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In RPG Theory

12/2/2003 Noon: Primal situation
Awhile ago on the forum there was a thread on situation and characters by Valamir. It was a rant, but the focus was the players supplying the situations that…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Noon, Valamir, qxjit, Christopher Kubasik, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards.

12/1/2003 anonymouse: system part: Karmic character design
Sprung from some discussion in #indiegames tonight and simmered for awhile.. A character accumulates Karma over the course of its life. When it dies, its Karma is totalled up and…
In RPG Theory
Participants: anonymouse, Ron Edwards, LordSmerf, Paganini, Shreyas Sampat, MachMoth.

11/28/2003 Thierry Michel: Wishes non fulfilled
There an article by Umberto Eco there, about the death of the printed book. The last paragraphs are especially interesting (to me, at least): Indeed, in a role-play game…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Thierry Michel, pete_darby.

11/27/2003 sirogit: Relationship Map Techniques?
Having a spot of difficulty in making relationship maps that involve the PCs strongly in the story(Even with group created R-maps.) I was wondering if anyone used paticurly effective techniques…
In RPG Theory
Participants: sirogit, Noon, hix, Roy, Mike Holmes.

11/27/2003 Noon: Good cop, bad cop
Recently I had an idea to operate a game at a different level. I thought of almost having two GM's (yeah, nothing new). But in this case one has more…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Noon, Mike Holmes, Michael S. Miller, MachMoth, The Benj, Andrew Norris, Emily Care.

11/26/2003 Calithena: Interesting RPG history link
I got some offline queries about RPG history. Victor Raymond, who plays in M.A.R. Barker's Thursday Night Game, wrote the article at the attached lnik; he hasn't followed it up…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Calithena, Emily Care, Valamir, Jack Spencer Jr, Liz Henry.

11/26/2003 Dotan Dimet: Just Desserts (clarify Reward techniques, please)
Forge newbie ramble. Please bear with me. In The Whole Model, Ron writes: I consider the two most important Techniques to be reward system and IIEE. Now, I understood…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Dotan Dimet, MachMoth, Ron Edwards, M. J. Young.

11/25/2003 Dotan Dimet: Races and "races" in literature and RPGs
Re: the RPG-Orc thing, the weirdest case of symbolic stand-ins IMO was in the Underground RPG, where psychotic superpowered discharged vets (the PCs of the futuristic setting) play a literary…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Dotan Dimet, Ron Edwards, James Holloway.

11/25/2003 Cemendur: Non-Visual Thinkers & Imagined Space
In Art Does It Matter?, ways of learning and ways of thinking were discussed in relation to RPGs. On the other hand (and this is getting a bit tangential)…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Cemendur, Lxndr, M. J. Young, Alan, ethan_greer, Green.

11/25/2003 Harlequin: Help request - Fortune in the _______?
Disclaimer: The primary game I am working on is (if contracts happen before completion - else this disclaimer may vanish as I self-publish) not indie. A major game publisher wants…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Harlequin, cruciel.

11/24/2003 linux: Feedback Requested
First, thumbs up to Drifter Bob on an excellent article. Your knowledge is always helpful and welcomed. (This article assumes you have read the realism paper by Drifter Bob and…
In RPG Theory
Participants: linux, Andrew Martin.

11/23/2003 Dotan Dimet: A few things to add
Edit: this is really supposed to be in the international gaming thread. Oops. A few bits to add to Mark's summary: * Israel has practically no gaming stores, but the…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Dotan Dimet, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Emily Care.

11/22/2003 gobi: Die-types as analagous to card suits
Just a quick "anyone thought of this?" question: The seeds of a task resolution system for my criminal RPG began developing from the earlier thread on dice-bluffing. It's very sketchy,…
In RPG Theory
Participants: gobi, Harlequin, J B Bell, LordSmerf.

11/21/2003 LordSmerf: Shooting people with guns mechanics
I'm not sure if this should be in Theory or not, i'm sure it will be moved if it needs to be. Anyway, what i'm looking for is a survey…
In RPG Theory
Participants: LordSmerf, xiombarg, Harlequin, Dev, Mike Holmes, Ben Lehman, jdagna, M. J. Young, theltemes, contracycle, gobi.

11/21/2003 gabby2600: Rail Guns & GAUSS Weapons
[url][/url] The above links show theories and actual experiments in to creating various types of weapons, for Futureistic or near future games. Some of these things could be usefull for…
In RPG Theory
Participants: gabby2600.

11/20/2003 A.B.W: Game Book + You = Creative Sentai!
"Sentai" is the Japanese word for stories about teams of characters who have special powers in combination, by the way. In Art: Does It Matter?, Lxndr made a comment that…
In RPG Theory
Participants: A.B.W, Paganini, Shreyas Sampat, John Kim, Ron Edwards, M. J. Young, Andrew Martin, Andy Kitkowski, Mike Holmes, Dotan Dimet.

11/19/2003 Michael S. Miller: Survey of Damage Systems
Well, I've been ruminating on a narrativist superhero game and have hit a creative doldrum. You see, I'm working with the central metaphor of superheroes being "Power comes from Suffering"…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Michael S. Miller, xiombarg, Valamir, Heather Manley, M. J. Young, John Kim, Brassel, Thierry Michel, Shreyas Sampat, efindel, Calithena, Harlequin, Plane Sailing.

11/16/2003 hix: Kicker without a Home
So I'm about to start running my first game using Relationship Maps and Kickers. Very exciting and so far all the Kickers are working well. However, one player has presented…
In RPG Theory
Participants: hix, Paganini, Ron Edwards.

11/16/2003 sirogit: Counter-system for Physical/Mental/Social opposistion?
I was thinking of making a system wherein characters have Physical, Mental and Social scores, and when rolling against another character's score, gets a large advantage depending on what the…
In RPG Theory
Participants: sirogit, Shreyas Sampat, greyorm, Walt Freitag.

11/15/2003 ks13: Crunchy mechanics for social conflicts
In my present game system, I have a resolution mechanic that is applicable to any type of conflict resolution. However for things such as combat, the mechanics are expanded, outlining…
In RPG Theory
Participants: ks13, Mike Holmes, Brassel, dyjoots.

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Subsequent Topics
In RPG Theory

12/2/2003 sirogit: Game Mechanic: Creepy magic
The basic idea is, a player states what his character is doing to activate a magical effect(Which can be anything, even simply activating the effect at will.), and it's effect/if…
In RPG Theory
Participants: sirogit, Mike Holmes, simon_hibbs, Jonathan Walton, gobi.

12/3/2003 Emily Care: lexicon entry
Hello, I hadn't come across this entry to the RPG Lexicon before. Makes it all seem strangely codified and real to be posted this way. Amusingly enough, there is…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Emily Care, Ron Edwards, M. J. Young.

12/3/2003 anonymouse: mechanic: Trouble!
I know Orkworld has this as some foundation of its in-game society and probably mechanics as well, but since that apparently had some super-1337 printrun never to see the light…
In RPG Theory
Participants: anonymouse, Ben Morgan, Ron Edwards, Noon.

12/4/2003 MachMoth: Two, two games in one!!!
In my early days of RPG, I quickly became trained in the art of never letting the party split. It was believed, at the time, that attempting to juggle multiple…
In RPG Theory
Participants: MachMoth, Noon, gobi, C. Edwards, Trevis Martin, jdagna, contracycle, Paganini, Ron Edwards, M. J. Young, Ben Morgan, LordSmerf.

12/4/2003 bigsimon: A different take on initiative...?
I'm not sure if anyone has tried something like this before. It doesn't completely get rid of "turn based" combat, but changes it a little. ------------------------- Action Pool Initiative is…
In RPG Theory
Participants: bigsimon, HMT, s3kt0r, Mike Holmes.

12/5/2003 s3kt0r: Superhuman vs. Regular Human Combat Mechanics
I'm in the process of developing a RPG and am getting in a bit of a stick with the combat mechanics. I need a system that allows for superhumanly fast…
In RPG Theory
Participants: s3kt0r, Noon, Andrew Martin, M. J. Young, John Kim, HMT, Marhault, Funksaw, Mike Holmes, Nawara, failrate, happyelf.

12/5/2003 xiombarg: Theory for the Average Gamer
White Wolf recently released the Vampire Player's Guide for Vampire Revised (aka Vampire 3rd Edition). The book is 90% system-free, consisting of mainly essays about how one should play Vampire.…
In RPG Theory
Participants: xiombarg, John Kim, LordSmerf, eyebeams.

12/5/2003 xiombarg: Social Contract Fodder
As we all know, problems with the social contract of the game are often part-and-parcel with overall social problems. Which is why I found this essay particularly interesting: I…
In RPG Theory
Participants: xiombarg, C. Edwards, jdagna, Ron Edwards, Christopher Kubasik.

12/6/2003 jdagna: Mystery Mechanic: A Clue Bank
I'm about to start a new campaign for Pax Draconis that will focus around a long-term investigation. The players requested the mystery and investigation parts, and to facilitate it, I'm…
In RPG Theory
Participants: jdagna, Andrew Martin, b_bankhead, M. J. Young.

12/6/2003 John Kim: Anti-my-guy Syndrome
[quote="xiombarg"] One essay is particularly notable: "But I Vas Chust Follwink Mein Character Concept!" by Greg Stolze. In it, Greg posits the "Gamer Nuremburg Defense", characterized by the cry: "Not…
In RPG Theory
Participants: John Kim, Valamir, Jack Spencer Jr, Christopher Kubasik, M. J. Young, RaconteurX, greyorm, epweissengruber, xiombarg, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, pete_darby, Gordon C. Landis, eyebeams, contracycle.

12/6/2003 Noon: Computer RPG's and the difference perceived
I was looking at a thread from a few months ago 'Computer RP software' I just wanted to raise a few questions to this quote by an unknown mouse.…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Noon, Calithena, Eero Tuovinen, Jack Spencer Jr, anonymouse, Andrew Norris, M. J. Young, Marhault, John Kim, Mike Holmes, Kataphraktos, Endoperez, Thierry Michel.

12/6/2003 Calithena: Hackmaster: The Postmodern RPG
OK, I've been trying to restrain myself on this one for a while, but since HM and KoDT came up in the Actual Play thread on Abused Player Syndrome, I…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Calithena, Jack Spencer Jr, Bill_White, gobi, Noon, ross_winn, ColonelHardisson, Funksaw, eyebeams, Rob MacDougall, Jaif, John Kim.

12/6/2003 gobi: Word Banks / Knowing what a game is "about"
A few months ago, I was listening to music from Ecco the Dolphin 2. I loved that game as a kid, it was one of the few I'd play for…
In RPG Theory
Participants: gobi.

12/7/2003 Funksaw: Sayin' hi.
Hi. This is Funksaw. I was thinking about writing a non-fiction book about RPGs over winter break - so I figured I'd better take a vacation from most of,…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Funksaw, Dregg, Jonathan Walton, Christopher Kubasik.

12/7/2003 amper: Best/Most Popular Universal Systems?
I have been wondering lately about indie universal systems--which systems are considered the best and/or most popular out there these days? I've been away from gaming for a while, but…
In RPG Theory
Participants: amper, Bob McNamee, M. J. Young, peejay, Mike Holmes, cruciel, hawklord2112, Dev.

12/8/2003 Andrew Martin: What is "realism"?
I've seen and read a lot of posts on various RPG forums and mailing lists, where the designer of a new RPG states that they wanted the design to be…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Andrew Martin, Christopher Kubasik, John Kim, contracycle, timfire, Thierry Michel, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Noon, pete_darby, Mike Holmes, Jack Spencer Jr, Ian Charvill, ADGBoss, M. J. Young.

12/9/2003 gobi: Percentile probability question...
Say the task resolution is a percentile roll vs. another person's percentile roll, whoever is higher wins. Now consider that it is possible to roll several d10s and only take…
In RPG Theory
Participants: gobi, Dev, Brian Leybourne, John Kim, MachMoth, Ron Edwards, timfire.

12/11/2003 quozl: How do you start designing an RPG?
Shane Hensley talks about how he gets started making an RPG over at It's interesting that he gets a visual hook before he starts to churn out the text.…
In RPG Theory
Participants: quozl, Dev, Ron Edwards, ethan_greer, Jonathan Walton, ross_winn, Green, M. J. Young, ADGBoss, Jeph, gobi, Mark Johnson.

12/11/2003 Bob Goat: Game Master Sections
What kind of information is good to place in a Game Master Chapter/Section of a core rule book? In our game right now we have rules that apply only to…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Bob Goat, anonymouse, MachMoth, Andrew Martin, M. J. Young, Jack Aidley, ADGBoss, Marhault, Noon.

12/12/2003 timfire: Help w/ D20 mod: Making initiative more TROS-like
I'm not sure how many d20 players/designers the Forge has, but I thought I would ask this question anyway. Inspired by TROS, I've thought about making a mod (or whatever…
In RPG Theory
Participants: timfire, Jack Aidley, MachMoth, Mike Holmes, Andrew Martin, M. J. Young, Drifter Bob, The Benj.

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