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In GNS Model Discussion

6/18/2004 John Kim: Virtuality and Ouija Boards
OK, so Ben suggested the term "Virtuality" as a synonym for RGFA Simulationism in his Subtyping Sim thread -- which seems to me like a fair moniker. I'd…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: John Kim, C. Edwards, Valamir, Doctor Xero, Ron Edwards, Ben Lehman.

6/18/2004 matthijs: GM premise in narrativist play
This has probably been asked before, but: In narrativist play, players define premise for their characters. The setting is a tool for addressing premise. Can the GM be said at…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: matthijs, Eero Tuovinen, Mike Holmes, Doctor Xero, M. J. Young, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Emily Care.

6/18/2004 Paganini: Narrativism: Theme under the microscope
It ocurred to me over the last couple of days as I've been reading and posting to these Narrativism threads that possibly a source of confusion has to do with…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Paganini, Jack Spencer Jr, pfischer, contracycle.

6/15/2004 Alan: Pervy & Points of Contact
In Narrativism without Pervy Mechanics? ( ) Ron wrote: Why is narration-when-no-dice-are-being-rolled in The Pool higher in PoC than narration-when-no-dice-are-being-rolled in Trollbabe? Because the two phenomena…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Alan, C. Edwards.

6/15/2004 Green: Narrativism without Pervy Mechanics?
Here's something I was thinking about as I was retooling some aspects of Kathanaksaya. I have read the Story Now article, and I looked over the glossary, but I can't…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Green, Alan, Ron Edwards, lumpley, Walt Freitag, C. Edwards, timfire, contracycle, Sean, M. J. Young.

6/15/2004 Christopher Kubasik: Narrativism: Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury....
... I give you exhibit A. Hello, While I am weary of most conversations of gaming these days, I find myself morbidly drawn to arguments about literature and storytelling. Now,…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Christopher Kubasik, Paganini, Doctor Xero, pete_darby, ADGBoss, Valamir, Ben Lehman, Paka, Ravien, Jack Spencer Jr, M. J. Young, contracycle, Walt Freitag, John Kim, C. Edwards, Mike Holmes.

6/15/2004 Dumirik: Narrativist Reward Mechanics
Hi everyone. I've been working on my RPG, and feel that it lacks a bit when it comes to reward mechanics. THe only form of reward that players really get…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Dumirik, Green, Bankuei, matthijs, Mike Holmes, Trevis Martin, M. J. Young, Ville Takanen, Alan, timfire, John Kim, TonyLB.

6/14/2004 Doctor Xero: How to Introduce a Narrativist to Simulationism?
As I browse through various Forge postings (when I have spare moments), I've noticed various postings giving advice on how to introduce Narrativist play into a gaming group which had…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Doctor Xero, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Ravien, Paul Czege, Rob Carriere, John Burdick, Ben Lehman, John Kim, Alan, Walt Freitag, Balbinus, Mike Holmes, TonyLB, contracycle, droog.

6/14/2004 Ravien: Step On Up: Stakes?
Ok, I'm asking this question primarily because it holds some relevance to me right now. In reading Ron's Gamism: Step On Up essay, and M.J. Young's Applied Theory essay, I…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Ravien, Ron Edwards, Bankuei, GreatWolf, M. J. Young, C. Edwards.

6/11/2004 Ravien: Terminology: Narrativism?
Hey all, I'm trying to understand Narrativism. I think I understand G and S fairly ok now, but N is beginning to bug me. I've had a look at Ron'sAbout…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Ravien, timfire, lumpley, Henri, Trevis Martin, Ron Edwards, M. J. Young, Paganini, Jack Spencer Jr.

6/11/2004 timfire: Why isn't Gam & Nar compatible?
Reading the "Experimental Validation: GNS Congruence" thread got me thinking about trying to make Gam & Nar work together, or more specifcally, why its so hard to get them to…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: timfire.

6/11/2004 MarktheAnimator: Sex in RPGs
Hello, Sex in RPGs is possible. Just don't let it take over the game. I think it all comes down to a significant part of storytelling. Love stories have always…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: MarktheAnimator.

6/11/2004 Silmenume: I have a question
OK - so everyone must be getting tired about me going on and on about conflict/situation - but here we go again. Basically put, the way in which a Gamist…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Silmenume, Alan, Ron Edwards, MarktheAnimator, timfire, M. J. Young, Mark D. Eddy, Walt Freitag.

6/8/2004 Wormwood: Experimental Validation: GNS Congruence
This thread is to discuss the experiemental design of a GNS Congruence game. This stems from M.J. Young's post here. I've already designed a game which, in observing play, manages…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Wormwood, Mike Holmes, John Kim, Valamir, M. J. Young, Walt Freitag.

6/1/2004 pete_darby: Exploring theme without addressing premise
(split from here) The idea of exploring theme without adressing premise: well, I'm falling into a state that I deplore in others, of having proposed a theoretical statement without an…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: pete_darby, C. Edwards, Ron Edwards, Landon Darkwood, Valamir, M. J. Young, Jack Spencer Jr.

5/30/2004 Caldis: Universalis Sim or Nar?
Recently there's been a lot of talk of Universalis (or the Pool) as a sim facilitating game. With my understanding of GNS I really dont understand how that's possible so…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Caldis, Bob McNamee, hix, Sean, M. J. Young, Silmenume, pete_darby, Valamir, Ron Edwards, C. Edwards.

5/26/2004 Eirik Fatland: inside : outside (LARP description)
The following is a description of the LARP inside : outside, posted as a separate topic to avoid cluttering the original thread with such a long, moderately on-topic, text. basics…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Eirik Fatland, xiombarg, Matt, JamesSterrett, Revontuli.

5/25/2004 coxcomb: "Save vs. X": Gamist?
So, my recent experience with d20 brought a number of things home to me about my personal play style. It also got me to wondering about the creative agendas of…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: coxcomb, Eero Tuovinen, Noon, Ron Edwards, Halzebier, iambenlehman, Sean, hanschristianandersen, M. J. Young.

5/24/2004 lumpley: A Non-RPG Example of Premise in Play
Check out Scott McCloud's current morning improv, Mimi's Last Coffee. Requires Flash. You've got a thematically charged setup and characters locked into it. You can see from reading the comic…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: lumpley, M. J. Young, Emily Care, Jack Spencer Jr, ethan_greer.

5/23/2004 Silmenume: Trying to define S, like G/N, by its relationsip to conflict
A look at what constitutes a Creative Agenda as defined. Looking at the models of Gamism and Narrativism we see they are described as processes. Gamism is described as the…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Silmenume, Eero Tuovinen, talysman, M. J. Young, Ron Edwards, Rob Carriere, tiago.rodrigues, Alan, Caldis, Balbinus, Mike Holmes.

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Subsequent Topics
In GNS Model Discussion

6/20/2004 Sir Mathodius Black: Newb Question
Hey everyone, Im a player/gm currently using the Riddle of Steel game, and ive never really read inot any of the other forums around here. I didnt have much time…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Sir Mathodius Black, Jack Spencer Jr, Trevis Martin.

6/20/2004 Paka: Narrativism and Small Groups
Is there a link between Narrativist games and small groups? It seems to me that the most successful Nar games work with groups of 3 and 4's pushing it. Is…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Paka, M. J. Young, John Kim.

6/21/2004 komradebob: Question: Which techniques support which CA?
Okay, even after having read many threads and essays on GNS theory, the whole thing remains kind of hazy to my understanding. I'd like to jump ahead a little and…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: komradebob, lumpley, Alan.

6/21/2004 Doctor Xero: standard G/N/S example
[b]The situation :[/b] The player's character is a member of a party from the High Gnome tribal-nation, which is enemies with the Wild Gnome tribal-nation. The party has captured and…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Doctor Xero, Ron Edwards.

6/22/2004 matthijs: Exploration of system?
I'm having a hard time understanding Exploration. I think I get what's understood by exploring character, setting, situation and color. But system? Could someone give me an example, or point…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: matthijs, lumpley, Ron Edwards, Doctor Xero, Valamir, anonymouse.

6/22/2004 C. Edwards: PoC: The Final Conflict
Hey all, From the Provisional Glossary: Points of Contact The steps of rules-consultation, either in the text or internally, per unit of established imaginary content. This is not the same…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: C. Edwards, M. J. Young, matthijs, Silmenume, Ron Edwards.

6/29/2004 greyorm: Narrativism & Force
From over in the Forge Hubris/etc II thread: On the other hand, I think that "Nar is defined by Force" as a practical matter has a lot of value. In…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: greyorm, Jaik, M. J. Young, lumpley, Henri, Marco, Alan, Valamir, Doctor Xero, CPXB, contracycle, John Kim, ErrathofKosh.

6/30/2004 Gaerik: Drifting, Rewards, Narrativism and D&D
My bi-weekly D&D campaign is typically Gamist and we have a lot of fun with it. Stepping on up has a certain thrill that we like and the 3rd Edition…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Gaerik, TonyLB, Trevis Martin, Doctor Xero.

6/30/2004 lumpley: "Sacrificing Character Integrity" - a Rant
Can this idea please just die? You can't understand the difference between Narrativism and Simulationism this way: A Narrativist will sacrifice character integrity in order to address Premise. It's just…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: lumpley, xiombarg, Ron Edwards, John Kim, Marco, Valamir, Ravien, C. Edwards, Matt Snyder, Matt Wilson, timfire, ADGBoss, M. J. Young, Sean, contracycle, TonyLB, Mark D. Eddy, Bankuei, Paganini, hanschristianandersen, JackBauer, Jack Spencer Jr.

7/1/2004 Kesher: Connections between Setting & Color
Howdy. Just wondering if someone could help me clear this up: If Setting is defined as the "place where things happen" (a paraphrase of the basic GNS article), then is…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Kesher, Mojo, Valamir, komradebob, Ron Edwards, jrs.

7/1/2004 lumpley: Caring How it Resolves?
From "Sacrificing Character Integrity" - a Rant. Vince, I don't usually disagree with you, but I got to now. Train of thought commencing: A transcript is an account of the…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: lumpley, JamesSterrett, Silmenume, Kesher, Paganini, ADGBoss, Noon, Marco, TonyLB, pete_darby, contracycle, C. Edwards, Doctor Xero, Matt Snyder, Jack Spencer Jr, M. J. Young, Bob McNamee, TooManyGoddamnOrcs, John Kim, Walt Freitag, ErrathofKosh.

7/1/2004 Kesher: Premise in Situation and how it relates to Character
I realize that there're probably gallons of digital ink that have been spilled about this, but help a poor newbie out: What's an example of Premise being addressed in a…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Kesher, Paganini, Ron Edwards.

7/2/2004 ErrathofKosh: Defining Sim Design
I have been coming to this site for more than a year now, reading the articles, threads, etc. in effort to gain some knowledge before I begin asking questions that…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: ErrathofKosh, Ravien, M. J. Young.

7/2/2004 Doctor Xero: Is G/N/S now a census of angels moshing on pins?
I've participated in The Forge for awhile. I enjoy Indie Gaming and RPG Theory especially, but I found myself shifted over to GNS Model Discussion when addressing the G/N/S model…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Doctor Xero, Ron Edwards, Balbinus, Eero Tuovinen, C. Edwards, Bankuei, M. J. Young, Ravien, Paganini, Andrew Norris, Marco, clehrich.

7/2/2004 Matt Snyder: Waiting for Narrativism
I'm seeing a lot of recent discussion of Narrativism in which people are just plain missing the premise in action (or so it seems to me). Several people have recently…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Matt Snyder, Kesher, Valamir, John Kim, lumpley, Doctor Xero.

7/3/2004 komradebob: I'm totally confused about Narr...
I've been checking out this site for ages now and for the life of me, I still do not understand Narrativism. Could someone explain to me how Nar differs from…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: komradebob, Bankuei, Doctor Xero, pete_darby, M. J. Young.

7/3/2004 lumpley: When Is It Real?
In this post in Waiting for Narrativism...What do you think about the split of "whether something is real even if its not entered that space, vs. only if it…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: lumpley, Marco, Gaerik, Jack Spencer Jr, John Kim, M. J. Young, Paganini, Ben Lehman, Caldis, contracycle.

7/2/2004 Eero Tuovinen: Narrativist LARP (split)
(edit) Peculiar, I didn't notice that this is a revived thread. Or rather, the inside:outside thread is a revival, and fooled me totally. I clearly should go sleep it off.…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, sirogit.

7/6/2004 Paganini: [Narrativism] Premise and Stance
So, it occurs to me that a much simpler and clearer way of explaining and supporting what I've been saying all week has to do with the three Stances.Ron had…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Paganini, lumpley, clehrich, Marco, Matt Snyder, M. J. Young, contracycle, C. Edwards.

7/6/2004 Wormwood: Facilitative Play
I've been working on bridging the gaps between the standard model and the technical play re-casting of it, and one of the major concerns I've encountered is facilitative play. I…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Wormwood, Walt Freitag, M. J. Young, Ron Edwards.

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