he will be part of. At this point if your game master has…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: preludetotheend, Jasper.

6/7/2005 Bill_White: [Ganakagok] The Sun Also Rises
[url=]Ganakagok[/url] is a game where characters play Inuit-like tribesmen who live on an island-sized iceberg and revere the Stars in a fantasy world where the Sun is rising after a…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Bill_White, Andrew Morris.

6/9/2005 PlotDevice: Falling into a different layer of reality
Hi all. Lurker mostly, occasional speaker of half off-topic things, posting about something I am working on and hoping for some advice on. I won't go into specifics on the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: PlotDevice, Troy_Costisick, Allan.

6/9/2005 Mirrenx: Have you all seen this?
Independent game - Cursed Empire,,,, new web site It has it all............... x
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Mirrenx.

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