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In Burning Wheel

7/13/2004 Bracken: Is the Annual set in Stone yet? (New Suggestions/wish list)
Hello Abzu, Sorry I didn't comment earlier, but I had a couple of suggestions about the upcoming BW annual that's supposed to be coming out. 1) New Lifepaths One of…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Bracken, Claymore.

7/12/2004 Ron Edwards: Questions in prepping my BW game
Hello, I'm prepping for our upcoming Burning Wheel game, which is planned to be a pretty extensive set of sessions. I'm doing this mainly by dumping as much into the…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Ron Edwards, abzu, Eero Tuovinen, Paka, rafial, taepoong.

6/29/2004 Negilent: Mass combat
In my game there has been one big battle and more are brewing. So inspired by this thread: I would like to pick your collective brains on an idea…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Negilent, rafial, Claymore, taepoong.

6/25/2004 Albert of Feh: LeGuin-style naming magic
I recently re-read Ursula K. leGuin's Earthsea books, and realized that there's a lot I really like about the world's approach to magery. Rather than just people who can throw…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Albert of Feh, Thor Olavsrud, Negilent, taepoong.

6/3/2004 Albert of Feh: Open-ended probabilities?
Hey there. My copy of Burning Wheel just arrived a few days ago, and I've been rather enjoying poking around in it. Now all I need are some players... Anyway,…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Albert of Feh, Durgil, taepoong, LordSmerf, Henri.

5/10/2004 abzu: Burning Wheel in National Distribution
Who knew? Burning Wheel is being solicited in this month's Game Trade Magazine. Issue #51, I think. So there are no excuses left. Bug your FLGS to order the damn…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu, rafial, Sammael99, Claymore, taepoong, hive_mind.

4/12/2004 abzu: New Reviews of Burning Wheel
In case your curious, or you need yet another reason to go out and buy the damn game: There's a new one on and there's one over at…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu.

4/11/2004 bergh: Elves in BW. please tell me more.
Hi I have hear that BW should include a very good kinda "fate" system for the elven race, please tell me more.
In Burning Wheel
Participants: bergh, taepoong.

4/5/2004 abzu: Spending and Earning New Artha
Here's a quick run down of artha earning and spending from our game last night. Sorry I can't be much more detailed, very busy at the moment. Feel free to…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu, rafial, Mulciber.

4/4/2004 Jürgen Mayer: Burning Wheel runner-up for Best RPG (Pen&Paper Fan Awar
Runner-up for Best RPG and Best Graphic Design. Congrats, Luke!
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Jürgen Mayer, abzu.

3/23/2004 joshua neff: stormbringer, the one ring, & the holy grail
I'm wondering if I missed something in my read-throughs of the rules or if the mechanics aren't there. Are there actual mechanics for magical items, like magic swords & potions…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: joshua neff, taepoong, abzu.

3/19/2004 Henri: BW and GNS
Reading through BW, I feel like I am seeing a mix of creative agendas. I was wondering if some of the people who have played a lot of BW could…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Henri, rafial, Valamir, abzu, Michael S. Miller, Mulciber.

3/12/2004 Mike Holmes: New Review up at
See it here: Pretty glowing. Mike
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Mike Holmes, abzu.

2/21/2004 Mulciber: Actual Play: Trithofar: Liam Learns to Set Up Fights
Some people play _Burning Wheel_ in Alabama. That includes me and my friend Jared. Trithofar Setting Notes (enough to get you by): Kunjels are the not really anthropomorphized cats. They…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Mulciber, abzu, rafial.

2/17/2004 abzu: Burning Wheel Annual 1: Input your Suggestions
Hi All, One of the projects on my plate is to produce a Burning Wheel "Annual". This book will include all of the updates, variants, alternates, additions and errata that…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu, Sammael99, edomaur, Morrius, Enoch, tetsujin28, spunky, Mulciber, Negilent.

1/25/2004 adamsmith: Alternative Character Types?
Just got my copy of TBW in the mail (thanks Luke!) and I'm looking through it at the moment. I may be mistaken, but it doesn't look like it has…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: adamsmith, abzu, Bracken, Negilent.

1/25/2004 Lxndr: My Setting In Play - Character Creation
(Burning Wheel needs someone as good as Brian Leybourne to wander in and create a character creation/advancement/storage program that'll print out the characters on a real-looking sheet.) I thought aboust…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Lxndr, taepoong, abzu.

1/22/2004 Negilent: TROS spiritual attributes in BW
I have both systems, and the thing that drew me to TROS was the spiritual attribute system. But no offense Jake, but along came BW and I fell totally for…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Negilent, Lxndr, abzu, Valamir, joshua neff, Bracken.

1/21/2004 Lxndr: Burning Wheel Site Hacked
At least, as far as I can tell, someone fucked over Luke by hacking his website. Ugh. Sorry, Luke. I hope the data's recoverable. :(
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Lxndr, abzu, rafial, Sammael99, Kaare Berg.

1/19/2004 Sammael99: First Impressions (incomplete)
So Burning Wheel arrived to my door on Saturday (well, actually on Friday night, but I got home at 2 AM, so I didn't check my mail until Saturday.) Great…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Sammael99, abzu, rafial, joshua neff, taepoong, Durgil, Lxndr, Valamir, drozdal.

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Subsequent Topics
In Burning Wheel

7/18/2004 abzu: BW Ltd Ed T SHIRTS
Ok folks, I'm doing a limited run of Burning Wheel T-Shirts: I did a run of 14 shirts last christmas at this same printer and they came out very…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: abzu.

7/29/2004 Eamon: Burning Wheel at DragonCon?
You guys gonna be there this year? I'll be there and I've been curious about Burning Wheel for some time now.
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Eamon, LordSmerf, drozdal, abzu.

7/29/2004 newsalor: 2-H sword
I just bought Burning Wheel #740 . . . The game looks good, though there are a lot of minor details that would have needed some fixing. Anyway, I can't…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: newsalor, Durgil, abzu.

7/31/2004 newsalor: A possible armor rules variant
I was thinking about the armor rules and I am thinking about tweaking them a bit. Now, it seems to me that the armor rules have been built to counter…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: newsalor, Durgil, abzu, taepoong, rafial, Negilent, Thor Olavsrud.

8/5/2004 DaGreatJL: Can't access webpage
For whatever reason, I can't seem to get into any part of the Burning Wheel homepage except for the very front page; I can't get into the news section, and…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: DaGreatJL, abzu.

8/13/2004 dyjoots: A few questions after one read-through...
(x-posted to RPGnet) The other day I went to one of the gaming stores in town to check and see if, by some miniscule chance, they had any Pirates od…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: dyjoots, abzu.

8/14/2004 Don D.: Character Attrition
With the combat system so deadly in the Burning Wheel, are players libel to lose their characters frequently? Do adventures tend to be light on combat scenes because of this?…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Don D., abzu, taepoong, Negilent.

8/14/2004 Don D.: Gencon
Will Burning Wheel be highlighted at Gencon? I would love to get in on a demo. I was intrigued with it at Origins but was with a couple dudes who…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Don D., jrs, abzu, Michael S. Miller.

8/24/2004 Don D.: Burning Wheel Middle Earth
Has anyone came up with special rules/ character creation modifiers for using Burning Wheel in Middle Earth? It seems like a perfect fit other than some added material for races…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Don D., Paka, abzu.

8/25/2004 hive_mind: Any word on a new print run?
Still can't get a copy, hoping a new print run is in theworks. Hey, wasn't there supposed to be news at GenCon?
In Burning Wheel
Participants: hive_mind, rafial, abzu, Smithy, Grover.

8/31/2004 joshua neff: Monster Burner
I've finished reading the first third of the Monster Burner, the section titled "Monster Burner." (I've skimmed the other two thirds, "Lifepaths" and "The Illustrated Bestiary," but I haven't read…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: joshua neff, Andy Kitkowski.

9/1/2004 Albert of Feh: Do leads accumulate?
A point of confusion popped up in my BW group during pre-game prep. Basically, do leads only count as paths from one life-path to the next, or do they accumulate…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Albert of Feh, abzu, Negilent, taepoong, Eric Minton.

9/9/2004 bcook1971: Action Reaction: Stump the Experts
[b]RE: Forfeiting Actions (pp. 75-6)[/b] Q: Is forfeiture limited to the next volley? Q: If other players have declared actions but the player in question has not, may he forfeit?…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: bcook1971, taepoong, abzu, rafial, Mulciber, Thor Olavsrud.

9/14/2004 Michael S. Miller: Customizing Setting in BW
I've played in a number of Luke's melee demos over the last year and a half, but never run the game. Toying with the idea of doing so, I started…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Paka, taepoong, Bob Goat, abzu, Thor Olavsrud.

9/15/2004 Paka: Implied Setting in BW(split from Bat-things, Spite, love...)
[quote="Ron Edwards"]1. I've been saying for a while that there is a lot more Setting implicit in the Lifepaths than most people seem to be realizing. I do not think…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Paka, Ron Edwards.

9/15/2004 Paka: extra rotam nulla salus
The subject header is from the opening page of the BW book. What does it mean?
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Paka, Thor Olavsrud, jrs, taepoong, abzu, rafial, Ron Edwards, Ben Lehman, Jason L Blair.

9/16/2004 bcook1971: Some Review, Some Questions
Hello. Things are starting to come together for me in understanding BW. I'm mostly focused on the combat at this point. This is my second read-through of book one, with…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: bcook1971, abzu, drozdal, Thor Olavsrud, Ron Edwards.

9/20/2004 Ben Lehman: A Note on Terminology
Hey. So I'm reading the Burning Wheel book and I'm like "why do they call values 'exponents?' That doesn't... Oh, wait..." Luke. Thank you. You actually know the math. Thank…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Ben Lehman, abzu, Valamir.

10/7/2004 dyjoots: Script Templates
[URL=]Here[/URL] it was suggested that one way of making running combats easier on the GM of Burning Wheel would be to create combat templates for different types of NPCs. basically,…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: dyjoots, taepoong, abzu.

10/13/2004 bluegargantua: PDF Format
Hey, Quick question: I'm too late to get a nice thick book to hold in my hands (sob), but the PDF samples on the website show the pages landscape style…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: bluegargantua, abzu.

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