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In Conventions

9/11/2009 hoefer: Know of Any Midwestern Conventions?
Hello all!  Now that the dust has settled from GenCon, I'm trying to put together my marketing calender for this coming year.  One of my goals is to try and…
In Conventions
Participants: hoefer, jefgodesky, Ron Edwards.

9/2/2009 reveal: [ENnies] Support the ENnies via eBay!
Over the next few months, we will be selling some quality RPG items in order to raise funds for next years 10th anniversary of the ENnie Awards. As each auction…
In Conventions
Participants: reveal.

8/26/2009 reveal: [ENnies] Introducing the official ENnies Blog!
We are proud to announce the ENnies now has an official blog. You can expect to see many articles here, including posts from the judges and staff members. You will…
In Conventions
Participants: reveal.

8/26/2009 jefgodesky: GASPcon 10 - Trying to bring indie games to Pittsburgh, PA
<a href="">GASPcon 10</a> <a href=";jsessionid=FB99B7B17E7D0B0CA81FF23C989CF2F6?propertyCode=39028">Best Western Parkway Center Mall</a> 875 Greentree Rd Pittsburgh, PA Friday, November 13 - Sunday, November 15 This year, GASPcon's organizers have asked me to try…
In Conventions
Participants: jefgodesky.

8/17/2009 SaintandSinner: (Games on Demand Gencon 09) Feedback
So, I think this was pretty successful. We had from 18 to 38 people playing and running per slot. Everyone involved really threw themselves into it and were great. This…
In Conventions
Participants: SaintandSinner, wrshamilton, Adam Dray, Tim C Koppang, Ron Edwards, Darcy Burgess, RobNJ.

8/12/2009 Salvius: Gearing Up For DREAMATION 2010
Hi Folks, I know it's kind early, but I'd like to get some discussion going regarding DREAMATION 2010. Based on February's online debates about what I did or didn't mean…
In Conventions
Participants: Salvius, TonyLB, jasonm, Michael S. Miller.

8/9/2009 SaintandSinner: (Games on Demand) Help needed making Signs and Flyers
Does anyone have a design for a Games on Demand Sign or flyers? If not, would anyone be willing to put this together. Previous signs have not been found and…
In Conventions
Participants: SaintandSinner.

8/8/2009 Capulet: Forge Booth Gen Con Indy 2009: Product Giveaways
I plan on doing occasional book give-aways for the original core book Factions at War when I am at the booth this year. My goal is to leave all of…
In Conventions
Participants: Capulet.

8/8/2009 RobNJ: [Gen Con] Designers: Do you want GOD to run your game?
[url=]Scott Acker[/url], [url=]Tim Koppang[/url], and [url=]The Play Collective[/url] are getting together to run [url=]Games on Demand[/url]* at [url=]Gen Con[/url] this year. We'd probably** love to run your game. If you…
In Conventions
Participants: RobNJ, Darcy Burgess, Ben Lehman, SaintandSinner, Gregor Hutton.

8/7/2009 SaintandSinner: Games on Demand Banner
If anyone wanted to get the word out about Games on Demand we would really appreciated it if you'd put this in your blogs, signatures at forums, etc. The banner…
In Conventions
Participants: SaintandSinner.

8/6/2009 SaintandSinner: Games on Demand Table Custodians
We have requested tables for Games on Demand Fri 10am-2pm Fri 2pm-6pm Sat 10am-2pm Sat 2pm-6pm Sun 10am-2pm. We need table custodians to monitor this area and to take up…
In Conventions
Participants: SaintandSinner, joepub.

8/5/2009 reveal: [ENnies] Announcing the 2009 ENnies Dream Date Auctions
The 2009 ENnie Awards Dream Date Auctions have begun! Listed below you will find direct links to the auctions themselves. The publishers have really gone all out this year and…
In Conventions
Participants: reveal, Gregor Hutton.

8/2/2009 SaintandSinner: Indie Games at DragonCon
I will be running the following games at DragonCon in Atlanta, September 4th - 7th, 2009.  More information for all these games may be found at Secrets of the…
In Conventions
Participants: SaintandSinner.

8/2/2009 SaintandSinner: Games on Demand at DragonCon
We will run a small Games on Demand at DragonCon on Friday and Saturday from 2:30 to 5pm.  I and the others working on this have conflicts earlier in the…
In Conventions
Participants: SaintandSinner.

8/2/2009 reveal: [ENnies] Meet your 2010 ENnies judge nominees
The nominees for the 2010 ENnies judges are now online for you to look over! Please visit and study each nominee carefully as only five of them will judge next…
In Conventions
Participants: reveal, Skeld, Kinetic, megan, Johnny Scott, YourSwordisMine.

7/29/2009 reveal: [ENnies] A quick update from the ENnies
Just a quick update from the ENnies. As of right now, 6009 individual voters have made their voices heard. With five days left for voting, I think we can reach…
In Conventions
Participants: reveal.

7/28/2009 MatrixGamer: "Thunder Hamsters and the Temple of Cheese" at the Hamster Press booth at Gen Co
My big release for this year's Gen Con is Thunder Hamsters. It's a hybrid boardgame/Engle Matrix Game in which hamster heroes run into the temple and steal things. When they…
In Conventions
Participants: MatrixGamer, Emily Care, hoefer.

7/24/2009 reveal: The ENnies Voting Booth Is Now Open!
The ENnies Voting Booth is now open! We have three exciting announcements! The voting booth is open! Voting for this years ENnie nominees can now commence. The booth will be…
In Conventions
Participants: reveal.

7/23/2009 TJ: Gen Con 2009 Games On Demand?
Does anyone know where the GoD room is going to be this year, and who is in charge?
In Conventions
Participants: TJ, Darcy Burgess, SaintandSinner.

7/22/2009 reveal: The ENnies are now on Twitter!
Do you have a Twitter account? Well so do the ENnies! Feel free to follow them to get all the latest ENnies updates. The results of the 2009 ceremony will…
In Conventions
Participants: reveal.

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Subsequent Topics
In Conventions

9/17/2009 Parthenia: JiffyCon is looking for a few good GM's
url=]JiffyCon returns to Greenfield, and we're looking for folks to run games! This season it will be November 14th at Greenfield All Souls Church at 399 Main Street, right downtown.…
In Conventions
Participants: Parthenia.

9/18/2009 Artanis: Preparing an indie booth for Nancy, France
Hi there On November 7th and 8th, a couple of friends and I are going to the game festival Les Joutes du Téméraire, in Nancy (that's a city, please), France.…
In Conventions
Participants: Artanis, Eero Tuovinen, Nathan P..

10/6/2009 fjj: Spiel Essen 2009
Going to Spiel Essen 2009? Wanna meet up and say hi? Let me know and I will try to find a time & place.
In Conventions
Participants: fjj.

10/8/2009 RobNJ: JiffyCon Greenfield, November 14: pre-registration open!
Hey everyone, just writing to let you know that registrations for JiffyCon Fall 09 are now up. You can find the registration page at: This time, we have it…
In Conventions
Participants: RobNJ.

10/16/2009 Paul Czege: I'll be at U-Con in Ann Arbor, MI on Saturday, November 14th
I'll be at the University of Michigan's <a href="">U-Con</a> gaming convention in Ann Arbor, Michigan on Saturday, November 14th. The convention actually runs from Friday the 13th through Sunday the…
In Conventions
Participants: Paul Czege.

10/20/2009 Bill_White: Ubercon XII: Edison NJ, Nov. 6-8, 2009
The schedule for RPGs at Ubercon XII in Edison is up; the con runs the first weekend in November (the 6th to the 8th). There's an interesting mix of games…
In Conventions
Participants: Bill_White, M. J. Young.

11/30/2009 Paul Czege: be at STAPLE! The Independent Media Expo, in Austin, TX, March 6th, 2010
This past March <a href="">Half Meme Press</a> and <a href="">Cream Alien Games</a> did a table together at <a href="">STAPLE!</a> The Independent Media Expo, in Austin, Texas. And we had so…
In Conventions
Participants: Paul Czege.

1/5/2010 Willow: Forge Midwest 2010 Planning Thread
Looks like we're getting a late start this year. Tim and I have been going back and forth about when to set it this year, and have yet to come…
In Conventions
Participants: Willow, Ron Edwards, Tim C Koppang, TJ, Nev the Deranged, c, reaction, buzz, Miskatonic, Ben Lehman, KeithBVaughn, greyorm, kate, jerry.

1/13/2010 SaintandSinner: Gencon 2010
What's everyone's plans? Event registration is supposed to open today so I'm thinking about games to run and play. Also, for those interested in the whole Indie Games Explosion and…
In Conventions
Participants: SaintandSinner, Tim C Koppang, SirValence, Locke.

1/22/2010 Ron Edwards: [GenCon 2010] Forge booth, first thread
Hello, Last year's booth showed me some things. 1. The popular interest in the Forge and whatever might be at the booth is undiminished. People showed up, bought stuff, participated,…
In Conventions
Participants: Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, SaintandSinner, Ben Lehman, Troy_Costisick.

1/26/2010 SaintandSinner: Gencon 2010 Dresden Files games
I'm running a couple of Dresden events if your interested. Friday 2-6pm Dog Daze This was run with the bleeding alpha rules in 2008 (please no repeat players) I know,…
In Conventions
Participants: SaintandSinner, Nev the Deranged.

1/27/2010 reveal: [ENnies] 2010 State of the ENnies Address
Greetings all and well met! It's that time of the year again. The time where the ENnies staff and judges begin the countdown to GenCon and start getting all of…
In Conventions
Participants: reveal.

2/1/2010 SaintandSinner: Dragoncon Indie Panels, Games, etc
Dragoncon is interested in having Indie Game panels, games on the schedule, etc.  If you are a designer, what do you usually do at these conventions and what do the…
In Conventions
Participants: SaintandSinner, David Artman.

2/1/2010 SaintandSinner: Miami Games and Stuff
What's good around there (other than the obvious beach)? I'm going up there for a meeting the first weekend in March and will likely have some time to burn. Are…
In Conventions
Participants: SaintandSinner.

2/17/2010 Luke: Dreamation February 18-21st
Hiya Folks, Many of us will be at Dreamation in Morristown, NJ this weekend. There's a thread on Story Games, Dreamation, Who's Going? that contains a list of URLs to…
In Conventions
Participants: Luke.

2/17/2010 Ron Edwards: [Forge Midwest] New thread!
Good news. 1. The room block-off is now in effect, so if you haven't, please reserve now. 2. The conference room is all set! (Thanks Willow) It looks like everything…
In Conventions
Participants: Ron Edwards, Nev the Deranged, Miskatonic, reaction, Tim C Koppang, greyorm, Motipha, c, buzz, woodelf.

2/22/2010 reveal: [ENnies] Submissions Form Now Online
Great news everyone! Starting today, publishers will now be able to use an online form for their submissions. Whether you’re planning on sending packages to the judges or submitting your…
In Conventions
Participants: reveal.

2/26/2010 reveal: [ENnies] 2010 ENnies Booth Volunteer Recruitment!
We are looking for good people to volunteer their time at the ENnies booth at GenCon this year. We are starting the recruitment early to give people plenty of time…
In Conventions
Participants: reveal.

3/1/2010 reveal: [ENnies] Get To Know Your 2010 ENnies Judges!
In order for people to feel a little more connected to the ENnies, we've decided to conducts interviews with each judge. Now, each judge already answered a list of questions…
In Conventions
Participants: reveal.

3/6/2010 reveal: [ENnies] On accepting PDF versions of printed products
In the past few weeks, we've received questions regarding submitting PDF versions of documents that are also available in either hardcover/softcover format or print-on-demand (POD). In that regard, I thought…
In Conventions
Participants: reveal.

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