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In Muse of Fire Games

6/18/2007 Bret Gillan: [Gods] More Eyes and Playtesters
So it's been awhile, and I've been running it at cons and whatnot. Amusingly but not surprisingly, most of my "addon rules" ended up being confusing to players so they…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Bret Gillan, Gaerik, oreso.

5/27/2007 Garth: Between Sessions
I'm a little curious how people handle things in a continuing campaign ("story arc"?) of Capes. I assume that all Debt, Story Tokens, and Inspirations carry over between sessions.  Since…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Garth, JohnUghrin, Gaerik, TonyLB, Hans.

5/24/2007 Garth: Freeform Question
Is there (or should there) be any particular rule about how many of a (super) character's Styles should be Powered?  The example of the Click-and-Locks would seem to suggest "at…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Garth, Gaerik, TonyLB.

5/24/2007 Garth: Exemplar Questions
Hey everyone, just picked up Capes and am dying to try it!  (The big problem will be finding more people to play...)  But I've got a few questions that don't…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Garth, Gaerik.

3/26/2007 Ludanto: How to end a scene?
Ok, I know when a scene ends, but I'm not sure how a scene ends. Does it just cut off abruptly after the last conflict is narrated? Does the person…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Ludanto, Gaerik, Bret Gillan, Melinglor.

3/17/2007 Ludanto: Action-Reaction Unit?
Hey, maybe I'm just dense, but I totally don't get this. Apparently, Tony says that you can't stake/split between your Action and your Reaction, that they are a whole unit…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Ludanto, 1of3, TonyLB.

3/12/2007 rulvestad: A Song of Ice and Fire (and Capes)
I've just read the Capes Lite rules (and will almost certainly be buying the full rules soon) and had an idea that this could be adapted really well to George…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: rulvestad, Andrew Morris.

3/8/2007 Hans: The Silly Limit: unique to Capes, unique to me?
[url=]In a separate thread[/url], I attempted to coin a new term, called the Silly Limit, as follows: [quote]The Silly Limit is the greatest amount of seriousness that can occur in…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Hans, TonyLB, Bret Gillan, James_Nostack, Jonathan Hastings, JohnUghrin, Gaerik, epweissengruber, BlackSheep.

3/3/2007 Bret Gillan: [Capes] The Greater of Two Evils - Con Scenario
After playing in Tony's badass Earth Prime con scenario, I came away with a new perspective on running con scenarios. Previously I'd let players create their own characters and frame…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Bret Gillan, TonyLB, Matthew Glover, hix.

2/23/2007 1of3: [Capes] Who owns Inspirations?
Hi. Another simple queston: As I understood the rules (and espcecially the errata) Inspiration is awarded to players. So if I aquired an Inspiration with Cpt. Proton, I can use…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: 1of3, Hans, TheCzech.

2/20/2007 Ludanto: Who "owns" dice?
Sorry, I couldn't find this anywhere else. The rules for being Overdrawn say, "At the start of each Page, for each Overdrawn drive, the player rolls the highest die the…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Ludanto.

1/31/2007 Yokiboy: [Capes] Setting and Situation
Hello, I'm on my first read-through of Capes, and have a question. Does the game come with a setting or the tools to create one, I can't find this addressed…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Yokiboy, TonyLB, James_Nostack.

1/30/2007 Yokiboy: [Capes] Demo Script?
Hello, I wanted to run the Capes demo for a couple of friends, but was surprised there's no script to go along with the cards. I would also enjoy seeing…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Yokiboy, TonyLB.

1/16/2007 TheGroog: Capes Fantasy
hello New to the forum. Want to play Universalis but it seems to confusing right now. Hopefully will give it a go lateer. Meanwhile, Capes looks very interesting. Can Capes…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: TheGroog.

1/12/2007 Hans: Capes all day at Pandemonium, Baby!
At Pandemonium in Toronto in February: I am organizing a full day's worth of Capes on Saturday.  That's three sessions, four hours each, up to 12 people a session.…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Hans, TonyLB, Gaerik, epweissengruber, Bret Gillan.

1/7/2007 TonyLB: Who will work for a sneak-peek at upcoming product?
Within the next day or so I will (barring substantial derailing ... excuse me while I go off and make some quick backups ... okay, back!) have the first draft…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: TonyLB, Eero Tuovinen.

1/6/2007 Melinglor: So I lost my Capeginity on New Years' Eve. . .
Hey, everyone! Been a while since I posted here, but I wanted to say: as I've been gushing about elsewhere, I played my first game of Capes (Lite) this week!…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Melinglor.

11/15/2006 Curufea: Capes PBBB
Well, I'm going to see how Capes goes as a Play By Bulletin Board game.  I'm currently fiddling around with phpBB here - Hopefully once I've got the programming…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Curufea, TheCzech, dunlaing.

11/12/2006 Curufea: Doctor Who
Something I was pondering on the bus to work this morning is how to use Capes to play a Doctor Who genre game.  There would be a few house rules…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Curufea, Hans, hix, TheCzech, James_Nostack, TonyLB.

11/10/2006 DaveA: The Ultimate Geekdom
Hello, all. Last night I began teaching a friend the rules for Capes.  We didn't get far enough to provide any serious insights into the game.  What did make the…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: DaveA, Curufea, Matthew Glover, Kai_lord.

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Subsequent Topics
In Muse of Fire Games

7/6/2007 Bret Gillan: Breaking Down Capes
So, in working on Gods I took a look at Capes and decided it could really do just about anything. Tony, I think you've said before that Capes will only…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Bret Gillan, TonyLB.

7/16/2007 MBradford1968: Quick Character Question
We played our first Capes session last night - enjoyed it and it went well but we had one question. We played the birth of a super team so at…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: MBradford1968, Zamiel, 5niper9.

8/3/2007 epweissengruber: Capes in Toronto -- Underground Comix instead of "Greater Evil"
IndieRPG Toronto was all fired up to do the "Greater Evil" scenario.  But the facilitator couldn't make it and we were down to two players.  This is what we came…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: epweissengruber.

8/6/2007 TonyLB: Go-Play, Go-Play ... gone!
I made Go-Play keychains, a while back.  Green means "Go," the sideways triangle means "Play".  Go Play! They've sold ... alright.  Not great, but alright.  That having been said, I've…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: TonyLB, oreso, Nev the Deranged, Gaerik.

8/12/2007 epweissengruber: CAPES Toronto: Superdungeon Adventures
I remember reading a post where a D&D fan proposed treating high-powered characters as veritable superheroes. So I went with that and proposed a Superdungeon Avengers session for our next…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: epweissengruber, Gaerik.

8/21/2007 Neil the Wimp: [Capes] Who owns what, and why keep characters?
I'm trying to get my head around Capes and how all the resources flow around.  My understanding is that Debt is owned by the character, while Story Tokens and Inspirations…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Neil the Wimp, oreso, Hans, TonyLB.

8/28/2007 Neil the Wimp: When are conflicts resolved?
...or rather, why aren't all conflicts resolved at the end of each page? Taking the example on pp. 46-7 of the Capes book.  Player order is C A B.  C…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Neil the Wimp, Gaerik, TonyLB.

8/28/2007 Chuckles0707: From the rpgsite
Would it be ok to continue our conversation, or Q&A here?
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Chuckles0707, TonyLB.

9/3/2007 5niper9: Use of familiar techniques?
Hi there, I know that Capes is different that most other role playing games. We learned this not only in theory (by reading the book) but also by practice. The…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: 5niper9, Gaerik, oreso.

10/5/2007 Matthew Glover: Tracking claims, stakes, drives, etc.
Just as a curiosity, how do you guys track who's claimed which side of a conflict, which drive is associated with staked debt, stuff like that?  We've been making notes…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Matthew Glover, Bret Gillan, oreso, Hans, TonyLB.

10/12/2007 Matthew Glover: Bad Blood - A Capes Shadowrun Scenario
I decided to go ahead and post my most recent draft of the Capes Shadowrun scenario I've been working on because it doesn't look like I'm going to have a…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Matthew Glover.

11/1/2007 JohnUghrin: A Design Curiousity
I was thinking about Capes today, and a question for the playtesters/designer occurred to me: What is the reason for "cross out three"? I mean is there a mechanical reason…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: JohnUghrin, TheCzech, oreso, TonyLB.

11/4/2007 Neil the Wimp: [Capes] On being overdrawn
Can I just check that I understand what happens when a character is overdrawn? If a character is overdrawn, they have to roll down dice.  Once per overdrawn drive, the…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Neil the Wimp, TheCzech.

11/17/2007 Nev the Deranged: Escape Pod: Union Dues.
So, Escape Pod is one of my favorite short-fiction webcasts. There's a series of stories on there about a "Superhero Union", set in a very morally grey universe, which is…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Nev the Deranged.

11/30/2007 JohnUghrin: I got to (finally) play Capes!
Well, last Saturday, I had a houseguest-gamer who usually isn't around, and half of my regular group didn't show. (Holiday weekend here in the States.) It was universally loved. I…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: JohnUghrin, TheCzech, Tony Irwin.

1/14/2008 Sonja: Adapt to TMNT?
How easy would it be to play a TMNT game using the Capes system? Any ideas on how to implement?
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Sonja, TheCzech.

1/20/2008 Bret Gillan: [Gods] Here, have the PDF
Hey guys. I've been working on a Gods hack/supplement for a long time, and I've pretty much lost interest in publishing it, so I thought I would throw it up…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Bret Gillan, oreso, Garth.

2/14/2008 Keiko: Capes: I need help
First, I'd like to say that I am really fascinated by the concept of this game. But for some reason I am having the darndest time wrapping my head around…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Keiko, TonyLB, hix, JohnUghrin.

2/15/2008 Keiko: Story Tokens
Do players have any Story Tokens when a game first begins? (the first session of a new game).
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Keiko, 1of3, JohnUghrin, TheCzech, Gaerik, TonyLB.

3/14/2008 Garth: Capes character creation as a play-aid to *other* games
So, I have Capes.  I want to play Capes.  I can't find anyone to play Capes.  This frustrates me. So for the heck of it, and to get a feel…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Garth, Melinglor.

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