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In Conventions

8/22/2007 TomTancredi: End of the Year Conventions
What are the major conventions for the Indy games coming up this fall and winter in the New England area? I'm planning on going to PhilCon, and the Winter-version of…
In Conventions
Participants: TomTancredi, iago.

8/22/2007 jasonm: Gen Con post-mortem
Hey, let's talk about lessons learned and what we can do to improve the experience - by all measures - next year.  Also, let's celebrate!  I think everybody had a…
In Conventions
Participants: jasonm, Ron Edwards, Gregor Hutton, GreatWolf, Justin D. Jacobson, iago, abzu, Emily Care, Denise, Blankshield, Jasper the Mimbo, inthisstyle, Matt-M-McElroy, GregStolze, Rob Donoghue, btrc, JustinB, Valamir, TonyLB, Michael S. Miller, JasonWalters, Sydsquicious, TomTancredi, segedy, RobNJ, jrs.

8/21/2007 Denise: Let's hear it for the Summer Revolution!
Way to rock the vote, Fred.  Congratuations on your well-deserved win!  Considering that you were going up against publishers who had probably ten times more of a market share than…
In Conventions
Participants: Denise, iago, jasonm.

8/21/2007 TwoCrows: Exhibitor Questions
Hey Forgites, Can anyone let some light under my rock concerning a few details surrounding the role of Exhibitor at gaming cons? 1) Booth Help – What sorts of compensation…
In Conventions
Participants: TwoCrows, Ron Edwards.

8/20/2007 TomTancredi: PhilCon and a General "Thank you for the great experience at GenCon!"
Hi folks, Just wanted to say thanks to all the Game Designers, Publishers, GMs and Artists for the tremendous experience at the Forge Booth at GenCon. I tried to play…
In Conventions
Participants: TomTancredi, inthisstyle, Omnius, Mel_White.

8/15/2007 epweissengruber: IndieRPG Toronto Takes on FanPro Expo (Toronto)
Who: IndieRPG Toronto will be there represented by Erik Weissengruber, Dave Lucas, and Mark Muller The Where and When: When: Friday, August 24, 2007, 4:00 PM 20070824T200000Z Where: Metro Toronto…
In Conventions
Participants: epweissengruber.

8/14/2007 btrc: GenCon 2007 travel
I'll be starting my travels today, staging up to a minion's abode for the actual trip on Wednesday. If you're on the list of people who have my cell phone…
In Conventions
Participants: btrc.

8/11/2007 Grail-Shadowblade: [Alcon - UK] Roleplayer's corner
Alcon is a new convention starting up in the UK, in a place called Leicester. They have a roleplayer's corner and I'm pretty sure people can set up tables in…
In Conventions
Participants: Grail-Shadowblade, Gregor Hutton.

8/9/2007 Andy Kitkowski: [GenCon 2007] Ashcan Front: Who's giving the discounts?
Quick question, I was wondering who at the Ashcan Front was giving discounts/refunds on final products and the like? IIRC, Kevin Allen Jr's project is going to have a price…
In Conventions
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Paul Czege, Kevin Allen Jr, RyanMacklin, Matt Snyder.

8/8/2007 Denise: [ENnies] Dream Date Auction with Fred Hicks up!
Hi all, As part of the fundraising efforts for the ENnies, every year I auction off a seat (or seats) at the tables of nominated publishers.  It's a chance for…
In Conventions
Participants: Denise, iago.

8/6/2007 darnest: [RolePlayersINK] GenCone Events and Demos
Hello, I just wanted to make everyone aware of our events we are relasing 3 exciting new games and we want you to be part of our release. We have…
In Conventions
Participants: darnest, Ron Edwards.

8/3/2007 jasonm: [Gen Con 2007] Demo Planning
Hey, can we talk about our Forge booth demos?  Can we lay down the law regarding length and format?  How about pinning down the particulars of a pre-show demo session?…
In Conventions
Participants: jasonm, iago, Kevin Allen Jr, GreatWolf, btrc, GregStolze, Gregor Hutton, TomTancredi, Tim C Koppang, Robotech_Master, Ron Edwards.

8/1/2007 GregStolze: [GC07] Big REIGN Posters
I got a couple posters made with the REIGN covers -- 23x35 inches with about a couple inches of white border all around the images.  They look nice.  I'm wondering…
In Conventions
Participants: GregStolze, iago, Ron Edwards, oliof, Gregor Hutton.

7/31/2007 Andy Kitkowski: [GC2007] Forge/Diaspora Booth and Games on Demand
Just a few thoughts, from one Gung Ho space cadet to the folks selling their games at GenCon. I plan to bring a bunch of blank business cards. If the…
In Conventions
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, iago, jasonm, GreatWolf.

7/27/2007 btrc: Opinions on this?
Saw this on one of the blogs I frequent: For convention purposes (i.e. Forge booth), it has some style to it, it might draw some attention just from its…
In Conventions
Participants: btrc, Ron Edwards.

7/25/2007 seawolf69: MACE 2007 getting geared up
Hey all, As some of you already know, we love having you guys represented at MACE.  I am just posting here to remind you guys it's coming in November, we…
In Conventions
Participants: seawolf69, Andy Kitkowski, Technocrat13, jasonm.

7/25/2007 Spinachcat: Gateway 2007 in Los Angeles needs GMs!!
We need GMs for Gateway 2007at The Westin Los Angeles Airport Hotel.  The convention happens over Labor Day weekend August 31-September 3, 2007.  We expect over 1000 attendees for more…
In Conventions
Participants: Spinachcat.

7/23/2007 Denise: [ENnies] Product voting now open, and 2008 Judge Selection Begins Over 6,000 votes have been cast thus far for fans' favourite products, fan sites, and publishers, and I heartily encourage you all to head on over and have your…
In Conventions
Participants: Denise, iago.

7/23/2007 dcolanduno: Dragon*Con 2007
Anyone coming to Dragon*Con 2007? They are doing the gaming back over at the Marriott this year, and making the Hilton the main hotel this time around... Derek Colanduno Dragon*Con…
In Conventions
Participants: dcolanduno, David Artman, childdoll, SaintandSinner.

7/21/2007 TwoCrows: Dumb Question GenCon
Am I just blind...or does the GenCon Indy website NOT have anything listed for Exhibition Hall times other than the '06 con? Anybody know what time the doors open Saturday?…
In Conventions
Participants: TwoCrows, JustinB.

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Subsequent Topics
In Conventions

8/22/2007 iago: Gen-Con Indie Passport Critiques & Comments
I'm worried that the passport stuff is starting to overtake the GenCon post-mortem thread, so I'm starting this one. Perceptions appear to be in two different camps.  From where I'm…
In Conventions
Participants: iago, Valamir, GreatWolf, Blankshield, inthisstyle, Matt-M-McElroy, Ron Edwards, GB Steve, RobNJ, TonyLB, KeithBVaughn, WildElf, thelostgm, Lisa Padol, Thunder_God.

8/23/2007 Paul Czege: canned heat
At Gen Con The Ashcan Front moved 265 ashcans for feedback and playtesting, across 11 different games. A daily break-down: Thursday: 86 Friday: 40 Saturday: 50 Sunday: 89 Friday was…
In Conventions
Participants: Paul Czege, Matt Gwinn, Gregor Hutton.

8/26/2007 Bill_White: [Nittany Game Invasion] What Would It Take to Get You Here?
So last night my friends Mendel, Shreyas, Gary, and I decided to put together a mini-con of sorts, a conlet if you will: a day-long event on Saturday, Nov. 10,…
In Conventions
Participants: Bill_White, Michael S. Miller, iago, RobNJ.

8/27/2007 seawolf69: MACE 2007: Official GM call
Hello all. I am officially making the GM call for MACE 2007 MACE 2007 November 16-18, 2007 Radisson Hotel High Point, NC We have a lot planned already but…
In Conventions
Participants: seawolf69.

9/5/2007 GamerChick: Forge Midwest 2008?
I realize it's way early, since this has taken place in April in the past... but hey, I wanted to get discussion started.  I had an amazing, fantastical, terrific time…
In Conventions
Participants: GamerChick, Ron Edwards, GregStolze, Thor Olavsrud, Pauls Girl, Willow, jasonm, Matt Snyder, Darcy Burgess, Miskatonic, c, Troy_Costisick, Capulet, Nev the Deranged, Valamir, bkcurley.

9/12/2007 c: Geek.Kon - Madison Wisconsin
Geek.Kon is taking place on October 6th through 7th. It's a first attempt at a local convention that is being put on by UW-Madison students. It's free of charge this…
In Conventions
Participants: c, Matt-M-McElroy.

10/1/2007 John Kim: Solmukohta 2008 Call for Papers
The Call for Papers for the Solmukohta 2008 book has just come out.  For those who don't know, Solmukohta is the Finnish round of the "Nodal Point" larp convention that…
In Conventions
Participants: John Kim.

10/2/2007 muddlepud: [GenCon Oz 2008] and Games On Demand
I'm starting to throw this idea around at the moment and hoping to get a few more ideas generated. I'm planning to attend GenCon Oz in 2008 and I'd like…
In Conventions
Participants: muddlepud, Andrew Smith, Vulpinoid, Rusty.

10/11/2007 Jake Richmond: GameStorm: Indie Hurricane march 2008, Portland!
Hi. I’m really pleased to be able to announce GameStorm: Indie Hurricane! Come hang with us in Portland, OR (Vancouver, WA actually, but it’s only a few minutes away from…
In Conventions
Participants: Jake Richmond.

10/11/2007 SaintandSinner: OmegaCon Birmingham March 14th-16th, 2008
I'm planning on running several games at a local convention Omegacon, March 14th-16th, 2008, Birmingham, Alabama.  I'm comfortable/interested in running SOTC, DRYH, ZoZ, Mortal Coil, Amber Diceless (hope for a…
In Conventions
Participants: SaintandSinner.

10/12/2007 okiran: L.A. area minicon?
Any Los Angeles area people interested in having a minicon during the latter part of November?  I've started a discussion about it over at <a href=""></a> if you are.  James
In Conventions
Participants: okiran.

10/30/2007 Emily Care: Dreamation 2008
Hi there, Is there going to be an Indie Games Explosion track at Dreamation this year? I'd like to help, if needed. best, Emily
In Conventions
Participants: Emily Care, RobNJ.

11/4/2007 Nev the Deranged: EnWorld Game Day at Games Plus in Mt. Prospect
Nov 10th, EnWorld is hosting another Game Day at Games Plus in Mt. Prospect, Illinois. It's always a good time, and there are lots of games going down, including some…
In Conventions
Participants: Nev the Deranged.

11/27/2007 epweissengruber: Ice-O-Hedron: a mid-winter d20 mini-con
Ice-O-Hedron: a mid-winter d20 mini-con This is a proposal.  Hopefully some Torontonians get back to me and/or I get some feedback on the potential of this proposal to gather players.…
In Conventions
Participants: epweissengruber.

12/26/2007 GreatWolf: Go Play Peoria February minicon
In a fit of insanity, Ralph Mazza, Keith Sears, and I have started a group called Go Play Peoria.  We're looking to the nerdNYC model and trying to do something…
In Conventions
Participants: GreatWolf.

1/2/2008 muddlepud: [GenCon Oz 2008] continued (split)
Just thought i'd start trying to get this thread going again. I'm in the middle of emailing people for ideas on running Games On Demand. I'd like to submit something…
In Conventions
Participants: muddlepud, Rusty, Andrew Smith, Ron Edwards, Vulpinoid, Paul Czege.

1/6/2008 dcolanduno: Dragon*Con 2007 II (split)
I used to love the diceless games back in the 90's when I was in college. How did they go this time around?
In Conventions
Participants: dcolanduno, Ron Edwards.

1/7/2008 RobNJ: [Dreamation 2008] Indie Games Explosion games lineup
Emily Care Boss is hosting the list of games being run in the IGE at Dreamation 2008. I'll repaste here in a completely lazy and unedited way: Dreamation 2008 January…
In Conventions
Participants: RobNJ, c, JustinB, Parthenia.

1/12/2008 Capulet: First Con as Publisher, Looking for Advice
Hello all. Well, I've sprung for my first table at my first con (Con of the North). I'm seeking general advice as to make the most of the experience. My…
In Conventions
Participants: Capulet, M. J. Young, JustinB, GreatWolf.

1/18/2008 Matt Snyder: [Forge Midwest 2008] Offical Organization Thread
Thanks to Willow, we are off to the races for Forge Midwest, 2008. She did all the legwork for reservation. I'm just the yes man. Please thank her when you…
In Conventions
Participants: Matt Snyder, Willow, Blankshield, Capulet, Matt-M-McElroy, TJ, jswatson, Sir John, nitramwi, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, greyorm, c, buzz, Nev the Deranged, jrs, reaction, Iskander, Jason L Blair, williamhessian, woodelf, jenskot, Malky, GamerChick, Emily Care, Darcy Burgess, Miskatonic, JADettman, jerry, GreatWolf, Tobias Wrigstad, Motorskills, Antimuppet, caityrosey.

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