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In Indie Game Design

9/1/2003 Jasper: Graal: Arthurian Romance Questing
Hello everyone, I've been away from the Forge for a while, but now have some more free time, and a game I'd like to talk about. A few of you…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jasper, anonymouse, simon_hibbs, lumpley.

9/1/2003 Green: kathanaksaya for IRC and PbEM
Just recently, James West published a lite version of my game, Kathanaksaya, in the most recent issue of Random Order Comics & Games. After a little bit of sitting on…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Green, Paul Czege, Tony Irwin, Shreyas Sampat.

8/29/2003 Jeph: Courageous Exploits of the Fearless Dinosaur Hunters!
[size=18px]COURAGEOUS EXPLOITS OF THE FEARLESS DINOSAUR HUNTERS[/size] You are stranded in a place with dinosaurs! They will eat you! Run away! [b]CHARACTERS[/b] Your character has 3 stats: Clever, Athletic, and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jeph, Mike Holmes, Tony Irwin.

8/29/2003 Aelios: KARMA system: Feedback on Combat Mechanic please
I've been working on this for a long time now, but I can't shake the feeling that I'm missing something. I don't have a specific GNS target I'm aiming for,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Aelios, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards.

8/28/2003 Valamir: Yup, looks like it needs to be said again
Lots of new folks posting to this forum. Welcome and glad to have you. Please take the time to read the sticky threads at the top of this forum. Unlike…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Valamir, Mike Holmes, Plenz, gobi, JW Carroll, simon_hibbs, Tony Irwin, Ron Edwards.

8/28/2003 Simon W: Blakes 7 RPG
Not exactly a new RPG, but certainly new to anyone other than my immediate gaming group and a few people who used to attend Dragonmeet in the 1980's. Anyway, with…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Simon W, Mike Holmes, simon_hibbs, Dev.

8/28/2003 hermes: Capes & Cowls superhero rpg
Hi. I have been lurking here and there in this forum for some time but this is the first time I have decided to post something. I recently made a…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: hermes, Tony Irwin, Andrew Martin, Mike Holmes, hardcoremoose, Jeph, Phillip, Ron Edwards.

8/28/2003 ZaonDude: ZAON Sci-Fi RPG: New setting; Exploring a curved % mechanic
Hello, Quick introductions and reference links are in order before I describe the system mechanic's parameters we're exploring: The ZAON RPG official website: Our dot-org customer-focused online discussion forums:…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ZaonDude, Andrew Martin, ADGBoss, Matt Wilson, Walt Freitag, simon_hibbs.

8/27/2003 Nathaniel: Paroxysm: Concept Based Character Design
I'm just finishing hammering out the character generation process I'm using in a game I'm designing (Paroxysm - a science fiction horror game) which I plan on making available in…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Nathaniel, Tony Irwin, Mike Holmes.

8/26/2003 inthisstyle: [Mortal Coil] Token-based resolution system
Hey, folks, I proposed this bare-bones token system for my modern-day supernatural game (now titled Mortal Coil) last month, but now I have fleshed it out a bit. This is…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: inthisstyle, MachMoth, Jeph, abzu.

8/26/2003 JW Carroll: Duellists: Endgame : Diceless Mechanic.
Hello all. Here's the second thread in the ongoing developement of Duellists: Endgame. I started this in response to two posts on the main thread one by MachMoh and the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: JW Carroll, Mike Holmes, Simon W, DaR, MachMoth, Andrew Martin.

8/26/2003 AnthonyRoberson: New Game: Shadow Town
I have been lurking here for quite a while and I have finally come up with an idea for a game that I HOPE is interesting and unique (and not…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: AnthonyRoberson, simon_hibbs, Mike Holmes.

8/25/2003 jammmer81: Universal RPG
I'm trying to design a universal roleplaying system with the following design goals in mind. Simplicity in execution at least Intuitiveness – limited searching for info - slowdown limited as…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jammmer81, Mike Holmes, Dev, Eric J., MachMoth, M. J. Young, Valamir, abzu, Andrew Martin.

8/25/2003 Chris_Chambers: Inspiration
I had an boost of inspiration the other night, and this just popped into my head. I would like any feed back that I can. I just don't know how…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Chris_Chambers, Mike Holmes, simon_hibbs, ross_winn.

8/25/2003 Andy Kitkowski: Kyuseisha: Dice Mechanics Feedback: Statistics Folk Welcome!
Hey all- gunning for a little more feedback this week. I may have another post in the next few days regarding another issue with my game. We've begun playtesting (last…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, David Chunn, MachMoth.

8/24/2003 Plenz: -The Xerox Missive- An rpg based on Philip K Dick.
Hello all. This is my first post on the Forge Forums so I thought I'd start off with an explanation of what indie-game design means to me. I have been…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Plenz, Lxndr, J B Bell, Dave Panchyk, Cemendur, Wormwood, English, Rob MacDougall.

8/24/2003 JW Carroll: New Game The Duellists: Endgame
Hello all. I've been lurking about here for about a week now and designing amateur games for a long time and I've finally worked up the nerve to throw my…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: JW Carroll, Simon W, MachMoth, Mike Holmes, simon_hibbs, roleplyr4ever.

8/23/2003 Hannu Hurme: Sigil, system in the works
My game is still work in progress, but at least it has gone forward in the last two weeks or so. I first posted about it in this thread Since…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Hannu Hurme, Mark Johnson, Eric J., gobi, Mike Holmes.

8/22/2003 Ron Edwards: [Hardboiled] Game text comments
Hello, This is the third of a few little readings-over I've finally made time for. All of them are games that I think are phenomenal starting-out phases in their development,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, Alan, Mike Holmes.

8/22/2003 Ron Edwards: [Empire of the Dragon Lotus] Game text comments
Hello, This is the first of a few little readings-over I've finally made time for. All of them are games that I think are phenomenal starting-out phases in their development,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, ADGBoss, Mark Johnson, simon_hibbs.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

9/3/2003 xiombarg: Card Captor Cabal
Hey, all. While my fiancee is away in Texas for her bridal shower, she asked me to write a little RPG based on her favorite anime, CardCaptors, aka Card Captor…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: xiombarg, Shreyas Sampat, roleplyr4ever, Lxndr.

9/4/2003 gobi: Gears & Spears (A little side project)
[b]Gears & Spears[/b] [i]Mythic Tribal Robot Role-Playing in the Year 200,000,000 A.D.[/i] It all started with this stream-of-consciousness bit I wrote after coming home from work. [quote] The meat, in…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: gobi, Mike Holmes, anonymouse, Lxndr, Ben Lehman, Jasper, mrteapot, Sylus Thane, WDFlores, Dumirik, raga, Ron Edwards, dragon_of_colour, Jeph, taalyn.

9/4/2003 JSDiamond: Fight the Nazis as a reckless daring 1940's spy
"Rhinegart Station-South" is a noir, pulp action style rpg set in 1940 Europe. Just a bit of fun I'm working on. You can download it from my site's main page,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: JSDiamond, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes.

9/5/2003 \\|The Joker|//: X BOX'S FaBlE!!!!
[b][i][color=darkblue][/color][size=18px][/size] this game is goin to be soo suh weeet in game graphics are awsome u make ur future u craft ur own sword u can fight n e one…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: \\|The Joker|//, abzu, Alan, Eric J., Clinton R. Nixon.

9/5/2003 flobby77: New Science/Fantasy RPG...
Just got the first addition our new game "The Center Space" out!!!. Please check it out!!! We need more feed back!!! Briefly, it's a 2d10 game that doesn't use classes.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: flobby77, Mike Holmes, Clinton R. Nixon, Jasper, Mark Johnson.

9/5/2003 Chris Capps: [Flash In The Pan] Lyric-Based Character Creation?
(Long time reader, first time poster, yada yada yada) I've begun brainstorming a game that I'm currently referring to as Flash In The Pan. It takes place in a modern,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Chris Capps, ethan_greer, scobie, Bryant, gobi, The_Confessor, Lxndr, Tim C Koppang.

9/6/2003 Heather Manley: Amazon Ninja Space-Pirate Catgirls: Skills lists
I was reviewing the list of skills for my game, and noticed that now that I have a mechanic named Loot, I really shouldn't have a skill named Loot as…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Heather Manley, Ziggy, Dave Panchyk, John Harper, Marco, Lxndr, MachMoth, iago.

9/6/2003 jammmer81: Eernal Struggle as a setting specific rpg
This may look familiar, but bare with me, I have some questions to ask at the end of this post. I intend to have a setting specific game to playtest…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jammmer81, Andrew Martin, Mike Holmes, WDFlores.

9/8/2003 raga: looking for game references
Hi all, long time reader, first time poster. anyways I'm a big fan of the martial arts genre and I've been thinking about a game focusing on this. The mechanic…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: raga, Bankuei, Ron Edwards, Jack Spencer Jr, Mike Holmes, anonymouse, roleplyr4ever, Michael S. Miller, Andrew Martin.

9/9/2003 Sylus Thane: Once Upon a Time in a Role-playing Game
Once Upon a Time in a Role-playing Game Anybody can be average, it's those of us with drive that excel beyond the ordinary. Nothing about this game is average and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Sylus Thane, Jasper.

9/10/2003 realms_creator: Time for freedom.
This is just a little of what we have writing so far for our game. Please post your comment on it. Thanks.. If this is the wrong place sorry.. I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: realms_creator, Ben Lehman.

9/10/2003 jammmer81: Significators: cartomancy-based character creation
This is a little side project I'm working on. Significator A character’s significator describes the type of person that he or she is. Kings and Queens typically represent men and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jammmer81, Jasper, Ben Lehman, taalyn.

9/10/2003 Wormwood: Traditions of the Flesh: Open Design Notes
First, some ground rules: 1) this is soft sci-fi, with some vague merging into fantasy, but the key point is I don't care if it's scientifically feasible, or exactly why…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Wormwood, Jasper, Little_Rat, taalyn.

9/11/2003 The_Confessor: The Day of Rest: Role-Playing at the Birth of Reality
Hey all, I've got another idea for a game. Right now it's in very early stages, and I'm not sure what I can actually do with it, so I'm tossing…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: The_Confessor, Shreyas Sampat, garapata.

9/12/2003 scobie: GunKnight - Any Rumblings???
Hi I've just been watching Gundam Seed and I've gotten enthused for the whole giant robot genre again. I remember an intriguing little concept called 'GunKnight' which came up in…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: scobie, raga.

9/13/2003 Soome: Hey guys, new guy on the boards needing help on his RPG
I'm not sure if this is the right board to be posting this on but here goes. Hey all, I'm Soome and I stumbled across this site one day when…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Soome, Dave Panchyk, M. J. Young.

9/13/2003 deidzoeb: Footcreme - found text conflict resolution mechanic
[b][url=]footcreme[/url][/b] No, it's not a make-over game, although it could be. FTCRM = Found Text Conflict Resolution Mechanic = ([b]footcreme[/b]) The strategies and variations page is still under construction, but…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: deidzoeb.

9/15/2003 Dumirik: The Last Bastion's back!
Hey boyz (and girls, its a generic term), I just wanted to announce with as little fanfare as possible (tarrraaaaah!! ;)) that my RPG currently entitled The Last Bastion is…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dumirik, Mike Holmes.

9/16/2003 jphannil: Just (another) game idea
Hello and greetings from someone just signed in the forge. I've been playing rpg's since the beginning of the 90's, not as much now as I used to. I've always…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jphannil, taalyn, Mike Holmes, Dev, Walt Freitag, aghori, failrate, Andrew Martin.

9/16/2003 David Chunn: [SagaCraft] Hero Background
Hey, folks! I need some help deciding between two different creation methods for hero background. Since this is my first post about the game, let me sum things up for…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: David Chunn, Mike Holmes, ethan_greer, Andrew Martin.

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