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In CRN Games

4/16/2003 John Harper: Rolling gobs of dice... yet another alternative
I'm developing a system for an upcoming game project (Danger Patrol) and it sometimes calls for great handfuls of dice to be rolled, much like Donjon can. My "solution" is…
In CRN Games
Participants: John Harper, Clinton R. Nixon, Spooky Fanboy, ethan_greer, Valamir, Rich Forest, Russell, Michael S. Miller, Bailywolf, Jason, Mike Holmes.

4/15/2003 Andy Kitkowski: Question about DONJON character sheets...
Not a serious, question, mind you, but a question nonetheless. :-) "I gets my scrilla from pimpin' " Er... What does that mean? We brought it up in my group:…
In CRN Games
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Clinton R. Nixon, Jared A. Sorensen, Jonathan Walton, Ben Morgan.

4/14/2003 hanschristianandersen: Paladins in The Matrix?
Having just seen the Matrix Reloaded trailer, I'm itching to play it, Paladin-style. I'm probably not the only one, either. ;-) How does this look for a Code? MINOR VOWS…
In CRN Games
Participants: hanschristianandersen, Valamir, John Harper, jdagna.

4/5/2003 Chris Kucsera: Donjon DM's Screen & Cheat Sheets
I realize that Clinton's new job has delayed several of his projects. Has anyone else created a DM's screen? Also, any cheat sheets that one would provide to new players…
In CRN Games
Participants: Chris Kucsera, Clinton R. Nixon, Jason Kottler, Andrea Gualano.

4/3/2003 anonymouse: [Paladin] Legacy: a Vagrant Story
So, here's the setting my sibling and I are going to be playing Paladin in. It's based on the Playstation game Vagrant Story, which we're both extraordinarly fond of. There…
In CRN Games
Participants: anonymouse, Clinton R. Nixon, Blake Hutchins.

4/2/2003 dunlaing: Problem with Shadow of Yesterday
ok, so it's a really small problem, but Nutria aren't " the largest of the rodents", Capybara are. Nutria are nearly as large as a beaver.
In CRN Games
Participants: dunlaing, Mike Holmes, ethan_greer, Clinton R. Nixon.

4/2/2003 RamblingMan: [Donjon] Animal Companions
Any thoughts on how to make an ability to get animal companions, without being overpowered? I'd like to have a way to use abilities like this, but not sure how…
In CRN Games
Participants: RamblingMan, Mike Holmes, b_bankhead, jdagna, Clinton R. Nixon.

3/31/2003 RamblingMan: Magic: Buffing Spells
Has anyone had characters that used "buffing" spells? Like, spells that add to their strength? Or create effective strength (like Telekinesis)? I'm trying to figure out a way to represent…
In CRN Games
Participants: RamblingMan, Chris Kucsera, anonymouse, Clinton R. Nixon.

3/31/2003 Spooky Fanboy: Riptide--where did it go?
Just curious: Did this get put on the back burner? Or did it get put away more permenantly? I remember it being mentioned, and discussed on this list, then it…
In CRN Games
Participants: Spooky Fanboy, Clinton R. Nixon.

3/31/2003 anonymouse: [Donjon] Setting: Hyrule.
Been playing a lot of Wind Waker recently, so a Donjon-themed Link was on my mind. As a variant, it'd be interesting to turn an Attributes dial and use -…
In CRN Games
Participants: anonymouse, greyorm, Jason L Blair, Mike Holmes.

3/31/2003 RamblingMan: Dice Less Task Resolution
I was just wondering what sorts of things people may have tried for resolving tasks without using as many dice as needed. I don't have very many dice, or an…
In CRN Games
Participants: RamblingMan, anonymouse, Mike Holmes, quozl, Scripty, Dev.

3/27/2003 ethan_greer: Shadow of Yesterday: A question
So in this thread, After quite a bit of thought, I've decided to make The Shadow of Yesterday a free game, with a commercial hard-copy release. Can you go over…
In CRN Games
Participants: ethan_greer, Clinton R. Nixon.

3/26/2003 Chris Kucsera: Dunjon Magic Item Question
In the treasure section, one of the example items is a wand that shoots flame. It is listed as burn with flame 5 (total worth 10). I'm not clear on…
In CRN Games
Participants: Chris Kucsera, Mike Holmes, Clinton R. Nixon.

3/26/2003 Trevis Martin: Paladin - Only one weapon?
Hey Clinton I've just recently purchased and read Paladin and I have a question. There is a point early in the rules that you mention its important the the Paladin…
In CRN Games
Participants: Trevis Martin, Clinton R. Nixon, Mike Holmes, Ben Morgan, Bob McNamee, Michael S. Miller, Ron Edwards.

3/25/2003 heldenhammer: Donjon Weapons & Armor question
OK, a weapon's Weight Score is equal to it's Mundane Damage Rating, as per page 19 (screen version). A Sharp Weapon (listed on table 3-2 on the following page) adds…
In CRN Games
Participants: heldenhammer, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Shawn Conard.

3/25/2003 Jason L Blair: The Boston Irregulars for Paladin are back again!
The popular mod from Key 20's 12 Games of Christmas is back online. To download it, go on over to
In CRN Games
Participants: Jason L Blair.

3/25/2003 anonymouse: [Donjon] using Attributes for lack of Ability
Is this good with the rules-as-written? Obviously if it works for me, no problem, but I'm trying to stick to the rules for awhile before branching off and tweaking things…
In CRN Games
Participants: anonymouse, Clinton R. Nixon.

3/24/2003 Wulf: Donjon problems
Having just submitted a mostly glowing review of Donjon, I have to now admit our weekly game has hit a severe problem. Worse, having recently stated on another thread that…
In CRN Games
Participants: Wulf, Clinton R. Nixon, Valamir.

3/23/2003 anonymouse: [Donjon] Abundant dice got you down?
Use a Palm! Or a souped-up calculator. Or something along those lines. I've been playing Donjon for a few weeks now; most of that has been online, over IRC (hopefully…
In CRN Games
Participants: anonymouse, jdagna.

3/21/2003 Rob Donoghue: Paladin Setting
So, it looks like I'm not going to get a chance to run this before I move, so I might as well do somethign with it. As such: The Badlands…
In CRN Games
Participants: Rob Donoghue, Bob McNamee, Clinton R. Nixon, Valamir, jdagna, anonymouse.

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Subsequent Topics
In CRN Games

4/21/2003 John Harper: Paladin Fan Art
I've been inspired lately to do some fan art pieces for the indie RPG community, starting with my take on the core "image" for a few different games. After doing…
In CRN Games
Participants: John Harper, Ben Morgan, Clinton R. Nixon, Jonathan Walton, J. Backman, Jared A. Sorensen, Andrew Ciotti, rafial, ejh, tetsujin28, joshua neff.

4/21/2003 urbwar: Paladin: Multiple Orders?
Looking through the back threads in the forum, I saw Zak Arneston had his Inquisitor orders, of which he had 3. Has anyone else run Paladin with more than one…
In CRN Games
Participants: urbwar, Mike Holmes, Clinton R. Nixon, Andrew Ciotti, Andy Kitkowski.

4/26/2003 Russell: First Donjon game report
My regular group ran our first Donjon game tonight, and it was a blast. Here's my initial report: The Setting: Unknown milennia in the future, mankind is ruled by the…
In CRN Games
Participants: Russell, anonymouse, Clinton R. Nixon.

5/5/2003 Andy Kitkowski: PALADIN: I'd LOVE to see this in the future...
So the hardest part of gettng ready a game of Paladin (OK, ok, I've only run it once, but still...) is hammering out a code. Sure, the code is going…
In CRN Games
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Clinton R. Nixon, Mike Holmes, Bob McNamee.

5/7/2003 Clinton R. Nixon: Roland's Cavern and Donjon
Roland's Cavern, a website dedicated to an online chat-based role-playing group, has published an account of their Donjon game in their latest newsletter. The entire session is written as a…
In CRN Games
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon.

5/8/2003 Andrea Gualano: Questions about equipment (Donjon)
1) do characters have any sort of default equipment? or have they to buy starting equipment in Town before the first adventure? 2) when do you erase surplus equipment? in…
In CRN Games
Participants: Andrea Gualano, Clinton R. Nixon, jdagna.

5/12/2003 Bailywolf: Donjon Ability Help- Disbelieve Illusions
I've got a potential player- an old-school D&D player- who wants his character to be able to 'disbelieve illusions'... fine I think, right along with a classic theme (I remember…
In CRN Games
Participants: Bailywolf, Jared A. Sorensen, Bob McNamee, Clinton R. Nixon, Valamir, Mike Holmes, zmook, anonymouse, Ratpick.

5/12/2003 jdrakeh: Praise for Anvilwerks
Clinton, I realize that I'm behind the times here, but I just purchased Donjon and Paladin from the bookshelf and wanted to say... WOW! Donjon has progressed a loooooong way…
In CRN Games
Participants: jdrakeh, Clinton R. Nixon.

5/27/2003 catenwolde: Donjon ... Still Lovin' It
My brother came up for a four-day visit over the holiday weekend, and we finally got a chance to get back to Donjon after a hiatus since January (and before…
In CRN Games
Participants: catenwolde, Clinton R. Nixon.

5/27/2003 MistHunter: PALADIN Setting...Anyone interested?
In the near future scientists uncovered 'True Alchemy', a form of power that is used in conjunction with atoms and such, to create Life, and everything else that can't be…
In CRN Games
Participants: MistHunter, Mike Holmes.

5/30/2003 Ravious: [Donjon] Trouble with First Session
Ok we had 4 players. Strong Guy with: Lift Anything, Bend Metal, Flex Muscles (intimidation), Sit On, and Punch Good Pirate with: Rape and Pillage, Swashbuckle with a Sword, Sail…
In CRN Games
Participants: Ravious, Clinton R. Nixon.

6/4/2003 galex: Quick Paladin question
Please forgive me if this has been addressed before. I tried to do a search, but did not find the answer I was looking for. I'm curious about Paladin (I…
In CRN Games
Participants: galex, Michael S. Miller.

6/6/2003 Jason: One Donjon Question
I just got the game, and I had one question. On the weapons table, it lists fists, small weapons, etc. But then it says that sharp weapons are +1. I'm…
In CRN Games
Participants: Jason, Clinton R. Nixon.

6/10/2003 simkin: random city/scenario tables for Donjon?
In some very old post about Donjon someone suggested that there be tables to roll on to generate random scenarios or cities. Has anyone done something like this?
In CRN Games
Participants: simkin.

6/24/2003 Russell: Donjon Harry Potter
Just wanted to point out that a few of us are discussing this over at RPGnet: Thoughts?
In CRN Games
Participants: Russell, Mad-Eye Moody, jdagna, Clinton R. Nixon, Valamir, Bailywolf.

7/4/2003 mike: Donjon... using Fudge dice!
Okay, I have a weird idea. I really love Donjon, but the dice pool mechanic turns me away. I want something simpler. So, I'm thinking of using Fudge dice instead…
In CRN Games
Participants: mike, Sonja, xjermx, cpeterso, furashgf.

7/7/2003 Morfedel: I hate paypal
Ok: I've moved, therefore my address, phone number, and email changed. In addition, I forgot my paypal account. I figured, no problem. I will just create a new account. Nope.…
In CRN Games
Participants: Morfedel, Mike Holmes, Clinton R. Nixon, Valamir.

7/10/2003 Nicolas Crost: Serious Donjon Reloaded
Hi all. We started playing Donjon a short while ago and after the prototypical dungeon crawl with rather low seriousness, we started with new characters and had a serious adventure!…
In CRN Games
Participants: Nicolas Crost, Mike Holmes, Matt Wilson, Lxndr, Sadric.

7/16/2003 Matt Wilson: Donjon GAMMA
In a couple weeks I have the opportunity to run a 3-5 session game, and I'm thinking Donjon in a Gamma World-ish setting. Seems like a piece of cake on…
In CRN Games
Participants: Matt Wilson, Alan, Clinton R. Nixon, Mike Holmes, Bailywolf, rafial.

8/8/2003 Matt Wilson: Donjon Goal Awards guidelines
Did I miss something on that in the game text? I'm wondering what a good goal award number is. In the sample adventure it looks like goals are worth far…
In CRN Games
Participants: Matt Wilson, Clinton R. Nixon, rafial.

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