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In lumpley games

9/20/2007 AnakinOU: [DitV] Noob question...gaming the system?
I'm completely new to the whole "storytelling/indie/Forge" RPG scene, so please forgive me if I'm a bit off base.  Having never even SEEN DitV in play...I'm a little concerned about…
In lumpley games
Participants: AnakinOU, lumpley, Joe Dizzy.

9/14/2007 Willow: [Ditv] Town- Zion's Stump
This wasn't written up using the normal town creation rules, but rather a method discussed under my Ethically Neutral Town Creation thread- If you're in one of my Madison…
In lumpley games
Participants: Willow, Trevis Martin, lumpley.

9/13/2007 Willow: Ethically Neutral Town Creation?
So, Dogs has it as a given that the players are the arbiter of morality right?  Yet in town creation, the GM passes judgement on a whole bunch of NPCs-…
In lumpley games
Participants: Willow, Danny_K, JC, Valamir, Filip Luszczyk, lumpley.

9/13/2007 Archer5280: [DitV] Relationships between PCs
This may very well be covered in another thread, but my search fu is weak, so here goes... What's the stance on taking relationships between PCs? What if two PCs…
In lumpley games
Participants: Archer5280, Eliarhiman6, JC, lumpley.

9/12/2007 agony: Dogs with less dice
Vincent, I recall an old post of yours (over a year ago, maybe even two) where you stated that one thing you would change about DitV would be the starting…
In lumpley games
Participants: agony, lumpley, Filip Luszczyk, Web_Weaver.

9/7/2007 Willow: [Poison'd] A Boring Thread About Theory
Ok Vincent, let's go.  Bring it on.
In lumpley games
Participants: Willow, JC, Temple, lumpley, Ben Lehman, Andrew Barton, Eliarhiman6, Christopher Kubasik, Parthenia.

9/6/2007 Troels: Wicked Pirates
Hello there Poison'd sounds interesting, and reminds me of an interesting pirate experience I had some years ago, so I thought I'd share. In the pre-Forge days of yore, when…
In lumpley games
Participants: Troels, lumpley.

9/2/2007 Levi Kornelsen: Poison'd: Why, now?
So, Vincent, as I understand it, you've built a game in which players are rewarded for doing horrible things, or having horrible things done to them. That is to say,…
In lumpley games
Participants: Levi Kornelsen, lumpley, coffeestain, Valamir, Jye Nicolson, Emily Care, Temple.

8/30/2007 Mandrake: [DitV]Follow on conflicts & Injuries
We've just finished a session with the Dogs dealing with some children gone very bad. The last scene took place in the school house. One of the dogs was facing…
In lumpley games
Participants: Mandrake, zornwil.

8/30/2007 Temple: Stillwater Branch. My first DitV town; Ive created a monster!
So I was sitting at work today with the book in front of me, and I realised I wanted to try my hands at making a town. Id never tried…
In lumpley games
Participants: Temple, JC, wreckage.

8/29/2007 Temple: [Poison'd] Rules question after initial read-through.
I printed my newly aquired Poison'd pdf and read the whole ting like 5 or 6 times at work today. Its awesome. That said, I discovered one little thing that…
In lumpley games
Participants: Temple, lumpley.

8/27/2007 kallisti_dk: What's the latest news on Afraid
I recently started thinking about Afraid again and became all giddy with anticipation. Ís there a tentative release date? Is playtesting coming along nicely? Anything new to add?
In lumpley games
Participants: kallisti_dk, lumpley.

8/27/2007 coffeestain: [Poison'd] Various Things
So, Saturday, there were two groups playing Poison'd.  The group that was not mine posed some concerns.  I'm pasting my responses here to see if they make sense to you,…
In lumpley games
Participants: coffeestain, lumpley, John Harper.

8/27/2007 Nev the Deranged: [Mechaton] - First Sortie Questions
So, I tricked my friend Karin into playing Mechaton with me, by just dumping a bucket of Legos out in front of her and not telling her it was going…
In lumpley games
Participants: Nev the Deranged, lumpley, Uriel, Mantisking.

8/25/2007 Mandrake: [DitV] - Town help wanted (Jamie, spoilers herein)
Ok, so I'm working on my next town. This one started with the question - What would the Dogs do if the sorcerer was 12? I then added to this…
In lumpley games
Participants: Mandrake, JC.

8/25/2007 Mandrake: Evolution of a Dog.
We've been playing Dogs for a while now. It started as a one off, but as a group we've hugely enjoyed it and have played several towns, with three narrators…
In lumpley games
Participants: Mandrake, Web_Weaver.

8/24/2007 hix: [Mechaton] Have you seen this asoblock stuff?
I just saw this article about this building block set that's purpose designed for mechs. A quick google didn't reveal any mention of it in relation to Mechaton. Now I…
In lumpley games
Participants: hix, Eero Tuovinen, Nev the Deranged, Uriel, brew55.

8/24/2007 lumpley: Poison'd errata and Q&A
I've just posted a cruel fortune change and some GM techniques on my blog, here, check it out. I welcome questions either here in the lumpley games forum or there…
In lumpley games
Participants: lumpley, Valamir, rafial, markus_cz, Temple, Willow, coffeestain, Ignotus, phargle.

8/23/2007 Nyarly: [Poison'd] Questions
Do I cipher properly that, having completed a pursuit & evasion fight, there's a gap in which the PCs can attempt success checks, with the obvious available fight the next…
In lumpley games
Participants: Nyarly, lumpley, Piers Brown.

8/23/2007 Filip Luszczyk: Ninja Princess Usagi-chan Go!
Bunny ninja princesses will punish you in the name of the Moon! Trained in the Blessed Burrow they travel the land, sent by the Bunny Empress to protect her subjects…
In lumpley games
Participants: Filip Luszczyk.

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Subsequent Topics
In lumpley games

9/21/2007 zornwil: Action-Adventure Dogs - Playtesting, Info, Play Experiences...
Well, just lost the post I was starting to write... Anyway, this is a follow-up to something that's been mentioned in this forum before, using Dogs in the Vineyard's core…
In lumpley games
Participants: zornwil, Filip Luszczyk, Valamir.

9/22/2007 Rustin: [DitV] Dog's Authority
I’ve been asked to run a Dog’s game in the near future. With so many different gaming systems in my head (I’ve been reading and playing lots of new games…
In lumpley games
Participants: Rustin, Noclue, Web_Weaver, Artanis, lumpley.

9/27/2007 Archer5280: [DitV] Holy Moley, what an awesome game!
OK, so I know I'm not the first person to say something like this, but I have just finished up my first couple of conflicts in the first DitV game…
In lumpley games
Participants: Archer5280, lumpley, The Bane.

9/27/2007 AnakinOU: [DitV] Relationships as fallout?
If I'm not mistaken, you can take relationships (at d4) as minor fallout from conflicts.  Most other fallout seems to be negative...taking injuries, lowering stats, etc.  How is getting additional…
In lumpley games
Participants: AnakinOU, Web_Weaver, lumpley, ffilz.

9/28/2007 Troels: Where's IaWA?
Hello I've played the mag. version of IaWA quite a bit, and enjoyed it hugely. It was actually the very first Indie game that I played -funny thing it hasn't…
In lumpley games
Participants: Troels, lumpley.

10/6/2007 LordAsteroth: [DitV] Fallout and traits for belongings
At work the other night, I was hit by an idea: Why not make it possible for belongings to take the blow in appropriate situations (for instance, your faithful hound…
In lumpley games
Participants: LordAsteroth, zornwil.

10/11/2007 yellowparis: [IaWA] Injury and Exhaustion
Something I don't get: Why does dice damage, when received, only damage 'endure duress' or 'exert yourself'?  Seems odd ... like, if I've just been shamed before the community, my…
In lumpley games
Participants: yellowparis, Valvorik, lumpley.

10/18/2007 Neil the Wimp: [DitV] Conflicts are tensionless
I finally get to play in a mini-campaign of DitV and things aren't going so well.  We're doing a 'rotating GM' thing where each of us takes it in turn…
In lumpley games
Participants: Neil the Wimp, lumpley, Eliarhiman6, aescleal, knicknevin, David Artman, Noclue, ffilz, Claudia Cangini, John Harper.

10/24/2007 cdr: [ZomV] Corporate Zombies at Endgame Minicon October
I ran episode 6 of Zombies in the Vineyard at the October Endgame minicon last Saturday and strongly confirmed that having prior relationships among the PCs is the way to…
In lumpley games
Participants: cdr.

11/2/2007 Rustin: [iaWA]questions
[url=]authority[/url] I've been feeling slightly guilty for exercising content authority in this game, as a player. How would conflict between players or between player and GM on back-story elements proceed?…
In lumpley games
Participants: Rustin, Troels, lumpley, John Harper.

11/5/2007 Filip Luszczyk: Creating Backgrounds
In the discussion about using Dogs for action-adventure games a question of how the dice were assigned to Backgrounds in DitV and Afraid emerged. I find it interesting - what…
In lumpley games
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, JC, lumpley, Ben Lehman, zornwil, Marhault.

11/7/2007 Arvidos: [Mechaton] My first game
Hullo! I played two games of Mechaton (One of three players and one of four) at a modest but pleasant gathering of gamers this weekend. Both games went rather slow,…
In lumpley games
Participants: Arvidos, Yokiboy, lumpley.

11/7/2007 chaldfont: [Mechaton] Buying from Bricklink
I recently bought Mechaton and I'm trying to get some mechs together to run a session for my friends. I bought enough pieces for a couple of Vincent's mechs from…
In lumpley games
Participants: chaldfont, lumpley, Noclue, Yokiboy, Mantisking, David Artman.

11/8/2007 Troels: [IaWA] Pyrrhic Victory
Hello there, My friends and I, here in Copenhagen, have been playing In a Wicked Age for a bit more than two years now. Since we took our point of…
In lumpley games
Participants: Troels, lumpley.

11/13/2007 zornwil: Dogs becoming sorcerers?
Hi, I don't have anything to contribute on this, sorry, but as the "?" in the topic implies, I'm curious about others' experience, both qualitatively and mechanically?  Ben Lehman's analysis…
In lumpley games
Participants: zornwil, Eero Tuovinen, Ben Lehman, Nathaniel, Filip Luszczyk, jburneko, devonapple, lumpley, David Artman.

11/14/2007 zardok: [DitV] Firefly setting revisited
I read a bunch of stuff on here say a year and a half ago about playing DitV in the Firefly universe.  Thought it sounded cool and that I'd get…
In lumpley games
Participants: zardok.

11/14/2007 Transit: [Ditv] List of interesting traits?
My players easily come up with traits like "I'm great with a gun" and "I never lose a fistfight" but they get stuck when it comes to thinking of traits…
In lumpley games
Participants: Transit, Ben Lehman, jburneko, Ron Edwards, chriscrouch, Everspinner, lumpley, Valamir, Arvidos, Noclue, charlesperez, Nathaniel, David Artman, zornwil, travisjhall, dyreno.

11/19/2007 Rustin: [IaWA]Multiple Intentions or multiple effects
One player describes their character planting a bomb in a car, intending to kill all who are in the car when the bomb goes off. Two named characters get in…
In lumpley games
Participants: Rustin, Valvorik, lumpley.

11/28/2007 jmhpfan: Dogs in the Tower (a Stephen King hack)
    I am a big fan of Dogs in the Vineyard and of Stephen King's Dark Tower series.  I keep thinking that these two were made for each other. …
In lumpley games
Participants: jmhpfan, lumpley, Filip Luszczyk, LordAsteroth, zornwil.

12/3/2007 zornwil: Update on Action-Adventure Dogs - Introducing Weaknesses, other tweaks
This is basically an update following The updated rules document is at The document was updated to have Story Arc as the default but still discusses how to…
In lumpley games
Participants: zornwil, lumpley.

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