Previous Topics In Dog Eared Designs 12/6/2004 Matt Wilson: Galactic - system notes So Galactic as I see it is setting-based narrativism, ideally. Therefore if there's a reward system, it comes from the players addressing the premise, which is again embedded in setting… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Matt Wilson, John Harper, Tony Irwin.
12/1/2004 Matt Wilson: Galactic - preview information Since I've gotten at least a small amount of speculation about my next game in development, I thought I'd fill in some blanks.
Galactic is intended to be an epic… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Matt Wilson, Jonas Larson, joshua neff, Valamir, greedo1379, JamesDJIII, Ron Edwards, Bankuei.
12/1/2004 Nicolas Crost: Conflicts with multiple Protagonists Hi everybody,
in our PtA online-game (if anyone is interested and speaks German, this is the log of the first session), we made the following observation: conflicts with more than… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Nicolas Crost, John Harper.
11/21/2004 Damocles: Variations and house rules So I got PTA a while ago and am pretty psyched about it. And one thing I particularly like is that it seems to lend itself to fiddling around with… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Damocles, John Harper.
11/20/2004 Matt Wilson: The Official Primetime Adventures Errata Thread Like all print productions, Primetime Adventures has mistakes. And like all gamers, you've probably found one. Now's your chance.
Any mistakes you find, please post them in this thread, and… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Matt Wilson, Damocles, Chris Goodwin, azrianni, BlackSheep.
11/18/2004 Matt Wilson: the shape of things Sales of Primetime Adventures are going better than I'd anticipated. It's a month and a half or thereabouts since I put it up for sale, and I've sold about 40… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Matt Wilson, Paul Czege, Bob Goat.
11/9/2004 DannyK: Looking for tips on creating a show OK, here's the play: I've ordered PTA on the strength of some threads, and I'm waiting for it to arrive. I'd like to start talking it up with my… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: DannyK, Ron Edwards, Matt Wilson, dyjoots.
11/8/2004 urbwar: Got PTA today Just got my copy of PTA in the mail today, so I hope to look through it tonight at work. It looks nice; it's definitely a well put together book.… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: urbwar, Matt Wilson, Vaxalon, kerri_miller.
11/7/2004 holyman: Conflict Question... Hello!
Currently in the prep period of a new show, and I've got some questions about Conflict Resolution.
It seems clear that when there is only one Protagonist in a… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: holyman, Matt Wilson, azrianni.
11/1/2004 Matt Wilson: Primetime Adventures retroactively makes Gaming Guru list In his latest LJ post, Robin Laws lists Primetime Adventures among his picks of new stand-out products at GenCon 2004, even though he got the book after the Gurus panel. In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Matt Wilson, John Harper.
10/31/2004 Doyce: Everyone has SP 1? In this brilliant thread, Lxndr said:
I'm also wondering what sort of episode would erupt if everyone had 1s. Would that wind up being like "Superstar" from Buffy Season… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Doyce, Ron Edwards, azrianni.
10/30/2004 damiller: Can I... I was wondering if this would be the appropriate board here at the Forge to let people know I am wanting to run a PTA Rockford Files Play By Post… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: damiller, Matt Wilson, DannyK.
10/25/2004 Shreyas Sampat: Small Clarification on Trait Use I'm reading on Traits now, and I'm a little confused; the rules that govern them are a bit difficult to locate. I'm posting a little synopsis below; is this all… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Shreyas Sampat, Matt Wilson.
10/22/2004 John Harper: Techniques for driving conflict in a scene One of the jobs of the Producer in PTA is to drive the action of the a scene towards conflict. How do you do this? I'd like this thread to… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: John Harper, Alan, Matt Wilson.
10/19/2004 dyjoots: Quick question about Scene requests I'm not sure if I missed it or if the books just isn't clear... does the Producer get included in the circular process of requesting scenes during play, or is… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: dyjoots, LordSmerf, Matt Wilson.
10/11/2004 Matt Wilson: More shows worth emulating Here's a thread where you can post new or old shows that you think are good role-model shows for Primetime Adventures, adding to the short and questionable list I included… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Matt Wilson, Ron Edwards, John Harper, Meredith, Jonas Larson, rafial, pete_darby, Alan, Valamir, Mike Holmes, dunlaing, stingray20166, Caldis, kaotmus, azrianni, WarrenET2, joshua neff, Demada, Jaik, Chris Goodwin, ivan23.
10/7/2004 Matt Wilson: Books for sale I have books, and you can buy 'em here. In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Matt Wilson, dyjoots, pfischer, joshua neff, lumpley, Technocrat13, LordSmerf, Drew Stevens, Shreyas Sampat, ScottM, skatay.
9/16/2004 John Harper: PTA Shows: Elevator Pitch Time So, we all know that show creation is a group process for PTA. But it's a good idea to arrive at the planning session with a couple of basic "elevator… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: John Harper, Tobias, Matt Wilson, Ron Edwards, Ben Lehman, joshua neff.
9/1/2004 Ron Edwards: Reality TV Hello,
My wife just suggested that PTA could handle "reality TV" quite well.
I agree with her, because my take on so-called reality TV is that it's a fictional story… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Ron Edwards, Matt Wilson, Valamir, Mike Holmes.
8/29/2004 Andy Kitkowski: PTA to play Manga Jesus H Christ on a pogo stick, PTA has been the most *infectious* game of GenCon that I played.
We're watching Buffy season six now on DVD (never watched it… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Andy Kitkowski.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics In Dog Eared Designs 12/13/2004 Vaxalon: Running PTA via IRC We're planning to start a new PTA game on IRC starting on Tuesday, January 4.
Our first session will be at 8pm Eastern time, in #indierpgs on the Magicstar server.… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Vaxalon, Alan, azrianni.
12/13/2004 WarrenET2: Just sent away a money order..... So in about 10-20 days I should have PTA in my hands.
Never heard of it untill a fellow on another list started going on and on and on... about… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: WarrenET2, Andy Kitkowski, Norbert Matausch.
12/20/2004 azrianni: Review up My review of PTA is up at (on rpgnet). In Dog Eared Designs Participants: azrianni, WarrenET2, Andy Kitkowski, Matt Wilson.
12/21/2004 Alan: Example Campaign Links Here's a compilation of PTA campaigns that have appeared in Actual Play to date (listed in reverse chronological order):
Play Using Finalized Rules
Veritas Mundi - Spirits and Black… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Alan, Chris Goodwin, Matt Wilson, Bryant, Rob MacDougall.
12/21/2004 Chris Goodwin: Episode prep It has been mentioned that adventure prep is quick and easy.
No one has yet mentioned this, but you can get dozens of episodes pre-prepared for you every week at… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Chris Goodwin, Mike Holmes, Charles Warren, Joe Dizzy, Matt Wilson, Frank T.
12/26/2004 jporrett: Fan Mail Question My friend and I were tossing around ideas for a show the other week and came up with an idea for a show:
It was mostly just so we… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: jporrett, Chris Goodwin, John Harper, Matt Wilson.
12/28/2004 Yokiboy: Great Overseas Service! Hello,
What great service I encountered from Dog-eared Designs. I ordered Primetime Adventures in the middle of December, and living in Sweden didn't count on seeing the game until sometime… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Yokiboy, ricmadeira, MarcoBrucale, Joe Dizzy, matthijs, Ian O'Rourke, Matt Wilson.
12/30/2004 Andy Kitkowski: PTA Idea Mine Just wanted to point out, there's kind of an Idea Mine going on at RPGNet:
Feel free to skim or jump in. In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Andy Kitkowski.
1/3/2005 Matt Wilson: Shortlisted for the Weird GameWyrd Game Awards Primetime Adventures is shortlisted, alongside Dogs in the Vineyard, for Most Original RPG or Supplement.
I don't know who those other two are, but I'm pretty flattered to have my… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Matt Wilson, Bob Goat, Mike Holmes.
1/3/2005 Joe Dizzy: Conflict guidelines? Hello everybody,
I plan on introducing PTA into my gaming group and want to make sure I understand the basics of it first. Especially since my players are much more… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Joe Dizzy, azrianni, Alan, Chris Goodwin, John Harper.
1/10/2005 Matt Wilson: Dog Gone It's the honeymoon at last! Only six months late.
I'll be away on vacation from Jan 11 to Jan 18, and will be unavailable for product fulfillment or questions during… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Matt Wilson.
1/12/2005 azrianni: pta for pbem? Is there any interest in doing PTA as a PBEM? If we could get enough people who already know the game, I think it'd be fun to try. I don't… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: azrianni, ivan23.
1/13/2005 MDMayer: Adding Sequels to Scenes (variant) Adding Sequels to Scenes (variant)
Pg. 51: "Most often it will end following the resolution of a conflict, though players may want to add some in-character dialogue or… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: MDMayer.
1/16/2005 Landon Darkwood: PTA and the Extended Conflict... Hello, all,
Just bought PTA and read it, and it's be an understatement to say I'm extremely enthused by it. It's bumped two other games off my "must play immediately"… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Landon Darkwood, Yokiboy, azrianni, Matt Wilson, MarcoBrucale, timfire.
1/19/2005 MarcoBrucale: Personal sets for itinerant series I was considering how to introduce personal sets in mainly itinerant series, like the example on page 36 of PtA.
I eventually came up with only two ideas:
1) Flashbacks… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: MarcoBrucale, Yokiboy, Emily Care, pete_darby, azrianni, Matt Wilson, Chris Goodwin, Ian O'Rourke.
1/19/2005 Joe Dizzy: Demo Experiences? Hello everybody,
I want to demo Primetime Adventures at our local convention in February and would like to prepare a handful of things before-hand to make the game as smooth… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Joe Dizzy, azrianni, Ron Edwards, Matt Wilson.
1/21/2005 Matt Wilson: Andrew Navaro not to head up Galactic Art [b]Update:[/b] Andrew has just informed me that he's taken a very good job where freelance work is not allowed. Congrats to Andrew. Galactic artwork will wait for now.
I'm still… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Matt Wilson, Bob Goat, azrianni.
1/26/2005 Ian O'Rourke: Producer and Scene Creation After having read the print version, which is very good by the way (very clean and the cover is excellent), I'm a bit confused about the role of the Producer… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Ian O'Rourke, Matt Wilson, nikola, Joe Dizzy, azrianni, Alan, John Harper, chrisn, ashmoo.
1/26/2005 Damocles: PTA Number of players? I was wondering, how many players could you could reasonably handle with PTA? Anybody have any experience with or ideas for handling larger groups, say of six or seven people? In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Damocles, Bob Goat.
2/4/2005 Rob MacDougall: Comedy is easy, PTA is hard. Hi folks.
I just posted a medium length post at the gaming blog The 20' by 20' Room about my experiences with Primetime Adventures. The short version: I really love… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Rob MacDougall.
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