Previous Topics In RPG Theory 6/1/2004 Moah: Improving Scales *grumbles about computer crashing while typing long posts*
Hi all, I’m posting here about a game I am currently game mastering again, and that I love. However, there are a… In RPG Theory Participants: Moah, clehrich, M. J. Young, Mike Holmes.
6/1/2004 Pagrin: An interesting thing happen on the way to CoC I recently GMed a game of Call of C for some friends of mind. The game was written by two other people who had hosted it at a recent Con.… In RPG Theory Participants: Pagrin, wyrm, Bob Goat, Valamir, Nathan, DrStalker, Doctor Xero.
5/31/2004 timfire: lumpley's design theory [url=]In another thread,[/url] lumpley said:
[quote="lumpley"]I've got a theory.
There's Setting, System, Character, Situation and Color, right? I think that you can start a game as soon as you've nailed… In RPG Theory Participants: timfire, Jack Spencer Jr, sirogit, Jeph, ethan_greer, Bankuei, lumpley, M. J. Young, pete_darby, quozl, John Kim, teucer, Henri, Blankshield.
5/31/2004 timfire: One Player, Many GM's... Back in the Forge Birthday Forum, Ben Lehman brought up this idea for an rpg, in the "Tell me about... your unfinished game ideas" thread:
Prophet -- A single-player… In RPG Theory Participants: timfire, anonymouse.
5/25/2004 Dauntless: Fear & confusion (split) There was an excellent game called Phoenix Command that was put out in 1986 by Leading Edge games. Basically it was a replacement firearms combat system for other roleplaying games… In RPG Theory Participants: Dauntless, Noon, Sydney Freedberg, bcook1971, Tomas HVM, Ron Edwards.
5/29/2004 HyperactiveBuffalo: an idea for a D20 system modification. [long] hello. this is my first time posting on The Forge, though I have been reading it for about 6 months. my name is Justin, but Hyper will work just as… In RPG Theory Participants: HyperactiveBuffalo.
5/28/2004 sirogit: Creating the sensation of hope. It occurs to me that a sensation I never here people trying to create in an RPG session is "hope", and yet I find it a very essential part of… In RPG Theory Participants: sirogit, montag, Paul Czege, neelk, Doctor Xero, SlurpeeMoney, Andrew Martin, TonyLB.
5/28/2004 sirogit: Group social dynamics similarity to sexual social dynamics? It's been floating around in my head for awhile that many of the game groups, paticularly ones which emphasis social basis rather than creative, operate in social dynamics similar to… In RPG Theory Participants: sirogit, lumpley, Noon, Ravien, Bankuei, Doctor Xero.
5/28/2004 JamesDJIII: Helpful and Enjoyable? Bah humbug! I was re-reading the responses to this thread
Ron, you said:
...One of the topics I'm forever maundering about concerns the plain-old-people dialogue that surrounds or grounds a role-playing… In RPG Theory Participants: JamesDJIII, greyorm, pete_darby, Ron Edwards, montag, Noon, bcook1971, Ravien, ethan_greer, iambenlehman, Cemendur, Jack Spencer Jr, clehrich, John Kim, Valamir, neelk, xiombarg, contracycle.
5/27/2004 Noon: Rank; different chains of command A traditional view on rank in RPG's (though probably not common) is that the GM is top dog and says what goes and the players are policed by him, the… In RPG Theory Participants: Noon, neelk, M. J. Young.
5/26/2004 Paul Czege: conspiracies So...
I've been thinking a lot lately about roleplaying that uses conspiracies as the basis of antagonism. And I'm interested in what folks might have to say on the following:Years… In RPG Theory Participants: Paul Czege, ethan_greer, Jere, talysman, contracycle, komradebob, Ben Morgan, Jack Spencer Jr, Praetor Judis, Doctor Xero, neelk, jeffd.
5/25/2004 Albert the Absentminded: Referee, Protagonist, Antagonist Okay, in traditional rpgs the guy who runs the antagonists is also the rules referee.
How about making the antagonist another type of PC?
Biggest problem I can see is… In RPG Theory Participants: Albert the Absentminded, Eric J., Noon, SlurpeeMoney, Doctor Xero, M. J. Young, bcook1971, Henri.
5/25/2004 Drew Stevens: Handling action at a distance Okay. A large portion of a game of intrigue is action at a distance- using your web of contacts and influences, allies and minions, to accomplish goals (wither arbitrary or… In RPG Theory Participants: Drew Stevens, John Harper, Shreyas Sampat, M. J. Young.
5/25/2004 Sydney Freedberg: Emotion mechanics and losing control of your character Over in the "Fear and Confusion" thread (, a discussion on how to include morale effects, e.g. fight or flight reactions, in combat systems touched on a wider issue. The… In RPG Theory Participants: Sydney Freedberg, montag, pete_darby, Sean, xiombarg, simon_hibbs, Shreyas Sampat, Eric J., Noon, Dauntless, Valamir, Henri, neelk, Paul Watson, M. J. Young, Autocrat, John Kim, Doctor Xero, calebros, Tomas HVM.
5/24/2004 SlurpeeMoney: Yet Another Fantasy Game I will not claim for even a moment to know the full scope and breadth of our great hobby, but it seems to me that very few games, if any… In RPG Theory Participants: SlurpeeMoney, b_bankhead, beingfrank, simon_hibbs.
5/24/2004 fruitbatinshades: What are the GMs responsibilities? When discussusing our system, we keep coming back to the same point.
How do you ensure everyone is playing the same game?
When you're going to reward "thinking of… In RPG Theory Participants: fruitbatinshades, Matt, Ron Edwards, Noon, Doctor Xero.
5/24/2004 rylen dreskin: Looking for narrative adventures and tips on writing them Hey,
I'm putting this one in HQ and RPG Theory.
I like what I've read about narrative games. But I'm not entirely sure how to put one together. I've read… In RPG Theory Participants: rylen dreskin, contracycle, pete_darby, John Kim, Sean, Bankuei.
5/23/2004 SlurpeeMoney: The "Art" of Magic (A posted brainstorm) Treating magic as an art, rather than a science, comes with a few unique considerations, I think. Magic in role-playing has almost always been treated as, at least, an equal… In RPG Theory Participants: SlurpeeMoney, madelf, M. J. Young, John Kim, simon_hibbs, Valamir, Noon, ejh, Gully Foyle, contracycle, smokewolf, kenjib, Doctor Xero, Praetor Judis, Damballa, Anonyma.
5/23/2004 Ravien: Conceptual Psionic Mechanics Forge Notebook Entry #3:
I was just sitting here thinking, and the thought popped into my head about making mechanics for psionic characters that reflected their strengths in different areas… In RPG Theory Participants: Ravien, WyldKarde.
5/23/2004 dragongrace: Whodunit? I am looking to see if anyone has created a Mystery Style 'Who-Dun-It' game. Any method of play. Either a single controlling element to determine the 'mystery' or a group… In RPG Theory Participants: dragongrace, Garbanzo, wakingjohn, Simon W.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics In RPG Theory 6/2/2004 teucer: Clueless about Bangs So I've been lurking on the Forge for a long time. I lurk because I like what comes out of the discussions here, but I have trouble getting involved in… In RPG Theory Participants: teucer, Trevis Martin, Doctor Xero, TonyLB, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Zak Arntson, Andrew Norris, Bankuei, Roy.
6/3/2004 simon_hibbs: Reverse Engineering world from game mechanics This comment got me thinking about something I've considered before and discussed with my gaming friends, but not discussed here. This is a seperate issue to the topic te quote… In RPG Theory Participants: simon_hibbs, xiombarg, Loki, iambenlehman, ethan_greer, beingfrank, HMT, Doctor Xero, Noon, lumpley, M. J. Young, contracycle, Dauntless.
6/3/2004 RobNJ: Doing away with XP Fiction (be it plays, movies, books or TV) is not typified by people always becoming more powerful. Depending on the genre, they may even degrade over time. Instead of people… In RPG Theory Participants: RobNJ, smokewolf, Michael S. Miller, Zak Arntson, Doctor Xero, Jack Spencer Jr, Valamir, Sparky, Noon, Jack Aidley, Thor, M. J. Young, xiombarg, 16CBH, Gelasma, tiago.rodrigues, Jonathan Walton, Tomas HVM, WyldKarde, Tobias, Garbanzo, Alf_the_Often_Incorrect, Andrew Morris, LoreTG.
6/3/2004 Drew Stevens: Planning Political Plots Still working on Touche, the game of courtly intrigue and such. And, I hope to see a way around another major stumbling block.
See, the earliest designs of Touche almost… In RPG Theory Participants: Drew Stevens, Praetor Judis, Doctor Xero, HMT, teucer, greedo1379, M. J. Young, contracycle.
6/4/2004 Noon: Gettin' old, tactical to strategic preference I was wondering about 'old school' type material the other day and the aging gamer.
Old school stuff, not to be exact, includes stuff like funky little 'get around behind… In RPG Theory Participants: Noon, Dauntless, timfire, Sydney Freedberg, NN, simon_hibbs, M. J. Young, Andrew Martin, Mike Holmes, greedo1379, Tim Alexander, contracycle.
6/4/2004 SlurpeeMoney: Preaching I am having a dilema.
I am writing a game, and I am not sure just how "preachy" I want it to be. There are aspects of theme that I… In RPG Theory Participants: SlurpeeMoney, Doctor Xero, M. J. Young, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, Jack Spencer Jr, John Kim, simon_hibbs, Ravien, greedo1379, Pigfrenzy, WyldKarde, neelk.
6/4/2004 Dev: Help me drift InSpectres to Space Opera! Yeah, InSpacers. I had this thought, you see. Firefly inspired, like about 60% of my ideas. A few solid thoughts, and welcome room for some brainstorming. If I'm drifting too… In RPG Theory Participants: Dev.
6/4/2004 Christopher Weeks: Name Generation Hi all,
I imagine that just about all of us have, at one time or another, invented fictitious linguistic trends with varying degrees of success for our games. We want… In RPG Theory Participants: Christopher Weeks, Zak Arntson, Andrew Morris, Shreyas Sampat, b_bankhead, Bob McNamee, M. J. Young, greyorm, Pagrin, Tobias, Rob Carriere.
6/4/2004 Thor: How much is enough? First post.
I thought I would start with a question befor hammering you with my wondeful game designs.
I have been reading a number of posts lately that got me… In RPG Theory Participants: Thor, quozl, Storn, John Kim, Garbanzo, M. J. Young, Michael S. Miller.
6/5/2004 Dumirik: How to GM? My RPG NightWorld (and someone please help me think up a better name!) which is currently in the middle of a re-write needs a section on GMing. What would the… In RPG Theory Participants: Dumirik, Drew Stevens, Pagrin, Garbanzo, SlurpeeMoney, Andrew Morris, M. J. Young, Gully Foyle, MarktheAnimator.
6/6/2004 Jason Petrasko: Heart, Fire, and Grace Over the past say year or so, I've moved away from making RPGs that try and simulate the workings of the world. What seems like years ago I made the… In RPG Theory Participants: Jason Petrasko, timfire.
6/6/2004 tj333: Winning without killing I am working on an anime based game and I want the character to be able to win and lose fights without anyone dieing.
In many of the animes I… In RPG Theory Participants: tj333, Bankuei, simon_hibbs, Noon, anonymouse, SlurpeeMoney, M. J. Young, timfire, Doctor Xero.
6/9/2004 Pigfrenzy: Advice on implementation to a newbie (longish) Forgive me if I've posted this to the wrong section, I wasn't sure if this section or Actual Play would be more appropriate.
First off, I've been lurking here off… In RPG Theory Participants: Pigfrenzy, Mike Holmes, Trevis Martin.
6/9/2004 urizenhh: Styles/Motivations (does this belong here or gns theory?) Hi there!
Because of my groups problems I want to create a questionaire (sp?) for my players to figure out what they/we really want from playing.
I was thinking about… In RPG Theory Participants: urizenhh, Rob Carriere, Valamir, Bankuei, John Kim.
6/9/2004 beingfrank: Downtime, or skipping time I'm wondering what purposes people see being served by dowtime, or skipped time in a game. By that I mean deciding 'we're going to advance the game world by 6… In RPG Theory Participants: beingfrank, Doctor Xero, Ron Edwards, ethan_greer, Mike Holmes, M. J. Young.
6/10/2004 Halzebier: I have no words but I must communicate Our D&D group had a brainstorming session for our next campaign tonight.
I found it an exercise in frustration, as I was unable to get my ideas across. The others… In RPG Theory Participants: Halzebier, ethan_greer, Noon, xiombarg, Ron Edwards, trechriron, bcook1971, M. J. Young, Trevis Martin, Tobias, Matt Snyder, Emily Care, Henri, Caldis.
6/13/2004 sirogit: Thoughts on poor taste. I've been thinking over an idea in my head and wondering if it is's good taste. Not that it's offensive, because I am most sure that it would offend somebody.… In RPG Theory Participants: sirogit, Eero Tuovinen, Henri, ethan_greer, Tomas HVM, Andrew Morris, MarktheAnimator, lumpley, Doctor Xero, M. J. Young.
6/14/2004 ADGBoss: The Campaign Season: Length of Intended Play Affecting Desig Hello everyone, back again after being away from the Forge and design for a few months. Re to the old timers and hello to everyone new.
As usual (for good… In RPG Theory Participants: ADGBoss, Valamir, M. J. Young, neelk, Ben Morgan, Nicolas Crost, Andrew Norris, Mike Holmes.
6/16/2004 Tobias: Find the right color for humanist game All,
You may or may not be aware of a game I'm designing, Your Gods are Dead. Related to that game are a bunch of questions I've been having in… In RPG Theory Participants: Tobias, Jasper, JamesSterrett, Eero Tuovinen, Paul Czege, simon_hibbs, Mike Holmes, contracycle.
6/16/2004 Jonathan Walton: "Fine Art" Column Wraps at RPGnet Hey Folks,
The final piece of my 9-article series was just posted on RPGnet, though it won't be announced on the main page until Thursday. It details my conclusion from… In RPG Theory Participants: Jonathan Walton, Tobias, chadu, Valamir, neelk.
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