The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In First Thoughts

9/14/2006 Aussigamer: Nexus Flamethrower Unit
I am still trying to get the designs right for my system for the weapons. Nexus uses the weapons size as the TH modifer. My initial thoguhts would be…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Aussigamer, brainwipe, Andy Kitkowski, joepub, JustinB, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, Darcy Burgess, TroyLovesRPG.

9/14/2006 joepub: [Boulevard] Taking some cues.
So, I've got this great idea for a game. I'm just having trouble translating idea into game. Or idea into mechanics, or structure. The game is called Boulevard. The basis…
In First Thoughts
Participants: joepub, Adam Dray, dindenver, Tim Alexander, nikola, Ice Cream Emperor.

9/13/2006 JustinB: More Card Thoughts
I've thought more about this theoretical card-based RPG that I may start working on eventually. I'm thinking, at this point, that I'd like equipment, magic/psychic abilities and pretty much everything…
In First Thoughts
Participants: JustinB, Kensan_Oni, joepub, daMoose_Neo, flammifer, Hermes3, knicknevin.

9/13/2006 arete66: [Mortal Coil] Night Watch
A match made in heaven, it seems to me...I'm in the research end of things currently, and would be interested in hearing from others familiar with both Mortal Coil and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: arete66, Ron Edwards.

9/12/2006 anders_larsen: [Distant Horizons] Game flow and Exploration Sheet
To understand what's going on here you have to read the initial post of my last Distant Horizons thread: Sorry about this, but there are just a lot of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: anders_larsen.

9/12/2006 Matthew_Teets: Creating a "Hard" Science Fiction RPG --- Too Hard?
I'm working on trying to make a "Hard" science fiction game, basically without any "magic foozle" things or anything like that.  My biggest struggle is that with trying to use…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Matthew_Teets, Aussigamer, Eero Tuovinen, Noon, epweissengruber, TroyLovesRPG, razzmataz, b_bankhead, joepub, nikola, dindenver.

9/11/2006 Sovem: [Divinity Horizons] Destiny mechanic
(This thread is an extension of this discussion.) Well, my wife and I spent almost the entire day yesterday trying to figure out a Destiny system for our DH game.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Sovem, TonyLB, knicknevin, Wolfen, Valamir, sean2099, TroyLovesRPG.

9/11/2006 baron samedi: "Best practices" for adventure/campaign creation?
Hello Forgites! I'd like to ask the Forge's collective wisdom whether there exists somewhere a thread on the "best practices" for adventure/campaign creation, from a game writer's perspective? I'm not…
In First Thoughts
Participants: baron samedi, Anderon, anders_larsen, Matt, Wolfen, Noon, Eliarhiman6, TroyLovesRPG, pells.

9/9/2006 beacon: [Idea] vision
Hello, it's my first thread at the forge, so please - don't shout at me too much ;p While reading Wiki searchin' for some information about terrorism, I've come out…
In First Thoughts
Participants: beacon, anders_larsen, brainwipe, Adam Dray, joepub.

9/9/2006 Kensan_Oni: Opinion Gathering: Flavor of Fighting Games
I have been doing some reflecting on one of my projects, which I am still working out some of the kinks about. In the street-fighting genre computer game (from hereforth…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kensan_Oni, Technocrat13, tj333, neko ewen, Hereward The Wake, Hans, Mike Holmes, Noon, Filip Luszczyk, Thor Olavsrud, nikola.

9/8/2006 gds: [Ruby] power 19
Hi, I'm the creator of a game called Ruby, which I have been working on for some time. I'm new to the forge though, and thought this would be a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: gds, baron samedi, Technocrat13, Ron Edwards.

9/8/2006 Madheretic: Defining Abilities. Handy little gimmick?
Lately I have been noodling over the distinction between things like theory and craft, art and technique, etc. and how these kinds of categories can apply to a wide variety…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Madheretic, Adam Dray, dindenver, Kensan_Oni, Qi Chin, knicknevin, Ron Edwards, nikola, Jonathan Hastings, Hereward The Wake, David Artman, LordRahvin, contracycle, TroyLovesRPG, Call Me Curly.

9/7/2006 thefruitfulvoid: A Game About Revenge
So.  I've been toying around in my head with a game centering around revenge.  Specifically, the choice to persue vengeance or not when faced with the knowledge that the object…
In First Thoughts
Participants: thefruitfulvoid, anders_larsen, knicknevin, metaltoad, Ice Cream Emperor, James Holloway, brainwipe.

9/7/2006 Kyle_M: [Providence] Big Three
Hey all, I'm totally new to this forum, but the information I've gathered from it so far has been invaluable.  It has truly helped me get organized and focused.  I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kyle_M, Kensan_Oni, anders_larsen, Spooky Fanboy.

9/7/2006 daMoose_Neo: [Final Twilight] "Scar" as character creation basis...
I get pestered every so often for a Final Twilight RPG based on my card game of the same name, folks really liking the setting and characters developed for the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Doug Ruff.

9/7/2006 bilros02: Rosser Industries "Kill"
The second game release from Rosser Industries, "Kill" is a VERY short table top game that is all about PvP (Player Versus Player) combat. Set in modern times, each player…
In First Thoughts
Participants: bilros02.

9/7/2006 bilros02: Rosser Industries "Gaia Saga"
Hello everyone. Im new to this forum, so before I say anything else, Id like to just say hello and that my name is Bill Rosser. Since before I can…
In First Thoughts
Participants: bilros02.

9/7/2006 Aussigamer: Movement system [Nexus]
I am trying to get a base guideline for rules for working out a creatures base movement. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move (See Text) Armour Penalty Move represents the base speed a character…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Aussigamer.

9/7/2006 Damakun: Modify existing systems vs. creating new ones : any ideas ?
Hello ! I have been lurking on this forum off and on for a while now, and have decided to get into the research/design phase for a CRPG. What I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Damakun, Aussigamer, Selene Tan, Kensan_Oni, Hans, contracycle, David Artman, metaltoad, Noon, baron samedi, TroyLovesRPG.

9/6/2006 baron samedi: (Question) Game mechanisms for buildings in RPGs?
Hi, I'm working on a design idea and wondering... Has there been any RPG out there that integreated the role of *buildings* or places into the game system? I'm not…
In First Thoughts
Participants: baron samedi, Adam Dray, joepub, Valamir, WhiteRat, Joshua BishopRoby.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

9/15/2006 c: [Silence Keeps Me A Victim]Narration limits and general feedback. (adult)
Hello everyone, So I've been giving consideration to my game, Silence Keeps Me A Victim, and am in a place I'd like to get some feedback. The color/setting is of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: c, Aussigamer, Isbo, nikola, Noon, dindenver, Tim M Ralphs, Wood, DAudy, Ron Edwards.

9/15/2006 r_donato: [Machiavelli] Splitting character use in two
For my game Machiavelli, each player has two characters: a Prince and a Counselor. For this thread I would like to focus on the Counselor because his creation and use…
In First Thoughts
Participants: r_donato, Adam Dray, nikola, JustinB.

9/18/2006 Wood: [Messenger II] Disloyalty and Advancement
Me again, and still thinking about the game I dared to call Messenger, because it's a better and less painful title than The Second String Professional's Vanity Project. So,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Wood, Troy_Costisick, Mike Holmes, contracycle.

9/18/2006 Kesher: The Real and the SIS...
No, this is not a thread about Simulationism... I just ran across this link to a new member of the Moleskine notebook line: <a href="">City Notebooks</a> This has, I think,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kesher.

9/19/2006 hatheg-kla: Jorune system
Hi everyone. It's been a while since I posted on the Forge, but I've been lurking around generally.  I was looking through my old RPG collection the other day and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: hatheg-kla, Adam Dray, Andrew Morris, c, Doyce, philaros, Mike Holmes.

9/19/2006 foucalt: Wherein I Accept my Burden and Begin to Ask Advice
Hi all, I've been kind of hanging 'round the edges here, and on blogs, and now I'm ready. I'm ready to at least try to design a game. I've given…
In First Thoughts
Participants: foucalt, r_donato, Adam Dray, Eero Tuovinen.

9/19/2006 Vaxalon: [Amber by the Cards] Cool Scenes and Advancement
If you've been following my Amber by the Cards design, you'll know that at the end of character creation, the players will have jokers that they haven't used yet. You…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Vaxalon.

9/20/2006 bigbadwolf: cable network (RPG)
i had a idea 4 a cable network and tv channel. where you rp a show on a channel also that channel trys to get on a cable network. i…
In First Thoughts
Participants: bigbadwolf, David Artman.

9/20/2006 Jye Nicolson: [Last Exile] Healing damage, Breaking the Ice Style
Hi guys, I'd love some feedback on an idea for a recovery-from-damage mechanic for my Last Exile game, ripped off from inspired by Breaking the Ice. I'll try to keep…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jye Nicolson, Tim Alexander, Thor Olavsrud, muddlepud.

9/21/2006 Brian_W: [Channeling] Spell results
First of all, for a better (if more stream-of-conciousness) overview of my game, you can get a pdf or OpenOffice file at In Channeling, your magical strength is based…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Brian_W, Sovem, JustinB, anders_larsen, Darcy Burgess, ks13, Hituro.

9/21/2006 sirogit: Thematic Generation Session with index cards
I came up with this method of pinpointing good, personal and challenging themes for a game. I figure it could be used both prior to game setup or character creation,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sirogit, Joshua BishopRoby, TroyLovesRPG, TonyLB, epweissengruber, WhiteRat.

9/22/2006 Levi Kornelsen: [The Pulse] Puzzling.
So.  This is something I spun off a few months ago, a playtest / demo kit for The Pulse, intending to expand it up to a full game one step…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Levi Kornelsen, knicknevin, Graham Walmsley, sean2099.

9/22/2006 Bevan: Magique Noire: a game of gothic narrativism
Hello, everyone, For the last couple of weeks, I've been bouncing a rpg idea around my head, and it's developed enough that I'm now interested in bouncing it off the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Bevan, Tim Alexander, TroyLovesRPG, baron samedi.

9/24/2006 Artanis: [Iä! Iä! Ph'iles] Twisting the plot
Hello, This is an idea submitted by my friend Julien for my game The Iä! iä! Ph'iles, a game of prep- and GM-less investigation with an attempt to include dramatic…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Artanis, pells, GreatWolf.

9/24/2006 Caesar_X: [Touch of Noir] Bidding to define conflict resolution
In the Film Noir game I've been working on, I've been thinking more about how to define player vs. player conflict resolution.  Each character has certain stats such as "Face"…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Caesar_X, JustinB, Artanis, joepub, TroyLovesRPG.

9/25/2006 Willow: What is Shattered Vistas?
What is Shattered Vistas? Shattered Vistas is a game about life.  Life that sucks hard and is an uphill battle, possibly filled with eldritch horrors and ninjas. In Shattered Vistas,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Willow, James Holloway, baron samedi, Mike Holmes, coffeestain, nikola, Joshua BishopRoby, c, Noon, TroyLovesRPG.

9/25/2006 Grail-Shadowblade: Dying Earth: The Raids
50 years ago the US government decided to approve a project designed to make a better soldier. This project continued for 10 years before they struck upon a new serum,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Grail-Shadowblade, Everspinner, Kesher, anders_larsen, Aussigamer, sean2099, David Artman, Pol Jackson.

9/26/2006 Aussigamer: [Nexus] Does this have the information you might need?
Name: Flechette Rifle (Storm Bringer) PL: 7 Type: Semi/ Automatic magazine feed Held: 2 handed Damage: 4d12(-4), Ballistic x3 (19-20) Single: Average: 22, recoil: 7 Burst: 3 rounds: 44, recoil:…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Aussigamer, Adam Dray, Matt, nikola, joepub, Mcrow, Eero Tuovinen, Jared A. Sorensen, Ron Edwards.

9/26/2006 joepub: [Boulevard] Define, Refine, Destroy
the basics (skip this if you know it): The game is called Boulevard. The basis is: You are a presuming, pretentious punk. You are an aggressive, militant kid who has…
In First Thoughts
Participants: joepub, Ice Cream Emperor, David Artman.

9/26/2006 typo: [This Madness Ends Here!] First Look
First post here, introducing a game concept I've been toying around with based on any number of cliched confrontation scenes in movies and literature.  It was originally conceived as an…
In First Thoughts
Participants: typo, joepub, Valamir.

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