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In Chimera Creative

7/12/2007 Matt Snyder: Dust Devils actual play
If you haven't yet seen it, Ron Edwards' Dust Devils actual play post is a great read. It's almost like coming full circle when Ron first playtested and reported about…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Matt Snyder.

6/15/2007 dyjoots: Dust Devils Character sheet?
I've looked high and low, and I can't seem to find a character sheet. The website mentioned in the back of Dust Devils: Revenged doesn't seem to have a sheet…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: dyjoots, Yokiboy, Matt Snyder.

6/8/2007 Dean Chung: [Nine Worlds] Pace for resolving muses
Hi, I am going to be starting a new campaign with Nine Worlds, and I have a question concerning muses.  Since muses play an important role in the progression of…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Dean Chung, Jonathan Hastings, Matt Snyder.

6/5/2007 klausok: [Dust Devils] Chips
Are the examples in the rules realistic? In one, a player has 13 chips. I have a hard time seeing how you could ever accumulate that many.
In Chimera Creative
Participants: klausok, Matt Snyder.

5/29/2007 gooderguy: [Dust Devil] mitigating Harm
i plyaed Dust Devils Revenged past this weekend, and it was awesome.  we had a great storyline and a fun time playing it out.  the one issue i had with…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: gooderguy, Matt Snyder, Eero Tuovinen, Dustin of the Dead, skatay, BlackSheep, Ron Edwards.

5/28/2007 Dustin of the Dead: Periode Style Playing cards
A while back, I purchased these playing cards that were designed to look like 17th c. cards. I found a company on line that sells them, but they claim that…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Dustin of the Dead, Hans, Matt Snyder.

5/24/2007 gooderguy: [Dust Devils] question on when to raise stakes
by stakes i don't mean intent, or goals but the actual poker stakes of chips.  in the new revenged version, you are able to set stakes as chips, and earn…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: gooderguy, Matt Snyder.

5/8/2007 Iskander: [Nine Worlds] Talismans, Narration and Theft
How do I steal a talisman? Can I give a talisman away, or be given one? Suppose I've created my aethership as a talisman... can it be taken away from…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Iskander, Matt Snyder.

5/5/2007 Alan: [Nine Worlds] Creating NPCs (for real)
Hi, I have the pdf version of Nine Worlds and I have the same problem as Stefan. I got real excited to see his thread, then it fizzled without an…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Alan, Eero Tuovinen, Matt Snyder.

4/13/2007 Matt Snyder: [Dust Devils] Hell's comin' with me
Dust Devils: Stories in the Old West has just been shipped. I will receive a small number of copies next week, and bring them with me to Forge Midwest. In…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Matt Snyder, hix, Ron Edwards, Matt Wilson, Doyce, Paka, 1000buffalo, Caesar_X.

4/9/2007 BlackSheep: [Dust Devils Revenged] Prepping a one-shot
I'm going to be running DDR in a few weeks, and was trying to decide whether the (pregenned by necessity) player characters should be a gang of outlaws or a…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: BlackSheep, Eero Tuovinen, Hans, Matt Snyder, Ron Edwards, Yokiboy.

3/19/2007 Sam!: [Dust Devils] Folding
Greetings I wrote an alternative setting of Dust Devils to the 1st Trans-Atlantic Setting Design Challenge 2006, Lords & Ladies. After finishing that Eero Tuovinen encouraged me to ask Matt…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Sam!, Eero Tuovinen.

3/2/2007 hix: Is there a summary of "How you spend points"?
Hi Matt, I've borrowed Nine Worlds off a friend recently, and am really enjoying it. Hoping to give it a spin at a mini-con next weekend. I think the cheat…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: hix, Matt Snyder.

3/2/2007 Jake Boone: [Dust Devils]: Updated release date?
I have money burning a hole in my PayPal account, and I desperately want to spend it on the revised edition of Dust Devils.  Any news concerning the release date?
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Jake Boone, Matt Snyder, Paka.

2/22/2007 1of3: [Nine Worlds] Creating NPCs
Hi. I'm thinking about running a game in the Nine Worlds. It's just... I have no idea about how much Power, how much Force and how many points for Urges…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: 1of3, Iskander, Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder.

1/6/2007 Miskatonic: DDR review at RPGnet
Hey look! A review already!
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Miskatonic, Matt Snyder.

12/31/2006 Matt Snyder: Dust Devils PDF back with a vengeance!
I'm very pleased to announce that I kicked the Devil in the teeth, finally, and have completed the new edition. It's available now in PDF form -- 70 pages of…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Matt Snyder, demiurgeastaroth, TheLHF, Jason L Blair.

12/30/2006 Neil the Wimp: [9W] Demo scenario?
Are there any convention scenarios available for Nine Worlds? I've just picked up Nine Worlds and I'm very excited about it.  I'd like to run a mini-campaign of it at…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Neil the Wimp, Matt Snyder, 1000buffalo.

11/30/2006 Matt Snyder: Daedalus e-zine archives restored
I wanted to report that the Daedalus e-zine archives are fully restored: Daedalus
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Matt Snyder, Thunder_God.

10/18/2006 Remko: [Dust Devils]: Failing to get really intensive conflicts
I'm now back from a small con, where I ran a short Dust Devils session, and it didn't go as I had hoped. I made a short analysis, which I've…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Remko, Eero Tuovinen, Hans.

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Subsequent Topics
In Chimera Creative

7/30/2007 Matt Snyder: [44] Cover sneak peek on the lastest Chimera Creative game!
I'm nearly finished with my new game, 44. It'll be for sale at the Ashcan Front. Here's the cover: Here's the back: I've already had some good feedback…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Matt Snyder, Yokiboy, Eero Tuovinen, Graham Walmsley.

8/6/2007 Yokiboy: Dust Devils Revenged - Initial Impression
The original Dust Devils was one of the first indie games I purchased, but at the time I still didn't grok story gaming. Coming back to Dust Devils Revenged after…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Yokiboy, Matt Snyder.

8/22/2007 Matt Snyder: [44] Actual play input -- ashcan buyers please read!
The Ashcan Front was a big success for Paul and me. We set goals in doing this project. While it will take a few months to see real results, those…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Matt Snyder.

8/23/2007 Hans: Dust Devils at GenCon
[url=]See here for my report on my sessions of Dust Devils at GenCon.[/url]
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Hans, Matt Snyder, 00nothing.

9/2/2007 Black Armos: [Nine Worlds] Can I still get...
the Player's Kit?  Is this the name of the free players help guide?  Anyway. Just got a few games from Indie Press Revolution and out of all of them, I…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Black Armos, Matt Snyder.

9/4/2007 Matt Snyder: [44] Ashcan print edition now available for sale online
The ashcan edition of 44: A Game of Automatic fear is now available for purchase via PayPal for $14 + $4.95 S/H for all orders. Visit the 44 page to…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Matt Snyder, Darcy Burgess, Dustin of the Dead, tonyd.

10/6/2007 hix: [Nine Worlds] Suggestions for making the rules more accessible and inspirational
Hi Matt, So, I love Nine Worlds. I took it for a one-off test drive last weekend, and our group: - created an fun story - realised the game has…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: hix.

11/30/2007 Dustin of the Dead: Teaching a co-narrative game to traditional players
I know that Dust Devils and Nine worlds is not the only co-narrative games on this forum, but after reading Nine Worlds, I really want to play that game. I…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Dustin of the Dead, Hans, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Matt Snyder.

12/3/2007 Hans: Among the Ruins: a post-apocalyptic Dust Devils hack idea
Not happy with the name, but here it Dust Devils that I am prepping for a 2-4 session run.  It is very sketchy at the moment; I would love…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Hans.

12/4/2007 Dustin of the Dead: Astronomical Playing Cards
Hey look, playing cards for Nine Worlds:
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Dustin of the Dead, Matt Snyder.

12/5/2007 TheLHF: [Dust Devils] Firefly setting?
I just got my hands on Dust Devils (thanks to Games of Berkeley) and it's great. I'm itching to run it. I have a vague memory of a down loadable…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: TheLHF, Matt Snyder, DainXB.

12/26/2007 cdr: [44] Questions
I'm looking forward to running 44 at Endgame! I have a couple of notes after reading the ashcan. On p17 it doesn't mention what Program does, although later on it…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: cdr, Matt Snyder.

1/25/2008 GreatWolf: [Nine Worlds] How Shall We Then Prep?
So, tonight, my group ventures into the Nine Worlds.  My current plan is to prep similarly to how I prep for Legends of Alyria, to wit: 1)  Do fly-over of…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: GreatWolf, Matt Snyder.

4/9/2008 Darcy Burgess: [Dust Devils (Revenged)] - Chips Question
Hi Matt, We just kicked off a DD game last week, and two of the guys are used to the first edition of the rules.  I don't know if their…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Darcy Burgess, Hans, Matt Snyder.

6/4/2008 Eliarhiman6: [Dust Devils] How many players?
Hi! I know some people who would like to try "Dust Devils". They told me so a few hours ago. I have the book and I wanted to play it…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Eliarhiman6, Hans, Eero Tuovinen, Matt Snyder.

6/25/2008 Neil the Wimp: [Nine Worlds] Trumps and Talismans questions
We've been playing a great game of Nine Worlds recently (I won't bore you with actual play, as most of it is 'you had to be there' funny).  Now that…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Neil the Wimp, Ron Edwards, Blankshield, Valamir, Matt Snyder.

7/22/2008 Pilgrim: Online card resources?
Hey folks, a friend of mine and I are considering an online 9W game. Right now we're kind of stuck for a online 'deck.' I know I can use Inspiration…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Pilgrim, Matt Snyder.

7/29/2008 Pilgrim: Backgrounds by Neel Krishnaswami
Liberated from Neel Krishnaswami's site. Here's a rules mod for Nine Worlds that I'd like to try out, once we sort out our social style issues. The idea is to…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Pilgrim.

8/2/2008 Dean Chung: Nine Worlds: availability status
A friend of mine (who I have run a Nine Worlds campaign with alternative background) enjoyed it so much that she would like to run a campaign of it.  However,…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Dean Chung, Eliarhiman6, Matt Snyder.

8/22/2008 Pilgrim: Errata? Hermes & Aphrodite
Matt, Question - p92 with Aphrodite duplicates the Power, Urges, Muses and Talisman for Hermes, even though the labels have been changed. Got a corrected version some where? Trey
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Pilgrim.

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