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In CRN Games

5/3/2004 timfire: Weapon/Armor Worth? Did I miss something?
Just bought Donjon (nice game Clinton!) and I have a question: What's the rule of thumb for the worth of weapons/armor? (Or, did I just miss something when I read…
In CRN Games
Participants: timfire, Jason.

4/25/2004 demiurgeastaroth: [Donjon] Encounter Facts
Since you get treasure from looting bodies, how would you handle the following: A player uses Find Trouble and gets 2 facts - 1 fact: an enemy healer, 1 fact:…
In CRN Games
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, Jason, Lxndr, jdagna.

4/25/2004 demiurgeastaroth: [Donjon] Hospitality
I know this trait is used for quality of, um, hospitality possible at a given town, but how exactly is it used in play? Is it just like Wealth -…
In CRN Games
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, jdagna.

4/25/2004 demiurgeastaroth: [Donjon] Killing PCs
How exactly do you kill - or at least disable - PCs? As far as I can tell, when PCs drop to Flesh Wounds, they are still active. When they…
In CRN Games
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, jdagna.

4/25/2004 demiurgeastaroth: [Donjon] Healing potions and other items
How would a healing potion, or other item that produces a spell-like effect, work mechanically? the cost is 1 worth per one-time magic bonus. My ideas: a) potion heals 1…
In CRN Games
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, Jason, jdagna, Christopher Weeks.

4/25/2004 demiurgeastaroth: [Donjon] Attack 'Facts'
My first Donjon question. I'm comfortable with the way the Law of Successes works outside of combat, but I'm looking for guidance in combat uses. On the forum, Clinton has…
In CRN Games
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, Jason, jdagna, Christopher Weeks.

4/21/2004 dyjoots: Paladin Revision?
In a thread recently ressurected by Tetsujin in the Actual Play Forum (on accident, I assume), Clinton mentioned working on a revision to the rules. Hoewever, these threads are several…
In CRN Games
Participants: dyjoots, Clinton R. Nixon, tetsujin28, Ian O'Rourke, Ron Edwards, ethan_greer, b_bankhead.

4/13/2004 Doyce: [Paladin] Where do you drift (or do you)?
Hi all. I'm involved in Brian Bankhead's nascent Paladin game on IRC (see his recent post in this forum, and I highly recommend stopping in and joining play if you're…
In CRN Games
Participants: Doyce, Trevis Martin, tetsujin28.

4/3/2004 b_bankhead: I call upon the PALADIN mastery of Anilwerks!
I will be running Paladin every tues in the indie netgaming irc channel (7pm EDT #indierpgs I have never run the game and I have already looked at the…
In CRN Games
Participants: b_bankhead.

4/3/2004 RPGuru59: Donjon on the net
I have been trying to start a game on the net via but no results yet. I was wondering, is there a site on the net that is playing…
In CRN Games
Participants: RPGuru59, Paganini, Christopher Weeks.

3/22/2004 aplath: Problematic spell words in Donjon
Hello all, I've just finished reading my copy of Donjon and so far it is exactly what I expected, which is pretty good. I can't wait to try it and…
In CRN Games
Participants: aplath, Bob McNamee, Paganini, jdagna.

3/21/2004 jshaffstall: [Donjon] Question
First, let me say that I love what I've read of Donjon. The abstraction of wealth and provisions is inspired, and the level of player involvement looks to be quite…
In CRN Games
Participants: jshaffstall, tetsujin28, Bob McNamee.

3/21/2004 tetsujin28: Paladin Animus questions
Obviously, avoiding the accumulation of Dark Animus is a major theme of the game. Yet the stuff seems pretty easy to get rid of. Whilst the mechanic on pg. 14…
In CRN Games
Participants: tetsujin28, Clinton R. Nixon, Michael S. Miller.

2/24/2004 Crackerjacker: (Paladin) Anti-clone activists sorta idea thingy
not even a full day with paladin and I already have an order and quasi-setting idea. Its not really fleshed out but it's described in this conversation: Coy 247: a…
In CRN Games
Participants: Crackerjacker, Michael S. Miller.

1/8/2004 dunlaing: Shapechanging in Donjon
I have a player that wants the Supporting Ability "Shapechange Self." He wants it to work in such a way that if he rolls it and gets successes, he can…
In CRN Games
Participants: dunlaing, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Catalyst, jdagna, Christopher Weeks.

12/22/2003 dunlaing: HeroQuest -> Donjon
I realize this may be crazy, but I'm considering converting a HeroQuest campaign into a Donjon campaign. I was thinking of doing something like this for the Spirit Magic Practitioners…
In CRN Games
Participants: dunlaing, Clinton R. Nixon, Mike Holmes, Catalyst.

12/14/2003 matthijs: How competitive?
Just ran my first Donjon game last night. Not terribly well prepared; it was a spur-of-the-moment thing, my wife was the only player, and we just played 2 scenes to…
In CRN Games
Participants: matthijs, Clinton R. Nixon, Rich Forest.

12/1/2003 ethan_greer: Donjon on Gaming Report
[url=]Gaming Report[/url] has a glowing review of Donjon [url=]here.[/url] Congrats, Clinton!
In CRN Games
Participants: ethan_greer.

11/17/2003 Bob McNamee: Creature available
I finally got around to posting at least a little of my old stuff back on the web, after Yahoo deleted my old account last year, for no apparent reason.…
In CRN Games
Participants: Bob McNamee.

11/7/2003 dyjoots: Magic in Donjon: Power Level
I've been looking over threads here and the game itself, particularly with concerns about magic. In several threads, it was mentioned that the magic system may be a bit overpowered,…
In CRN Games
Participants: dyjoots, jdagna, rafial, Bob McNamee.

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Subsequent Topics
In CRN Games

5/25/2004 Isliffell: [Donjon] Ranged Spells
When spending Spell Dice for a spell, what die costs should reasonably be associated with hitting a target one action and two actions away? Or is magic, already nicely powerful,…
In CRN Games
Participants: Isliffell, Catalyst.

5/26/2004 tetsujin28: [Donjon] Question re: Smashing
NB: this was originally posted by access.denied at None of us could figure it out, so I'm posting it here. Originally posted by access.denied I'm reading the thoroughly…
In CRN Games
Participants: tetsujin28, Zak Arntson, aplath, Clinton R. Nixon, Manxome, John Harper, Bob McNamee.

5/26/2004 Morfedel: [Donjon] Beer & Pretzels vs Serious Campaign Gaming
Ok, I'm considering getting Donjon. It looks to me at first glance to be just a beer-n-pretzels game, but i've heard rumors that long term, serious games are possible too.…
In CRN Games
Participants: Morfedel, Zak Arntson, aplath, Valamir.

5/27/2004 Manxome: [Donjon] Overlapping Abilities
Correct me if I'm wrong about any of the details of the rulebook, I'm working from memory... I believe that the rules on Resolution (Chapter 4) state that no more…
In CRN Games
Participants: Manxome.

5/31/2004 Dev: Initiative Questions/Idea
(1) Can actions be held? If I wanted this, what kinds of limits should I impose? (2) I had an initiative idea that's cool, but needs some fixing. Whereas the…
In CRN Games
Participants: Dev, Clinton R. Nixon.

6/1/2004 8bitjunkie: [Donjon] Light/Darkness question
I am getting around pretty well in Donjon except for some issues related to darkness in dungeons. I can make up most stuff on the fly when it comes to…
In CRN Games
Participants: 8bitjunkie, Clinton R. Nixon, Bob McNamee.

6/14/2004 The Goat: Donjon: Genre or Setting shift, any problems
I was just curious, I just finished reading through Donjon and I know it was designed as a fantasy game, however at the current moment I don't see any reason…
In CRN Games
Participants: The Goat, Bailywolf.

6/16/2004 aplath: Scope of main and supporting abilities
Hello all, Yesterday I ran a short Donjon game as a replacement for our regular Pool campaign since one of our players was missing. It was a simple and very…
In CRN Games
Participants: aplath, Isliffell, Jason Puckett, Manxome.

6/16/2004 JamesSterrett: Donjon Cheat Sheet Draft
What's below is the current draft of the Donjon reference card I've been working up. Are there any errors? Are there things you'd like to see? It's not intended to…
In CRN Games
Participants: JamesSterrett, aplath, abies, Clinton R. Nixon, James_Nostack.

6/16/2004 Luke Sineath: Buying items and provisions
This is something that I don't quite understand. Inventory is not kept track of in Donjon, right? Then why are there rules for purchasing a specific item (for example, a…
In CRN Games
Participants: Luke Sineath, aplath, Clinton R. Nixon, ethan_greer, JamesSterrett.

6/16/2004 Luke Sineath: The biggest problem with Donjon
Where am I supposed to get all those d20s? One group would probably need 100 of them! (that's just my estimate, based on reading the rules and Actual Play threads.)…
In CRN Games
Participants: Luke Sineath, Paganini, ethan_greer, aplath, Trevis Martin.

6/18/2004 Christopher Weeks: Wiki Error?
Hi all, I PMed Clinton earlier, but I thought I'd put this into public light in case anyone else knows anything. If you look at the recent changes for the…
In CRN Games
Participants: Christopher Weeks.

6/27/2004 Luke Sineath: Easy Uncontested Actions and Gathering Magic Power
The DM rolls 0 dice in an Easy Uncontested action. This means that all of the player's dice will be successes. Therefore, a character with a Cerebrality of 4 and…
In CRN Games
Participants: Luke Sineath, Jason, Wulf, Dev, jdagna.

6/28/2004 Morfedel: Where be my donjon?
I ordered Donjon as a pdf and paid via paypal... I'm waiting for either some kind of confirmation or instructions on downloading it or something.... so far, nothing. Where be…
In CRN Games
Participants: Morfedel, kamawell, Christopher Weeks, 8bitjunkie, Mike Holmes, joshua neff.

7/6/2004 The Goat: Donjon: Clarification on determining successes.
Ran my first session last night, it did however prompt this clarification. If a player rolls 9 dice, and I am rolling 3, we compare and they beat all of…
In CRN Games
Participants: The Goat, Luke Sineath, Christopher Weeks, Trevis Martin, Mike Holmes.

7/15/2004 timfire: Mechanical issues w/ Donjon?
[url=]Somewhere else,[/url] Mike Holmes said: [quote="Mike Holmes"]there are some mechanical problems in Dunjon. Many of which Clinton has addressed on his forum.[/quote] As I'm new to Donjon (I own the…
In CRN Games
Participants: timfire, Mike Holmes, JamesSterrett, aplath, tk421, Dev.

8/8/2004 tk421: Possessions and Super Heroic Donjon
Hiya, folks. I convinced (read: forced) my normal gaming group to give Donjon a try. I'm excited and they're excited. I took a poll of the players to see what…
In CRN Games
Participants: tk421, Manxome, Clinton R. Nixon, galex.

8/26/2004 Manxome: [Donjon] Material Enchantment
Is there anything stopping a player from doing the following? Should there be? A character's primary ability is an arcane magic called Material Enchantment (words: hard, light, crumble, mend). The…
In CRN Games
Participants: Manxome, Clinton R. Nixon.

9/27/2004 Lougar01: Donjon & Slow Acting Poison
I love Donjon, and plan to run it with an Ironclaw-like game this month. Can't wait to see how the character turn out. They will be creating the template for…
In CRN Games
Participants: Lougar01, Clinton R. Nixon, Henri.

9/29/2004 Lougar01: Breaking Things in Donjon
Had an interesting situation in the game recently. Player had a BAS (Big Ass Sword), and used it to chop open a door to make a big entrance into the…
In CRN Games
Participants: Lougar01, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards.

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