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In Indie Game Design

9/22/2003 garapata: MyGame {no working title yet} : An RPG Musical
Inspired by movies such as Chicago, Moulin Rouge and theater productions like RENT, Les Miserables, Chess, West Side Story and Miss Saigon, I have decided to try and create a…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: garapata, mrteapot, Michael S. Miller, taalyn.

9/22/2003 The_Confessor: Seafaring, Swashbuckling, & Style
Greetings everyone, I just finished writing my second RPG Seafaring, Swashbuckling & Style: A Cinematic Role-Playing Game in the Age of Piracy. It was written loose and fast, and in…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: The_Confessor, Jeph, Mike Holmes, mrteapot, Valamir, xiombarg, gobi, Lxndr, RaconteurX, contracycle, Simon W, sirogit.

9/21/2003 taalyn: Crux - cover image?
Hey everybody! (Hi Dr. Nick!) Crux is progressing along nicely, but I do have one thing that I just can't get through, and Im not having any luck with my…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: taalyn.

9/19/2003 Valamir: [Robots & Rapiers] Announcing Ramshead's new RPG
Ramshead Publishing invites you to review and playtest our next RPG, Robots and Rapiers. You can find the 130+ page pdf alpha version on the Universalis website. I expect…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Valamir, Marco, John Harper, gobi, Thierry Michel, Mike Holmes, Lxndr, Sylus Thane.

9/19/2003 Peregrine: Mythosystem
Hi, I've thrown together a little generic fantasy system during some Wayfarer Song burn-out downtime. It is nothing too special, but I thought I'd post a link to it and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Peregrine, David Chunn.

9/18/2003 Garbanzo: Ashen first draft. Comments on my race mechanics?
Forge: I've got a quick web site up which should get you a first draft of Ashen. For purposes of this thread, I'm looking for some feedback on the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Garbanzo, contracycle, taalyn, Mulciber, Shreyas Sampat.

9/18/2003 Phillip: Idea for a new game (no working title yet)
This will be the first time I have posted an actual idea for a game here on the Forge. Here is a basic outline of what I have in mind:…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Phillip, Mike Holmes, ZeOtter, pete_darby, Bill Logan.

9/18/2003 Marco: JAGS Have-Not Book 1 [Focus on Approach Chapter]
We are nearing completion of our post-apocalypse world book Have-Not (for the free JAGS system). Our first book (setting) is close to done--and we have a draft of it up--however,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Marco, deadpanbob.

9/18/2003 Brian T: New to the Forge
Hello all, I'm new here, just looking for now while I try to absorb everything. I have been working on my own game for some time and figured that had…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Brian T, Phillip, Mike Holmes.

9/16/2003 David Chunn: [SagaCraft] Hero Background
Hey, folks! I need some help deciding between two different creation methods for hero background. Since this is my first post about the game, let me sum things up for…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: David Chunn, Mike Holmes, ethan_greer, Andrew Martin.

9/16/2003 jphannil: Just (another) game idea
Hello and greetings from someone just signed in the forge. I've been playing rpg's since the beginning of the 90's, not as much now as I used to. I've always…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jphannil, taalyn, Mike Holmes, Dev, Walt Freitag, aghori, failrate, Andrew Martin.

9/15/2003 Dumirik: The Last Bastion's back!
Hey boyz (and girls, its a generic term), I just wanted to announce with as little fanfare as possible (tarrraaaaah!! ;)) that my RPG currently entitled The Last Bastion is…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dumirik, Mike Holmes.

9/13/2003 deidzoeb: Footcreme - found text conflict resolution mechanic
[b][url=]footcreme[/url][/b] No, it's not a make-over game, although it could be. FTCRM = Found Text Conflict Resolution Mechanic = ([b]footcreme[/b]) The strategies and variations page is still under construction, but…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: deidzoeb.

9/13/2003 Soome: Hey guys, new guy on the boards needing help on his RPG
I'm not sure if this is the right board to be posting this on but here goes. Hey all, I'm Soome and I stumbled across this site one day when…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Soome, Dave Panchyk, M. J. Young.

9/12/2003 scobie: GunKnight - Any Rumblings???
Hi I've just been watching Gundam Seed and I've gotten enthused for the whole giant robot genre again. I remember an intriguing little concept called 'GunKnight' which came up in…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: scobie, raga.

9/11/2003 The_Confessor: The Day of Rest: Role-Playing at the Birth of Reality
Hey all, I've got another idea for a game. Right now it's in very early stages, and I'm not sure what I can actually do with it, so I'm tossing…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: The_Confessor, Shreyas Sampat, garapata.

9/10/2003 Wormwood: Traditions of the Flesh: Open Design Notes
First, some ground rules: 1) this is soft sci-fi, with some vague merging into fantasy, but the key point is I don't care if it's scientifically feasible, or exactly why…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Wormwood, Jasper, Little_Rat, taalyn.

9/10/2003 jammmer81: Significators: cartomancy-based character creation
This is a little side project I'm working on. Significator A character’s significator describes the type of person that he or she is. Kings and Queens typically represent men and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jammmer81, Jasper, Ben Lehman, taalyn.

9/10/2003 realms_creator: Time for freedom.
This is just a little of what we have writing so far for our game. Please post your comment on it. Thanks.. If this is the wrong place sorry.. I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: realms_creator, Ben Lehman.

9/9/2003 Sylus Thane: Once Upon a Time in a Role-playing Game
Once Upon a Time in a Role-playing Game Anybody can be average, it's those of us with drive that excel beyond the ordinary. Nothing about this game is average and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Sylus Thane, Jasper.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

9/22/2003 Bill Logan: New universal game mechanic idea.
Okay. This is my first major post. Here goes. Stats: Players have no attributes, skills, advantages, disadvantages, or anything cumbersome like that (he said what?). Instead they are just a…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Bill Logan, deadpanbob, Mike Holmes, Andrew Martin.

9/22/2003 xiombarg: Unsung: Lapse and Gift Mechanic (peanut gallery wanted)
Okay, in reference to this thread I'm curious what other people think about the Lapse and Gift mechanics in Unsung. It's probably best to look at the latest playtest rules…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: xiombarg, Ben Lehman, Mike Holmes.

9/23/2003 AnyaTheBlue: More Nar/Sim Superheroes
This is another post on the general topic of this thread over here from last June, where I was mumbling about an unnamed Nar/Sim superhero game. I still don't…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: AnyaTheBlue, Ron Edwards, Jonathan Walton.

9/23/2003 Jeph: PBBRPG: The Role-Playing Game of Lego Adventure
So, last night I was fiddling around with my legoes, mostly trying to make appropriate minis for a couple of DnD characters in a game in which I play. Result:…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jeph, Mike Holmes, roleplyr4ever, Matt, lumpley, Grex.

9/23/2003 garapata: RPG Musical: Inspiration Points
Okay, I have decided to try and give a more concrete set of area where Inspiration Points are guaged. As mentioned in my other thread, Inspiration Points are gained when…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: garapata, JimmyB, taalyn, Tomas HVM.

9/24/2003 Rich Stokes: Urban Mythos: Back at the grindstone...
Hi all, Been away, been busy, been mostly dead as far as free time was concerned and a bit of a crisis as far as the idea of actually WRITING…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Rich Stokes, Jonathan Walton, Garbanzo, scobie, gobi.

9/25/2003 Dumirik: The Anomaly
Hello, I'm back (yet again) with another version of my game. The background setting has changed slightly, and I think it is starting to reach its final stages for playtesting.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dumirik, Mike Holmes, garapata, ZeOtter.

9/25/2003 gobi: Pull - A game of criminals and capers
The Urban Mythos thread has got me thinking about a quickie rpg concept I got a couple years ago, but never developed entirely. You can probably see prototypical hints of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: gobi, Jason E. Roberts, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Tim Alexander, Zathreyel.

9/25/2003 xiombarg: Unsung: Radical Reward Restructuring
So, okay, Alexander has suggested some radical reward restructuring for Unsung here and elsewhere. He suggest in addition to getting Gift Points (GPs) for giving Gifts, that a player recieve…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: xiombarg.

9/26/2003 JimmyB: Poetry-based magic
Just discovered that there's more boards on here than the one or two that I usually visit, anyway. Idea for a game built around a magic system based off poetry.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: JimmyB, iago, Jonathan Walton, gobi, Jeph, garapata.

9/26/2003 NeuroZombie: New Member, New Dice Pool combat mechanic
Hello all, I have been a lurker her on and off for nearly a year now, and I think I may have finally come up with a combat system worth…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: NeuroZombie, Mark Johnson.

9/27/2003 gobi: [Gears & Spears] Update: Numero Uno
For those who missed the big, giant G&S thread, the results of that discussion have been compiled into this page. Recap The setting is Earth, two hundred million years after…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: gobi, Jonathan Walton, RaconteurX, raga, Ben Lehman.

9/28/2003 ZenDog: [BaD RPG]:Intro, mechanics and some flavour.
Hail! And well met brave adventurer! Welcome to 'Battles and Dungeons', the game of heroic fantasy roleplaying. In the unique world of 'Battles and Dungeons' players can take on the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ZenDog, raga.

9/28/2003 AnyaTheBlue: Weird game design idea
This is sort of inspired by thoughts about Author and Director stance, as well as Rune and something Ron mentioned about Trollbabe being about 'her story'. There are plenty of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: AnyaTheBlue, Mark Johnson, gobi, Jonathan Walton, damion, Andrew Martin.

9/29/2003 Michael S. Miller: [Discernment] An experimental game of experimentation
I've just finished Discernment: An experimental role-playing game of experimentation. It is available for free as an approx. 1 MB PDF at The game text is about 5 pages,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Jonathan Walton, Little_Rat, Paul Czege, xiombarg.

9/29/2003 Emily_Dresner: Bar RPGs
So, this weekend, as a joke, a friend challenged me to write a one-page Coupling RPG. Which I did, and it's here and not terribly good. Hey, it was…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Emily_Dresner, lumpley, Paul Czege, taalyn, AnyaTheBlue, Lxndr, Dev, Ben Lehman, Simon W, xiombarg, gobi, joshua neff.

9/30/2003 Mandris_Arcanis: My Game "Crucible of Legends (Need Mechanics Help)
First off let me be perfectly clear, This game will be published either in POD direct sales formatt, sold at CONs, and hopefully eventually garnering a distributor and gaining store…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Mandris_Arcanis, contracycle, Matt Snyder, Mike Holmes.

9/30/2003 Jonathan Walton: [Ever-After] Gets a Facelift
It was after reading through Michael S. Millar's new game, "Discernment," which shares many similarities with Ever-After, that I brought the game off the back-burner and began to stir it…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jonathan Walton, Michael S. Miller, Mike Holmes, Simon W.

9/30/2003 Pelorus: Lone gunman or loose collaboration or...
Some people are better at designing alone, others with a small core of people. I have a project I'm working on (well, 3 games) and I think I need help.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Pelorus, Mike Holmes, Emily_Dresner, gobi, Ron Edwards, gameskald.

10/1/2003 gameskald: [Brood Wars] - Paper Miniature Battle (Reviews?)
Greetings everyone. First and foremost I would like to say I have been skulking the boards for a couple days now and all I can say is WOW, alot of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: gameskald, anonymouse, Mike Holmes, Simon W, Walt Freitag, Valamir.

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